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Let's be honest, Trump GUILTY of collusion

My country lied about the Gulf of Tonkin. My country infected blacks with Diseases to see what happened. My country irradiated people during the tests of atomic bombs. My country invaded Iraq and reached the moon.

My country has done some bad things and some good things. It doesn't matter if I voted for the people in charge. Trump speaks for all of us regardless of who you personally voted for. Obama spoke for all of us. That is why finding the truth is so vitally important. We need to know what our country is doing. We need to speak out when our country is wrong.

Stamping your foot and saying you didn't vote does not change what was done by our country

I never said our country didn't do it. But don't claim I am somehow responsible for Obama's illegal and shady deeds.

All this talk by Dems about Russians "interfering" in our elections, where are the charges for Obama interfering in Ukraine's?
Russia Story Morphing Into a Big Problem for Trump
March 23, 2017

Mike Allen says the Russia story “is going from fishy, to career-ending (Manafort, Flynn), to investigation-worthy, to FBI criminal probe, to a wide, Watergate-like scandal that could bring all of government to a halt.”

“Watergate was a coverup of a burglary. This could be the coverup of a nuclear-armed U.S. nemesis that infiltrated our politics with the specific aim of disrupting the very foundation of our democracy — a presidential election — and did so, possibly, in a manner that elected its preferred candidate and locked in all party control that could decimate the opposition party for years.”
what was the collusion exactly? explain what happened that I should be concerned with? Other than Trump thinks the guy is a good leader?
Oh and finally, how is it you can leap into Putin controlled some interference and omit obummer was in charge of transition surveillance. It's the same fking thing you stoop!!!

To say otherwise is to say that obummer loose operatives working outside his authorization. holy crap is that what you're saying? rogue intelligence agents? If you are saying that, then again Trump is accurate with concern over the intel agencies.
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There is still no evidence.

As of 10 a.m. EDT on 3/23/2017 there is still no evidence.
My country lied about the Gulf of Tonkin. My country infected blacks with Diseases to see what happened. My country irradiated people during the tests of atomic bombs. My country invaded Iraq and reached the moon.

My country has done some bad things and some good things. It doesn't matter if I voted for the people in charge. Trump speaks for all of us regardless of who you personally voted for. Obama spoke for all of us. That is why finding the truth is so vitally important. We need to know what our country is doing. We need to speak out when our country is wrong.

Stamping your foot and saying you didn't vote does not change what was done by our country

I never said our country didn't do it. But don't claim I am somehow responsible for Obama's illegal and shady deeds.

All this talk by Dems about Russians "interfering" in our elections, where are the charges for Obama interfering in Ukraine's?

There are no allegations of ILLEGAL American interference.

Russians broke in and stole private property as part of the interference, that's the fundamental crime with side violations like non-compliance with "foreign agent" disclosure laws and perjury.
Let's be HONEST:YOU ARE AN IDIOT, or play one well!!!
I posted FACTS. Incapable of doing so, you engaged in personal attacks, which is all you have, proving YOU are the only idiot here. Be gone, gnat.
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Why does the left want to pick a fight with Russia these days when they have the second biggest nuclear arsenal in the world? If anybody has entered in collusion with Russia it was Hillary and she didn't do it for world peace, she did it for the money Russia sent to the crooked enterprise called "the Clinton Foundation".
He is the most militaristic of all the candidates. It will be amusing watching you defend him when he deploys our military.
...says the guy who defended the 'Nobel Peace Prize winner's 2 un-Constitutional wars and 'incursions' into Yemen.


Thanks to Barry and the Dems we have a weakened military, Iraq was lost and had / has to be retaken, Terrorists were handed their own nations in Egypt (temporarily, thanks to the Egyptian military) and Libya, they tried to give Syria to ISIS, Russia was allowed to take Crimea without so much as eyebrow being raised despite the US's vow to the Ukraine that we would 'help protect its sovereign boundaries, Russia is more of a threat now than ever, China has become a threat, little North Korea - who has nukes thanks to Bill Clinton now, is threatening to nuke the US, Iran has gotten stronger and is developing nukes, there is a nuclear arms race now in the Middle east (according to Saudi). and terrorists who want to kill us are emboldened - aided by an ex-regime who admitted our vetting system sucked, ignored our Intel community that said terrorists WERE infiltrating the refugees, and the Ex-President brining in as many as possible....and it has all been dumped in Trump's lap. And just like with the ACA, the snowflakes want to claim - 'it's all your problem / FAULT now. :p
Why does the left want to pick a fight with Russia these days when they have the second biggest nuclear arsenal in the world? If anybody has entered in collusion with Russia it was Hillary and she didn't do it for world peace, she did it for the money Russia sent to the crooked enterprise called "the Clinton Foundation".
It all goes back to the Obama-Romney debate when Romney 'schooled' Barry on Russia being a threat. Obama went for the cheap laughs and the 'sound-byte victory' while Romney went for fact / substance.

