Lets Get Down to Basic Facts; Who is Actually Responsible for the COVID19 Pandemic?

Who is primarily at fault for this COVID19 pandemic?

  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Soross

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gov Andrew Cuomo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mayor of NY, deBlathio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • the Amish Bastages

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Mother Nature is responsible for the virus. Human beings are responsible for trying to blame each other for it because we are bunch of stupid morons.
and it's a deep shot to center field and it's going going going and GOOOONNNNEEEEEE - home run by oldlady!!!
The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?
100% correct and accurate.
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?

The basic facts? OK. The virus is believed to have started in a wet meat market in a small town in China. People that were infected traveled to different parts of the world infecting others.

Trump was informed about it from the WHO and US intelligence as early as last November. Because he eliminated the pandemic team in the Dept of Homeland Security, started by former President Obama based upon his petty hatred of the former President, curtailed efforts to stop the spread of the infection earlier.

To further make the situation worse in a willfull cover up as not to hurt is approval ratings, Trump denied the existence of the virus, further calling it a hoax, with the help of complicit sycophants in right wing media, until the evidence became more clear due to obvious infections occurring in the US, at which point he issued a ban from traveling to and from China, at which point was to late, and he is now responsible for the deaths of thousands of people who may not have otherwise died.

The basic facts.

The WHO was first notified in Late December and not November!

The day China informed the WHO about the twenty plus cases was DECEMBER 31st 2019 and on the same day the WHO notified the CDC which after a week of monitoring offered a team to go to China and help with the investigation on January 6th 2020 and China rejected their offer.

So let be damn clear when the WHO was notified and when they notified the CDC because the left love to go with lies so they can blame Trump for China lying to the WHO and the world!

Even the WHO destroys your comment!

Wrong again. The world press was reporting something going on in China in December. It was just rumblings on the horizon but it was there. The reason why there is a corona virus research lab in Wuhan is because the international community recognized the dangers of the viruses in that locale.

Reports out of the White House say that the intelligence agencies were warning Trump about the virus in December. Trump dismissed those warnings. He didn't quite dismiss the warnings in early January. He lifted trade restrictions so that US companies could sell all of their PPE's to China. Trump saw an opportunity for profit and put it ahead of a danger to the American people.

Look around at companies rushing to make corona virus testing kits. A new home testing kit is about to hit the market next week. $115 a pop. Every home will want want. That's why Trump turned down the WHO test. US companies wouldn't have exclusive rights on the tests, and without those rights, you can't make any real money. Test manufacturers would have to pay a royalty to the WHO for the test kits and that would be a good thing because it would help fund the WHO. There would be no exclusivity and competition would drive the price down.

The real money will be made by the company which has the exclusive right to a Corona virus test that works like a pregnancy test, or a blood sugar test for diabetics. Piss on a stick and it says "yes" or "no". Finger prick and get an LED read out with your virus number. Something that people can do at home every day, easily and cheaply, until there's a vaccine. Had Trump taken the WHO test, there would be no big payday for any American company on testing.
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
so you're saying someone is mis-characterizing what she did because they hate her?

so happy you'd never do this. i mean, how hypocritical would it be do to the very thing you make fun of others for?
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.. what do you think these fucking people shop that fuck in the Irish market? And what happened was white Americans especially the elderly who have been spoonfed bullshit information by the news run by democrats felt bad they went out the diner Chinese restaurants they probably Hot Asian’s shook their hands and now we’re paying the price because of Democrats
Communist China developed the virus and intentionally let it loose on the world. They are, however, getting plenty of backing from their supporters in the Democrat party, the MSM and our defective education system. Eff Red China, Dems, the MSM and our commie schools.

Any particular reason you can think of why Communist China would want to destroy their most lucrative trading partner?

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any particular reason they keep demonizing the US to their people if we're their most lucrative partner?
Any reason that would matter?
The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?
100% correct and accurate.

Thanks. What is more telling is how the OP ran from the question asked of him. He’s a scared child
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
It's a damn shame we didn't have testing capabilities early on, so we could have done the Containment procedures for pandemics written in protocol for Pandemics.

