Lets Get Down to Basic Facts; Who is Actually Responsible for the COVID19 Pandemic?

Who is primarily at fault for this COVID19 pandemic?

  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Soross

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gov Andrew Cuomo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mayor of NY, deBlathio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • the Amish Bastages

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
Are you fucking retarded Chinese people own almost all of millennium towers which is the most expensive property in Boston, they are buying up most of the real estate in Boston and hoarding it.. Asian Americans make more money on average than white Americans.. you stupid fcuk

Learn how to read (and write) English or get out of my country.
It's a damn shame we didn't have testing capabilities early on, so we could have done the Containment procedures for pandemics written in protocol for Pandemics.

Instead of testing early containment, then those testing positive are isolated and any one that person was in contact with is tested, which is called contact tracing and so on and so forth, with isolating those with the virus over and over again.....

we, those of us not infected, could have continued to be free and be able to work, fairly safely....

stores would not have had to close,

Wall Street would not have gotten the heebeegeebees and bailed in the stock market,

the Sports players would likely not have gotten the virus that caused all sports events across the nation to shut down.... etc!!!

and by this random testing in all different regions of the USA, we could have traced its origins, and know...where it was heading.... we would not have been totally BLIND as we were for weeks and weeks on end....

Early testing, was the key to the containment phase.... we had to skip that phase and go in to the Mitigation phase, of flattening the curve, by STAY AT HOME orders and go in to hunkering down, Shut all non essential businesses down, to slow the spread, so hospitals would not be overwhelmed.
Care, did you read a couple days ago that they finally figured out who brought the first Covid case to Maine? It was a traveling salesman who had territory in several states. Since he was still working, obviously he wasn't that sick. Maybe he didn't even know.

My point is, it took WEEKS to isolate that carrier. In the meantime, you know what happened to Cumberland and York counties.

To catch that Virus in the traveling salesman, it would mean every single person traveling into Maine would have to be tested. Every. Single. One. Talk about a line at the Kittery bridge toll booths!
it is a daunting task, and costs a lot in man power, no doubt!

But considering we have 40% of businesses shuttered, a likely 20 million plus Americans unemployed in a 3 week period, the stock market crashing and the Oil Market Crashing, and the cost of bailouts..... I think the expense of contact testing would be considered pennies, in comparison!!!!!! :eek-52:

Also, if every state was randomly testing and contact tracing testing, with isolation of the positive testers, it is probable, that the traveling salesman, who brought it here, would have been caught, in another one of the other states he traveled to, before here in Maine....

by testing and isolating.... it cuts down on how many people the positive testers, pass it on to from 1 person infected passing it to just one other person, instead of passing it to 3 other persons, for each and every person positively carrying the virus, on average....

one of the examples on tv showed a simulation,

without testing and isolating:

1 person infects 3, who each infects 3 others, those 9 infect 3 each=27, those 27 infected, infect 3 each equals 81, those 81 infecting 3 others = 243, and those 243 infect another 729 people and those would infect 3 each which would be 2187 people and so on and so forth....

with testing and contact tracing testing and isolating the positive people:

with that ratio of infection reduced to one for one, then in the same amount of time, starting with just one person, as in my example above would infect something less 10 people

yes it could be between a 2 to 3 being infected instead of 3, but also could be less or more than 1 to 1 if isolated.... I'm giving you an estimate for worse case....

shuttering down, moves the numbers low enough to have a second chance, at testing and contact tracing....CONTAINMENT, till we get a vaccine... and allows the rest of us, not positive to go back to work with some precautions, and be free!
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
Are you fucking retarded Chinese people own almost all of millennium towers which is the most expensive property in Boston, they are buying up most of the real estate in Boston and hoarding it.. Asian Americans make more money on average than white Americans.. you stupid fcuk

Learn how to read (and write) English or get out of my country.
What didn’t you understand and be honest it’s OK if you wanted to flag because you lost the argument
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
Are you fucking retarded Chinese people own almost all of millennium towers which is the most expensive property in Boston, they are buying up most of the real estate in Boston and hoarding it.. Asian Americans make more money on average than white Americans.. you stupid fcuk

Learn how to read (and write) English or get out of my country.
What didn’t you understand and be honest it’s OK if you wanted to flag because you lost the argument
Because YOU don’t understand English very well, YOU misunderstood the post you were trying to respond to, idiot.
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
Are you fucking retarded Chinese people own almost all of millennium towers which is the most expensive property in Boston, they are buying up most of the real estate in Boston and hoarding it.. Asian Americans make more money on average than white Americans.. you stupid fcuk

