Left wingers and the wall.

Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.

Incorrect. You want that to be the case. But it isn't.

It's a stupid idea to begin with.

While some barrier is warranted, it is nothing like the president depicted and Mexico was never going to pay for it.

Borders are necessary. "The Wall" isn't.

Wow you’re an idiot in every thread eh? Barriers consist of a wall. Damn this fat dude is dumb.
Mexico was supposed to pay for a big, beautiful, 3 foot tall concrete wall that stretched thousands of miles. Now you’re reduced to boasting about “barriers” :lmao:

Get over it dude. Soon you will be like the Republicans that still talk about Clinton's blowjob.
Soon? That was over 20 years ago. Meanwhile, many of you braindead sheep are actually still saying that Mexico is paying for the wall. So suck my balls, dipshit.

Why are you sexually harassing this person? You vile pile of garbage
You make an exception for that business owner. I'm not sure that's incredibly common so I think it'd be fine.

It's pretty common. There's this New York real estate developer, who was taken to court by us labor unions because when he was behind on building his tower with his name on it, instead of hiring legal Americans to finish the job went out and hired well over 200 illegal immigrants.

And of course if you've ever lived in a farming community it's widespread. 8million of them are actively employed in the US. Mandating e-verify and for repeat offenders jail time and taking their property would be a very good solution. But a lot of golf course owners, hotel owners, resort owners would be heading to prison.

Blame the Democrats as the E-verify requirement is opposed by their Congress critters!
If only you had a President that knew how to make deals :itsok:

He won get over it.:290968001256257790-final:
Won what? Certainly not a wall! :fu:

The Presidency :ahole-1:
Are there any left wingers here that will admit they don't actually care about whether or not the wall would impact illegal crossings, or even about the amount of money it might cost the nation? That's not what it's about. It's about not letting Trump get his way with anything. Admit it. You think he's a horrible person and you simply won't play nice with somebody like that.

Incorrect. You want that to be the case. But it isn't.

It's a stupid idea to begin with.

While some barrier is warranted, it is nothing like the president depicted and Mexico was never going to pay for it.

Borders are necessary. "The Wall" isn't.

Wow you’re an idiot in every thread eh? Barriers consist of a wall. Damn this fat dude is dumb.
Mexico was supposed to pay for a big, beautiful, 3 foot tall concrete wall that stretched thousands of miles. Now you’re reduced to boastingg about “barriers” :lmao:

The plan was an I believe still is to tax remittances. You’re an idiot. A Leftist. And an unemployed and uneducated fool.
Confounding LOOK here’s one of those retards now!

You calling someone a retard is like Tyrion Lannister calling someone short.
If only you had a President that knew how to make deals :itsok:

Gloat more over the failed unworthy endeavors of the president, such as improving relations with hostile nuclear nations. You are hilarious.

Ahh yes. North Korea under this president now has a delivery system that can reach the US, a hydrogen bomb, is ratcheting up their testing for more weapons now and as our president was talking about that good relationship they were performing cyberattack against the US.

I mean when we hear the word "failed endeavors" the Vietnam summit isn't the first thing that pops in your head?

Why do you not want him to succeed?
If only you had a President that knew how to make deals :itsok:

Gloat more over the failed unworthy endeavors of the president, such as improving relations with hostile nuclear nations. You are hilarious.

Ahh yes. North Korea under this president now has a delivery system that can reach the US, a hydrogen bomb, is ratcheting up their testing for more weapons now and as our president was talking about that good relationship they were performing cyberattack against the US.

I mean when we hear the word "failed endeavors" the Vietnam summit isn't the first thing that pops in your head?

Why do you not want him to succeed?

I do. It's just sad he is doing so poorly. And kinda disgusting that the dictator of a 3rd world enemies story of the negotiations sounds more true according to state Dept employees than our own president.
failing to accomplish a single damn thing.

I think you actually would have been frustrated if he had been successful, or you will be if he ends up being successful.

Nope. I'd love it. Just sad we have a president lying to America saying "North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat" when that's clearly not true.