Instead of testing early containment, then those testing positive are isolated and any one that person was in contact with is tested, which is called contact tracing and so on and so forth, with isolating those with the virus over and over again.....

we, those of us not infected, could have continued to be free and be able to work, fairly safely....

stores would not have had to close,

Wall Street would not have gotten the heebeegeebees and bailed in the stock market,

the Sports players would likely not have gotten the virus that caused all sports events across the nation to shut down.... etc!!!

and by this random testing in all different regions of the USA, we could have traced its origins, and know...where it was heading.... we would not have been totally BLIND as we were for weeks and weeks on end....

Early testing, was the key to the containment phase.... we had to skip that phase and go in to the Mitigation phase, of flattening the curve, by STAY AT HOME orders and go in to hunkering down, Shut all non essential businesses down, to slow the spread, so hospitals would not be overwhelmed.
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
Are you fucking retarded Chinese people own almost all of millennium towers which is the most expensive property in Boston, they are buying up most of the real estate in Boston and hoarding it.. Asian Americans make more money on average than white Americans.. you stupid fcuk
..if you believe in god, it would be him, correct---? ..he created everything
No, God allows us to live with the consequences of our own evil.

The USA has known of the Chicom Level 4 lab in Wuhan, in fact we loaned them money to build it.

For the last several years our diplomats have complained about how poorly run it was, and now we all know.

But it is not Gods fault for allowing us to deal with our own fuck ups.
Was our "fuck up" to loan them money to build it? Because once it was built, we had no authority to shut down a lab in a foreign country, did we?

Our real fuck up, Jim, was in 2016 when too many Americans were charmed by a loud mouthed reality tv celebrity and put him in charge of the country. That being said, I am utterly bored with this harping on him not responding "in time." No one knows what would have happened if this or that had been done sooner. It's a campaign blame game and I'm not even reading this stuff anymore. I've read it all ad nauseum. There is nothing new to say. It is what it is.
..if you believe in god, it would be him, correct---? ..he created everything
No, God allows us to live with the consequences of our own evil.

The USA has known of the Chicom Level 4 lab in Wuhan, in fact we loaned them money to build it.

For the last several years our diplomats have complained about how poorly run it was, and now we all know.

But it is not Gods fault for allowing us to deal with our own fuck ups.
Was our "fuck up" to loan them money to build it? Because once it was built, we had no authority to shut down a lab in a foreign country, did we?

Our real fuck up, Jim, was in 2016 when too many Americans were charmed by a loud mouthed reality tv celebrity and put him in charge of the country. That being said, I am utterly bored with this harping on him not responding "in time." No one knows what would have happened if this or that had been done sooner. It's a campaign blame game and I'm not even reading this stuff anymore. I've read it all ad nauseum. There is nothing new to say. It is what it is.
Jesus Christ your people of fucking deranged
It's a damn shame we didn't have testing capabilities early on, so we could have done the Containment procedures for pandemics written in protocol for Pandemics.

Instead of testing early containment, then those testing positive are isolated and any one that person was in contact with is tested, which is called contact tracing and so on and so forth, with isolating those with the virus over and over again.....

we, those of us not infected, could have continued to be free and be able to work, fairly safely....

stores would not have had to close,

Wall Street would not have gotten the heebeegeebees and bailed in the stock market,

the Sports players would likely not have gotten the virus that caused all sports events across the nation to shut down.... etc!!!

and by this random testing in all different regions of the USA, we could have traced its origins, and know...where it was heading.... we would not have been totally BLIND as we were for weeks and weeks on end....

Early testing, was the key to the containment phase.... we had to skip that phase and go in to the Mitigation phase, of flattening the curve, by STAY AT HOME orders and go in to hunkering down, Shut all non essential businesses down, to slow the spread, so hospitals would not be overwhelmed.
Care, did you read a couple days ago that they finally figured out who brought the first Covid case to Maine? It was a traveling salesman who had territory in several states. Since he was still working, obviously he wasn't that sick. Maybe he didn't even know.

My point is, it took WEEKS to isolate that carrier. In the meantime, you know what happened to Cumberland and York counties.

To catch that Virus in the traveling salesman, it would mean every single person traveling into Maine would have to be tested. Every. Single. One. Talk about a line at the Kittery bridge toll booths!
Trump never called the virus a hoax

He was typically on the offensive.

Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa, they can’t even count. No they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But you know, we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We’re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that."

Well, has it been pretty amazing?

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