Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

I offer a simple solution. Go into minority neighborhoods and offer good paying jobs that people can support a family on it. Let them know Republicans got them those jobs and remind them how bad it was living on welfare. They will vote Republican forever

But Republicans will not even enter minority neighborhoods

Trump's proposed trade and immigration policies would disproportionately benefit blacks workers and their families.

As show by SYRIUSLY's posts, many blacks do support these policies.

Yet they vote against the party that agrees with them on the issues.

Why? As I explained above.

they have been propagandized to the point of believing that the GOP is the Racist Party who is out to get them, to the point of murder in the streets.

Hence the hysterical reaction noted in the OP, when that Lie is threatened.

Are you going to address my point, or just keep making snarky troll comments?
Simple enough...show them

Minorities have heard these promises before only to find them empty. More trickle down promises where the money and jobs never quite reach minority neighborhoods

Republicans need to offer specifics. Not vague promises of I'm going to take jobs away from China and give them to you

No, you are making rationalizations for the massive disparity between positions on the issues and voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

Should he offer jobs simply because they are minorities? What about qualification. Oh, that's right, Democrats consider skin color AS a qualification.

You help people who need help. Minority neighborhoods need help
You miss the point.

Whatever I say, you will disagree with.

The point is that in the normal course of events, significant numbers of blacks should agree with the Republicans on this.

Indeed, I'm sure many do.

They just still vote for it,

I offer a simple solution. Go into minority neighborhoods and offer good paying jobs that people can support a family on it. Let them know Republicans got them those jobs and remind them how bad it was living on welfare. They will vote Republican forever

But Republicans will not even enter minority neighborhoods

Trump's proposed trade and immigration policies would disproportionately benefit blacks workers and their families.

As show by SYRIUSLY's posts, many blacks do support these policies.

Yet they vote against the party that agrees with them on the issues.

Why? As I explained above.

they have been propagandized to the point of believing that the GOP is the Racist Party who is out to get them, to the point of murder in the streets.

Hence the hysterical reaction noted in the OP, when that Lie is threatened.

Are you going to address my point, or just keep making snarky troll comments?
Simple enough...show them

Minorities have heard these promises before only to find them empty. More trickle down promises where the money and jobs never quite reach minority neighborhoods

Republicans need to offer specifics. Not vague promises of I'm going to take jobs away from China and give them to you

No, you are making rationalizations for the massive disparity between positions on the issues and voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

You are using "specifics" as an excuse to avoid addressing my point.

According to Syrrius' links, blacks already agree in large percentages on the issues with republicans and/or Trump.

And yet this has no impact on their voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST
I offer a simple solution. Go into minority neighborhoods and offer good paying jobs that people can support a family on it. Let them know Republicans got them those jobs and remind them how bad it was living on welfare. They will vote Republican forever

But Republicans will not even enter minority neighborhoods

Trump's proposed trade and immigration policies would disproportionately benefit blacks workers and their families.

As show by SYRIUSLY's posts, many blacks do support these policies.

Yet they vote against the party that agrees with them on the issues.

Why? As I explained above.

they have been propagandized to the point of believing that the GOP is the Racist Party who is out to get them, to the point of murder in the streets.

Hence the hysterical reaction noted in the OP, when that Lie is threatened.

Are you going to address my point, or just keep making snarky troll comments?
Simple enough...show them

Minorities have heard these promises before only to find them empty. More trickle down promises where the money and jobs never quite reach minority neighborhoods

Republicans need to offer specifics. Not vague promises of I'm going to take jobs away from China and give them to you

No, you are making rationalizations for the massive disparity between positions on the issues and voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

You are using "specifics" as an excuse to avoid addressing my point.

According to Syrrius' links, blacks already agree in large percentages on the issues with republicans and/or Trump.

And yet this has no impact on their voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST

So they agree we should take jobs from China and bring them here?

Yet still don't trust Trumo to deliver
Trump's proposed trade and immigration policies would disproportionately benefit blacks workers and their families.

As show by SYRIUSLY's posts, many blacks do support these policies.

Yet they vote against the party that agrees with them on the issues.

Why? As I explained above.

they have been propagandized to the point of believing that the GOP is the Racist Party who is out to get them, to the point of murder in the streets.

Hence the hysterical reaction noted in the OP, when that Lie is threatened.

