Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.

And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?

We live together in peace and tolerance, not agreement on how every child is to be taught and raised. This is for the parents to do not some liberal who may have a different value system.
No, I don't get it.

You seem to think that kids that age should not be told one thing that concerns sex, but should be told another thing that is basically the same that concerns sex.

It doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't get why you feel the need to try and insult people instead of making an argument.

I think grade school is to teach kids how to read, write and cipher. It isn't for political indoctrination.

Kids learn so much at school, more than just simple stuff. They learn about life.

They learn how to use scissors, is that political indoctrination?

No, it's only political indoctrination when you're opposed to something.

Somehow it's political indoctrination to say "mommy and mommy".... really? To give kids a label for something.

Therefore it must be political indoctrination to say "mommy and daddy" yet, for some reason, you haven't complained about this.
Scissors is not a political issue - this is.

Why not try and construct an analogy that at least makes sense.

It's only a political issue because you choose to make it political.

Tolerating black people is an issue. Should teachers not make kids aware of other races and try and make them respect each other? Should they reinforce racism simply because adults talk about this politically?
So you would be just fine with teachers doing any of the examples I gave, right?

After all, those are only political if you make them so.
All you are doing is letting little kids know that some families have two mommies.....they are OK with it

It is their parents who go batshit
It seems to me that teachers should no be allowed to force feed children, almost babies of 4 years old ,these sort of ideas.

It's beyond ridiculous and unreasonable and only confuses them.

Let children be children, they will have a lot to worry about when they grow up!

What sort of ideas? The idea that two woman can be happy together?

It doesn't confuse children, I'm sorry, it confuses the adults. Children are perfectly able to accept that a man and a woman can be together and they're able to accept that two women can too.

What confuses them is when you tell them it's bad for 15 years, then they find out it's not bad and realize they've been lied to for their whole childhood.

I don't agree with you.

Let children be children and enjoy their childhood for as long as possible.

They will have the rest of their lives to learn about sex.

But this isn't about sex.

It's you projecting your thoughts onto kids.

If you teach kids about "mommy and daddy" are you teaching them "mommy and daddy fuck"??? No, you're not.

So why is teaching kids about "mommy and mommy" teaching them "mommy and mommy fuck"???

Read the article, see how many times the women mentions sex to the kids. (the answer is not once).

She basically tells the kids that she loves her wife and they do things together with the kids like any other family. And the kids relate to this, because it's the same as their own family. NO SEX is mentioned.

Mommy and Mommy?

ok...may be it's just me...but I come from a different background.... a different life if you may

if in kindergarten my teacher would have started with "mommy and mommy."...

My parents (mother and father) would have taken me and my sister out of that school the very next day.

Mommy and Daddy it is for me ....sorry... but I am old fashioned.
Yet those families exist whether you approve or not

Letting little kids know there are different types of families does no harm

Would your parents have objected if the teacher said there are families that just have a mommy?
I think grade school is to teach kids how to read, write and cipher. It isn't for political indoctrination.

Kids learn so much at school, more than just simple stuff. They learn about life.

They learn how to use scissors, is that political indoctrination?

No, it's only political indoctrination when you're opposed to something.

Somehow it's political indoctrination to say "mommy and mommy".... really? To give kids a label for something.

Therefore it must be political indoctrination to say "mommy and daddy" yet, for some reason, you haven't complained about this.
Scissors is not a political issue - this is.

Why not try and construct an analogy that at least makes sense.

It's only a political issue because you choose to make it political.

Tolerating black people is an issue. Should teachers not make kids aware of other races and try and make them respect each other? Should they reinforce racism simply because adults talk about this politically?
So you would be just fine with teachers doing any of the examples I gave, right?

After all, those are only political if you make them so.
All you are doing is letting little kids know that some families have two mommies.....they are OK with it

It is their parents who go batshit

The parents raise their kids, not the state.
Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.

And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?

We live together in peace and tolerance, not agreement on how every child is to be taught and raised. This is for the parents to do not some liberal who may have a different value system.

Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.
Kids learn so much at school, more than just simple stuff. They learn about life.

They learn how to use scissors, is that political indoctrination?

No, it's only political indoctrination when you're opposed to something.

Somehow it's political indoctrination to say "mommy and mommy".... really? To give kids a label for something.

Therefore it must be political indoctrination to say "mommy and daddy" yet, for some reason, you haven't complained about this.
Scissors is not a political issue - this is.