Learn how to read (and write) English or get out of my country.
What didn’t you understand and be honest it’s OK if you wanted to flag because you lost the argument
Because YOU don’t understand English very well, YOU misunderstood the post you were trying to respond to, idiot.
You said Chinese people are actually very poor when in reality they make more money than most white Americans, They are also buying more real estate high and real estate than anybody else in Boston
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
Are you fucking retarded Chinese people own almost all of millennium towers which is the most expensive property in Boston, they are buying up most of the real estate in Boston and hoarding it.. Asian Americans make more money on average than white Americans.. you stupid fcuk

Learn how to read (and write) English or get out of my country.
What didn’t you understand and be honest it’s OK if you wanted to flag because you lost the argument
Because YOU don’t understand English very well, YOU misunderstood the post you were trying to respond to, idiot.
You said Chinese people are actually very poor ...
No I didn’t, you stupid son of a bitch.
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
Are you fucking retarded Chinese people own almost all of millennium towers which is the most expensive property in Boston, they are buying up most of the real estate in Boston and hoarding it.. Asian Americans make more money on average than white Americans.. you stupid fcuk

Learn how to read (and write) English or get out of my country.
What didn’t you understand and be honest it’s OK if you wanted to flag because you lost the argument
Because YOU don’t understand English very well, YOU misunderstood the post you were trying to respond to, idiot.
You said Chinese people are actually very poor when in reality they make more money than most white Americans, They are also buying more real estate high and real estate than anybody else in Boston
No, he said people living in China Town....
The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

"The analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses found no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered.

"'By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that SARS-CoV-2 originated through natural processes,' said Kristian Andersen, PhD, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research and corresponding author on the paper."

Trump didn't cause this pandemic, but his epic ignorance and indifference allowed its initial spread; now he's making that worse by "reopening" the US economy before knowing how many Americans are infected.

Communist China developed the virus and intentionally let it loose on the world. They are, however, getting plenty of backing from their supporters in the Democrat party, the MSM and our defective education system. Eff Red China, Dems, the MSM and our commie schools.

Any particular reason you can think of why Communist China would want to destroy their most lucrative trading partner?

View attachment 326555
Red China doesn't want to trade with us. They want to own us. Communists are pure evil.
The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
Are you fucking retarded Chinese people own almost all of millennium towers which is the most expensive property in Boston, they are buying up most of the real estate in Boston and hoarding it.. Asian Americans make more money on average than white Americans.. you stupid fcuk

Learn how to read (and write) English or get out of my country.
What didn’t you understand and be honest it’s OK if you wanted to flag because you lost the argument
Because YOU don’t understand English very well, YOU misunderstood the post you were trying to respond to, idiot.
You said Chinese people are actually very poor when in reality they make more money than most white Americans, They are also buying more real estate high and real estate than anybody else in Boston
No, he said people living in China Town....
Yes they are VERY RICH! They make more then white Americans.
The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?
Mayors and governors in deep blue cities and states are responsible for stockpiling medical equipment for emergencies

they failed to do their job
Says who?
The blob supporter is actually partially right. I know...break out the smelling salts.

Mayors are not responsible for stockpiling shit. County commissioners are responsible for some stockpiling through their public health departments. Governors are responsible for having a stockpile through the State Departments of Health. That is what the National Response Plan dictates. It also dictates that when the states are overwhelmed, the Federal Government is the resource to call on. First would be the "push package" which is 50 tons of supplies (see picture below) which can be anywhere in 12 hours. The Feds have 12 of these ready to go.

View attachment 326548

Followed by the SNS which is threat-specific goods. There was once (and I imagine still is) something called VMI which is Vendor Managed Inventory where the Feds buy X tons of stuff in advance and the vendors are supposed to keep X tons on hand. In the mean time, the vendors (lets say Ansell--a glove mfg) is able to FIFO that inventory and sell off items that are nearing the spoilage date so the X tons purchased on 1/1/2018 are not the same lot numbers that you're using on 4/1/2020. You get the same quantity but you don't get or are at least not supposed to get spoiled goods.. That the blob sent out spoiled goods is unforgivable. Truth be told that under Obama and the Swine Flu, we got a lot of obsolete items that were no longer usable according to regulations but they were not spoilage--23GX1" needles that came without syringes--non-retractible. So it's an old problem that the blob didn't solve. So I'm not surprised that he fucked up. Perhaps spend a little more time tending to the matters of state instead of your golf game; that goes for both Presidents.

