Lets Get Down to Basic Facts; Who is Actually Responsible for the COVID19 Pandemic?

Who is primarily at fault for this COVID19 pandemic?

  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Soross

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gov Andrew Cuomo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mayor of NY, deBlathio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • the Amish Bastages

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?
What the OP is trying to distract from is this

There are two factors in play

The virus

The response to the virus

As to who is responsible for the virus...we don't know. It doesn't exactly matter right now.We need to survive this thing

The RESPONSE however...is the thing that really matters...and Trump has failed miserably

You're exactly right. Responsible for the virus? The Chinese. It started there. Was it State actors or just a case of "shit happens"? To be determined. I can't imagine that they would want to cripple the economies of their most lucrative trading partner...they are making $323 Billion off of us alone not counting the indirect trade deficit (when you buy something from Korea that has Chinese components). So I'm guessing its a "shit happens" scenario. Also, if you did want to really cripple another nation, would you unleash a virus that is defeated by vigorous handwashing and $0.30 masks? Probably not. Ricin or smallpox is the way to go.

Responsible for the response? The blob has fucked up beyond measure in some ways.

You're exactly right.
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?

The basic facts? OK. The virus is believed to have started in a wet meat market in a small town in China. People that were infected traveled to different parts of the world infecting others.

Trump was informed about it from the WHO and US intelligence as early as last November. Because he eliminated the pandemic team in the Dept of Homeland Security, started by former President Obama based upon his petty hatred of the former President, curtailed efforts to stop the spread of the infection earlier.

To further make the situation worse in a willfull cover up as not to hurt is approval ratings, Trump denied the existence of the virus, further calling it a hoax, with the help of complicit sycophants in right wing media, until the evidence became more clear due to obvious infections occurring in the US, at which point he issued a ban from traveling to and from China, at which point was to late, and he is now responsible for the deaths of thousands of people who may not have otherwise died.

The basic facts.

The WHO was first notified in Late December and not November!

The day China informed the WHO about the twenty plus cases was DECEMBER 31st 2019 and on the same day the WHO notified the CDC which after a week of monitoring offered a team to go to China and help with the investigation on January 6th 2020 and China rejected their offer.

So let be damn clear when the WHO was notified and when they notified the CDC because the left love to go with lies so they can blame Trump for China lying to the WHO and the world!

Even the WHO destroys your comment!

The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?

Trump never called the virus a hoax and you have been told this a million times and yet you keep on with this damn lie.

Also at the time Trump was allowing American Citizens to fly home the testing for the virus was limited and not readily available.

Finally, when Andrew Cuomo even admits that opening and closing of States fall on the Governor then you lose you argument about Trump failure and let be clear Cuomo even stated yesterday testing is a State job and what he needed help with is clearing red tape to obtain the supplies he need for testing which I agree the Federal Government can do a better job!

Now please tell me I am lying about what Cuomo said yesterday and please say that Jake Tapper and Snopes are lying when they said Trump never called the virus a lie!

It is those like you trying your damndest to lie about how the Government should work and what was said when even Democrats like Cuomo even debunk your nonsense!

Sure he called it a hoax. The right wing loons try to split hairs on this but he was calling the virus a hoax and downplaying the severity.
Testing was limited? Wow...amazingly the NY Nets got tested (3/17), the Utah Jazz got 58.

Even to the point where it was almost a joke...

I know...you'll never believe anything that runs counter to your pre-determined set of crap. So here is a quote from your blob:

THE PRESIDENT: But — but I think — I think, importantly: Anybody right now and yesterday — anybody that needs a test gets a test. We — they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful. Anybody that needs a test gets a test.

Here is the website where I got the quote from: Remarks by President Trump After Tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Atlanta, GA | The White House

Now pay attention: That remark was made on 3/10/20.

The DHS order to funnel people through 13 airports was made on 3/13/20.

Here is the website where I got that information: Fact Sheet: DHS Notice of Arrival Restrictions on China, Iran and Certain Countries of Europe

So on 3/10, your blob said anybody that needs a test gets a test
But on 3/13, you say that the tests are not readily available (see your comments above from 10 minutes ago).

