Left wingers and the wall.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.


Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.
There ya have it folks.

Cut ANYTHING that helps middle class or poor people.

NEVER think about cutting corporate subsidies or our bloated military budget. Cause ya know///gummint contracts are big MONEYYYYY

The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?
Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.
There ya have it folks.

Cut ANYTHING that helps middle class or poor people.

NEVER think about cutting corporate subsidies or our bloated military budget. Cause ya know///gummint contracts are big MONEYYYYY

The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.
let's tax the right wing for the wall.

Actually the tax should be on the Democrats. They are the primary ones suffering from the influx of illegals into this country. They are lower-income, more middle-class and poor, and less equipped or motivated to protect themselves against the illegal criminals.
There is no express wall building clause or even an express immigration clause. The right wing gets the Republican Doctrine blame.
Sure. defund Planned Parenthood, the Department of Education, cut wasteful social programs, university grants, and funding to public radio and television, convert all pensions of government employees to 401ks, eliminate all earmarks, eliminate Saturday mail delivery, make Congressional pay incentive-based, grant the President a line-item veto right, limit all new federal laws to 100 pages in length, establish a flat tax rate, and cut the funding to the UN and countries which aren't our allies.

Those alone would save enough to build a wall to the moon and back.
There ya have it folks.

Cut ANYTHING that helps middle class or poor people.

NEVER think about cutting corporate subsidies or our bloated military budget. Cause ya know///gummint contracts are big MONEYYYYY

The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

They don't make enough to pay federal income taxes, dumbass! They re likely exempt and get nothing withheld!
There ya have it folks.

Cut ANYTHING that helps middle class or poor people.

NEVER think about cutting corporate subsidies or our bloated military budget. Cause ya know///gummint contracts are big MONEYYYYY

The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.
There ya have it folks.

Cut ANYTHING that helps middle class or poor people.

NEVER think about cutting corporate subsidies or our bloated military budget. Cause ya know///gummint contracts are big MONEYYYYY

The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.

so do you believe that punishing those employers and company owners who hire illegal immigrants should be a primary focus?

That's the kind of quality content I've come to expect from you. ;)
Evidently, the republicans didn't give a shit either when it came to money for his worthless wall --- forget about Mexico paying for it, that was never going to happen, that was just red meat for his rabid followers --- because if they did, they would have given him his (actually ours) money the first 2 years he was in office.

And for the record, yes I do believe he's a horrible person, and a piece of shit.

Happy now?

A wall on the southern border is in no way "worthless." It's already been proven that more drugs and illegals are coming across the border, than through the points of entry.

Representative Jim Jordan destroys the "points of entry" misconception

Interesting because not according to the border control or the DEA.

In fact the primary drugs coming into the US are through ports of entry according to the DEA 2018 national drug threat assessment. And the deadliest ones they point to 3 key areas.

1. Prescription abuse
2. High quality fentanyl from China, through Canada, and low quality through border points.
3. Heroin through border points

But yeah let's spend money instead on a wall where they say the problem isn't. It's like El Chapo is calling the shots
The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.
The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.

so do you believe that punishing those employers and company owners who hire illegal immigrants should be a primary focus?

No. I believe the primary focus should be preventing them from crossing the border with a wall, and deporting the ones caught here. Those employers and companies didn't force them them to violate federal law by crossing our border illegally. Whatever employee loss they have can easily be filled by American nationals. It's not like there aren't enough people looking for jobs.
You can even read their report online where they go through the list of our biggest drug problems.

1 is controlled substance prescriptions starting in the US

2 Heroin coming through ports of entry in POVs and smuggled with goods in trucks

3. Fentanyl from China through the mail or Canada. Averaging 90% purity. Low purity (less than 10% comes through the border on the south, with Ports of entry as the main one.

4. Cocaine at ports of entry in the San Diego and Rio grande valley border points.

5. Meth. Mostly from us, but imported in parcels, planes and POVs as the main source from outside the US.

6. Marijuana . Through POVs, busses, commercial vehicles, rail, tunnels, catapults, small boats, drones... And backpackers.

7. Psychoactive substances. Through the mail from China.

It's like we are literally focusing on the place where the DEA says we don't have an issue
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.

so do you believe that punishing those employers and company owners who hire illegal immigrants should be a primary focus?

No. I believe the primary focus should be preventing them from crossing the border with a wall, and deporting the ones caught here. Those employers and companies didn't force them them to violate federal law by crossing our border illegally. Whatever employee loss they have can easily be filled by American nationals. It's not like there aren't enough people looking for jobs.

