Left wingers and the wall.

Evidently, the republicans didn't give a shit either when it came to money for his worthless wall --- forget about Mexico paying for it, that was never going to happen, that was just red meat for his rabid followers --- because if they did, they would have given him his (actually ours) money the first 2 years he was in office.

And for the record, yes I do believe he's a horrible person, and a piece of shit.

Happy now?

A wall on the southern border is in no way "worthless." It's already been proven that more drugs and illegals are coming across the border, than through the points of entry.

Representative Jim Jordan destroys the "points of entry" misconception

Interesting because not according to the border control or the DEA.

In fact the primary drugs coming into the US are through ports of entry according to the DEA 2018 national drug threat assessment. And the deadliest ones they point to 3 key areas.

1. Prescription abuse
2. High quality fentanyl from China, through Canada, and low quality through border points.
3. Heroin through border points

But yeah let's spend money instead on a wall where they say the problem isn't. It's like El Chapo is calling the shots

Could you please provide the link to your three key areas?


DEA releases 2018 National Drug Threat Assessment

Also they mentioned that marijuana, low grade marijuana is the ONLY drug that comes into the us primarily through the southern border outside ports of entry.

Thank you, I’ll read it.
It's eye opening. They talk not just about where the seizures are happening but where the flow is as well
Many people hire illegals with forged documents. How do you stop that?

You make an exception for that business owner. I'm not sure that's incredibly common so I think it'd be fine.

It's pretty common. There's this New York real estate developer, who was taken to court by us labor unions because when he was behind on building his tower with his name on it, instead of hiring legal Americans to finish the job went out and hired well over 200 illegal immigrants.

And of course if you've ever lived in a farming community it's widespread. 8million of them are actively employed in the US. Mandating e-verify and for repeat offenders jail time and taking their property would be a very good solution. But a lot of golf course owners, hotel owners, resort owners would be heading to prison.
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.

Incorrect. You want that to be the case. But it isn't.

It's a stupid idea to begin with.

While some barrier is warranted, it is nothing like the president depicted and Mexico was never going to pay for it.

Borders are necessary. "The Wall" isn't.
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.


Bullshit. You just lied.
Bullshit. You just lied.

Have you ever been fully open-minded to the possibility of making an honest agreement over the wall being built? If you have I apologize. I wasn't present for that conversation.
The wall helps middle class and poor people: Fewer illegals to take their jobs and usurp their government freebies.

Do you even have a clue how much overall illegals are costing this country?
How many jobs are lost to undocumented immigrants? I heard the American economy is whizzzing along with a 4% unemployment rate?

If we get in a situation where we need those workers, we can give them a work visa without them sucking up all of the social services they currently do.
Do you believe no immigrant working in this country is subject to withholding for taxes on their paychecks?

They don't make enough to pay federal income taxes, dumbass! They re likely exempt and get nothing withheld!
When you say “pay federal taxes, i’m assuming, you mean, correct me if i’m wrong, that you mean after filing a 1040.

No one getting paid low wages does. Yet they do have payroll taxes withheld. And they pay federal gasoline taxes. They pay federal excise taxes.

Payroll taxes? If you don't make enough money to have a tax obligation, guess how much they withhold? Nothing!

No, they don't pay federal gasolines taxes except when they buy gasoline, which is far less than the average American and I doubt they pay any excise taxes. Do you know anything about your typical illegal immigrants lifestyle?
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.

Incorrect. You want that to be the case. But it isn't.

It's a stupid idea to begin with.

While some barrier is warranted, it is nothing like the president depicted and Mexico was never going to pay for it.

Borders are necessary. "The Wall" isn't.

Wow you’re an idiot in every thread eh? Barriers consist of a wall. Damn this fat dude is dumb.
Many people hire illegals with forged documents. How do you stop that?

You make an exception for that business owner. I'm not sure that's incredibly common so I think it'd be fine.

It's pretty common. There's this New York real estate developer, who was taken to court by us labor unions because when he was behind on building his tower with his name on it, instead of hiring legal Americans to finish the job went out and hired well over 200 illegal immigrants.

And of course if you've ever lived in a farming community it's widespread. 8million of them are actively employed in the US. Mandating e-verify and for repeat offenders jail time and taking their property would be a very good solution. But a lot of golf course owners, hotel owners, resort owners would be heading to prison.

Blame the Democrats as the E-verify requirement is opposed by their Congress critters!
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.

Incorrect. You want that to be the case. But it isn't.

It's a stupid idea to begin with.

While some barrier is warranted, it is nothing like the president depicted and Mexico was never going to pay for it.

Borders are necessary. "The Wall" isn't.

Wow you’re an idiot in every thread eh? Barriers consist of a wall. Damn this fat dude is dumb.
Mexico was supposed to pay for a big, beautiful, 3 foot tall concrete wall that stretched thousands of miles. Now you’re reduced to boasting about “barriers” :lmao:
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.

Incorrect. You want that to be the case. But it isn't.

It's a stupid idea to begin with.

While some barrier is warranted, it is nothing like the president depicted and Mexico was never going to pay for it.

Borders are necessary. "The Wall" isn't.