Seems like all we have done is become less safe under him from North Korea. So far more nuclear tests and ballistic launches under Trump than any other president, yet I'm supposed to believe things are getting better? Yeah
If only you had a President that knew how to make deals :itsok:

Gloat more over the failed unworthy endeavors of the president, such as improving relations with hostile nuclear nations. You are hilarious.

Ahh yes. North Korea under this president now has a delivery system that can reach the US, a hydrogen bomb, is ratcheting up their testing for more weapons now and as our president was talking about that good relationship they were performing cyberattack against the US.

I mean when we hear the word "failed endeavors" the Vietnam summit isn't the first thing that pops in your head?

Why do you not want him to succeed?

I do. It's just sad he is doing so poorly. And kinda disgusting that the dictator of a 3rd world enemies story of the negotiations sounds more true according to state Dept employees than our own president.

Obama could have met with Kim. He didn't though.
If only you had a President that knew how to make deals :itsok:

Gloat more over the failed unworthy endeavors of the president, such as improving relations with hostile nuclear nations. You are hilarious.

Ahh yes. North Korea under this president now has a delivery system that can reach the US, a hydrogen bomb, is ratcheting up their testing for more weapons now and as our president was talking about that good relationship they were performing cyberattack against the US.

I mean when we hear the word "failed endeavors" the Vietnam summit isn't the first thing that pops in your head?

Why do you not want him to succeed?

I do. It's just sad he is doing so poorly. And kinda disgusting that the dictator of a 3rd world enemies story of the negotiations sounds more true according to state Dept employees than our own president.

Obama could have met with Kim. He didn't though.

Ok. But we were safer under Obama sadly. And now captain bonespurs has stopped our military readiness training to defend against North Korea. What did we get from that huge concession? Oh yeah building more nuke testing facilities
failing to accomplish a single damn thing.

I think you actually would have been frustrated if he had been successful, or you will be if he ends up being successful.

Nope. I'd love it. Just sad we have a president lying to America saying "North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat" when that's clearly not true.

Yeah, I have also noticed that Trump exaggerates and gets ahead of himself sometimes. Hopefully he can still be successful. Kim seems to still be very open to talks. I don't think he is trying to fuck with us.
Gloat more over the failed unworthy endeavors of the president, such as improving relations with hostile nuclear nations. You are hilarious.

Ahh yes. North Korea under this president now has a delivery system that can reach the US, a hydrogen bomb, is ratcheting up their testing for more weapons now and as our president was talking about that good relationship they were performing cyberattack against the US.

I mean when we hear the word "failed endeavors" the Vietnam summit isn't the first thing that pops in your head?

Why do you not want him to succeed?

I do. It's just sad he is doing so poorly. And kinda disgusting that the dictator of a 3rd world enemies story of the negotiations sounds more true according to state Dept employees than our own president.

Obama could have met with Kim. He didn't though.

Ok. But we were safer under Obama sadly. And now captain bonespurs has stopped our military readiness training to defend against North Korea. What did we get from that huge concession? Oh yeah building more nuke testing facilities

That is nothing more than a show of force. It's meant to intimidate. If you think that particular training is necessary for us to be combat ready against North Korea's barely functioning world war 2 era military you are an idiot.

EDIT: Oh, and it pisses off China too. I see no reason to do that.
failing to accomplish a single damn thing.

I think you actually would have been frustrated if he had been successful, or you will be if he ends up being successful.

Nope. I'd love it. Just sad we have a president lying to America saying "North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat" when that's clearly not true.

Yeah, I have also noticed that Trump exaggerates and gets ahead of himself sometimes. Hopefully he can still be successful. Kim seems to still be very open to talks. I don't think he is trying to fuck with us.

I really doubt he ever will fuck with us unless his situation gets utterly desperate. It sucks hearing our president say how honorable Kim is and what a great leader he is.

I'm sure he's open to talks, just tired of him saying what we want to hear and getting suckered into more concessions and he goes back on his word again.

I've participated in operation foal eagle a few times. That readiness is a key bit of training between US and Asian forces on a response if North Korea does take steps to attack. It does upset me that we concede excercises like that
Who cares? Trump lies all the time, right? Build the damn wall.