Are you going to address my point, or just keep making snarky troll comments?
Simple enough...show them

Minorities have heard these promises before only to find them empty. More trickle down promises where the money and jobs never quite reach minority neighborhoods

Republicans need to offer specifics. Not vague promises of I'm going to take jobs away from China and give them to you

No, you are making rationalizations for the massive disparity between positions on the issues and voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

You are using "specifics" as an excuse to avoid addressing my point.

According to Syrrius' links, blacks already agree in large percentages on the issues with republicans and/or Trump.

And yet this has no impact on their voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST

So they agree we should take jobs from China and bring them here?

Yet still don't trust Trumo to deliver

If you are not going to address anything I say, then why are you bothering me?

Oh, right, you don't dare let the Truth be stated without challenge.

Because your entire power structure is based on the lie that conservatives blacks have to stick with the Dems or be at the mercy of Evul Racist Republicans.

And now you will repeat something you said earlier which in no way addressed my point.

And will still not address my point.

Because you dare not even admit that you see my point.
Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

What about the gay conservatives?

Actually, with the black conservative, y'all have to pretend you don't hate his skin color. Dems just don't like his politics.
Gay is not a race. Gay is a sexual perversion.
Hazleton can't help it, he really said the other day, Clarence Thomas was not a real black man.......hazlnut is a racist and a pig....he looks at color, probably to fill his quota..while us conservatives do not

To Liberals, a black is only truly black if they stay on the Democrat plantation.

Yep Hazlnut said it in a post.....I mean the truth is coming out about these people...Blacks you better tow the line....or the democrats will crack that whip....
Well look at his record, he voted for all Civil Rights legislation except that one.......because he didn't want the feds to tell businesses how they could be run....he was right and now we have to bake cakes for fags.

He voted against it because he considered states rights more important than civil rights and racial equality.

That is the classic argument of the segregationists all the way back to slavery.

Wow you're dumb......first it's not states rights, it was liberty.....individual rights.
And he's not a commie wanting the.givt to tell him who to hire and fire......maybe you're so racist you need a law before hiring a minority, but we don't need a law, we prefer the best candidate

So slavery should have been left up to the states. And the right of women to vote. And gay rights, etc., etc.

Isn't there something in our founding principles that says that governments are formed to secure our rights? How can a government secure our rights if it doesn't have that jurisdiction and authority?
Are you seriously that fucking clueless?

The Constitution is a charter of negative rights against the .gov....

We formed the Republican Party to stop you democrats from enslavimg blacks....

He's a Liberal. What do you expect. The Constitution is designed to protect our rights FROM abused by the government. In recent controversial issue like abortion and same sex marriage, those arguing in favor of both of them argued from the point that the government couldn't do with laws what they were doing. They didn't argue that the government was supposed to secure their rights like NYCarbineer claims, they were arguing that the government's law were violating their rights and it should stop.

yep, liberals call it negative rights....they don't like they can't just force their shit on us....but then they took over the supreme court and use that all the time.....atleast Ginsberg removed the veil of nonpartisanship.....Liberals hide behind that all time...they are the most political and most partisan people on Earth.
He voted against it because he considered states rights more important than civil rights and racial equality.

That is the classic argument of the segregationists all the way back to slavery.

Wow you're dumb......first it's not states rights, it was liberty.....individual rights.
And he's not a commie wanting the.givt to tell him who to hire and fire......maybe you're so racist you need a law before hiring a minority, but we don't need a law, we prefer the best candidate

So slavery should have been left up to the states. And the right of women to vote. And gay rights, etc., etc.

Isn't there something in our founding principles that says that governments are formed to secure our rights? How can a government secure our rights if it doesn't have that jurisdiction and authority?

Why do you hate the Constitution.

You don't dispute anything I said. Case closed.

Can't refute a statement that refutes itself. It's already been done by you when you made the error stating it. What you're asking me to do would be like asking me to lock a door behind someone that already locked it. You refuted it for me by making an incorrect statement.

Carb you don't know what is in the constitution...but he wanted to make sure people like YOU can't tell him how to run his business....speaking of which, Affirmative action, what is the goal? When is it no longer needed?
Why do you hate the Constitution.

You don't dispute anything I said. Case closed.

Can't refute a statement that refutes itself. It's already been done by you when you made the error stating it. What you're asking me to do would be like asking me to lock a door behind someone that already locked it. You refuted it for me by making an incorrect statement.

You never offered any evidence it's incorrect.

Are you saying it's incorrect to say there's anything in our founding principles that says that governments are formed to secure our rights?

I say it's incorrect to say government secures (provides) you with those rights. The Constitution was designed to protect you FROM the government abusing those rights. You make it out as if the government granted (secured them for) them to you. That's not the case.

