"Let’s face it, the anti-Trump movement is getting DUMBER"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
David Brooks: Let's face it, the anti-Trump movement is getting dumber - Hot Air

'I mention these inconvenient observations because the anti-Trump movement, of which I’m a proud member, seems to be getting dumber. It seems to be settling into a smug, fairy tale version of reality that filters out discordant information. More anti-Trumpers seem to be telling themselves a “Madness of King George” narrative: Trump is a semiliterate madman surrounded by sycophants who are morally, intellectually and psychologically inferior to people like us…

The anti-Trump movement suffers from insularity. Most of the people who detest Trump don’t know anybody who works with him or supports him. And if they do have friends and family members who admire Trump, they’ve learned not to talk about this subject. So they get most of their information about Trumpism from others who also detest Trumpism, which is always a recipe for epistemic closure

In every war, nations come to resemble their enemies, so I suppose it’s normal that the anti-Trump movement would come to resemble the pro-Trump movement. But it’s not good. I’ve noticed a lot of young people look at the monotonous daily hysteria of we anti-Trumpers and they find it silly.

This isn’t just a struggle over a president. It’s a struggle over what rules we’re going to play by after Trump. Are we all going to descend permanently into the Trump standard of acceptable behavior?'

Or the seditious, hate-fueled partisan behavior of the Left?

David Brooks: Let's face it, the anti-Trump movement is getting dumber - Hot Air

....and the majority of rabid, hate-fueled, fact/reality-denying snowflakes on this board are living proof...
Those who think that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a myth are wrong.

There are literally tens of millions of voting Americans who CANNOT come to grips with the fact that their candidate - who COULD NOT LOSE this election - was defeated by Donald Trump.

The cognitive dissonance is so acute, that they have lost the ability to think rationally about Donald Trump or anything connected with Donald Trump. These are the people who exclaim, "Trump pays no TAXES!" and in the next breath claim that "he" changed the tax laws so that he, personally, could save on his taxes. WTF?

They are now saying that (a) he didn't really want to win the election, and (b) he entered into a criminal conspiracy - which could easily end up with him in jail - to help him win the election.

As Brooks points out, they are now so deranged that they jump on preposterous tales and theories, JUST BECAUSE THEY SHOW TRUMP IN A NEGATIVE LIGHT. Facts and logic are out the window.

Are they getting "dumber"? Maybe. But mainly, it's becoming more and more obvious that the anti-Trumpers are not rational or credible.

But he does have his faults, eh?
David Brooks: Let's face it, the anti-Trump movement is getting dumber - Hot Air

'I mention these inconvenient observations because the anti-Trump movement, of which I’m a proud member, seems to be getting dumber. It seems to be settling into a smug, fairy tale version of reality that filters out discordant information. More anti-Trumpers seem to be telling themselves a “Madness of King George” narrative: Trump is a semiliterate madman surrounded by sycophants who are morally, intellectually and psychologically inferior to people like us…

The anti-Trump movement suffers from insularity. Most of the people who detest Trump don’t know anybody who works with him or supports him. And if they do have friends and family members who admire Trump, they’ve learned not to talk about this subject. So they get most of their information about Trumpism from others who also detest Trumpism, which is always a recipe for epistemic closure

In every war, nations come to resemble their enemies, so I suppose it’s normal that the anti-Trump movement would come to resemble the pro-Trump movement. But it’s not good. I’ve noticed a lot of young people look at the monotonous daily hysteria of we anti-Trumpers and they find it silly.

This isn’t just a struggle over a president. It’s a struggle over what rules we’re going to play by after Trump. Are we all going to descend permanently into the Trump standard of acceptable behavior?'

Or the seditious, hate-fueled partisan behavior of the Left?

David Brooks: Let's face it, the anti-Trump movement is getting dumber - Hot Air

....and the majority of rabid, hate-fueled, fact/reality-denying snowflakes on this board are living proof...
"Let’s face it, the anti-Trump movement is getting DUMBER"

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