Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people

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Who knew BLM was a violent crazy bunch of dumbfucks?

Its time to put these people in their place. Violence is rediculous, but if they eant to go, they'll see just how cowboy conservatives are.

Translation, the left dont want none!

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

BLM need to be declared an American Domestic Terrorist organisation, they should be rounded up and thrown into dungeons.

President Trump's Department of Justice should get on the case, also if BLM do what they're threatening then they're stupider than people already thought, President Trump has Emergency Powers he can use to shut it all down.
Here comes the law and order

They don't realise that a Community Organising Race Baiting Agitator Faggot isn't in the Oval Office anymore.

President Trump is an Alpha Male and he won't stand for these knuckledragging criminals causing trouble like Obama did.
Who knew BLM was a violent crazy bunch of dumbfucks?

Its time to put these people in their place. Violence is rediculous, but if they eant to go, they'll see just how cowboy conservatives are.

Translation, the left dont want none!

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

The idiot activists don't understand that any such action will open season on them.

The Leftist Maniacs also need open season on them shortly.

I'm sure that President Trump's National Security team are looking at possibly prohibiting any form of protesting at American airports and declaring such as a National Security Risk.

With that any Leftist Agitators gathering and launching an unruly protest like at JFK Airport in New York and what's happening at Portland Airport in Oregon could very easily be arrested and removed and taken away.

Look at the Leftist Maniacs attacking Trump supporters and taking over part of Portland, Oregon airport, this sort of behaviour we know is not going to be tolerated for much longer, order and discipline needs to be restored and this Leftist Maniac crowd need bringing to heel and ruling with an iron rod.

The below is because the Leftist Traitors WANT MORE Kebabs and MORE terrorist attacks.

All Trump supporters are "Nazi's" apparently, it's the ONLY thing these Leftist Maniac's have to shout, fucking morons.

President Trump should Federalise the American police and tell them they have Zero Tolerance to deal with the below sort of filthy rabble. They are not peaceful, they're hostile and should be considered a Fifth Column.

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They don't realise that a Community Organising Race Baiting Agitator Faggot isn't in the Oval Office anymore.

You Nazi shitstains miscalculated. The whole nation hates you. You should have stayed in your dark slimy crevices, like the cockroaches that you are.

So, Nazis, what's the plan now? Cry harder?
Oh my, someone questioning the system again?

You own property Fenton? give it to her, she needs it all. Doesnt matter if your not white, you profited from the white capitalist system. Lottsa people need what you own.
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