Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind

Liberals who brag about being rich and successful in the Obama economy are the ultimate douchebags.

If you care about the poor, do something about it

Voting Democrats doesn't buy you out of the duty to help those less fortunate than you.
Yes, its more difficult to live in America as a black person.

So you have two choices:

1) Give up and become bitter about your failures; or

2) Work extra harder to be a success.


3) Don't believe Democrats who say they want to help you.
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
You keep telling that bullshit lie. Democrats destroyed the housing market. We've got video.
"Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind"

Conservatives need to stop with their moronic straw man and composition fallacies.
Lol, the OP links to an article and quotes from it and you are so fucking stupid you think it is a 'straw man'?

Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
You keep telling that bullshit lie. Democrats destroyed the housing market. We've got video.
But Bush had 8 years to stop the crash and failed to do so. And he was amply warned.
Wealthy liberals who brag about how much money they are making really piss me off. If you hate rich people so much, then give away all your money so you too can be poor.

Or you could just fuck yourself, that would be even better.

I make money because I put in 70 hour weeks between my full time job and my side business, t hank you.

BUt I'm sure you consider Paris Hilton making sex tapes and living off her trust funds to be one of hte "Makers", while the rest of us are "Takers".

Then why don't you donate all that extra money to the poor since you're such a liberal??? Anything over 40K you earn should go to poor people, not you.
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.

I made a lot of money short selling real estate during the Global Financial Crisis, albeit commercial real estate.

And now, I'm putting on shorts in the energy complex, given the massive wave of coming bankruptcies. I'm going to make a boatload!

It's awesome being a white man.

In finance.
I don't understand why a publication like Salon can get away with publishing articles that call for the wholesale elimination of white men.

Oh yeah, white men gave them the First Amendment to our Constitution. God help us if non-white liberals took total control of society. Look at the shit sandwich we're eating courtesy of Barrack Hussein Obama.

2015 I made more money than I have any year of my life. Compared to 2008, where thanks to Bush, I was left with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a 20% pay cut. That's what a shit sandwich looks like, and I consider myself lucky, a lot of people ended up in body bags thanks to George W. Stupid.

It's been amusing to watch the collective 8 year freak out you guys have been having over a black guy in the White House. No doubt followed by the 8 year freak out you'll have when you have Hillary's vagina in the White House.
Southern blacks are tracking for Donald Trump. They don't want that bitch in the White House. BTW, please don't lie about your good fortune under Obama. This nation is worse off than in any time in its history. Obamacare is a failure. $20 Trillion in debt. Open borders. Obama is the shit in our sandwich.

Southern blacks like Trump because tens of thousands of decent jobs they used to get....are taken now by Mexicans. Good steady work in construction and public works and service industry jobs....black men no longer get them. And they are seeing it now.

Dems are in for a shock when Southern blacks go for Trump.
Haha....the shit being spewed by the left these days is just getting comical. But it's also a bit scary because they are commies. And look at the evil commies have committed in the past.

Question: If McFly made the time machine work and you were taken to the year 2215.....would you be surprised if a 2215 history book talked about America in 2115....when a non white communist party took power...and started a genocide civil war against all white citizens? Similar to a Kosovo, German or Iraq style genocide? Hell....I'd be shocked if that DIDN'T happen in the next 200 years on this continent.

Let's discuss the list of great things humanity has because of white people, shall we?
Or we could stay on topic and talk about the atrocities we've committed.
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
You keep telling that bullshit lie. Democrats destroyed the housing market. We've got video.
But Bush had 8 years to stop the crash and failed to do so. And he was amply warned.
It's a failing of republicans that they are cajoled in doing the wrong thing by calls of being racist. If blacks weren't given mortgages they couldn't afford, you were a racist. Banks were threatened too by Congress.
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.

I made a lot of money short selling real estate during the Global Financial Crisis, albeit commercial real estate.

And now, I'm putting on shorts in the energy complex, given the massive wave of coming bankruptcies. I'm going to make a boatload!

It's awesome being a white man.

In finance.
It is good to be king.
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
You keep telling that bullshit lie. Democrats destroyed the housing market. We've got video.
But Bush had 8 years to stop the crash and failed to do so. And he was amply warned.
It's a failing of republicans that they are cajoled in doing the wrong thing by calls of being racist. If blacks weren't given mortgages they couldn't afford, you were a racist. Banks were threatened too by Congress.

That's right. We are too nice. We'll do the wrong thing just because we didn't wanna be accused of being racist. The left has used this trick for decades.

Trump's surge shows....the expiration date for that trick is near. We're done being nice.
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
You keep telling that bullshit lie. Democrats destroyed the housing market. We've got video.
But Bush had 8 years to stop the crash and failed to do so. And he was amply warned.
It's a failing of republicans that they are cajoled in doing the wrong thing by calls of being racist. If blacks weren't given mortgages they couldn't afford, you were a racist. Banks were threatened too by Congress.
There's a new movie coming out with Christian bail and it explains how the crash occurred because they bundled all the bad loans into one fund then sold them as secure.

