Left wingers and the wall.

You're deranged and I hope people like you are in the minority and never gain access to the levers of power.

You can imagine how I feel about you...and sadly...people like you HAVE gained access to the levers of power

Oh, I know what your ilk thinks about "people like me" because they spell it out in no uncertain terms on a daily basis. ...and that's why we won't budge on the right to defend ourselves with the biggest fucking guns on the market.
Want to try to explain how a wall impacts the environment? That should be hilarious for someone of your limited intellect!

It could probably fuck up the migration paths of certain animals for one. I can see the argument that there is an environmental impact.

Like what? I deal in facts, not "probably".

I haven't really looked into it. I'm just accepting that it sounds plausible. I'll wait for the person that said it to follow up.

Don't hold your breath. The answer is not coming! :D
If you care that much you go look for it. I have nothing to prove to you. I know what I've said and what my positions are. Unlike you I am searching for objective truth and potential compromise between extremes. I'm not even on the right wing. I voted for Bernie Sanders.

Yea...you can't even name those threads.


Busted ya lying fuck. You're not even close to as "clever" as you think you are
Obviously it's not because of financial reasons. There's more than enough money to build it.

This...from the same assholes that shut the government down over the deficit just a couple years ago.
It is not expensive, it is effective, and we have this little thing called imminent domain.

Yea what's 50 billion here and 50 billion there...for something I could get through with tools from my shed in less than an hour. Sure why not. It'll make you "feel" so good though.

And eminent domain...conservatives USED to be against the government taking people's land away from them (one of the few things I agreed with them on)..Funny how THAT changed huh?
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.


Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.

Some good ideas, some very bad. The problems is that Dems would never stand for any of them.

Then let their stronghold cities collapse under the weight of their precious illegals, and turn into the equivalence of third-world shitholes. Between you and I, it wouldn't be any skin off my nose, and we're way overdue for a good cleansing of the gene pool.

If those Democrats have an aversion to working with us, then I'll manage to let out a little laugh as their constituency cities burn to the ground. I may be going to hell for laughing, but too bad, so sad.

We tried to warn them and they didn't listen, so f*ckem and feed 'em fish heads.

The problem is that these liberals destroy their cities and move on to new place. They are a plague of locusts, destroying everything in their path.
You probably miss a lot of stuff due to being a rage-filled partisan.

And yes, I have talked about that in threads I have posted in this very forum.


So linking to them or even listing them should be easy.

Go for it

If you care that much you go look for it. I have nothing to prove to you. I know what I've said and what my positions are. Unlike you I am searching for objective truth and potential compromise between extremes. I'm not even on the right wing. I voted for Bernie Sanders.

Then you are the consummate idiot.
Yea...you can't even name those threads.


Busted ya lying fuck. You're not even close to as "clever" as you think you are

Believing whatever you want to believe is how you operate so I'll just let you have at it.
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
Actually, they do care. They are afraid the wall will actually work. That would be the end of their permanent Democrat majority.
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.


Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.
I think they should limit the Federal Register to a fixed number of words. That way, to pass any new laws, they have to repeal some old ones.
You probably miss a lot of stuff due to being a rage-filled partisan.

And yes, I have talked about that in threads I have posted in this very forum.


So linking to them or even listing them should be easy.

Go for it

If you care that much you go look for it. I have nothing to prove to you. I know what I've said and what my positions are. Unlike you I am searching for objective truth and potential compromise between extremes. I'm not even on the right wing. I voted for Bernie Sanders.

Then you are the consummate idiot.

Sorry. :(
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.


Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.

So turn America into a third world country and then have a wall between another third world country...

How about we take your ideas and flush America into the toilet and the Mexicans won't want to come..

The Democrats are already managing to turn their their stronghold cities into sewers, regardless of what we do.

I say we just give them a little push to speed up the process.
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.
The wall is needed now, not sometime in the far future when you're finally convinced. The rest of your post is fantasy unencumbered by facts.
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.
The wall is needed now, not sometime in the far future when you're finally convinced. The rest of your post is fantasy unencumbered by facts.

I'm kind of impressed that he basically admitted he'd support the wall if a left wing president was advocating for it. How he can go on content with that is beyond me, but yeah, props for the honesty at least.
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
Obviously it's not because of financial reasons. There's more than enough money to build it.

This...from the same assholes that shut the government down over the deficit just a couple years ago.

Ohhhh, is that supposed to make me feel "guilty" or something? Ohhhh the shame. Ohhhh the pain...

Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass if the government shuts down indefinitely. It's not going to effect me one little bit.
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.


Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.

So turn America into a third world country and then have a wall between another third world country...

How about we take your ideas and flush America into the toilet and the Mexicans won't want to come..
leave the sewers and move on to places
The Democrats are already managing to turn their their stronghold cities into sewers, regardless of what we do.

I say we just give them a little push to speed up the process.

The liberals will just up and leave the sewers and move on to places to tun them into sewers. People fleeing NY are turning south Florida into an even deeper cesspool.
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
Actually, they do care. They are afraid the wall will actually work. That would be the end of their permanent Democrat majority.

I don't think left wing voters see it that way, but I've certainly been wrong before.

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