LEARN TO CODE JOE......what a buffoon lol

Why should they learn new skills when Trump has promised to bring their jobs back?
Biden to coal miners.....

"My son Hunter and I are a lot like you. We both make money off energy. You guys mine it. We steal it from elaborate foreign aid kickback schemes, with my son masquerading as an "energy expert.""
There has already been a topic about this.

LEARN TO CODE JOE......what a buffoon lol
Yeah I avoided that one. LOL Coal is dead and not coming back. Like everything Trumpsette, reality has no place. And ironically, the carbon energy jobs have increased, before and during Trump, despite a fall around 2016 on currency values.

I just remember back to the early 80s when I had to move to the oil patch in Wyo for a job with natl gas. And the UMW union wanted welfare. So Trumpian.
During a rally yesterday, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden spoke to a crowd in Derry, N.H., a town that many miners call home. He acknowledged the economic setbacks and job insecurity that coal miners face these days, and gave them some advice: learn to code.

According to Dave Weigel of the Washington Post, Biden said, “Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well... Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!”

According to Weigel, the comment was met with silence from the audience.

Biden's campaign has proposed moving the U.S. away from fossil fuels to reduce the country’s carbon footprint.

(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...


You would think he would have learned something from the failed Hildebeasts campaign when she told coal miners they would all lose theircjobs!....But, Jojo is a joke!

How has the coal industry been doing the last few years?
Who knows? You sure as hell can't trust the media to tell us.

What about government statistics? Do you trust those?
Utter bull. How much time does it take to do a half-hour show for half the year or run a beauty pageant? The thing about you on the left is you never want to give anybody on the right credit for their success. Trump's a billionaire: Oh, that's because his father gave him money. Trump turned that money into an enterprise and him into a billionaire: Oh, Trump didn't do any of that, he had a holding company. The economy is great thanks to Trump's policies: Oh, Trump's policies didn't do it, he was riding on the coattails of DumBama who industry hated.

I just never seen utter hatred like this in my entire life. Great things happening under Trump but it's never to his credit. He was always in the right places at the right time, and never did a thing in his life. Pathetic.

Sorry that I do not share your worship of Trump, but facts are facts. First off, his dad gave him more than just money, he gave him his grandmother's company. An established company with ties and a name and contacts and assets. The importance of this cannot be overstated. A well known fact about Trump is that not a single enterprise he started on his own succeeded...not one.

Trump's best skill is the ability to sell himself, which he is a master of. This is not an inconsequential skill, he has used it to great advantage.

As for the economy, it is moving along nicely. Some of it Trump has helped, some he has hurt. You people want to give him far more credit than he should get, but it is your nature to give the government credit for what the private sector does, so that cannot be helped.

It has nothing to do with worshiping. It's called giving credit where credit is due. All you people want to do is make excuses for his successes in life.

In my career, I've seen many businesses handed off to children. Many of them failed. When things started going downhill, the kids either sold it to a competitor, or stayed with it until it's ultimate demise. Most people can't run a business, and many people can't handle money. There have been books written about lives totally ruined by lotteries. It's a talent to be able to run a business.

Trump was handed down millions of dollars, but nobody knows the exact amount for sure, given Donald had several siblings. In any case, if you came across a decent amount of money, let's say $500,000. Let's see you make that money grow tenfold, twentyfold, or more. It's not an easy thing to do.

Trump told Forbes magazine his network in 1982 was 500 million. Today, some 37 years later he is worth 3.7 billion, about 7 fold better over 37 years....until you take into account that 500 million by today's dollars is 1.3 billion.

Trump started rich and managed to stay rich with the help from some very rich friends, including Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.

Jealous much?

Not at all. What is there to be jealous of?

I have more than enough money and I have morals and integrity.
Statisticians have zero integrity.
What is your advise to the coal miners since their jobs are not coming back? Even under Trump they have not.
My advice would not be to take your 50 year old ass to a trade school and try to compete with kids who grew up basically already knowing the skills who also happen to work for 30% less than you and try to compete with them.


Now we know what your advise would not be, what would it be? Or would you just tell them they are SOL and suck it up?
Already covered earlier. Try reading the thread so you don't keep repeating yourself.


Oh yeah...go to "similar industries"....of which there is none for a few hundred miles in all directions.
And there are coding jobs in the middle of coal country???


this says it the best. Anyone with a fking brain, could have asked Joe, are there those kind of jobs available in those regions of the country? Then listen to him either, lie or sound like Goldie Hawn's character in Overboard, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. Journalism is fking dead. No fking actual questions about for or from the people.

Could Biden be any further out to lunch? The man has no clue what it means when someone has dedicated their ENTIRE LIFE to one job.

