Let’s check in with the vaccinated


Three days later:

Nashville radio host Phil Valentine dies at 61 after battling COVID-19​


QAnon Anti-Vaxxer Called COVID a Hoax Even as His ‘Lungs Stopped Functioning’​

A former CIA officer turned conspiracy theorist who claimed to be the first to call COVID-19 a hoax has died from COVID-19.

Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer turned conspiracy theorist who claimed to be the first person to call COVID-19 a hoax, has died from COVID-19.

Steele, who was among the earliest QAnon promoters and helped the conspiracy theory move from the fringes of the internet into the mainstream, was hospitalized with symptoms of COVID-19 earlier this month. But he continued to spread anti-vaccine and COVID-denial conspiracy theories until the end.

“I will not take the vaccination, though I did test positive for whatever they’re calling ‘COVID’ today, but the bottom line is that my lungs are not functioning,” Steele wrote in his final blog post on August 17, accompanied by a picture of him hooked up to what appears to be a ventilator.

Steele helped take QAnon from fringe message board 4chan and into the mainstream in early 2018, helping the conspiracy theory reach a much wider audience.

Steele was also a frequent guest on Alex Jones’ Infowars show, spread 9/11 conspiracies, and shared deeply antisemitic opinions.


QAnon Anti-Vaxxer Claimed COVID Was a Hoax Even As It Killed Him


QAnon Anti-Vaxxer Called COVID a Hoax Even as His ‘Lungs Stopped Functioning’​

A former CIA officer turned conspiracy theorist who claimed to be the first to call COVID-19 a hoax has died from COVID-19.

Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer turned conspiracy theorist who claimed to be the first person to call COVID-19 a hoax, has died from COVID-19.

Steele, who was among the earliest QAnon promoters and helped the conspiracy theory move from the fringes of the internet into the mainstream, was hospitalized with symptoms of COVID-19 earlier this month. But he continued to spread anti-vaccine and COVID-denial conspiracy theories until the end.

“I will not take the vaccination, though I did test positive for whatever they’re calling ‘COVID’ today, but the bottom line is that my lungs are not functioning,” Steele wrote in his final blog post on August 17, accompanied by a picture of him hooked up to what appears to be a ventilator.

Steele helped take QAnon from fringe message board 4chan and into the mainstream in early 2018, helping the conspiracy theory reach a much wider audience.

Steele was also a frequent guest on Alex Jones’ Infowars show, spread 9/11 conspiracies, and shared deeply antisemitic opinions.


QAnon Anti-Vaxxer Claimed COVID Was a Hoax Even As It Killed Him

How's Herman Cain doing?
He died from WuFlu. I never claimed people don’t die from it, especially old people.

What does that have to do with experimental vaccination? He died long before the vaccine became public anyway.

So nice fail.
Vaxxed and have had all the COVID boosters. Plus got the flu vax every year.

Never had a single reaction to any of them.
How are those fully vaxxed and boosted brave volunteers for Big Pharma medical experimentation doing?


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In the first place, Musk has seen to it that non-members of X cannot read the 317 replies shown in the OP.

Secondly, it was pre-arranged that the esoteric violence Big Pharma did to the duped is pre-emptive violence: the vaccine is absolutely worthless against those viral populations on the surfaces of mouth, nose and throat. This fact makes the duped fool ranting on OP's X look especially ridiculous. The scientific fact is that viral loads on these mentioned surfaces are the same in both "vaxxed" and "unvaxxed, and can be re-transmitted accordingly."

That's how BP played the game to dupe the prisoners. It can't be proven that the vaccine "works" because to do that would require evidence that SARS2 actually infected each "vaxxed" host. It's not a vaccine to begin with.
And the average age of WuFlu deaths was 79 years old, the same as the life expectancy in the US.
Wrong. Stop making shit up, dumbass.

Were all those anti-vaxxers I posted who died from Covid 79 years old?

Nope! Not even close.

Over half a million of those who have died from Covid were under 74 years of age.

Around 300,000 were 85 or older.

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