So yeah, the blob dick sucker is right; Governors are supposed to keep a stockpile of supplies on hand. Some did, some didn't. But when the State EOC is overwhelmed...the Feds are the first to be called and, just like the blob, they have failed miserably.
You are calling me a”blob dick sucker?”


you are really wallowing in the sewer now
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?
The Chinese have been experimenting with bats for 20+ years. Its well known and documented.

The Wuhan P4 lab has a sordid history of escapes. Four of which have caused pandemics.

The actions of the Chinese government was that of cover up and deception. They seeded the entire world with the latest virus.

There is simply to much empirical evidence to show that it came from the P4 lab and China is attempting to cover it up.

The only thing I still question is weather the release was intentional. This virus primarily attacks the elderly and those with preexisting conditions which would render them a consumer and not a producer. China has a history of removing the old and infirm. An intentional release would have served two purposes. One is to remove the older populace in China and the second is to collapse all nations that they seeded with it.

Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
it is a daunting task, and costs a lot in man power, no doubt!
I understand the concept. However, my point is that to "catch" that carrier, he/she has to be sick, which means the person may have been at the grocery store, stopped to pump gas, ... whatever. You'll never be able to determine all the "contacts" in a situation like that. See what I mean? At this point we definitely don't have the resources to test every person in the state of maine, let alone all the people entering. By the time someone gets sick, the cat is out of the bag. The only testing that will help at this point is antibody testing, which shows who is safe to reenter the public space. And we don't know how long that immunity is good for, or even know if the antibody tests are sufficiently accurate, since they are brand new and have not been run on large numbers then tracked to see if the immunity seems to be holding.

Masks as a strict, no exceptions rule, in every public space in Maine is a simpler idea. So no eat in restaurants, since you have to take off your mask to eat. While most of the masks we can get our hands on aren't useful for protecting us from the virus, they say it is quite effective in keeping the germ from spreading to others. Therefore, if everyone was wearing one, the problem of not being protected would be moot, at least from a breathing point of view.
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?
The Chinese have been experimenting with bats for 20+ years. Its well known and documented.

The Wuhan P4 lab has a sordid history of escapes. Four of which have caused pandemics.

The actions of the Chinese government was that of cover up and deception. They seeded the entire world with the latest virus.

There is simply to much empirical evidence to show that it came from the P4 lab and China is attempting to cover it up.

The only thing I still question is weather the release was intentional. This virus primarily attacks the elderly and those with preexisting conditions which would render them a consumer and not a producer. China has a history of removing the old and infirm. An intentional release would have served two purposes. One is to remove the older populace in China and the second is to collapse all nations that they seeded with it.

Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
You've been watching too many James Bond movies. China is not Dr. No.

Collapsing the economies of the nations they make their bread and butter from via trade is a pretty dumb move, even for Communists, don't you think?
I think you are equating two different things altogether...
One is what the Chinese did....
Two, is how our government handled what they were dealt...
the Chinese coverup, caused a good deal of the spread.... though the virus was likely to spread, even if they admitted earlier, that there was human to human spread.... it could have been cut down, in a big way imo


IF it is true what has been reported, that our intelligence agencies warned the Administration back in NOVEMBER 2019 that a virus was spreading human to human, then yes, our govt, responsible for Disease Control is responsible for not taking it seriously.

Some did, some did not The medical professionals, following the CDC lead based on the W.H.O. (who based their stats on what the Chicoms gave them), said it was nothing to worry about into February. Pelosi was encouraging people to go to the Chinese new year festivals as did Mayor deBlathio, and other leading Dems. The Dem talking points until the end of February was 'Trump is over reacting!' Bill Maher claimed Trump was using the pandemic to simply grab for power.

If Trump is guilty of not following advice, maybe the Dimocrat impeachment hoax was distracting him, as it distracted the House intel committee from doing due diligence and investigating the pandemic themselves.

Since the Trump administration decided to eliminate the pandemic team that was on the National security counsel, it slowed us getting more warnings....

He did not eliminate the team, he simply folded them into other groups and monitoring for pandemics was still a responsibility for the NSC.

And the Trump administration removed our Epidemiologist that was embedded in China's CDC PRIOR TO THE OUTBREAK..... and eliminated that position created by Bush2, continued by Obama. This position was CREATED to have someone on the ground in China, because of what happened with their lies on the first SARS.... SO THAT we COULD SPOT ANY NEW VIRUSES COMING FROM THERE EARLY.

Um, yes, because the Chicoms kicked everyone out of the country, including the W.H.O.

Then, when China made it known that the virus was spread human to human on January 9th, and released the RNA genome for the virus so other Scientists in the world could develop tests and begin working on a vaccine, the following day, January 10th...numerous news articles were posted that there was a run by china's citizens on face masks and sanitizer gel and all the stores in the whole country ran out, BELLS SHOULD HAVE GONE OFF in the trump administration's cdc and FEMA!!!

