Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind

Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
Fuckwad, it is YOUR GUY who is in charge and causing all these bad things that are happening. Take some FUCKING RESPONSIBLITY.

But they won't take any Responsibility . Just look at Obama how he passes the buck all the time. and Hillary blaming a video for Benghazi and now Trump for (making terrorist) against us. they're all pathetic and are the ones tearing this country down and causing more division. every year they get worse. look at a National rag putting out cartoons for Republicans children as monkeys and then says? oops.
Short Western civilization, dude. Long China and Iran.

Iran sucks.

So does China, but much less.

Iran is in their low cycle coming up and China has a huge potential in consumer market purchasing power and a government that shoots lawbreakers trying to rig the markets. They also are not too far away from confiscating Western capital investments and divying them out to their party bosses as a measure to maintain power.

As I said, short the USA and go long China and Iran.
Several people on this board would strongly agree, no doubt.

Many of them white males, of course.

as opposed to white males like Mac, who complain when they are being oppressed when they have most of the wealth and power in this country.

Hey Mac, here's one of those Tom's right here.

Lol, yeah, but I am trying to find all that wealth and power I have when I just lost my disability that I was counting on about five months ago, I dont have a single party that listens to my voice, I have the courts legally stacked against me, and any time I try to organize for my own interests I get slammed as a racist.
The left declare open war on White Americans.
Whites must be wiped out for the good of mankind.

The article says they must be stopped, not wiped out Chicken Little

Lol, I guess you are among the morons who think Hitler's final solution did not include wiping out the Jews because he never explicitly said that?

You are an idiot.

The article says what it says....you lost

Yeah and it says 'Final Solution to White Males', dumbass.
The left declare open war on White Americans.
Whites must be wiped out for the good of mankind.

The article says they must be stopped, not wiped out Chicken Little

Lol, I guess you are among the morons who think Hitler's final solution did not include wiping out the Jews because he never explicitly said that?

You are an idiot.

The article says what it says....you lost

Yeah and it says 'Final Solution to White Males', dumbass.

It says "Stopped" cry to someone else about your paranoid victimizations

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