Let's face it: America kind of sucks

Wow, you went from America Sucks to America Kinda Sucks to you think America is great. You sound like a fricken vagina hat wearer that really wants to wear a MAGA hat.
I know you’re too stupid to understand nuance but you might as well let the adults talk about this subject instead, okay pumpkin?
This is a troll thread. It’s not clear why it isn’t in the Badlands.

One can acknowledge that (like any other place in Earth), our country does have some problems and issues. And saying just that much would be honest. But the troll thread OP goes far beyond any such limited claim. As is standard practice with troll libtards, it immediately jumps to the extreme and takes on the anti-American stance we expect from such vermin.

Billy is a lying scumbag imbecile troll. And nothing more need be said in his usual crap troll thread.
Lol I love how you admit America has problems and once I point out what those problems are, you react like a whiny little bitch. Damn dude try being an adult for once.
All of those nations have people living healthier lifestyles than we do and don't have the demographics that make equal outcomes impossible.
You’re just making shit up on the spot lol. Even if that were true and their lifestyles were better, healthcare in general is much more accessible and affordable in these countries either way. I mean it’s you idiots who pretend these foreign healthcare systems are shitty and plagued with inefficiency. Now you just pretend it comes down to lifestyle instead once I give you the facts on the matter. How convenient.
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Is it really so hard to advocate for your vision of a stronger country that you can't press your agenda without hating the country?
Admitting our country has problems is just part being an objective adult. You’re a child who pretends everything is perfect. No one important should be listening to you.
Lol I love how you admit America has problems and once I point out what those problems are, you react like a whiny little bitch. Damn dude try being an adult for once.
You point out some problems. Only an imbecile of your debased level would conflate the acknowledgement that some problems exist and the contention that a retard like you “pointed out” what “those” problems “are.”

In any event, you imbecile, it takes your special brand of stupid to further contend that America “sucks” because some problems do exist here like some problems exist everywhere. America doesn’t suck. You suck. You suck a lot.

I have no use for or patience for your anti-America screeds. Go fuck yourself you worthless rancid diseased I dried up twat. I’ll also consiser taking advise from you about acting like an adult if you ever grow up enough to be an adult. That doesn’t bode well for me ever worrying about contemplating your advice.

You point out some problems. Only an imbecile of your debased level would conflate the acknowledgement that some problems exist and the contention that a retard like you “pointed out” what “those” problems “are.”

In any event, you imbecile, it takes your special brand of stupid to further contend that America “sucks” because some problems do exist here like some problems exist everywhere. America doesn’t suck. You suck. You suck a lot.

I have no use for or patience for your anti-America screeds. Go fuck yourself you worthless rancid diseased I dried up twat. I’ll also consiser taking advise from you about acting like an adult if you ever grow up enough to be an adult. That doesn’t bode well for me ever worrying about contemplating your advice.

Hey moron if important problems like healthcare, infrastructure, and poverty are a reality, then yeah, America sucks lol. God quit being a pussy and admit it.
Hey moron if important problems like healthcare, infrastructure, and poverty are a reality, then yeah, America sucks lol. God quit being a pussy and admit it.
You dumb fucking shit for brains leftist liar, here's the reality:

1. NO ONE is turned away from the ER in this country. Regardless of ability to pay.

2. Our 'infrastructure' is driven by need. We don't NEED a high speed rail from LA to San Francisco. Not when 30-minute flights are 49 bucks. Yet another dumbass liberal spending idea

3. NO ONE is in poverty in this country. Anyone in this country can do better eating out of someone else's garbage than a lot of third worlders could do even if they had money. Cell phones are free in this country, anyone can get one just for being alive. If you walk into any government office and tell them you exist they'll give you 270 bucks a month, no questions asked.

In short, you are completely full of shit in this point. Which is not at all surprising. Because you're a dumbass brainwashed leftard who's completely lost the ability to discern reality.
You’re just making shit up on the spot lol. Even if that were true and their lifestyles were better, healthcare in general is much more accessible and affordable in these countries either way. I mean it’s you idiots who pretend these foreign healthcare systems are shitty and plagued with inefficiency. Now you just pretend it comes down to lifestyle instead once I give you the facts on the matter. How convenient.
I'm not making anything up. Genetics and lifestyle make a huge difference in your overall health.

"You idiots" is the laziest form of debate and simply shows you have no factual way to counter the opposing argument.