Those employers according to the border control are the problem, and a wall will not solve that.

It's like saying people selling drugs in the US aren't the issue.

Without business owners rewarding illegal immigrants for getting into the US we wouldn't have a problem.
As soon as Mexico pays, the wall will be built. Or was trump lying about all of that?
Who cares? Trump lies all the time, right? Build the damn wall.


What if he’s lying about the border warranting a national emergency too?
Anything for a voting block. Build the wall.

We're just going to have to wait for it to hit the SC. Hopefully they'll expedite that.

Agree, the SC will have to weigh in on this. Hopefully they will not overturn checks and balances and uphold the Constitution.

That's the kind of quality content I've come to expect from you. ;)
Evidently, the republicans didn't give a shit either when it came to money for his worthless wall --- forget about Mexico paying for it, that was never going to happen, that was just red meat for his rabid followers --- because if they did, they would have given him his (actually ours) money the first 2 years he was in office.

And for the record, yes I do believe he's a horrible person, and a piece of shit.

Happy now?

A wall on the southern border is in no way "worthless." It's already been proven that more drugs and illegals are coming across the border, than through the points of entry.

Representative Jim Jordan destroys the "points of entry" misconception

Interesting because not according to the border control or the DEA.

In fact the primary drugs coming into the US are through ports of entry according to the DEA 2018 national drug threat assessment. And the deadliest ones they point to 3 key areas.

1. Prescription abuse
2. High quality fentanyl from China, through Canada, and low quality through border points.
3. Heroin through border points

But yeah let's spend money instead on a wall where they say the problem isn't. It's like El Chapo is calling the shots

Jordan was questioning Clay Higgins, who is currently serving on the Oversight & Reform Committee, and the House Homeland Security Committee. The DHS works very closely with the DEA and the United States Border Patrol. The US Border Patrol head has more recently stated on numerous occasions that a wall on the southern border is a good idea.

The 2018 declaration by the US Border patrol is also outdated, this is 2019.

That's the kind of quality content I've come to expect from you. ;)
Evidently, the republicans didn't give a shit either when it came to money for his worthless wall --- forget about Mexico paying for it, that was never going to happen, that was just red meat for his rabid followers --- because if they did, they would have given him his (actually ours) money the first 2 years he was in office.

And for the record, yes I do believe he's a horrible person, and a piece of shit.

Happy now?

A wall on the southern border is in no way "worthless." It's already been proven that more drugs and illegals are coming across the border, than through the points of entry.

Representative Jim Jordan destroys the "points of entry" misconception

Interesting because not according to the border control or the DEA.

In fact the primary drugs coming into the US are through ports of entry according to the DEA 2018 national drug threat assessment. And the deadliest ones they point to 3 key areas.

1. Prescription abuse
2. High quality fentanyl from China, through Canada, and low quality through border points.
3. Heroin through border points

But yeah let's spend money instead on a wall where they say the problem isn't. It's like El Chapo is calling the shots

Could you please provide the link to your three key areas?
If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.
If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.

so do you believe that punishing those employers and company owners who hire illegal immigrants should be a primary focus?

No. I believe the primary focus should be preventing them from crossing the border with a wall, and deporting the ones caught here. Those employers and companies didn't force them them to violate federal law by crossing our border illegally. Whatever employee loss they have can easily be filled by American nationals. It's not like there aren't enough people looking for jobs.

Those employers according to the border control are the problem, and a wall will not solve that.

It's like saying people selling drugs in the US aren't the issue.

Without business owners rewarding illegal immigrants for getting into the US we wouldn't have a problem.

Many people hire illegals with forged documents. How do you stop that?
There ya have it folks.

Cut ANYTHING that helps middle class or poor people.

NEVER think about cutting corporate subsidies or our bloated military budget. Cause ya know///gummint contracts are big MONEYYYYY

The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

They don't make enough to pay federal income taxes, dumbass! They re likely exempt and get nothing withheld!
When you say “pay federal taxes, i’m assuming, you mean, correct me if i’m wrong, that you mean after filing a 1040.

No one getting paid low wages does. Yet they do have payroll taxes withheld. And they pay federal gasoline taxes. They pay federal excise taxes.
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

Legal immigrants should be allowed to work. Illegal immigrants should be allowed the time of day.

so do you believe that punishing those employers and company owners who hire illegal immigrants should be a primary focus?

