Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind

It says "Stopped" cry to someone else about your paranoid victimizations
No, it says 'Death Camps for white people', and they will start with their ideological allies like you so you wont turn on them when you see them for what they really are.

Yep, they strut around believing they are safe if they side with them. they'd be the first they take out.
That is how Stalin did it to solidify his position as Lenin's heri.

It's easier for some to just bury their heads. the reality of what could be is too much for their sensitive's selves.
All invented, manufactured, created by white people:

The aeroplane, the motor car, the steam engine etc.
Multiple vaccines for diseases like Smallpox, TB, Polio, Malaria etc.
The Sistine Chapel, Beethoven, Schubert, Byron, Goethe, Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci.

Okay, we could also add to that list bombers, tanks, guns, poison gas, chemical weapons, nukes, gas chambers, electric chairs, the guillotine, dozens of forms of torture, genocide, fascism, communism, partial birth abortion, and a lot of other things you claim you don't like. Hilter, Stalin, Jeff Dahmner, Charles Manson, John Gacy- All White Men.

Stand up for black thugs resisting arrest by invading shopping malls, disrupting air travel, blocking intersections? No. I choose to act civilized and not resort to blaming others for life choices made.

All of those are peaceful protests against state violence, not seeing the problem. You wingnuts threaten to shoot government officials for merely questioning your right to have a gun. (some of you actually do it.)

Southern blacks are tracking for Donald Trump. They don't want that bitch in the White House. BTW, please don't lie about your good fortune under Obama. This nation is worse off than in any time in its history. Obamacare is a failure. $20 Trillion in debt. Open borders. Obama is the shit in our sandwich.

Guy, Donald Trump probably isn't going to be the nominee, but if he is, the people who run the Republican Party will back Hillary in the General because Trump is a nut.
And to this little stalker friend: (A) My PC-approved designation is "White Hispanic", I believe. And (B) never in my life have I "complained that I am being oppressed". Mom raised us to have self esteem, to be honest, and to take responsibility for our lives.

So you were completely wrong not once, but twice in one little sentence. Pretty impressive.

This is why I put people like this on ignore. They immediately make things nasty & personal and refuse to be honest.

Mac, it's fun to watch you whine because you can't be a racist slob in the office anymore
the far left in this country is going all out trying to stir up something it seems.

WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind

i take it that this far left web site is full of or all
colored people, i can not believe that even a white far leftturd would advocate such shit!! :up:
The article says they must be stopped, not wiped out Chicken Little
With the Russian revolution and Hitler's rise to power in your history, we know what happens when Leftists take power.

Hitler was a leftist? :rofl:

Well we have a certified dumbass here folks

He was a socialist.
He was an environmentalist...or at least used the rhetoric.
He confiscated privately owned guns.
He wanted to take over all healthcare.
He wanted the national government to be all powerful.

Um....yeah....Hitler was a leftist.
the far left in this country is going all out trying to stir up something it seems. you have professors spewing stuff like this. you have the BLM now shutting down Interstates, shopping malls and getting in your face. I don't know the ending but it doesn't look good.


Racism? What racism?

The left declare open war on White Americans.
Whites must be wiped out for the good of mankind.
Racism against Whitey is Good.

Via Salon.com:

The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe.

The time for replacing white supremacy with new values is now. And just as some whites played a part in ending slavery, colonialism, Jim Crow segregation, and South African apartheid, there is surely a role whites can play in restraining other whites in this era. Beneath the sound and fury generated by GOP presidential candidates, Fox News, website trolls, police unions and others, white people are becoming aware as never before of past and present racism.

ALL of it here:

Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind - The Gateway Pundit

The article argues that they should reign themselves in.
He was a socialist.
He was an environmentalist...or at least used the rhetoric.
He confiscated privately owned guns.
He wanted to take over all healthcare.
He wanted the national government to be all powerful.

Um....yeah....Hitler was a leftist.

Okay, let's look at this list of bullshit.

Their "socialist" moniker aside, the Nazis were very Chummy with the Krupps and other German Industrialists and Capitalists who weren't Jews.

Not even sure where you got the "environmental" stuff.

The Nazis actually LOOSENED gun laws enacted under the Weimar Republic.

As for health care, Germany was the first country to have universal health care. Under Bismarck. it was a combination of private and public carriers, just like they have today, and just like ObamaCare.

All intelligent men in this country know that the vast majority of racism is directed at whites. The crime statistics prove it beyond any doubt.
So in south Africa back during apartide if an angry black killed a privileged white that meant the racists were the angry blacks?
That is your ridiculous opinion, retard.

It is NOT a Salon article.

It is an Alternet.org article that Salon picked up and posted.

The Future of Life Depends on Bringing the 500-Year Rampage of the White Man to a Halt

It is the sort of thing however that a Salon staffer would also author.

In fact, this is posted right next to the article:

Salon is proud to feature content from AlterNet, an award-winning news magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies the best of hundreds of other independent media sources.

thanks, I just post the link, I never go to that site (Salon) and would warn others about going on it, at least don't give them the support. but I didn't know about AlerNet which I've come to call, Aleredworldnet. both are filled with nothing but hateful garbage like this one I posted.
I just wanted to revive this thread to prove to the leftists that their open and vicious war on white men is the reason they lost the election.
the far left in this country is going all out trying to stir up something it seems. you have professors spewing stuff like this. you have the BLM now shutting down Interstates, shopping malls and getting in your face. I don't know the ending but it doesn't look good.


Racism? What racism?

The left declare open war on White Americans.
Whites must be wiped out for the good of mankind.
Racism against Whitey is Good.

Via Salon.com:

The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe.

The time for replacing white supremacy with new values is now. And just as some whites played a part in ending slavery, colonialism, Jim Crow segregation, and South African apartheid, there is surely a role whites can play in restraining other whites in this era. Beneath the sound and fury generated by GOP presidential candidates, Fox News, website trolls, police unions and others, white people are becoming aware as never before of past and present racism.

ALL of it here:

Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind - The Gateway Pundit

What would you expect from a website of vapid feminist c--ts? Feminist and the race baiters all live off draining men, especially white men, of their wealth. Our laws reward women in marriages to screw over men and get at least half their wealth plus years of child support. Blacks living off welfare depend on that top 5% to fund their lazy lifestyle.

Not sure what they hope to accomplish by "stopping" white men. If we stopped working, it who would they leech wealth off of? They are all welcome to step up and create their own wealth, but its far easier and more rewarding to leech off white men.
Let's discuss the list of great things humanity has because of white people, shall we?


World Wars

Yup, that's a pretty good list of stuff.
Gulags too.
All intelligent men in this country know that the vast majority of racism is directed at whites. The crime statistics prove it beyond any doubt.
No doubt, those white people sure showed the white cops who's boss.
This is from New Zealand, but its the same across the world.

By the end of her life, the average woman will have a negative fiscal impact of $150,000
By large, the cumulative tax money given to women outweighs the tax money generated by women. The short period of positive impact of women between 45 and 59 is countered by 65 other years in which their allocated tax expenditure is more than what they supply the state.

Reblog: Research find that as a group, only men pay tax
All intelligent men in this country know that the vast majority of racism is directed at whites. The crime statistics prove it beyond any doubt.
So in south Africa back during apartide if an angry black killed a privileged white that meant the racists were the angry blacks?
From diseased minds comes liberal logic.

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