After that Putin 'played' / 'out-played' Barry several times on the world stage, to include the taking of Crimea. He embarrassed Obama.

Barry, who claimed the Russians were not a threat to the US, then began telling the world Russia and Putin were the devil, and Trump was in league with the 'devil' because the Russians 'stole the election' and Trump 'ordered' the 'devil' to do so. :p

Funny, looking back, how wrong Barry was when debating Romney and how STUPID Hillary looked later, giggling like a school girl, as she gave a plastic 'Reset' prop with a plague on it that read 'Over-charge' in Russian to a Russian Ambassador. (Putin and the Russian Ambassador are STILL laughing about that one, BTW.)

Obama and the snowflakes claim Putin wanted Trump to win? That makes no sense - they already had the Clintons and key Democrats IN THEIR POCKETS!
- Bill was working for Vlad's Ex-KGB buddies, giving speeches for $50k a pop
- The Clinton Foundation took in a chunk of change after the US-Russian Uranium deal
- Hillary's campaign manager was working for the Russians
- Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency that just so happened (reportedly) to be the Russians who hacked the DNC (How convenient - that's what the snowflakes call 'circumstantial evidence' that is good enough to convict/condemn Republicans)

Granted, Trump is probably - almost - as greedy as the Clintons, but there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians - no payments from KGB / Russian spy agencies into Trump's hands like there are going to the Clintons and Clinton 'circle'.
Do you still live in Germany?

Yup, what's it to you?

Why do you worship Trump like you do? The maj of us in the US do not like him or his family.

I voted for Trump because he isn't a warmongering globalist like Hilary. He was the only politician to ever be serious about changing our trade agreements that have fucked over the US for decades. He's also the only one to take the Islamic threat seriously.

How you live in Germany you said.

You don't think US citizens live abroad? Do us all a favor and never register to vote again.

This Graphic Shows Where U.S. Troops Serve Around the World

Maybe you should say Male in Germany not Male from Germany.
If Obama was pro Putin , all you Trump supporters would be having a hairy fit.
My country lied about the Gulf of Tonkin. My country infected blacks with Diseases to see what happened. My country irradiated people during the tests of atomic bombs. My country invaded Iraq and reached the moon.

My country has done some bad things and some good things. It doesn't matter if I voted for the people in charge. Trump speaks for all of us regardless of who you personally voted for. Obama spoke for all of us. That is why finding the truth is so vitally important. We need to know what our country is doing. We need to speak out when our country is wrong.

Stamping your foot and saying you didn't vote does not change what was done by our country

I never said our country didn't do it. But don't claim I am somehow responsible for Obama's illegal and shady deeds.

All this talk by Dems about Russians "interfering" in our elections, where are the charges for Obama interfering in Ukraine's?

There are no allegations of ILLEGAL American interference.

Russians broke in and stole private property as part of the interference, that's the fundamental crime with side violations like non-compliance with "foreign agent" disclosure laws and perjury.
If Obama was pro Putin , all you Trump supporters would be having a hairy fit.
what is that supposed to mean? where are the warrants. Produce them Mr. Comey! I wish to view the probable cause explanation. And sir, you have no more fking clue on this matter than me. fk, the congress doesn't know anything, Comey doesn't know anything, cause there isn't anything to know. seven fking months and zipppooooooo
Why does the left want to pick a fight with Russia these days when they have the second biggest nuclear arsenal in the world? If anybody has entered in collusion with Russia it was Hillary and she didn't do it for world peace, she did it for the money Russia sent to the crooked enterprise called "the Clinton Foundation".
so why isn't Hitlery's campaign under investigation, they had contact with russia during the campaign, maybe she set all of this up? where is the fking full investigation. I want the DNC server investigated. Now!!!!!
We haven't been hostile towards Russia since Regan got Gorbachav to tear down the Berlin Wall. So my question is this...........So what if he did talk to the Russians!? So what!