No. I believe the primary focus should be preventing them from crossing the border with a wall, and deporting the ones caught here. Those employers and companies didn't force them them to violate federal law by crossing our border illegally. Whatever employee loss they have can easily be filled by American nationals. It's not like there aren't enough people looking for jobs.

So what you're saying is there is no national emergency?

If there was a national emergency on illegal immigration we should be rounding up and arresting those Americans for aiding and abetting illegal immigrants by providing them jobs.

Imagine if after the 9-11 national emergency, we said that people hiring, helping, and turning a blind eye to terrorists wasn't really a big deal.

That's the kind of quality content I've come to expect from you. ;)
Evidently, the republicans didn't give a shit either when it came to money for his worthless wall --- forget about Mexico paying for it, that was never going to happen, that was just red meat for his rabid followers --- because if they did, they would have given him his (actually ours) money the first 2 years he was in office.

And for the record, yes I do believe he's a horrible person, and a piece of shit.

Happy now?

A wall on the southern border is in no way "worthless." It's already been proven that more drugs and illegals are coming across the border, than through the points of entry.

Representative Jim Jordan destroys the "points of entry" misconception

Interesting because not according to the border control or the DEA.

In fact the primary drugs coming into the US are through ports of entry according to the DEA 2018 national drug threat assessment. And the deadliest ones they point to 3 key areas.

1. Prescription abuse
2. High quality fentanyl from China, through Canada, and low quality through border points.
3. Heroin through border points

But yeah let's spend money instead on a wall where they say the problem isn't. It's like El Chapo is calling the shots

Could you please provide the link to your three key areas?


DEA releases 2018 National Drug Threat Assessment

Also they mentioned that marijuana, low grade marijuana is the ONLY drug that comes into the us primarily through the southern border outside ports of entry.
That's the kind of quality content I've come to expect from you. ;)
Evidently, the republicans didn't give a shit either when it came to money for his worthless wall --- forget about Mexico paying for it, that was never going to happen, that was just red meat for his rabid followers --- because if they did, they would have given him his (actually ours) money the first 2 years he was in office.

And for the record, yes I do believe he's a horrible person, and a piece of shit.

Happy now?

A wall on the southern border is in no way "worthless." It's already been proven that more drugs and illegals are coming across the border, than through the points of entry.

Representative Jim Jordan destroys the "points of entry" misconception

Interesting because not according to the border control or the DEA.

In fact the primary drugs coming into the US are through ports of entry according to the DEA 2018 national drug threat assessment. And the deadliest ones they point to 3 key areas.

1. Prescription abuse
2. High quality fentanyl from China, through Canada, and low quality through border points.
3. Heroin through border points

But yeah let's spend money instead on a wall where they say the problem isn't. It's like El Chapo is calling the shots

Could you please provide the link to your three key areas?


DEA releases 2018 National Drug Threat Assessment

Also they mentioned that marijuana, low grade marijuana is the ONLY drug that comes into the us primarily through the southern border outside ports of entry.

Thank you, I’ll read it.

That's the kind of quality content I've come to expect from you. ;)
Evidently, the republicans didn't give a shit either when it came to money for his worthless wall --- forget about Mexico paying for it, that was never going to happen, that was just red meat for his rabid followers --- because if they did, they would have given him his (actually ours) money the first 2 years he was in office.

And for the record, yes I do believe he's a horrible person, and a piece of shit.

Happy now?

A wall on the southern border is in no way "worthless." It's already been proven that more drugs and illegals are coming across the border, than through the points of entry.

Representative Jim Jordan destroys the "points of entry" misconception

Interesting because not according to the border control or the DEA.

In fact the primary drugs coming into the US are through ports of entry according to the DEA 2018 national drug threat assessment. And the deadliest ones they point to 3 key areas.

1. Prescription abuse
2. High quality fentanyl from China, through Canada, and low quality through border points.
3. Heroin through border points

But yeah let's spend money instead on a wall where they say the problem isn't. It's like El Chapo is calling the shots

Jordan was questioning Clay Higgins, who is currently serving on the Oversight & Reform Committee, and the House Homeland Security Committee. The DHS works very closely with the DEA and the United States Border Patrol. The US Border Patrol head has more recently stated on numerous occasions that a wall on the southern border is a good idea.

The 2018 declaration by the US Border patrol is also outdated, this is 2019.
So you are saying that the 2018 report published October of 2018 is out-of-date?

There is no 2019 report. In October we will see one.

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