Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

individual freedoms to be who you wish to be. A conservative belief the last time I checked??

Individual freedom doesn't give you the right to force views on 4 year old children, this is a family matter, not some crusty old lesbian

As a teacher you're going to "force your views".

But I agree, as an individual she shouldn't be forcing her views, as a society what she is saying should be forced on kids, not just a few teachers in a few schools, but all schools. Don't like it, go home schooling.
At four year-old kids don't give a shit. Why not let them grow up and make up their own mind?
Are you going to teach a four year old that their friends two moms are an abomination?

I doubt it matters to a four year old, so let the parents handle this. It's not a teachers business.

Four year olds understand the concept of family

And let their FAMILY teach them.
Who said their family can't?

Four year old goes to school and sees some kids have a mommy and daddy, some kids have just a grandma, some kids have just a mommy, some have two mommies

They need to understand what a family is

And it is not for the teacher to define what is and is not?

Parents can help a child define what a family is and isn't.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.

And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?
No, kids are not automatically indoctrinated and teaching them is not the same as indoctrination. That is simply what you want to hide behind in admitting that you want ideology pushed in schools.

I will note that you are STILL avoiding answering about the examples I asked because you do not want to come to terms with the fact you are applying your agreement with this situation selectively based on agreeing with the ideology.
individual freedoms to be who you wish to be. A conservative belief the last time I checked??

Individual freedom doesn't give you the right to force views on 4 year old children, this is a family matter, not some crusty old lesbian

As a teacher you're going to "force your views".

But I agree, as an individual she shouldn't be forcing her views, as a society what she is saying should be forced on kids, not just a few teachers in a few schools, but all schools. Don't like it, go home schooling.
As a piss poor teacher that is what you do.

As a good teacher your class should end the year without any clue as to what your political or personal views are. I have had many good teachers throughout my life - couldn't tell you what any of their political pr personal views were - they focused on actually teaching us instead.
Good for her? Is she really a he? What is who is ..never mind. It seems gays dictate right from wrong, Their world view is the center of the moral universe?

Who should dictate what is right and wrong? Surely it is the people who do. And she is a person, so....

Better the people than a church made up of immoral people.

The family gets to define it at the early stages, later stages the children will figure it on their own.

Teachers don't get to teach THEIR morality. The parents who have the right to give the child live or end it in the womb have the choice to teach their children how to adapt to the world, using the parent's moral code.
individual freedoms to be who you wish to be. A conservative belief the last time I checked??

Individual freedom doesn't give you the right to force views on 4 year old children, this is a family matter, not some crusty old lesbian

As a teacher you're going to "force your views".

But I agree, as an individual she shouldn't be forcing her views, as a society what she is saying should be forced on kids, not just a few teachers in a few schools, but all schools. Don't like it, go home schooling.

Who defines society? Is it not individuals with differing views? It is not the schools job or right to push their political views or political agendas.
Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.

And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?
No, kids are not automatically indoctrinated and teaching them is not the same as indoctrination. That is simply what you want to hide behind in admitting that you want ideology pushed in schools.

I will note that you are STILL avoiding answering about the examples I asked because you do not want to come to terms with the fact you are applying your agreement with this situation selectively based on agreeing with the ideology.

Sure you're indoctrinating them. You've giving them views on things that aren't their views. Mainly because they don't have views and they don't have the skills to necessarily come up with the view on their own.

Yes, I want "ideology" pushed at school.

For example, I want kids to be productive useful members of society who follow the rules of society. That's "ideology".

You sent me the example saying "post #whatever", I couldn't be bothered to go look. So, if you write it, and I see it, then I'll respond. I'm not doing our work, you want me answer, then you do the work.
individual freedoms to be who you wish to be. A conservative belief the last time I checked??

Individual freedom doesn't give you the right to force views on 4 year old children, this is a family matter, not some crusty old lesbian

As a teacher you're going to "force your views".

But I agree, as an individual she shouldn't be forcing her views, as a society what she is saying should be forced on kids, not just a few teachers in a few schools, but all schools. Don't like it, go home schooling.
As a piss poor teacher that is what you do.

As a good teacher your class should end the year without any clue as to what your political or personal views are. I have had many good teachers throughout my life - couldn't tell you what any of their political pr personal views were - they focused on actually teaching us instead.

You're putting your adult stuff onto kids. Just because something is political for adults, doesn't mean it shouldn't be taught to kids.

Tolerance should be taught. It's only politics because there are intolerant people out there who seem to think that intolerance is the staple of their political thought. This is rather sad.

If there is bullying in the classroom, should you stop it from happening and try and make kids aware of why it is bad? A good teacher will. this is their "personal view", some teachers don't stop it. By stopping it for all time, you're "indoctrinating" kids.
Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.

And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?
No, kids are not automatically indoctrinated and teaching them is not the same as indoctrination. That is simply what you want to hide behind in admitting that you want ideology pushed in schools.

I will note that you are STILL avoiding answering about the examples I asked because you do not want to come to terms with the fact you are applying your agreement with this situation selectively based on agreeing with the ideology.

Sure you're indoctrinating them. You've giving them views on things that aren't their views. Mainly because they don't have views and they don't have the skills to necessarily come up with the view on their own.

Yes, I want "ideology" pushed at school.

For example, I want kids to be productive useful members of society who follow the rules of society. That's "ideology".

You sent me the example saying "post #whatever", I couldn't be bothered to go look. So, if you write it, and I see it, then I'll respond. I'm not doing our work, you want me answer, then you do the work.

Please show us how those that disagree with the position of homosexual marriage are not productive useful members of society.

Accepting or not accepting homosexual's rights to marry is not an inhibitor to someone being productive or not.

