Lesbian couple beaten by mob of muslim men.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
These women likely voted in support of the political left in Canada….voting for the policies that allowed 3rd world beliefs and values to infect Canada……………

And odds are…they will continue to vote for more men like this to enter Canada….

Western women loved that show, “The Handmaid’s Tale.” They actually believed it represented western conservatives……as did the author of the original book.

That is how delusional the political left is with its refusal to see facts, truth and reality…the muslim culture is actualy everything the political left falsely believes about conservatives in the West……

The political left is voting for Gilead in real life…supporting hamas, supporting islam….where women are property, where women are forced to cover from head to toe….and if they refuse, they are beaten, imprisoned, raped, or murdered…..

A gang of "Middle Eastern men" beat the potato salad out of a lesbian couple in Halifax, Nova Scotia, leaving the two zamisto wonder why the men would treat the ladies so viciously, especially considering it was during Pride month.
Whereas I certainly do not condone violence, especially when a group of animals beat two women, one has to wonder how a gay woman "didn't expect something like this to happen, especially with it happening during pride month as well."

For starters, these men are likely Muslims, and they hate gay people. Also, if MacLean thought Muslims give a crap about Pride month, she's been subjected to some pretty dangerous social conditioning.
I'm willing to bet MacLean believes "white supremacists" are Canada's biggest problem, not the hordes of gay-hating Muslims being gavaged into the Great formerly White North.

This reminds me of the time Muslims took over the Michigan town of Hamtramck. Leftists cheered the victory and yet were stymied when the city council and mayor banned Pride flagson town property.

The Muslims were just practicing for the eventual turning of Canada into a western Islamic Caliphate. Since they are outpacing the infidels in their birthrate, they will win and the traitors who allowed it to happen will have to convert to Islam, be enslaved and pay the poor tax, or be killed.
These women likely voted in support of the political left in Canada….voting for the policies that allowed 3rd world beliefs and values to infect Canada……………

And odds are…they will continue to vote for more men like this to enter Canada….

Western women loved that show, “The Handmaid’s Tale.” They actually believed it represented western conservatives……as did the author of the original book.

That is how delusional the political left is with its refusal to see facts, truth and reality…the muslim culture is actualy everything the political left falsely believes about conservatives in the West……

The political left is voting for Gilead in real life…supporting hamas, supporting islam….where women are property, where women are forced to cover from head to toe….and if they refuse, they are beaten, imprisoned, raped, or murdered…..

A gang of "Middle Eastern men" beat the potato salad out of a lesbian couple in Halifax, Nova Scotia, leaving the two zamisto wonder why the men would treat the ladies so viciously, especially considering it was during Pride month.
Whereas I certainly do not condone violence, especially when a group of animals beat two women, one has to wonder how a gay woman "didn't expect something like this to happen, especially with it happening during pride month as well."

For starters, these men are likely Muslims, and they hate gay people. Also, if MacLean thought Muslims give a crap about Pride month, she's been subjected to some pretty dangerous social conditioning.
I'm willing to bet MacLean believes "white supremacists" are Canada's biggest problem, not the hordes of gay-hating Muslims being gavaged into the Great formerly White North.

This reminds me of the time Muslims took over the Michigan town of Hamtramck. Leftists cheered the victory and yet were stymied when the city council and mayor banned Pride flagson town property.

qUeeRs fOr pALestINe!
The Muslims were just practicing for the eventual turning of Canada into a western Islamic Caliphate. Since they are outpacing the infidels in their birthrate, they will win and the traitors who allowed it to happen will have to convert to Islam, be enslaved and pay the poor tax, or be killed.
the future

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