When the faggots were arguing for same sex marriage, they didn't argue for the government to give them their rights. They argued that government laws were denying them their rights. If that is their claim, they weren't asking for the government to secure something for them but to stop the prevention of something they believed they already had.

Rights are already secured. The government doesn't do that for you. The role of the Constitution is to prevent the government from abusing them and denying you the ability to use them. Due process in the Constitution doesn't grant, secure, or provide you anything. It protects what you already have from being taken away by the government.

The states were taking away the rights of blacks. Goldwater wanted them to retain that power.

you are such full of shit.....Prove that! He voted for all other Civil Rights bills you dumbfuck and you try to make him out to be a racist...you are so dishonest and such a piece of shit.
Trump's proposed trade and immigration policies would disproportionately benefit blacks workers and their families.

As show by SYRIUSLY's posts, many blacks do support these policies.

Yet they vote against the party that agrees with them on the issues.

Why? As I explained above.

they have been propagandized to the point of believing that the GOP is the Racist Party who is out to get them, to the point of murder in the streets.

Hence the hysterical reaction noted in the OP, when that Lie is threatened.

Are you going to address my point, or just keep making snarky troll comments?
Simple enough...show them

Minorities have heard these promises before only to find them empty. More trickle down promises where the money and jobs never quite reach minority neighborhoods

Republicans need to offer specifics. Not vague promises of I'm going to take jobs away from China and give them to you

No, you are making rationalizations for the massive disparity between positions on the issues and voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

You are using "specifics" as an excuse to avoid addressing my point.

According to Syrrius' links, blacks already agree in large percentages on the issues with republicans and/or Trump.

And yet this has no impact on their voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST

So they agree we should take jobs from China and bring them here?

Yet still don't trust Trumo to deliver

Wow you're dumb......first it's not states rights, it was liberty.....individual rights.
And he's not a commie wanting the.givt to tell him who to hire and fire......maybe you're so racist you need a law before hiring a minority, but we don't need a law, we prefer the best candidate

So slavery should have been left up to the states. And the right of women to vote. And gay rights, etc., etc.

Isn't there something in our founding principles that says that governments are formed to secure our rights? How can a government secure our rights if it doesn't have that jurisdiction and authority?

Why do you hate the Constitution.

You don't dispute anything I said. Case closed.

Can't refute a statement that refutes itself. It's already been done by you when you made the error stating it. What you're asking me to do would be like asking me to lock a door behind someone that already locked it. You refuted it for me by making an incorrect statement.

Carb you don't know what is in the constitution...but he wanted to make sure people like YOU can't tell him how to run his business....speaking of which, Affirmative action, what is the goal? When is it no longer needed?
You people are arguing that the federal government doesn't have the power to protect rights.

Prove it.

That's not what I'm arguing. My argument is that the government can't secure for you something you have and the Constitution protects you FROM the government. At least it used to until Liberals like you started believing it was the government's job to do for you whatever you weren't willing to do for yourselves.

The Constitution IS the government. The Constitution can't protect a black man from being denied equal rights if the federal government doesn't have power over the individual states who would by their own laws in fact deny blacks rights.
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

NYCarbineer thinks government grants you rights. He believes the purpose of the Constitution was to give them to you.

I quoted the founders saying that the government is formed to secure your rights, BUT, a government cannot secure your rights until some authority decides what are or are not your rights.

Rights are from God, asshat.....the government is supposed to protect them.......it's not that difficult...but again you lie worse than Hitlery
Simple enough...show them

Minorities have heard these promises before only to find them empty. More trickle down promises where the money and jobs never quite reach minority neighborhoods

Republicans need to offer specifics. Not vague promises of I'm going to take jobs away from China and give them to you

No, you are making rationalizations for the massive disparity between positions on the issues and voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

You are using "specifics" as an excuse to avoid addressing my point.

According to Syrrius' links, blacks already agree in large percentages on the issues with republicans and/or Trump.

And yet this has no impact on their voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST

So they agree we should take jobs from China and bring them here?

Yet still don't trust Trumo to deliver

So slavery should have been left up to the states. And the right of women to vote. And gay rights, etc., etc.

Isn't there something in our founding principles that says that governments are formed to secure our rights? How can a government secure our rights if it doesn't have that jurisdiction and authority?

Why do you hate the Constitution.

You don't dispute anything I said. Case closed.

