Legal expert: Devin Nunes is going to prison

God dam it, why did this have to happen? Don't get me wrong, I hate trump, but without him, it would be worse. We will have that moron Mike Pence as a president. In my opinion, he is even worse than trump

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What happened? Trump take away your EBT card? Cut off your welfare check? You have my sympathy.
You have access to classified information?

You know impeachment is a political process, right?
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What happened? Trump take away your EBT card? Cut off your welfare check? You have my sympathy.

I don't take welfare or ebt. I just don't really agree with trump or his VP

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Nunes is exposing the illegal actions of the FBI. There are several high ranking current and former FBI high level staff that will get to visit prison, not Nunes.
Nunes should be charged with espionage if he releases classified information. He should also be investigated by Mueller for obstruction of justice and impeding a investigation. Nunes is pond scum.

Um congress and the president can declassify information....

A legal act can be illegal if it is used to impede a investigation.

If you believed that you wouldn't be upset that the memo is being released

I do not believe that classified information should be made public just to satisfy a ego-maniac or to support a personal vendetta.
Nunes is exposing the illegal actions of the FBI. There are several high ranking current and former FBI high level staff that will get to visit prison, not Nunes.

That is so much bullshit. The FBI has done nothing illegal. No FBI individuals will go to jail unless they are put there illegally.
So you are just throwing out more bullshot without hard evidence or actual action against Nunes...

Is this 'revenge' for exposing more crimes, more Rosenstein / Mueller prosecutorial misconduct?

The Sumary of Evidence is coming out.
The FBI confirmed its all true.
You can't stop it.
You / Dems are desperate for a diversion

So you are just throwing out more bullshot without hard evidence or actual action against Nunes...

Is this 'revenge' for exposing more crimes, more Rosenstein / Mueller prosecutorial misconduct?

The Sumary of Evidence is coming out.
The FBI confirmed its all true.
You can't stop it.
You / Dems are desperate for a diversion

There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth! (Plus a whole buncha snowflakes falling.)

You have access to classified information?

You know impeachment is a political process, right?

Everyone of the commies sitting on those committees have said they have seen no evidence of coordination, including, wait for it.............................

wait for it...............................

Maxine (impeach 45) Waters.

Also this thread is about Nunes going to jail, not a Trump impeachment. So tell the class what Nunes did to be sent to jail when his committee is coming up with the same answers as the other 4.


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