Despite conflicting advice and authoritative claims that this was a nothingburger, Trump should have just swung for the bleachers on a hunch? Yeah,. that 20/20 hindsight would have really helped him then.

OUR country should have begun acquiring personal protection gear in the billions....but we sat back, did nothing, and everyone else in the world, bought up the PPE, while we were SLEEPING!!
They didn't even look at the protocol steps written already, for pandemics....

Lol, yes, because the NIH and CDC are complete incompetents. IT is bad enough that you TDS Dims have to slander Trump every day of the week, but to slander the professionals willing to serve the public along with him is just disgraceful.

they didn't even check our national stock piles or place a few calls to hospitals to check their on hand status....
THEN on top of that, our government shipped 5 TONS of OUR OWN personal protective gear to China in JANUARY! for goodness sake!

Yes, they were trying to help China stop the pandemic at the source, silly them. They should have consulted you and your crystal ball.

And then the CDC F-ING UP on testing and still, 4 months later, without enough testing to Contain this virus is the BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER IN HISTORY....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND creating a test, without discerning if there were enough reagent chemicals and swabs and PPE gear to administer the tests, is just blatantly negligent.... sigh.

You do know that those tests were developed in a prior administrations turn at the helm, right?

But you knew that they were defective, right?

When the POST MORTEM is written on this, it will not be pretty!
Then you have the President playing the whole virus down, like it was a nothing burger the whole month of february was a disservice to the States and us Americans, (especially those that died), who needed OFFICIAL warnings about it....as early as possible.....
I think the administration, deserves an F on this whole debacle....

You Dimocrats have filed to impeach EVERY ELECTED REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT SINCE 1960.

I doubt anyone is shocked by your conclusions regarding another Republican President.
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?
The Chinese have been experimenting with bats for 20+ years. Its well known and documented.

The Wuhan P4 lab has a sordid history of escapes. Four of which have caused pandemics.

The actions of the Chinese government was that of cover up and deception. They seeded the entire world with the latest virus.

There is simply to much empirical evidence to show that it came from the P4 lab and China is attempting to cover it up.

The only thing I still question is weather the release was intentional. This virus primarily attacks the elderly and those with preexisting conditions which would render them a consumer and not a producer. China has a history of removing the old and infirm. An intentional release would have served two purposes. One is to remove the older populace in China and the second is to collapse all nations that they seeded with it.

Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
You've been watching too many James Bond movies. China is not Dr. No.

Collapsing the economies of the nations they make their bread and butter from via trade is a pretty dumb move, even for Communists, don't you think?
So tell me why they allowed international travel when they were fully aware of what the virus would do? WAS IT STUPIDITY?
You've been watching too many James Bond movies. China is not Dr. No.
Collapsing the economies of the nations they make their bread and butter from via trade is a pretty dumb move, even for Communists, don't you think?
I doubt the Chicoms deliberately released the virus, but once it got out, I think they played it against their rivals, in a rather sick minded way only Commies can emulate.

The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
who partied with Asians in March? And silly one, Asians in this country, are not the ones with the disease and dying, from what's been shown of those who died, by the news or in the statistics Scarf Lady gives us at the Corona virus pressers....

In February, while in China town, she encouraged people to shop and eat at restaurants.... not go partying, she did not participate or encourage going to the Chinese Lunar New Years parade etc earlier in the month, though I'm not certain if she condemned it either? Did she have the same information as Trump did, with his administration, his CDC, his Intel Agencies, his NIH??
Mayor in Boston early March spent $2000 eating in a Chinatown restaurant telling all Americans to come to Chinatown where did the virus come from China where were people traveling back-and-forth from China to Chinatown.....

People living in Chinatown can't generally afford to travel back and forth to China very often. There are more people living in Lexington who traveled back and forth in the early days of this. Are you going to piss and moan about them too?
Are you fucking retarded Chinese people own almost all of millennium towers which is the most expensive property in Boston, they are buying up most of the real estate in Boston and hoarding it.. Asian Americans make more money on average than white Americans.. you stupid fcuk

Learn how to read (and write) English or get out of my country.
What didn’t you understand and be honest it’s OK if you wanted to flag because you lost the argument
Because YOU don’t understand English very well, YOU misunderstood the post you were trying to respond to, idiot.
You said Chinese people are actually very poor when in reality they make more money than most white Americans, They are also buying more real estate high and real estate than anybody else in Boston
No, he said people living in China Town....
The troll Jitler pretends to be from Boston, but he doesn’t know much about the area.

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