Legal expert: Devin Nunes is going to prison

You monkeys are believing it before it even comes out.Nunes is a dumbass from Fresno Ca.. no where's land he is going down.
Why were dems fighting so hard to stop the release?

Again, methinks they doth protest to loudly.

Why did the committee vote against releasing all of the documents?

Mishandling of classified information is a felony.

Nunes will find that out next year when the newly elected Democrat majority in the House is running that committee.

The shit really hits the fan when a new Democrat President is sworn in 2020, and the new justice department starts indicting and prosecuting multiple former members of Congress and the Trump administration for those crimes.

Complete with an FBI and intelligence agencies that hate their guts for the abuse they are getting from them now.

Any chance of a Democrat majority are going to implode as this scandal unfolds. The Democrats controlled congress for two decades after Watergate.

Dude this congress is obviously trying to derail the investigation .. Why are they doing this? To protect Trump.. We know Trump is crying Loyalty..and Nunes the wimp wants a job after he loses his seat.

You monkeys are believing it before it even comes out.Nunes is a dumbass from Fresno Ca.. no where's land he is going down.
Why were dems fighting so hard to stop the release?

Again, methinks they doth protest to loudly.

Why did the committee vote against releasing all of the documents?

Mishandling of classified information is a felony.

Nunes will find that out next year when the newly elected Democrat majority in the House is running that committee.

The shit really hits the fan when a new Democrat President is sworn in 2020, and the new justice department starts indicting and prosecuting multiple former members of Congress and the Trump administration for those crimes.

Complete with an FBI and intelligence agencies that hate their guts for the abuse they are getting from them now.

Any chance of a Democrat majority are going to implode as this scandal unfolds. The Democrats controlled congress for two decades after Watergate.

Dude this congress is obviously trying to derail the investigation .. Why are they doing this? To protect Trump.. We know Trump is crying Loyalty..and Nunes the wimp wants a job after he loses his seat.

You mean it's exposing the witch hunt. They're doing it because exposing witch hunts is what ethical rational people do. I realize you have no problem with the FBI staging a coup against a lawfully elected President.
You monkeys are believing it before it even comes out.Nunes is a dumbass from Fresno Ca.. no where's land he is going down.
Why were dems fighting so hard to stop the release?

Again, methinks they doth protest to loudly.

Why did the committee vote against releasing all of the documents?

Mishandling of classified information is a felony.

Nunes will find that out next year when the newly elected Democrat majority in the House is running that committee.

The shit really hits the fan when a new Democrat President is sworn in 2020, and the new justice department starts indicting and prosecuting multiple former members of Congress and the Trump administration for those crimes.

Complete with an FBI and intelligence agencies that hate their guts for the abuse they are getting from them now.

How are the Dems going to run for office while safely ensconced at Club Fed?
Nunes should be charged with espionage if he releases classified information. He should also be investigated by Mueller for obstruction of justice and impeding a investigation. Nunes is pond scum.

If the President approves the release, it is no longer classified dumb ass!

I wish you liberal would stop talking out of your asses. No wonder there is a national shortage of Preparation H!
You monkeys are believing it before it even comes out.Nunes is a dumbass from Fresno Ca.. no where's land he is going down.
Why were dems fighting so hard to stop the release?

Again, methinks they doth protest to loudly.

Why did the committee vote against releasing all of the documents?

Mishandling of classified information is a felony.

Nunes will find that out next year when the newly elected Democrat majority in the House is running that committee.

The shit really hits the fan when a new Democrat President is sworn in 2020, and the new justice department starts indicting and prosecuting multiple former members of Congress and the Trump administration for those crimes.

Complete with an FBI and intelligence agencies that hate their guts for the abuse they are getting from them now.

Any chance of a Democrat majority are going to implode as this scandal unfolds. The Democrats controlled congress for two decades after Watergate.

Dude this congress is obviously trying to derail the investigation .. Why are they doing this? To protect Trump.. We know Trump is crying Loyalty..and Nunes the wimp wants a job after he loses his seat.