Talking isn't the only thing they did but I'd love to hear your defense of foreign espionage and treason.
That's a little dramatic. Let me ask you something. Where was all the liberal concern about espionage when Hillary and Huma were putting State dept info on an unsecured server.................Hum?

That's cute you called dramatic and all but I said I'd love to hear your defense of why foreign espionage and treason is ok. Your only response is to ask questions about what other people thought about other things unrelated to the topic. Cool move.
If Obama was pro Putin , all you Trump supporters would be having a hairy fit.
Define 'Pro-Putin'.

While Barry shrugged off Vlad and Russia as a threat / 'not a worthy adversary', Trump has pointed out Putin's cunning, leadership abilities, cunning, etc... Acknowledging your enemy's abilities / strengths is not being "PRO-Enemy', no matter how badly snowflakes are trying to sell it as such. Perhaps if Barry had acknowledged Putin and Russia as a strong adversary he would not have been caught with his proverbial pants down the way he was several times.
so why isn't Hitlery's campaign under investigation, they had contact with russia during the campaign, maybe she set all of this up? where is the fking full investigation. I want the DNC server investigated. Now!!!!!
'...had contact with'?

The Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton, Hillary's campaign manager, and Clinton's campaign manager's brother were working for - TAKING MONEY from - not only 'the Russians' but THE KGB, THE KGB BANK, AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY THAT HACKED THE DNC!
so why isn't Hitlery's campaign under investigation, they had contact with russia during the campaign, maybe she set all of this up? where is the fking full investigation. I want the DNC server investigated. Now!!!!!
'...had contact with'?

The Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton, Hillary's campaign manager, and Clinton's campaign manager's brother were working for - TAKING MONEY from - not only 'the Russians' but THE KGB, THE KGB BANK, AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY THAT HACKED THE DNC!
dude, I bet she's behind all of this shit. I'm laughing at these goof fks on the left who have paranoia of the brain.
Let's just stop the charade and admit what we all know, Trump is guilty of collusion with Russians: "We all know" indicates you're insecure. I would be too.

Trump willfully and blatantly stated he wants to improve relations with Russia. What an evil man.

Trump stated he was willing to work with Russians to destroy ISIS in Syria. Blasphemy.

Clearly Trump is a traitor to the Globalist cause.............How did you reach that conclusion, from the above? Hilarious......since he is unwilling to go to war with Russia over the Ukraine civil war, and for wanting to destroy ISIS. Fuck me I didn't know that Obama was a traitor to the Globalist cause. Stupid Trump not going to war with Russia. What a total dick.

It doesn't matter that the American people chose to back this platform in electing Trump. Going to war with Russia or closing our doors to Russia? Do you know what money is?

This is the real reason progressives hate Trump, America rejected their Agenda. America rejected "progress"ives? No shit huh? About time. Not because the idiot pedophile running the Clinton campaign got his personal email hacked. This looks like English, but I'm not getting your point. Perhaps you're upset over the election results?
hey everybody, all the white liberals hate white people period. The proof is in the pudding on the east coast with the Rockville rape and the Boston school district and their Maps! LOL. Hey white america, we are considered the enemy of the state by the left.

BTW, the other evidence is in all of the immigration attention and the effort to take middle class white jobs out of country over the course of the last decade along with coal jobs and car manufacturing jobs and any other white dude/ dudette job. Dude, the fking libturds hate us fking white guys. They hate us.

Shit, I got much more evidence of this, then they have one hair of evidence on Trump.
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We haven't been hostile towards Russia since Regan got Gorbachav to tear down the Berlin Wall. So my question is this...........So what if he did talk to the Russians!? So what!

Talking isn't the only thing they did but I'd love to hear your defense of foreign espionage and treason.
That's a little dramatic. Let me ask you something. Where was all the liberal concern about espionage when Hillary and Huma were putting State dept info on an unsecured server.................Hum?

That's cute you called dramatic and all but I said I'd love to hear your defense of why foreign espionage and treason is ok. Your only response is to ask questions about what other people thought about other things unrelated to the topic. Cool move.
And I asked you why the espionage is ok when a democrap is behind it,, but not ok when someone else does it. Your hypocrisy is tangible bro

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