Why not try and construct an analogy that at least makes sense.

It's only a political issue because you choose to make it political.

Tolerating black people is an issue. Should teachers not make kids aware of other races and try and make them respect each other? Should they reinforce racism simply because adults talk about this politically?
So you would be just fine with teachers doing any of the examples I gave, right?

After all, those are only political if you make them so.
All you are doing is letting little kids know that some families have two mommies.....they are OK with it

It is their parents who go batshit

The parents raise their kids, not the state.

No, it takes a village.
Kids learn so much at school, more than just simple stuff. They learn about life.

They learn how to use scissors, is that political indoctrination?

No, it's only political indoctrination when you're opposed to something.

Somehow it's political indoctrination to say "mommy and mommy".... really? To give kids a label for something.

Therefore it must be political indoctrination to say "mommy and daddy" yet, for some reason, you haven't complained about this.
Scissors is not a political issue - this is.

Why not try and construct an analogy that at least makes sense.

It's only a political issue because you choose to make it political.

Tolerating black people is an issue. Should teachers not make kids aware of other races and try and make them respect each other? Should they reinforce racism simply because adults talk about this politically?
So you would be just fine with teachers doing any of the examples I gave, right?

After all, those are only political if you make them so.
All you are doing is letting little kids know that some families have two mommies.....they are OK with it

It is their parents who go batshit

The parents raise their kids, not the state.

This is about educating kids, not raising them.
Scissors is not a political issue - this is.

Why not try and construct an analogy that at least makes sense.

It's only a political issue because you choose to make it political.

Tolerating black people is an issue. Should teachers not make kids aware of other races and try and make them respect each other? Should they reinforce racism simply because adults talk about this politically?
So you would be just fine with teachers doing any of the examples I gave, right?

After all, those are only political if you make them so.
All you are doing is letting little kids know that some families have two mommies.....they are OK with it

It is their parents who go batshit

The parents raise their kids, not the state.

This is about educating kids, not raising them.

No, it is about liberals imposing their morality on others.... I thought you guys were opposed to that? I guess as long as it is your morality it is ok?
Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.

And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?

We live together in peace and tolerance, not agreement on how every child is to be taught and raised. This is for the parents to do not some liberal who may have a different value system.

Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.

Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.
And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?

We live together in peace and tolerance, not agreement on how every child is to be taught and raised. This is for the parents to do not some liberal who may have a different value system.

Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.

Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

That's not he state's role. PERIOD. Some parents, not most but some, will unfortunately not teach their kids sound moral values. The answer isn't to have some state employee telling kids about homosexuals, anal sex and trans-sexuality.
And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?

We live together in peace and tolerance, not agreement on how every child is to be taught and raised. This is for the parents to do not some liberal who may have a different value system.

Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.

Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?
Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?

We live together in peace and tolerance, not agreement on how every child is to be taught and raised. This is for the parents to do not some liberal who may have a different value system.

Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.

Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Unfortunately, these are labels applied to anyone that doesn't embrace his morality. He's no different than the religious nuts he rails against. An extremist is an extremist.
Scissors is not a political issue - this is.

Why not try and construct an analogy that at least makes sense.

It's only a political issue because you choose to make it political.

Tolerating black people is an issue. Should teachers not make kids aware of other races and try and make them respect each other? Should they reinforce racism simply because adults talk about this politically?
So you would be just fine with teachers doing any of the examples I gave, right?

After all, those are only political if you make them so.
All you are doing is letting little kids know that some families have two mommies.....they are OK with it

It is their parents who go batshit

The parents raise their kids, not the state.

This is about educating kids, not raising them.

When the school indoctrinated them, it becomes rearing.

Do you want a school to teach your kids to be tolerant of the KKK?
It seems to me that teachers should no be allowed to force feed children, almost babies of 4 years old ,these sort of ideas.

It's beyond ridiculous and unreasonable and only confuses them.

Let children be children, they will have a lot to worry about when they grow up!

What sort of ideas? The idea that two woman can be happy together?

It doesn't confuse children, I'm sorry, it confuses the adults. Children are perfectly able to accept that a man and a woman can be together and they're able to accept that two women can too.

What confuses them is when you tell them it's bad for 15 years, then they find out it's not bad and realize they've been lied to for their whole childhood.

I don't agree with you.

Let children be children and enjoy their childhood for as long as possible.