Your lack of tolerance is a real form of bigotry. That fact you want to force your view onto others as being superior is very telling of you and your character.
if you're teaching my four year old about lesbian love, your career is going to be brief and the remainder of your short life, painful.

but I wouldnt leave kids that young with a lesbo teacher, anyway.
Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.

And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?
No, kids are not automatically indoctrinated and teaching them is not the same as indoctrination. That is simply what you want to hide behind in admitting that you want ideology pushed in schools.

I will note that you are STILL avoiding answering about the examples I asked because you do not want to come to terms with the fact you are applying your agreement with this situation selectively based on agreeing with the ideology.

Sure you're indoctrinating them. You've giving them views on things that aren't their views. Mainly because they don't have views and they don't have the skills to necessarily come up with the view on their own.

Yes, I want "ideology" pushed at school.

For example, I want kids to be productive useful members of society who follow the rules of society. That's "ideology".

You sent me the example saying "post #whatever", I couldn't be bothered to go look. So, if you write it, and I see it, then I'll respond. I'm not doing our work, you want me answer, then you do the work.

You need to learn what ideology is.
And then we get onto projecting.

No, homosexuality is not evil. But you've been taught it is so.

This is why we need to teach kids, so they don't end up thinking ridiculous things like you do.

Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?
No, kids are not automatically indoctrinated and teaching them is not the same as indoctrination. That is simply what you want to hide behind in admitting that you want ideology pushed in schools.

I will note that you are STILL avoiding answering about the examples I asked because you do not want to come to terms with the fact you are applying your agreement with this situation selectively based on agreeing with the ideology.

Sure you're indoctrinating them. You've giving them views on things that aren't their views. Mainly because they don't have views and they don't have the skills to necessarily come up with the view on their own.

Yes, I want "ideology" pushed at school.

For example, I want kids to be productive useful members of society who follow the rules of society. That's "ideology".

You sent me the example saying "post #whatever", I couldn't be bothered to go look. So, if you write it, and I see it, then I'll respond. I'm not doing our work, you want me answer, then you do the work.

You need to learn what ideology is.

No, I don't.

People will use the term "ideology" for many different things. You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology", for me it's just something that any sensible teacher would do.

Oh, and there's a reason why I put "ideology" inside quotation marks..... go figure.

But I assume you agree with me, seeing as you didn't respond to what I said.
Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?
No, kids are not automatically indoctrinated and teaching them is not the same as indoctrination. That is simply what you want to hide behind in admitting that you want ideology pushed in schools.

I will note that you are STILL avoiding answering about the examples I asked because you do not want to come to terms with the fact you are applying your agreement with this situation selectively based on agreeing with the ideology.

Sure you're indoctrinating them. You've giving them views on things that aren't their views. Mainly because they don't have views and they don't have the skills to necessarily come up with the view on their own.

Yes, I want "ideology" pushed at school.

For example, I want kids to be productive useful members of society who follow the rules of society. That's "ideology".

You sent me the example saying "post #whatever", I couldn't be bothered to go look. So, if you write it, and I see it, then I'll respond. I'm not doing our work, you want me answer, then you do the work.

You need to learn what ideology is.

No, I don't.

People will use the term "ideology" for many different things. You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology", for me it's just something that any sensible teacher would do.

Oh, and there's a reason why I put "ideology" inside quotation marks..... go figure.

But I assume you agree with me, seeing as you didn't respond to what I said.
No. Ideology is when you claim that grooming four year olds to be the plaything of homos is "teaching tolerance".

Four year olds being indoctrinated into the homo lifestyle under the banner of tolerance is ideology.

And you know what? They are very careful whose children they pick to pull that with. They choose underprivileged children with distracted parents. Just like other pedos do.
Public schools are more about indoctrination than education. One more reason to home school your children.
People are growing more and more alarmed and pulling their kids out more and more. My next door neighbors home school, one of my son's best friends is home schooled, and I talk to people in my small community every day who home school. People are figuring it out and are taking their kids back.

It's probably too late...child welfare has been hiring at an expedited rate and reaching out tentacles into every corner of the nation. They're showing up and establishing a strong presence in towns that have never had child welfare offices before.
Here we are, back to the indoctrination part.

Understand the word "indoctrination". All kids are "indoctrinated". ie, they're basically told how to think, how to speak, it's why kids end up with the same accent as the people they're around. You can't just let kids find their own accept, they learn by copying, or as you put it, indoctrination.

There's no other way around this. Kids have to be indoctrinated.

Now, as we live in society we want kids to follow the rules of society, and to live well together, so we tell them the rules, we teach them the skills so that we have a BETTER SOCIETY.

Don't you think it's a good idea to have people living together in peace? Or do you want conflict?
No, kids are not automatically indoctrinated and teaching them is not the same as indoctrination. That is simply what you want to hide behind in admitting that you want ideology pushed in schools.

I will note that you are STILL avoiding answering about the examples I asked because you do not want to come to terms with the fact you are applying your agreement with this situation selectively based on agreeing with the ideology.

Sure you're indoctrinating them. You've giving them views on things that aren't their views. Mainly because they don't have views and they don't have the skills to necessarily come up with the view on their own.

Yes, I want "ideology" pushed at school.

For example, I want kids to be productive useful members of society who follow the rules of society. That's "ideology".

You sent me the example saying "post #whatever", I couldn't be bothered to go look. So, if you write it, and I see it, then I'll respond. I'm not doing our work, you want me answer, then you do the work.

You need to learn what ideology is.

No, I don't.

People will use the term "ideology" for many different things. You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology", for me it's just something that any sensible teacher would do.

Oh, and there's a reason why I put "ideology" inside quotation marks..... go figure.

But I assume you agree with me, seeing as you didn't respond to what I said.

You most certainly do...

  1. 1.
    a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy

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