I'll have to see the movie but the director was on NPR explaining its a true story. We got fucked and no one went to jail.

And it wasn't poor people fault. Who knew bush would allow 700,000 jobs a month go overseas. How did you expect those people to pay their mortgages?
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
You keep telling that bullshit lie. Democrats destroyed the housing market. We've got video.
But Bush had 8 years to stop the crash and failed to do so. And he was amply warned.
It's a failing of republicans that they are cajoled in doing the wrong thing by calls of being racist. If blacks weren't given mortgages they couldn't afford, you were a racist. Banks were threatened too by Congress.
All true, but the subprime mortgage aspect of the Great Recession was one small part of the fiasco. The amplification of the disaster into a nearly apocalyptic catastrophe was the worst part. The use of CDOs, SIVs and MBS' made the whole thing so Gawd Awful that the problem has still not been contained entirely and the EU faces the long term prospect of its central banks facing insolvency even today.

Causes of the European debt crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the underlying cause for all this is the corruption, nepotism and willingness to engage in fraud as a part of a normal business model in the current financial industry. Go see 'The Big Short' for an entertaining crash course on how this all happened and how a precious few saw it coming and made money off of it.

Michael Burry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After shutting down his web site in November 2000, Burry started Scion Capital, funded by a small inheritance and loans from his family. The company was named after The Scions of Shannara, a favorite childhood book. Burry quickly earned extraordinary profits for his investors. According to Lewis, "in his first full year, 2001, the S&P 500 fell 11.88 percent. Scion was up 55 percent. The next year, the S&P 500 fell again, by 22.1 percent, and yet Scion was up again: 16 percent. The next year, 2003, the stock market finally turned around and rose 28.69 percent, but Mike Burry beat it again—his investments rose by 50 percent. By the end of 2004, Mike Burry was managing $600 million and turning money away."[3]

In 2005, Burry started to focus on the subprime market. Through his analysis of mortgage lending practices in 2003 and 2004, he correctly forecast a bubble would collapse as early as 2007. Burry's research on the runaway values of residential real estate convinced him that subprime mortgages, especially those with "teaser" rates, and the bonds based on these mortgages would begin losing value when the original rates reset, often in as little as two years after initiation. This conclusion led Burry to short the market by persuading Goldman Sachs to sell him credit default swaps against subprime deals he saw as vulnerable. This analysis proved correct, and Burry profited accordingly.[7][8][9]Ironically Burry's since said, "I don't go out looking for good shorts. I'm spending my time looking for good longs. I shorted mortgages because I had to. Every bit of logic I had led me to this trade and I had to do it".[2]

Though he suffered an investor revolt before his predictions came true, Burry earned a personal profit of $100 million and a profit for his remaining investors of more than $700 million.[3] Scion Capital ultimately recorded returns of 489.34 percent (net of fees and expenses) between its November 1, 2000 inception and June 2008. The S&P 500 returned just over two percent over the same period.[3]

According to his website, Burry liquidated his credit default swap short positions by April 2008 and did not benefit from the taxpayer-funded bailouts of 2008 and 2009.[10] He subsequently liquidated his company to focus on his personal investment portfolio.[10]

In an April 3, 2010, op-ed for the The New York Times, Burry argued that anyone who studied the financial markets carefully in 2003, 2004, and 2005 could have recognized the growing risk in the subprime markets.[11] He faulted federal regulators for failing to listen to warnings from outside a closed circle of advisors.[11][9]

Steve Eisman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Mai

Fascinating gentlemen who did not fall into the mass hypnotism that led to the Great Recession.
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Western culture is the best.

We're awesome!

Suck it, non-Western world.
We once *were* the best, but we have become too comfortable with fraud as a business model, nepotism and the revolving door between government regulators and the corporations they supposedly oversee, and we have no moral or cultural center any more.

We have no *us* in the mix any more and it is ripping our society apart.

Short Western civilization, dude. Long China and Iran.
I am a white man, but I'll be damned if I will let anything done by white men in the past make me feel guilty.

I am half-Irish, so I can legitimately claim victim status for all the shit the British did to Ireland, and all the shit Irish had to endure when they came to America.

But none of that shit matters. It is the 21st century and it makes no sense to focus on the past, looking for greivances. People who like to wallow in their own self-pity will learn that no one else gives a damn.

So here's my advice to anyone who thinks that claiming to be "offended" will get them anywhere. It won't, it just makes people hate you. And there will be a backlash, so you don't want to be on the wrong side when that happens.
The time has come for a large scale race war in America. It would certainly clear the air.
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
Fuckwad, it is YOUR GUY who is in charge and causing all these bad things that are happening. Take some FUCKING RESPONSIBLITY.
You`re pretty good at spelling fuckwad. I guess home schooling isn`t all that bad.

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