Can't refute a statement that refutes itself. It's already been done by you when you made the error stating it. What you're asking me to do would be like asking me to lock a door behind someone that already locked it. You refuted it for me by making an incorrect statement.

Carb you don't know what is in the constitution...but he wanted to make sure people like YOU can't tell him how to run his business....speaking of which, Affirmative action, what is the goal? When is it no longer needed?

OMG that is awesome!
No, you are making rationalizations for the massive disparity between positions on the issues and voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

You are using "specifics" as an excuse to avoid addressing my point.

According to Syrrius' links, blacks already agree in large percentages on the issues with republicans and/or Trump.

And yet this has no impact on their voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST

So they agree we should take jobs from China and bring them here?

Yet still don't trust Trumo to deliver

Why do you hate the Constitution.

You don't dispute anything I said. Case closed.

Can't refute a statement that refutes itself. It's already been done by you when you made the error stating it. What you're asking me to do would be like asking me to lock a door behind someone that already locked it. You refuted it for me by making an incorrect statement.

Carb you don't know what is in the constitution...but he wanted to make sure people like YOU can't tell him how to run his business....speaking of which, Affirmative action, what is the goal? When is it no longer needed?

OMG that is awesome!
Yeah it is....I am still laughing....
Like Allen West, the guy you lefties savaged for being a patriot?

Allen West, Ben Carson Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell and many others have been belittled to no end by liberals. One poster here started a thread wondering who black Republicans were and demonstrated the confusion on the left when they see people who don't act and think the way the left thinks they should. If you're black, you're supposed to want to live on the liberal plantation and rely on government. They pretend that Republicans, who happen to be minorities, are rare and they ridicule them and pretend that they are tokens so they can keep accusing the right of racism. It's the left that has shown more racism by their obsession with color and the fact that they believe that minorities are not as smart or capable as whites.

More black conservatives, all who get called nasty names by the left at link. And this is just a sampling of well known people.

Famous Black Conservatives List
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

The federal GOVERNMENT enforces that. If you think your gun rights are violated, where do you go? You go to the federal government, specifically the Supreme Court,

because the Court has been given the POWER to secure your gun rights.

Do you know what you're doing when you go to court? You're asking the court to tell whatever level of government it is to stop violating your rights. You're not asking the court to get the government to grant them to you. The court has been given the power to tell the government to stop violating rights you already had. They've already been secured.

As when in the recent case abortion rights prevailed. Or when same sex marriage rights prevailed. Or when the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that Goldwater opposed, was upheld in court.

The courts told the government to stop denying what the court, although incorrectly, said people already had.

So Roe v Wade affirmed a right that women already had, but was not being secured by the government.

Ok, so you were good with Plessy vs Ferguson then.....got it....progressive democrats ok with it...what a shock
It will keep them from being slaves to the Democrats

Conservatives always wonder why blacks are too stupid to know why they should be voting Republican.

And so unaware that explains the reason why blacks don't vote Republican.

I wonder why the 95% that do continue to do so with all the good results Democrats have been able to do on their behalf.

Good point.....why can't Republicans offer a single reason minorities should vote Republican?

Simply explain that you are going to take away social programs, education and health programs, jobs training programs and that you are going to replace them with something better

I have. It's called stop being insane. Blacks have voted Democrat for 50 of the 200 years LBJ said he have them doing it. It's produced horrendous results.

Thanks for proving Democrats use the money of one group to buy the votes of blacks. You mentioned specific programs all of which require redistribution of wealth (vote buying).

I have yet to see what you are offering to entice minorities to vote Republucan. If Dems are as bad for minorities, it should be easy to convince them to vote Republican

Well the democrats say stay in shitty hellholes and we'll pay for you ass rent for the projects....we'll pay for your food, we'll pay for your non labor.......the only difference between democrats now and back in the day is....they didn't pay them for hard work then, and now they pay them for no work. The rest is the same as the plantation.....instead of cotton they get votes....King VOTE!
All minorities need to do is listen to rightwing talk radio, read message board like this one, watch FoxNews to learn what the Republican Party really feels about them

Other than the outright racists who flock to the GOP, there are the not so subtle claims that minorities are lazy, uneducated and unworthy of success in our society

You mean these racists?



Are black people not usually clean? Bright? Articulate? I mean they hide it well, you can take the democrat out of the race, but never the racism out of the democrat.

I guess articulate for democrats is saying um less than 1000 a minute.
Conservatives always wonder why blacks are too stupid to know why they should be voting Republican.

And so unaware that explains the reason why blacks don't vote Republican.

