Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Agreed. Funny, they want religion out of schools because they don't want morality foisted upon them. Then they advocate some government employee foisting their morality on children.

Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.
Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

I mean the same thing you do when you, "accept homosexuality", and do you want your kids to be taught to accept racism in school?

I've already said yes TWICE. What the hell? You seem to think you've got a "winner" and I've said "yes, I'd want my kids to learn tolerance of other people's ideas in school" and you keep asking me the same question. Do you expect a different answer this time?
Funny how some people want everyone to grow up with hatred in their bones.....

We're not talking about morality here. We're talking about tolerance of other people. There's a difference. Also, it's not religious morals that I have a problem with, it's the religious immorality I have a problem with.

Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.
Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.

That is not the role of the state. Most of us would be happy if the "state" could just churn kids who could read, write and perform basic mathematics. That alone would do far more to promote a "decent" society than a bunch of kids who can't do these things at basic level, but know all the ins and outs of homosexuality and LGBT issues. That knowledge will get you nowhere in life. <May make some feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but at the end of the day, gets you nothing.
Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.

That is not the role of the state. Most of us would be happy if the "state" could just churn kids who could read, write and perform basic mathematics. That alone would do far more to promote a "decent" society than a bunch of kids who can't do these things at basic level, but know all the ins and outs of homosexuality and LGBT issues. That knowledge will get you nowhere in life. <May make some feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but at the end of the day, gets you nothing.

The thing is, most Americans want schools that can just produce those who can read. However this is modern world and the US is on the way down for this very attitude. Other countries are producing kids with the relevant skills needed to compete in the modern world, the US isn't.

Don't complain when the US is not a first world country and say you didn't see it coming and no one could have done anything about it except some moron like Trump.

I can tell you why it's happening, and everyone will continue to ignore the reality and talk about being tough of shit again.
Kids learn so much at school, more than just simple stuff. They learn about life.

They learn how to use scissors, is that political indoctrination?

No, it's only political indoctrination when you're opposed to something.

Somehow it's political indoctrination to say "mommy and mommy".... really? To give kids a label for something.

Therefore it must be political indoctrination to say "mommy and daddy" yet, for some reason, you haven't complained about this.
Scissors is not a political issue - this is.

Why not try and construct an analogy that at least makes sense.

It's only a political issue because you choose to make it political.

Tolerating black people is an issue. Should teachers not make kids aware of other races and try and make them respect each other? Should they reinforce racism simply because adults talk about this politically?
So you would be just fine with teachers doing any of the examples I gave, right?

After all, those are only political if you make them so.
All you are doing is letting little kids know that some families have two mommies.....they are OK with it

It is their parents who go batshit

The parents raise their kids, not the state.
That is so true....parents are free to teach their children any hate they wish
Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.

That is not the role of the state. Most of us would be happy if the "state" could just churn kids who could read, write and perform basic mathematics. That alone would do far more to promote a "decent" society than a bunch of kids who can't do these things at basic level, but know all the ins and outs of homosexuality and LGBT issues. That knowledge will get you nowhere in life. <May make some feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but at the end of the day, gets you nothing.
I would prefer our schools turn out students prepared to face the challenges of life......it is more than read'n, writ'n and rithmatic
You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.

That is not the role of the state. Most of us would be happy if the "state" could just churn kids who could read, write and perform basic mathematics. That alone would do far more to promote a "decent" society than a bunch of kids who can't do these things at basic level, but know all the ins and outs of homosexuality and LGBT issues. That knowledge will get you nowhere in life. <May make some feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but at the end of the day, gets you nothing.

The thing is, most Americans want schools that can just produce those who can read. However this is modern world and the US is on the way down for this very attitude. Other countries are producing kids with the relevant skills needed to compete in the modern world, the US isn't.

Don't complain when the US is not a first world country and say you didn't see it coming and no one could have done anything about it except some moron like Trump.

I can tell you why it's happening, and everyone will continue to ignore the reality and talk about being tough of shit again.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. Tough of shit again? Trump?

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.

That is not the role of the state. Most of us would be happy if the "state" could just churn kids who could read, write and perform basic mathematics. That alone would do far more to promote a "decent" society than a bunch of kids who can't do these things at basic level, but know all the ins and outs of homosexuality and LGBT issues. That knowledge will get you nowhere in life. <May make some feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but at the end of the day, gets you nothing.
I would prefer our schools turn out students prepared to face the challenges of life......it is more than read'n, writ'n and rithmatic

Of course, that's where parenting comes in, not government indoctrinators. Morality is the realm of families, not the state.
What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.

That is not the role of the state. Most of us would be happy if the "state" could just churn kids who could read, write and perform basic mathematics. That alone would do far more to promote a "decent" society than a bunch of kids who can't do these things at basic level, but know all the ins and outs of homosexuality and LGBT issues. That knowledge will get you nowhere in life. <May make some feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but at the end of the day, gets you nothing.
I would prefer our schools turn out students prepared to face the challenges of life......it is more than read'n, writ'n and rithmatic

Of course, that's where parenting comes in, not government indoctrinators. Morality is the realm of families, not the state.
You are always free to teach your children to hate anyone you want to
Seems preferable to your teachers, who apparently taught hatred, intolerance and bigotry. Or was that your parents who instilled those American Christian values in you?
May God help your kids to reject your teachings.
But but but Christians.......

The left wing losers folks. They know nothing else.

Notice how they never attack any other faith that also rejects homosexuality.

