Left wingers and the wall.

No doubt there is some hyperbole on this, as there is with pretty much everything that becomes political. Stick with your tribe, even if you have to bullshit. Attack, attack, attack. Don't give a fuckin' inch. If they want A, you want B.

I'd count as being against the wall - I'd like to do things differently - but I'm not losing any sleep over the outcome in either direction.

Just for clarification I don't think everybody that thinks it's not worth doing feels that way for bullshit partisan reasons. I just think a lot of people on the left are against it because fuck Donald Trump and those MAGA hat wearing assholes.
Compromises were offered up, but rejected by the Dems, things they previously wanted.
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.

Dems offered $26 billion. Your retarded dotard said no.
Oh I see. This is a "bash Dems" thread.

I bash the left and right equally.

This is your reaction to criticism? You must be awesome to work with.
I'm VERY good with constructive criticism. I don't however suffer fools and dishonest assholes well at all..ya know...like you
He definitely went into this with zero interest in the topic, just trying to bash because he’s scared and really wants a wall
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.


Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.
There ya have it folks.

Cut ANYTHING that helps middle class or poor people.

NEVER think about cutting corporate subsidies or our bloated military budget. Cause ya know///gummint contracts are big MONEYYYYY

The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
Just for clarification I don't think everybody that thinks it's not worth doing feels that way for bullshit partisan reasons. I just think a lot of people on the left are against it because fuck Donald Trump and those MAGA hat wearing assholes.

It's a fucking bullshit waste of money for something that will never work or actually get built.

I wouldn't give two shits but I have ZERO tolerance for the same people who shut the government down over the debt...now pissing away money on Trump's vanity project because it slaps brown folks in the face.

It will have ZERO effect on illegals coming into the country. It's a fucking symbol and fuck that
No doubt there is some hyperbole on this, as there is with pretty much everything that becomes political. Stick with your tribe, even if you have to bullshit. Attack, attack, attack. Don't give a fuckin' inch. If they want A, you want B.

I'd count as being against the wall - I'd like to do things differently - but I'm not losing any sleep over the outcome in either direction.

Just for clarification I don't think everybody that thinks it's not worth doing feels that way for bullshit partisan reasons. I just think a lot of people on the left are against it because fuck Donald Trump and those MAGA hat wearing assholes.
That's a really narrow point of view. Do you think politics is like sports where you live and die with the fortunes of your team? If you listened to wall critics you might better understand the issue.
Just for clarification I don't think everybody that thinks it's not worth doing feels that way for bullshit partisan reasons. I just think a lot of people on the left are against it because fuck Donald Trump and those MAGA hat wearing assholes.

It's a fucking bullshit waste of money for something that will never work or actually get built.

I wouldn't give two shits but I have ZERO tolerance for the same people who shut the government down over the debt...now pissing away money on Trump's vanity project because it slaps brown folks in the face.

It will have ZERO effect on illegals coming into the country. It's a fucking symbol and fuck that

Yeah, you really sound like someone whos willing to reach across the aisle and come to a compromise.
The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?

The wall will have ZERO effect on jobs because it will not stop shit. Illegals mostly come through ports of entry..not across the fucking deserts and you can get through, under, and over a wall pretty fucking easily. I have a $300 acetylene torch and a $200 construction saw in my shed that would cut through any fucking wall you build.

And oh yea..we're at "full employment" now and illegal border crossers are HALF of what they were 15 years ago

So there's that
He definitely went into this with zero interest in the topic, just trying to bash because he’s scared and really wants a wall

I don't care about the wall. I think it would mitigate illegal crossings to an unknown degree, but I see our immigration issues as being far deeper than just needing more border fortifications to slow down illegals. I think that's a small fry in the big picture. I see the wall as a potentially useful bargaining chip.
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.


Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.
There ya have it folks.

Cut ANYTHING that helps middle class or poor people.

NEVER think about cutting corporate subsidies or our bloated military budget. Cause ya know///gummint contracts are big MONEYYYYY

The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?
Yeah, you really sound like someone whos willing to reach across the aisle and come to a compromise.

What's the compromise between your stupidity and sanity?

Oh and we just passed Border security money for stuff that would actually do what you claim to want to do.'

THERE is your compromise

If I sound angry it' because I am SICK of you fucking people and your bullshit
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.


Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.

Some good ideas, some very bad. The problems is that Dems would never stand for any of them.

Then let their stronghold cities collapse under the weight of their precious illegals, and turn into the equivalence of third-world shitholes. Between you and I, it wouldn't be any skin off my nose, and we're way overdue for a good cleansing of the gene pool.

If those Democrats have an aversion to working with us, then I'll manage to let out a little laugh as their constituency cities burn to the ground. I may be going to hell for laughing, but too bad, so sad.

We tried to warn them and they didn't listen, so f*ckem and feed 'em fish heads.
He definitely went into this with zero interest in the topic, just trying to bash because he’s scared and really wants a wall

I don't care about the wall. I think it would mitigate illegal crossings to an unknown degree, but I see our immigration issues as being far deeper than just needing more border fortifications to slow down illegals. I think that's a small fry in the big picture. I see the wall as a potentially useful bargaining chip.
Really...but you started as thread about "the wall" and NOT any of the real issues.

Funny that huh?

No one is fooled. You're not nearly as clever as you think you are
Really...but you started as thread about "the wall" and NOT any of the real issues.

Funny that huh?

No one is fooled. You're not nearly as clever as you think you are

I have made a bunch of other threads and posts about what I think the real issues/solutions are. This thread is designed to shine a light on the fact that the left is just as partisan and full of hate as the right.

Thank you for helping me demonstrate that.

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