I wonder why the 95% that do continue to do so with all the good results Democrats have been able to do on their behalf.

Good point.....why can't Republicans offer a single reason minorities should vote Republican?

Simply explain that you are going to take away social programs, education and health programs, jobs training programs and that you are going to replace them with something better

I have. It's called stop being insane. Blacks have voted Democrat for 50 of the 200 years LBJ said he have them doing it. It's produced horrendous results.

Thanks for proving Democrats use the money of one group to buy the votes of blacks. You mentioned specific programs all of which require redistribution of wealth (vote buying).

I have yet to see what you are offering to entice minorities to vote Republucan. If Dems are as bad for minorities, it should be easy to convince them to vote Republican

Well the democrats say stay in shitty hellholes and we'll pay for you ass rent for the projects....we'll pay for your food, we'll pay for your non labor.......the only difference between democrats now and back in the day is....they didn't pay them for hard work then, and now they pay them for no work. The rest is the same as the plantation.....instead of cotton they get votes....King VOTE!
Interesting..what do Republicans offer as an alternative
You miss the point.

Whatever I say, you will disagree with.

The point is that in the normal course of events, significant numbers of blacks should agree with the Republicans on this.

Indeed, I'm sure many do.

They just still vote for it,

I offer a simple solution. Go into minority neighborhoods and offer good paying jobs that people can support a family on it. Let them know Republicans got them those jobs and remind them how bad it was living on welfare. They will vote Republican forever

But Republicans will not even enter minority neighborhoods

Trump's proposed trade and immigration policies would disproportionately benefit blacks workers and their families.

As show by SYRIUSLY's posts, many blacks do support these policies.

Yet they vote against the party that agrees with them on the issues.

Why? As I explained above.

they have been propagandized to the point of believing that the GOP is the Racist Party who is out to get them, to the point of murder in the streets.

Hence the hysterical reaction noted in the OP, when that Lie is threatened.

Are you going to address my point, or just keep making snarky troll comments?
Simple enough...show them

Minorities have heard these promises before only to find them empty. More trickle down promises where the money and jobs never quite reach minority neighborhoods

Republicans need to offer specifics. Not vague promises of I'm going to take jobs away from China and give them to you

No, you are making rationalizations for the massive disparity between positions on the issues and voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

So why do black areas not have jobs? I bet I know the number one issue...do you?
All minorities need to do is listen to rightwing talk radio, read message board like this one, watch FoxNews to learn what the Republican Party really feels about them

Other than the outright racists who flock to the GOP, there are the not so subtle claims that minorities are lazy, uneducated and unworthy of success in our society

You mean these racists?



Are black people not usually clean? Bright? Articulate? I mean they hide it well, you can take the democrat out of the race, but never the racism out of the democrat.

I guess articulate for democrats is saying um less than 1000 a minute.
It must have worked...Obama was elected twice
Trump's proposed trade and immigration policies would disproportionately benefit blacks workers and their families.

As show by SYRIUSLY's posts, many blacks do support these policies.

Yet they vote against the party that agrees with them on the issues.

Why? As I explained above.

they have been propagandized to the point of believing that the GOP is the Racist Party who is out to get them, to the point of murder in the streets.

Hence the hysterical reaction noted in the OP, when that Lie is threatened.

Are you going to address my point, or just keep making snarky troll comments?
Simple enough...show them

Minorities have heard these promises before only to find them empty. More trickle down promises where the money and jobs never quite reach minority neighborhoods

Republicans need to offer specifics. Not vague promises of I'm going to take jobs away from China and give them to you

No, you are making rationalizations for the massive disparity between positions on the issues and voting.

Large percentages of blacks, as linked to by Syrrius, ALREADY agree with Trump on the issues.

And yet they will vote for Hillary who is PROMISING to do what they are AGAINST.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

Should he offer jobs simply because they are minorities? What about qualification. Oh, that's right, Democrats consider skin color AS a qualification.

You help people who need help. Minority neighborhoods need help

Ok Rightwinger, here is the question....first remove the biggest obstacle to jobs.....I'll let you guess that one.

Once you can get jobs in those areas, then get them working.....so you have to get them off the welfare.....

you can do this a couple of ways....you can give them a stipend and lessen it as they make more money or you can tell them tough shit and you have a limited amount of time.. Stop buying weed and buy a book. Madden is a fun game, but it's not gonna get a you a job, stop playing it....DO SOMETHING to better yourself..... and yes we do need to improve liberaries and things, but there is one MAJOR issue that causes all of this to be on hold......

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