What if he’s lying about the border warranting a national emergency too?
Anything for a voting block. Build the wall.

We're just going to have to wait for it to hit the SC. Hopefully they'll expedite that.

Agree, the SC will have to weigh in on this. Hopefully they will not overturn checks and balances and uphold the Constitution.
They won't overturn checks and balances and they should uphold the constitution. And allow this president his due authority as with past presidents using the national emergency act.

This isn't difficult, darling.
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Ahh yes. North Korea under this president now has a delivery system that can reach the US, a hydrogen bomb, is ratcheting up their testing for more weapons now and as our president was talking about that good relationship they were performing cyberattack against the US.

I mean when we hear the word "failed endeavors" the Vietnam summit isn't the first thing that pops in your head?

Why do you not want him to succeed?

I do. It's just sad he is doing so poorly. And kinda disgusting that the dictator of a 3rd world enemies story of the negotiations sounds more true according to state Dept employees than our own president.

Obama could have met with Kim. He didn't though.

Ok. But we were safer under Obama sadly. And now captain bonespurs has stopped our military readiness training to defend against North Korea. What did we get from that huge concession? Oh yeah building more nuke testing facilities

That is nothing more than a show of force. It's meant to intimidate. If you think that particular training is necessary for us to be combat ready against North Korea's barely functioning world war 2 era military you are an idiot.

EDIT: Oh, and it pisses off China too. I see no reason to do that.
Well that's your opinion. Our work with South Korea when I participated in them I found very valuable.

But yeah. I guess you know more about how that training went for me than... Me
I do. It's just sad he is doing so poorly. And kinda disgusting that the dictator of a 3rd world enemies story of the negotiations sounds more true according to state Dept employees than our own president.

You should reinforce good behavior. By the way if you think Russia is going to take over the United States, well, LOL.

Yeah, he's cozy with Putin, but Russia hasn't been a threat to us for a while now. All he's doing is easing political tensions between our two nations. Honestly I do not give one fuck about him being chill with Putin.
I really doubt he ever will fuck with us unless his situation gets utterly desperate. It sucks hearing our president say how honorable Kim is and what a great leader he is.

Do you think it's possible he's just buttering Kim up?
I do. It's just sad he is doing so poorly. And kinda disgusting that the dictator of a 3rd world enemies story of the negotiations sounds more true according to state Dept employees than our own president.

You should reinforce good behavior. By the way if you think Russia is going to take over the United States, well, LOL.

Yeah, he's cozy with Putin, but Russia hasn't been a threat to us for a while now. All he's doing is easing political tensions between our two nations. Honestly I do not give one fuck about him being chill with Putin.

The CIA and FBI and NSA have all said that the Russian government has influenced America's elections. Literally the basis of this country.

But yeah. Democracy in America is no big deal.

So look .you called me an idiot over my serving and having a differing opinion than you. Don't really care for that. Don't really care for your opinion on my service. Don't really care that you think interfering with free elections in the US isn't a big deal.

So kindly fuck off with your childish name calling. Not worth my time. I'm putting you on ignore since you can't behave like an adult.
I really doubt he ever will fuck with us unless his situation gets utterly desperate. It sucks hearing our president say how honorable Kim is and what a great leader he is.

Do you think it's possible he's just buttering Kim up?
While he's buttering Kim has been making nukes able to reach the continental US and his cyberwarfare specialists have been attacking us. Sounds like a failure in policy to me
But yeah. I guess you know more about how that training went for me than... Me

Apparently I do. I was in the military for quite a while myself and I wasn't some dumb ass grunt. Nice flex though.
I really doubt he ever will fuck with us unless his situation gets utterly desperate. It sucks hearing our president say how honorable Kim is and what a great leader he is.

Do you think it's possible he's just buttering Kim up?
While he's buttering Kim has been making nukes able to reach the continental US. Sounds like a failure in policy to me

Do you really believe that Kim has nukes capable of reaching us and that he might use them effectively against us?


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