Wow you’re an idiot in every thread eh? Barriers consist of a wall. Damn this fat dude is dumb.
Mexico was supposed to pay for a big, beautiful, 3 foot tall concrete wall that stretched thousands of miles. Now you’re reduced to boastingg about “barriers” :lmao:

The plan was an I believe still is to tax remittances. You’re an idiot. A Leftist. And an unemployed and uneducated fool.
Many people hire illegals with forged documents. How do you stop that?

You make an exception for that business owner. I'm not sure that's incredibly common so I think it'd be fine.

It's pretty common. There's this New York real estate developer, who was taken to court by us labor unions because when he was behind on building his tower with his name on it, instead of hiring legal Americans to finish the job went out and hired well over 200 illegal immigrants.

And of course if you've ever lived in a farming community it's widespread. 8million of them are actively employed in the US. Mandating e-verify and for repeat offenders jail time and taking their property would be a very good solution. But a lot of golf course owners, hotel owners, resort owners would be heading to prison.

Blame the Democrats as the E-verify requirement is opposed by their Congress critters!
If only you had a President that knew how to make deals :itsok:
Many people hire illegals with forged documents. How do you stop that?

You make an exception for that business owner. I'm not sure that's incredibly common so I think it'd be fine.

It's pretty common. There's this New York real estate developer, who was taken to court by us labor unions because when he was behind on building his tower with his name on it, instead of hiring legal Americans to finish the job went out and hired well over 200 illegal immigrants.

And of course if you've ever lived in a farming community it's widespread. 8million of them are actively employed in the US. Mandating e-verify and for repeat offenders jail time and taking their property would be a very good solution. But a lot of golf course owners, hotel owners, resort owners would be heading to prison.

Blame the Democrats as the E-verify requirement is opposed by their Congress critters!
If only you had a President that knew how to make deals :itsok:

He won get over it.:290968001256257790-final:
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.

Incorrect. You want that to be the case. But it isn't.

It's a stupid idea to begin with.

While some barrier is warranted, it is nothing like the president depicted and Mexico was never going to pay for it.

Borders are necessary. "The Wall" isn't.

Wow you’re an idiot in every thread eh? Barriers consist of a wall. Damn this fat dude is dumb.
Mexico was supposed to pay for a big, beautiful, 3 foot tall concrete wall that stretched thousands of miles. Now you’re reduced to boasting about “barriers” :lmao:

Get over it dude. Soon you will be like the Republicans that still talk about Clinton's blowjob.
Soon? That was over 20 years ago. Meanwhile, many of you braindead sheep are actually still saying that Mexico is paying for the wall. So suck my balls, dipshit.
Many people hire illegals with forged documents. How do you stop that?

You make an exception for that business owner. I'm not sure that's incredibly common so I think it'd be fine.

It's pretty common. There's this New York real estate developer, who was taken to court by us labor unions because when he was behind on building his tower with his name on it, instead of hiring legal Americans to finish the job went out and hired well over 200 illegal immigrants.

And of course if you've ever lived in a farming community it's widespread. 8million of them are actively employed in the US. Mandating e-verify and for repeat offenders jail time and taking their property would be a very good solution. But a lot of golf course owners, hotel owners, resort owners would be heading to prison.

Blame the Democrats as the E-verify requirement is opposed by their Congress critters!
If only you had a President that knew how to make deals :itsok:

He won get over it.:290968001256257790-final:
Won what? Certainly not a wall! :fu:
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.

Incorrect. You want that to be the case. But it isn't.

It's a stupid idea to begin with.

While some barrier is warranted, it is nothing like the president depicted and Mexico was never going to pay for it.

Borders are necessary. "The Wall" isn't.

Wow you’re an idiot in every thread eh? Barriers consist of a wall. Damn this fat dude is dumb.
Mexico was supposed to pay for a big, beautiful, 3 foot tall concrete wall that stretched thousands of miles. Now you’re reduced to boastingg about “barriers” :lmao:

The plan was an I believe still is to tax remittances. You’re an idiot. A Leftist. And an unemployed and uneducated fool.
Confounding LOOK here’s one of those retards now!
If only you had a President that knew how to make deals :itsok:

Gloat more over the failed unworthy endeavors of the president, such as improving relations with hostile nuclear nations. You are hilarious.
Who here will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting a president as offensive as Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.
I didn't care about the wall until it became clear that Trump was appealing to the basest hatreds that people hold. Here was a man with absolutely no idea whether a wall would work or not, or be a total waste, and who couldn't care less. He only cared that he could use it to appeal to a bunch of simpletons with deeply held fear and hatred. Remember, this was his same approach to replacing the ACA and how did that end up? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

Should the day come a President that can be trusted comes forward and says "hey look, we actually do need a wall," then I may change my mind. Until then, I'll put my trust in better technology at the border, barriers where needed, placing more responsibility on employers to not hire illegals, and the like.

I wonder what Trump Republicans might be willing to negotiate for full wall funding. These are things the left never thinks about. "Oh, they want a wall? Well, maybe I could live with that. Will they trade us something?" No, instead it's never anything but destructive and divisive bullshit.

Why when the Republicans controlled both Chambers of congress did they not fund the border wall.

Would be like if Obama failed to make a deal on Obamacare with his own party so he waited for Republicans to get in control of congress and blame them.

How does that make any sense? 2 republican omnibus bills passed with $0 for the wall.

If Republicans don't want to give money for a wall, why should Dems?

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