Left Attacked Catholic Church for Sexual Abuses, Silent on Epstein, Weinstein, Pedo Teachers & Politicians

As is clearly evident, the Marxist Progressives in this thread and at this forum are in an ignorant alternate fantasy reality combined with being morally narcissistic, not to mention being groomed and brain washed to hate America et al.......

It is no surprise the responses they give and no one should expect them to be reasonable or honest. It is NOT IN THEM.

That said, the Conservative Right is equally guilty for it's absolute failure to keep the insane asylum that is the Left in check.
Poor baby... You have nothing except pedo Trump's word that he banned Epstein...do you Stupid? More profanity isn't going to help you BTW.

We know you're a pathetic fucking liar.


I've personally shown you no less than 10 times, you filthy pile of shit liar.

{Bradley Edwards, a lawyer who represented Jefferey Epstein’s victims, stated in court documents that Trump had barred Epstein from his Mar-A-Lago estate “because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club.”}

You know full well that Trump banned the democrat pedophile pimp, supplier of kids to Clinton, Gates, Spacey, and the rest of the democrats.

BUT you are a Nazi, you have no honor, not a shred of integrity, so you blatantly lie.

Lying is simply your nature, shanda.
And let’s not forget Anthony Weiner!

Of course you are - which is why you throw a fit about the Florida Anti-Grooming law.

"Pedophilia now and forever" - democrat party mantra

Did your coach in third grade play hide the hotdog with you? Is that what caused you to become the groomer you are today?
Awww... did you get triggered? Awww

Don't go away mad. Here is a good joke for you...

Two priests in a car...​

... as a cop pulls them over.
"Sir, we are looking for two child molesters..."
The priests look at each other and after a short moment the driver says:
"Okay, we'll do it"

Let me know if you enjoyed it. I have many more where that came from! :laughing0301:
Tell us more why it’s a great idea an 80 year old man wants children to be sexually mutilated.

The comments to you show who have the pedo desires because ANYBODY who makes up and excuse as to why this is ok and tries to deter that thought by attacking the person or people who know for a fact this is so wrong on multiple levels.

These people are metnally gone and have been captured these are your same idots who think we have more than two genders bank on it.
Awww... did you get triggered? Awww

Are you drunk?
Don't go away mad. Here is a good joke for you...

Two priests in a car...​

... as a cop pulls them over.
"Sir, we are looking for two child molesters..."
The priests look at each other and after a short moment the driver says:
"Okay, we'll do it"

Let me know if you enjoyed it. I have many more where that came from! :laughing0301:

Why do all the child molesters work in public schools?

Because that's were the kids are.

What grade do you teach? Nah, you're the janitor...
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Trump talked about his daughter's body and how hot she is... Said he would date her. He's lowlife trash.
LOL and you believe it, you must have voted for Biden lmfao, way to go hero.
The "left" is anything BUT silent on Epstein or Weinstein...and WTF are you talking about with "pedo teachers"?

Is that some new QAnon meme?
Step into reality you will find out just how many PEDOS are teaching children, half you zombies don’t have a clue because of these facts :

MSM is not reporting on this because there is a NWO being put into place fool!

2. Do you not see the FREAKS taking over gov. positions when they arne’t even qualified oh yeah you missed that part of “ just becaue your NOT white you get the position.

you would be amazed whats going on in the real world of “ WAKE UP” because your train is way late.
Trump talked about his daughter's body and how hot she is... Said he would date her. He's lowlife trash.
So complementing your daughter is lowlife, but inappropriately showering with your daughter isn't? That's what Biden's daughter wrote about him. You loons are sick.
LOL and you believe it, you must have voted for Biden lmfao, way to go hero.
I heard Trump say it. Do you have a daughter? Protestant churches also have problems with pedophilia and incest. Especially the extreme fundamentalists and evangelicals that isolate their congregations or treat women as submissive.

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