They will have the rest of their lives to learn about sex.

But this isn't about sex.

It's you projecting your thoughts onto kids.

If you teach kids about "mommy and daddy" are you teaching them "mommy and daddy fuck"??? No, you're not.

So why is teaching kids about "mommy and mommy" teaching them "mommy and mommy fuck"???

Read the article, see how many times the women mentions sex to the kids. (the answer is not once).

She basically tells the kids that she loves her wife and they do things together with the kids like any other family. And the kids relate to this, because it's the same as their own family. NO SEX is mentioned.

Mommy and Mommy?

ok...may be it's just me...but I come from a different background.... a different life if you may

if in kindergarten my teacher would have started with "mommy and mommy."...

My parents (mother and father) would have taken me and my sister out of that school the very next day.

Mommy and Daddy it is for me ....sorry... but I am old fashioned.
Yet those families exist whether you approve or not

Letting little kids know there are different types of families does no harm

Would your parents have objected if the teacher said there are families that just have a mommy?

Our kids go to school with your kids. Gay kids go to school with your kids. You can't pretend gays don't exist.
What sort of ideas? The idea that two woman can be happy together?

It doesn't confuse children, I'm sorry, it confuses the adults. Children are perfectly able to accept that a man and a woman can be together and they're able to accept that two women can too.

What confuses them is when you tell them it's bad for 15 years, then they find out it's not bad and realize they've been lied to for their whole childhood.

I don't agree with you.

Let children be children and enjoy their childhood for as long as possible.

They will have the rest of their lives to learn about sex.

But this isn't about sex.

It's you projecting your thoughts onto kids.

If you teach kids about "mommy and daddy" are you teaching them "mommy and daddy fuck"??? No, you're not.

So why is teaching kids about "mommy and mommy" teaching them "mommy and mommy fuck"???

Read the article, see how many times the women mentions sex to the kids. (the answer is not once).

She basically tells the kids that she loves her wife and they do things together with the kids like any other family. And the kids relate to this, because it's the same as their own family. NO SEX is mentioned.

Mommy and Mommy?

ok...may be it's just me...but I come from a different background.... a different life if you may

if in kindergarten my teacher would have started with "mommy and mommy."...

My parents (mother and father) would have taken me and my sister out of that school the very next day.

Mommy and Daddy it is for me ....sorry... but I am old fashioned.
Yet those families exist whether you approve or not

Letting little kids know there are different types of families does no harm

Would your parents have objected if the teacher said there are families that just have a mommy?

Our kids go to school with your kids. Gay kids go to school with your kids. You can't pretend gays don't exist.

No one is pretending gays don't exist... gays exist, we hear about them 24/7... we get it.
Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?

We live together in peace and tolerance, not agreement on how every child is to be taught and raised. This is for the parents to do not some liberal who may have a different value system.

Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.

Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.
Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?

We live together in peace and tolerance, not agreement on how every child is to be taught and raised. This is for the parents to do not some liberal who may have a different value system.

Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.

Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?
It's only a political issue because you choose to make it political.

Tolerating black people is an issue. Should teachers not make kids aware of other races and try and make them respect each other? Should they reinforce racism simply because adults talk about this politically?
So you would be just fine with teachers doing any of the examples I gave, right?

After all, those are only political if you make them so.
All you are doing is letting little kids know that some families have two mommies.....they are OK with it

It is their parents who go batshit

The parents raise their kids, not the state.

This is about educating kids, not raising them.

When the school indoctrinated them, it becomes rearing.

Do you want a school to teach your kids to be tolerant of the KKK?

Indoctrination, as a term, is basically giving people information. If you knew anything about kids, you'd realize they need to be given information in order to grow and develop. So this is just some game of yours, and attempt at winning, or what?

Yes, I'd want my kids to be tolerant of people with views that they themselves don't hold. i would not want my kids to be going around attacking people in the KKK. I'd want them to understand that some people have views that should not be seen as good, however they have to live around such people.

When I grew up I did not attack racists physically. I watched them do their shit and then went away without even communicating with them, and wondered why they were so stupid. However, I tolerated them.
We live together in peace and tolerance, not agreement on how every child is to be taught and raised. This is for the parents to do not some liberal who may have a different value system.

Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.

Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?
Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.

Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

I mean the same thing you do when you, "accept homosexuality", and do you want your kids to be taught to accept racism in school?

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