It's a bullshit snowflake investigation. Release the memo, the only ones that don't want it released are the idiots it will hurt.

This is the lib mindset. Desperate and afraid.
Yet they cannot understand why people voted for Trump over Hillary.
You monkeys are believing it before it even comes out.Nunes is a dumbass from Fresno Ca.. no where's land he is going down.
Why were dems fighting so hard to stop the release?

Again, methinks they doth protest to loudly.

Why did the committee vote against releasing all of the documents?

Mishandling of classified information is a felony.

Nunes will find that out next year when the newly elected Democrat majority in the House is running that committee.

The shit really hits the fan when a new Democrat President is sworn in 2020, and the new justice department starts indicting and prosecuting multiple former members of Congress and the Trump administration for those crimes.

Complete with an FBI and intelligence agencies that hate their guts for the abuse they are getting from them now.

We already got the 99 page memo that was heavily redacted with the names "blacked out". There was an attempt by the leftards to keep even that from being released. Leftards know what this four page assessment is going to mean to public perception. I have stated this many times...the shadow government and their deep state lackeys could not have had a better ally than the leftard commie snowflakes.
A lot of nonsense. It won't be Nunes who goes to prison but those people in the Obama administration who corrupted the Justice Department and CIA for political purposes. Chris Wray, the Director of the FBI, who previously had threatened to quit if ordered to fired Andrew McCabe, told McCabe not to report for work anymore after readying the Nunes memo yesterday. This is just the first of the Obama gang in Justice to go down.

You are nonsense. It is Nunes and the Republicans who are corrupting the DOJ and FBI. They think that they are a part of Trump's personal Gestapo. Chris Wray should be fired on day 1 when Democrats take over after 2020. Wray is selling out the integrity of the FBI and shows he has none.

Like the Republicans have really tried. They have done everything they can to cover this up.
You monkeys are believing it before it even comes out.Nunes is a dumbass from Fresno Ca.. no where's land he is going down.
Why were dems fighting so hard to stop the release?

Again, methinks they doth protest to loudly.

Why did the committee vote against releasing all of the documents?

Mishandling of classified information is a felony.

Nunes will find that out next year when the newly elected Democrat majority in the House is running that committee.

The shit really hits the fan when a new Democrat President is sworn in 2020, and the new justice department starts indicting and prosecuting multiple former members of Congress and the Trump administration for those crimes.

Complete with an FBI and intelligence agencies that hate their guts for the abuse they are getting from them now.

How are the Dems going to run for office while safely ensconced at Club Fed?

I'll bet you had another one of your wet dreams. We don't put people in jail for the sake of politics. You are the one who needs to be jailed.
Nunes should be charged with espionage if he releases classified information. He should also be investigated by Mueller for obstruction of justice and impeding a investigation. Nunes is pond scum.

If the President approves the release, it is no longer classified dumb ass!

I wish you liberal would stop talking out of your asses. No wonder there is a national shortage of Preparation H!

Impeding a federal investigation is a crime. If Trump fired Comey as he said because of Russia then he committed a crime. If Trump releases classified information to impede the investigation then he has committed a crime. DUMBASS!!!
Nunes should be charged with espionage if he releases classified information. He should also be investigated by Mueller for obstruction of justice and impeding a investigation. Nunes is pond scum.

Um congress and the president can declassify information....

A legal act can be illegal if it is used to impede a investigation.

If you believed that you wouldn't be upset that the memo is being released

Like the Republicans have really tried. They have done everything they can to cover this up.

You have zero evidence anything is being covered up. If I'm incorrect please provide the evidence. No hurry, I'll wait. LMAO

Glad to know our justice system is so evolved that a self proclaimed expert in another field can say “so and so is going to jail” without any evidence whatsoever and we take that as gospel truth
well shit we have russia russia and absolutely nothing that says russia russia except demolosers.
God dam it, why did this have to happen? Don't get me wrong, I hate trump, but without him, it would be worse. We will have that moron Mike Pence as a president. In my opinion, he is even worse than trump

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