If they dedicated their ENTIRE LIFE to a job that's been in decline for decades, it means they fucked up. Time to learn something new.

what replaced the coal? Most people go to a competitor or like type job, been that way for decades. So pray tel, what technology has replaced coal?
Democrat plan to replace coal.....

they don't have one, but they will make a lot of taxpayer money vanish trying to develop one....

Could Biden be any further out to lunch? The man has no clue what it means when someone has dedicated their ENTIRE LIFE to one job.

You people will take any small perceived gaffe you can get huh? I suppose that’s needed in the age of Trump.

at least you acknowledge it as a gaffe. A hugely made one at that. A vote eliminating gaffe. But you still don't get it. you would instead mock the same people Biden made his gaffe about. Cause you have as little tact as creepy, sleepy.

Could Biden be any further out to lunch? The man has no clue what it means when someone has dedicated their ENTIRE LIFE to one job.

If they dedicated their ENTIRE LIFE to a job that's been in decline for decades, it means they fucked up. Time to learn something new.

what replaced the coal? Most people go to a competitor or like type job, been that way for decades. So pray tel, what technology has replaced coal?

Hope and change.
My advice would not be to take your 50 year old ass to a trade school and try to compete with kids who grew up basically already knowing the skills who also happen to work for 30% less than you and try to compete with them.


Now we know what your advise would not be, what would it be? Or would you just tell them they are SOL and suck it up?
Already covered earlier. Try reading the thread so you don't keep repeating yourself.


Oh yeah...go to "similar industries"....of which there is none for a few hundred miles in all directions.
And there are coding jobs in the middle of coal country???


this says it the best. Anyone with a fking brain, could have asked Joe, are there those kind of jobs available in those regions of the country? Then listen to him either, lie or sound like Goldie Hawn's character in Overboard, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. Journalism is fking dead. No fking actual questions about for or from the people.
See posts 86 and 89.
98 percent of America was involved in agriculture at the ratification of the Constitution.

Today, less than two percent are in agriculture, yet they are producing more food than ever.

If some stupid fat lying fuck promised to "bring back all those lost agriculture jobs", how profoundly stupid would you have to be to bleev him?

That is EXACTLY what is going on with mining jobs. Trump is lying to them. He's depending on them to be stupid enough to bleev him.

At least Biden and the Democrats are being honest with them. And all you dumb gullible fucks can chortle about is the delivery of that message.

Jesus Christ, you so deserve to be lied to by Trump. I swear to god. You totally deserve it.

An interesting argument. Does anyone know about how many people it takes to produce the same amount of coal? I think the demand for coal will always be high, because it can be used for just about anything. I live in an agricultural area, and the populations of small towns actually went down as super corporate farms took over. Rural America contracted. Many small towns lost schools and traditions such as town festivals, and drugs swept in. However, many of these towns adapted through industry. Some small town got bird food factories, packaging factories, ect. It is obvious that the more useful skills you have the better, but opportunity goes a long way helping the small towns. Becoming a service only economy, and cheering about it, is not a logical solution.
Well, here are the number of coal jobs over time:


And here is coal production over time:


Just as with every other industry, it takes less workers to produce more output, thanks to technological advances.

I cannot believe this actually has to be explained!

The recent reduction in the production of coal is attributed to the recent boom in natural gas. Coal plants are being replaced by natural gas plants.

It's been in all the papers for a while now. The ones the gaslighted tard herd have been trained to call "fake news".

Trump is hoaxing the rubes. At least the Democrats have been telling them the truth: "Coal is dead. You better find something else to do."

Better to tell the hard facts to the people, then bullshit them into continuing down a dead end. Trump is a fucking criminal fraud for telling the coal miners he is going to save them.
During a rally yesterday, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden spoke to a crowd in Derry, N.H., a town that many miners call home. He acknowledged the economic setbacks and job insecurity that coal miners face these days, and gave them some advice: learn to code.

According to Dave Weigel of the Washington Post, Biden said, “Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well... Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!”

According to Weigel, the comment was met with silence from the audience.

Biden's campaign has proposed moving the U.S. away from fossil fuels to reduce the country’s carbon footprint.

(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...


You would think he would have learned something from the failed Hildebeasts campaign when she told coal miners they would all lose theircjobs!....But, Jojo is a joke!

How has the coal industry been doing the last few years?
Who knows? You sure as hell can't trust the media to tell us.

What about government statistics? Do you trust those?
No. I learned long ago you cannot trust the government.
Meh. We only have 11 years left anyway. At this point, what difference does it make?

Is there a single experiment that shows how much longer every 1PPM drop in CO2 will extend the doomsday countdown? No, right? What, there are NO experiments linking CO2 to temperature?

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