Let's Crucify Trump next?

I am agnostic, long time Democrat. I voted for Carter back in the day. Problem here is the Democratic party has sold out. I lost my political virginity with Obama. accept he wasn't. They
Did you lose your political virginity when a black man became President of the US? Just like Trump?

Because Trump lost his Democratic card around that time when he was spending most of his time accusing Obama of not being born in America. Only to stop using that lie, finally, during one of his speeches at one of his 2016 campaign.
Sixties Fan said:
Keep changing the subject We were talking about how so not guilty Trump is that his peers at the Grand Jury voted to indict him after seeing all the documents, emails, etc and witnesses for months.

Trump is not going to be crucified. He is going to see Justice, whichever way it happens, even if he is found not guilty.

Ok. Like how many other times before did this happen already Sixties fan? What is next?
Sixties Fan said:
Keep changing the subject We were talking about how so not guilty Trump is that his peers at the Grand Jury voted to indict him after seeing all the documents, emails, etc and witnesses for months.

Trump is not going to be crucified. He is going to see Justice, whichever way it happens, even if he is found not guilty.
Ok. Like how many other times before did this happen already Sixties fan?

You are putting the cart in from of the horses.

Yours is an endless attempt to discredit the process and discredit any and all evidence which may be shown, which already has been shown to the Grand Jury, and will be shown to the Jury in the coming trial.

You are doing EXACTLY what Trump does on a daily, and almost hourly manner.

Delegitimize, attack, etc, etc.

The NY DA is not playing your game.
The Jury will not be playing your game.

Like it or not, the law of this country is being followed. And Trump never thought it would catch up with him.
But the people that voted for Biden or Fetterman are geniuses.
Do NOT change the topic.
Stick to what your thread is supposed to be about.

The endless crying that Trump is the most innocent man alive and he is being treated as Jesus was by the Romans.
You are putting the cart in from of the horses.

Yours is an endless attempt to discredit the process and discredit any and all evidence which may be shown, which already has been shown to the Grand Jury, and will be shown to the Jury in the coming trial.

You are doing EXACTLY what Trump does on a daily, and almost hourly manner.

Delegitimize, attack, etc, etc.

The NY DA is not playing your game.
The Jury will not be playing your game.

Like it or not, the law of this country is being followed. And Trump never thought it would catch up with him.
Biden destroyed the economy. Biden abandoned billions in Afghanistan, Biden laughed when children died and talked about ice cream. Biden got literally countless MILLIONS of $ from China recently for WHAT? But Trump and the 135k$ for a supposed payoff to Stormey Daniels. The disconnect here is amazing.
Because if all else fails? Because nothing else worked. Multiple impeachments and various failed legal measures haven't worked.
Trump has only himself to blame.

Trump is alone responsible for evidence resulting in his indictment.

Once again conservatives attempt to defend the indefensible for purely partisan reasons.
Biden destroyed the economy. Biden abandoned billions in Afghanistan, Biden laughed when children died and talked about ice cream. Biden got literally countless MILLIONS of $ from China recently for WHAT? But Trump and the 135k$ for a supposed payoff to Stormey Daniels. The disconnect here is amazing.
You just cannot keep to the topic of your thread.

What about.....
What about.....

All lies you read or hear from your Trump fanatic sources.

You cannot show one proof for any of it.
In 2020, Biden got 87% of the votes in NYC. Pretty sure he isn't going to be judged by his "peers".
He would if he broke the law. Just like anyone else.

Nothing to do with who got more votes, but with the rule of law. That is how any Jury works.

More nonsense without knowing what the charges are against Trump which the Grand Jury SAW and then voted on.
All jacobin democrats need to do is get Trump in a cell for one night. Then he can be Epsteined.
Did you lose your political virginity when a black man became President of the US? Just like Trump?

Because Trump lost his Democratic card around that time when he was spending most of his time accusing Obama of not being born in America. Only to stop using that lie, finally, during one of his speeches at one of his 2016 campaign.
Because shitstain obama is black we are supposed to not notice he is a communist.
Because if all else fails? Because nothing else worked. Multiple impeachments and various failed legal measures haven't worked.


Due process is what Trump deserves. Warrants, indictments, arraignments and a fair trial.

And if convicted, a punishment appropriate to his crimes.

Just like anyone else.
Because shitstain obama is black we are supposed to not notice he is a communist.
Nothing communist about Obama or the Democrats.
Democracies around the world can tell very well which Presidents were going for Authoritarianism and Communism. To be like Putin and all the other Dictators in the present world.

I know that you know all of that and are just throwing the blame on the other side to make it look bad. It does not work that way in any Democracy around the world.
Nothing communist about Obama or the Democrats.
Democracies around the world can tell very well which Presidents were going for Authoritarianism and Communism. To be like Putin and all the other Dictators in the present world.

I know that you know all of that and are just throwing the blame on the other side to make it look bad. It does not work that way in any Democracy around the world.
Democrats made the word democracy a profanity.
Because if all else fails? Because nothing else worked. Multiple impeachments and various failed legal measures haven't worked.

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