In fact, they never ever ever criticize mooooslims for executing gays by throwing them off rooftops for being gay.

They never criticize that. It is always "American christian values. "

Code for white people.

They are nothing but pathetic hypocritical gasbags perpetuating the left wing socialist agenda.

That, is literally all they are.
Seems preferable to your teachers, who apparently taught hatred, intolerance and bigotry. Or was that your parents who instilled those American Christian values in you?
May God help your kids to reject your teachings.
But but but Christians.......

The left wing losers folks. They know nothing else.

Notice how they never attack any other faith that also rejects homosexuality.

In fact, they never ever ever criticize mooooslims for executing gays by throwing them off rooftops for being gay.

They never criticize that. It is always "American christian values. "

Code for white people.

They are nothing but pathetic hypocritical gasbags perpetuating the left wing socialist agenda.

That, is literally all they are.
There's a lot of 'em who are self-hating White Folk tryin' to pass (socially, mentally, politically) as Black Folk... there's a word for that...
Do you hate racists? Sexists? Homophobes?

Hate? Not necessarily. I disagree with them. Sometimes I've met people with dubious views who are actually nice people.

You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.

So home schooling is inferior to state ran schooling? My nephew and his wife home school their children, they seem to be doing well.

I think you have prejudice and bigotry towards those that don't think like you do.

I don't have to accept everyone's lifestyle and I don't think you really understand the real issue. It is for parents to decide when and when not to inject morality into their children's lives, not you, not any teacher. My kids went to public schools, did well and the teachers were a pleasure to work with, however when It comes to giving kids slanted and bias information then, I would talk to the teachers. No raised voices, no threats, just adults discussing and working a way to make learning the focus.
You want your kids to accept racism?

What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.

That is not the role of the state. Most of us would be happy if the "state" could just churn kids who could read, write and perform basic mathematics. That alone would do far more to promote a "decent" society than a bunch of kids who can't do these things at basic level, but know all the ins and outs of homosexuality and LGBT issues. That knowledge will get you nowhere in life. <May make some feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but at the end of the day, gets you nothing.
I would prefer our schools turn out students prepared to face the challenges of life......it is more than read'n, writ'n and rithmatic

You mean like balancing a checkbook? Like being able to budget money? Like how to get and keep a job? Like not feeling entitled to a paycheck? Like learning the Constitution and what it really means instead of a leftwing interpretation? Like being able to disagree yet still be tolerant of others and their lifestyle?
What do you mean by "accept racism"?

I'd want them to see that racism does exist, yes. Would you want your kids to grow up not accepting that things that do happen happen?

Of course not... but unfortunately, if parents want to raise their kids to be bigots, that is really none of your business. Is it abhorrent? Of course, but it is none of your concern until that person actually harms you.

Of course, if parents want their kids to be bigots then that's what will happen. Parents can choose home schooling. However when they get state schooling, then they should be getting the sort of education that gives kids the skills needed to form a decent society, where people tolerate each other.

That is not the role of the state. Most of us would be happy if the "state" could just churn kids who could read, write and perform basic mathematics. That alone would do far more to promote a "decent" society than a bunch of kids who can't do these things at basic level, but know all the ins and outs of homosexuality and LGBT issues. That knowledge will get you nowhere in life. <May make some feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but at the end of the day, gets you nothing.
I would prefer our schools turn out students prepared to face the challenges of life......it is more than read'n, writ'n and rithmatic

You mean like balancing a checkbook? Like being able to budget money? Like how to get and keep a job? Like not feeling entitled to a paycheck? Like learning the Constitution and what it really means instead of a leftwing interpretation? Like being able to disagree yet still be tolerant of others and their lifestyle?
You were doing well until you got to the nutjob indoctrination on the Constitution
A lesbian teacher just admitted she is abusing her trust and position to program kids to embrace her own valyes, views, morals, etc instead of sticking to teaching the subjects she was hired to teach.

If she wants to do experiments on lab monkeys, which this could arguably be compared to, let her go do that instead of teach. If she wants to raise children with similar values let her go have kids of her own.

Oh wait....she can't.
A lesbian teacher just admitted she is abusing her trust and position to program kids to embrace her own valyes, views, morals, etc instead of sticking to teaching the subjects she was hired to teach.

If she wants to do experiments on lab monkeys, which this could arguably be compared to, let her go do that instead of teach. If she wants to raise children with similar values let her go have kids of her own.

Oh wait....she can't.
So..any hetero teacher who admits they are married and talks about what they do with their spouse (not sexual) has just admitted they are abusing their trust and position?
I don't know what examples you gave.

What if a teacher told students that homosexuality is wrong?
That would likely be what anti-LGBT bigots would like. Do we want teachers teaching children to get along and not be bullies? That's what I want.

I want teachers to teach kids how to think for themselves, not think what the teachers want to think.

How do kids think for themselves? At the age of four thinking for yourself is generally doing bad stuff. In a classroom there needs to be discipline.
Kids need to be learning skills of how to learn for themselves, how to be creative and so on, but they also need information and they'll get it from one place or another.

As you can see from this article, one boy said that men couldn't marry each other. He was wrong, but this was him "thinking for himself" and thinking it wrongly. Also some boy called another "gay", he'd picked up that gay was bad, not from his own thinking, but from someone else.

I think people need to understand how kids learn before they start making statements about kid's learning.

At four year-old kids don't give a shit. Why not let them grow up and make up their own mind?
Are you going to teach a four year old that their friends two moms are an abomination?

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