Let's fight for Israel.

Feb 25, 2012
February 29, 2012 US admits Iran has no Nuclear Weapons Program

February 29, 2012. Washington. A few days ago, the Los Angeles Times incurred the wrath of numerous pro-war entities, including the US government and the state of Israel. The paper exposed top secret US intelligence assessments stating that the United States government, along with all 16 of its spy agencies, do not believe Iran has a nuclear weapons program, much less the facilities or capabilities to start one.

Looks like the neo-cons, AIPAC and John Hagee are going to get their war in the Middle East, despite the fact that Iran isn't building a bomb. I wonder if any of these warmongering bastards have considered that Iran may borrow or buy nuclear weapons from Pakistan?
We fought for South Korea and lost 35,000 American Troops in three years when the mission was completed in less than a year. The fool of a democrat president didn't even have congressional permission and he was too timid to stop the general from leading American Troops into the biggest ambush in history. LBJ fought for South Vietnam and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. Bill Clinton had a better idea though. When they catch you with your pants down just pick a side in a 1,000 year old war in Europe and send American bombers to kill Yugoslavian citizens until one man surrendered.

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