If you are black you have far a far higher likelihood of developing numerous diseases from kidney disease, diabetes, and heart disease to alcoholism etc.

If you are black you have a far greater likelihood of being injured or killed in gang related violence.

If you eat a diet high in pre processed foods you are more at risk of a host of diseases.

If you eat more fast food you are at high risk for numerous diseases.

If you eat a diet rich in sugars and saturated fats you are at far higher risk of numerous diseases.

If you smoke you are at extremely high risk for numerous diseases.

If you live a sedentary life you are at elevated risk of numerous diseases.

These are all far less of a problem in Europe because people live healthier lifestyles.
Hey moron if important problems like healthcare, infrastructure, and poverty are a reality, then yeah, America sucks lol. God quit being a pussy and admit it.
In almost every case poverty is a choice, either made by the adult in poverty or forced on their kids by the parents.

Being responsible solves that problem.
Republicans like to pretend that the US is the best country in the world in every way because they cannot stand the thought of other countries doing something better than us. However, the main flaws the US has are much of less of issues in other first world countries.

1) Our healthcare system is garbage with or without ObamaCare.

Republicans like to harp on ObamaCare and pretend that it is rhe reason why our system sucks, but when you ask them the simple of question of "well, was our system good before ObamaCare?", they will refuse to answer. Secretly they know that our healthcare system has always sucked but they will not admit that out loud. But hell, at least ACA improved it to some degree. Republicans secretly like the idea of their healthcare coverage not being denied because of pre-existing conditions, but its another thing they will not admit out loud. Obama came up with it so the knee jerk reaction is that it is terrible.

I also want to point out the myth that republicans have about other first world healthcare systems. They pretend that wait lists run rampant for basic care and that these people suffer. That's of course not true. Systems in Western Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea are all quite high functioning even if they are not perfect.

Here's all the ways comparable, first world national healthcare systems are superior to the US's:

A. Life expectancy is better
B. Premature death rates are lower.
C. Less suffering with long term chronic diseases
D. Healthcare quality and access is far better
E. Maternal morality rates are better.
G. Hospital rates are lower for chronic diseases.
H. Post-operative complications are lower in prevalence.
I. Medication and procedure errors are lower.

And oh yeah, this is thanks to socialized medicine rather than shitty for-profit healthcare very few people can afford.

Now you say that the US does have state of the art treatments in some examples, but this hardly matters if the large majority of the population does not have access to this ridiculously expensive care and the overall nation suffers in areas where it matters most.

2. Infrastructure systems are better in comparable nations.

A. The US ranks 13th in infrastructure quality in the world.
B. Only 2% of our GDP spending goes to infrastructure.
C. Airports in other countries are better.
D. High speed rail in the US is half of the speed of comparable countries.
E. Internet connection is much better in other countries.
F. Our roads are shitty in comparison to these other nations. Traffic jams are less severe in such nations.

That's far from "American exceptionalism." Hell, Biden gets credit for at least passing a law making improvements even if it was not enough.

3. Gun violence in the US is far greater than in other countries like Australia, the UK, and Canada.

A. Mass shootings are far more common in the US than other politically stable countries.
B. Gun murders account for 79% of all murders in the US. In Canada it is 37%, Australia 13%, and the UK is 4%
C. Gun deaths per capita are FAR higher than in other countries.

4) Wealth inequality is one of the worst in the world.

In 2020, the top 20% of the population earned 52.2% of all U.S. income. The median household income fell significantly for the first time since 2011 to $67,521. That's 2.9% down from 2019's number. The richest of the rich, the top 5%, earned 23% of all income.

5) Poverty rates are lower in other counties.

Conclusion: America kind of sucks.
I know inevitably the response I am going to get to this thread will be somewhere along the lines of "if you don't like it here, leave!" Well see the truth of the matter is that I think America is great in some ways and I would rather stay here and fix what is wrong with it.

The only way you get in poverty in this country is by being a crack head.
That's definitely one way but there are many. Most of them involve failing to graduate HS, ending up in prison and or addition to any number of drugs or alcohol.

Teenage pregnancy is another biggie but most of those will work their way out of it eventually.
That's definitely one way but there are many. Most of them involve failing to graduate HS, ending up in prison and or addition to any number of drugs or alcohol.

Teenage pregnancy is another biggie but most of those will work their way out of it eventually.
You don't understand.

"Poverty" in this country means you eat for free.

It means you sleep under the stars in sunny Southern California, which makes you the envy of the entire civilized world.

It means you get free healthcare, and a free cell phone. And 270 bucks a month in cash, and another 270 in food stamps.

Unless you have an IQ in the single digits, you're not having any problems being in "poverty".
You don't understand.

"Poverty" in this country means you eat for free.

It means you sleep under the stars in sunny Southern California, which makes you the envy of the entire civilized world.

It means you get free healthcare, and a free cell phone. And 270 bucks a month in cash, and another 270 in food stamps.

Unless you have an IQ in the single digits, you're not having any problems being in "poverty".
Not really, not in this country. There are lots of people living really well who are officially in poverty.

Poverty by our standards would make most families considered to be poor middle class in over 3/4 of the world.
You dumb fucking shit for brains leftist liar, here's the reality:

1. NO ONE is turned away from the ER in this country. Regardless of ability to pay.

2. Our 'infrastructure' is driven by need. We don't NEED a high speed rail from LA to San Francisco. Not when 30-minute flights are 49 bucks. Yet another dumbass liberal spending idea

3. NO ONE is in poverty in this country. Anyone in this country can do better eating out of someone else's garbage than a lot of third worlders could do even if they had money. Cell phones are free in this country, anyone can get one just for being alive. If you walk into any government office and tell them you exist they'll give you 270 bucks a month, no questions asked.

In short, you are completely full of shit in this point. Which is not at all surprising. Because you're a dumbass brainwashed leftard who's completely lost the ability to discern reality.
Lol good god you’re fucking stupid. Talk about cringe.

1) No one ever said that you are turned away from the ER. That doesn’t somehow mean our healthcare system is good lol. It just meets a pretty simple requirement.

3) Our infrastructure system ranks 13th in the world. Obviously that’s bad. And yeah, our country definitely could benefit from an increase in speed for light rail. It doesn’t necessarily have to connect between major cities you doofus. You pretending this doesn’t matter just makes you sound like an idiot.

4) And yeah, poverty is a thing you fucking moron. Do you think a homeless person isn’t impoverished? How stupid are you? Why would eating out of garbage mean poverty isn’t a thing? Lol you are comical. I don’t think even you can explain what this free cellphone or $270 per month shit is. It’s probably just some non sense you heard on Fox News and then you decided it was real. You aren’t going to get jack shit from the government unless you can prove you are under the poverty line.
I'm not making anything up. Genetics and lifestyle make a huge difference in your overall health.

"You idiots" is the laziest form of debate and simply shows you have no factual way to counter the opposing argument.

If you are black you have far a far higher likelihood of developing numerous diseases from kidney disease, diabetes, and heart disease to alcoholism etc.

If you are black you have a far greater likelihood of being injured or killed in gang related violence.

If you eat a diet high in pre processed foods you are more at risk of a host of diseases.

If you eat more fast food you are at high risk for numerous diseases.

If you eat a diet rich in sugars and saturated fats you are at far higher risk of numerous diseases.

If you smoke you are at extremely high risk for numerous diseases.

If you live a sedentary life you are at elevated risk of numerous diseases.

These are all far less of a problem in Europe because people live healthier lifestyles.
Lol what the absolute fuck? What the hell does this have to do with what you were originally talking about with these first world healthcare systems. Good god.
Lol good god you’re fucking stupid. Talk about cringe.

1) No one ever said that you are turned away from the ER. That doesn’t somehow mean our healthcare system is good lol. It just meets a pretty simple requirement.

Our health care system is the best in the world, dumbshit.

WE develop all those new miracle drugs. Not the Chinese.

3) Our infrastructure system ranks 13th in the world. Obviously that’s bad. And yeah, our country definitely could benefit from an increase in speed for light rail. It doesn’t necessarily have to connect between major cities you doofus. You pretending this doesn’t matter just makes you sound like an idiot.

13th in the world says who?

The corrupt fact checkers?

Mr Putin?

Kim Jong Un?

4) And yeah, poverty is a thing you fucking moron. Do you think a homeless person isn’t impoverished? How stupid are you? Why would eating out of garbage mean poverty isn’t a thing? Lol you are comical. I don’t think even you can explain what this free cellphone or $270 per month shit is. It’s probably just some non sense you heard on Fox News and then you decided it was real. You aren’t going to get jack shit from the government unless you can prove you are under the poverty line.
You are an ignorant fucktard, and you've obviously never been on welfare, which means you have no idea WTF you're talking about and you should STFU, dimtard.

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