So was your blob lying then or are you lying now?
Communist China developed the virus and intentionally let it loose on the world. They are, however, getting plenty of backing from their supporters in the Democrat party, the MSM and our defective education system. Eff Red China, Dems, the MSM and our commie schools.

Any particular reason you can think of why Communist China would want to destroy their most lucrative trading partner?

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Yes, so that the citizens of the U.S. would vote Trump out of office and get someone in they can use as a puppet while they further their agenda in the South China Sea, Asia and Africa...

China will kill their own people and yet you believe they wouldn't kill us...
..if you believe in god, it would be him, correct---? ..he created everything
No, God allows us to live with the consequences of our own evil.

The USA has known of the Chicom Level 4 lab in Wuhan, in fact we loaned them money to build it.

For the last several years our diplomats have complained about how poorly run it was, and now we all know.

But it is not Gods fault for allowing us to deal with our own fuck ups.
for the response? The blob has fucked up beyond measure in some ways
How? He was on this when the left was encouraging everyone to Party in Chinatown
ON this?

He was holding rallies and calling it a hoax.

On it?

Was he securing masks and PPP and tests?

THAT would have been "on it" He wasn't
The Lies of the Left
Communist China developed the virus and intentionally let it loose on the world. They are, however, getting plenty of backing from their supporters in the Democrat party, the MSM and our defective education system. Eff Red China, Dems, the MSM and our commie schools.

Any particular reason you can think of why Communist China would want to destroy their most lucrative trading partner?

View attachment 326555

Yes, so that the citizens of the U.S. would vote Trump out of office and get someone in they can use as a puppet while they further their agenda in the South China Sea, Asia and Africa...

China will kill their own people and yet you believe they wouldn't kill us...

So they would risk their 300B+ surplus and hurt their own economy as well to make us vote the blob out of office?
The blob is doing nothing to stop Chinese expansion...
China sold the mobile launcher KJU used to launch his missiles on 7/4/17
We cancelled our exercises with South Korea.
The Chinese are making inroads in Africa while we essentially no longer have a State Department.
Mother Nature is responsible for the virus. Human beings are responsible for trying to blame each other for it because we are bunch of stupid morons.
You forgot your 'a'. :D

Seriously, I do not think that this virus is 100% the product of nature. The Receptor Layer had a minor tweak to it that made it enormously more penetrating, and with the HIV fragments, I think it was engineered, probably here in the USA at a lab in North Carolina. Obama shut it down and two Chinese scientists took it with them to the Wuhan lab.

The 'experts' at the WH are saying that they have a plausible natural line of mutation, but that does not prove it was 100% natural mutation. Only that it could be.

They really dont want to push China too much or own up about our research into bioweapons either.
The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?
What the OP is trying to distract from is this

There are two factors in play

The virus

The response to the virus

As to who is responsible for the virus...we don't know. It doesn't exactly matter right now.We need to survive this thing

The RESPONSE however...is the thing that really matters...and Trump has failed miserably

You watched my Ben Crenshaw video then posted a laughing smiley face. Why don't you dispute his facts. Because you can't so you won't.
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?
I think you are equating two different things altogether...

One is what the Chinese did....

Two, is how our government handled what they were dealt...

the Chinese coverup, caused a good deal of the spread.... though the virus was likely to spread, even if they admitted earlier, that there was human to human spread.... it could have been cut down, in a big way imo

IF it is true what has been reported, that our intelligence agencies warned the Administration back in NOVEMBER 2019 that a virus was spreading human to human, then yes, our govt, responsible for Disease Control is responsible for not taking it seriously.

Since the Trump administration decided to eliminate the pandemic team that was on the National security counsel, it slowed us getting more warnings....

And the Trump administration removed our Epidemiologist that was embedded in China's CDC PRIOR TO THE OUTBREAK..... and eliminated that position created by Bush2, continued by Obama. This position was CREATED to have someone on the ground in China, because of what happened with their lies on the first SARS.... SO THAT we COULD SPOT ANY NEW VIRUSES COMING FROM THERE EARLY.

Then, when China made it known that the virus was spread human to human on January 9th, and released the RNA genome for the virus so other Scientists in the world could develop tests and begin working on a vaccine, the following day, January 10th...numerous news articles were posted that there was a run by china's citizens on face masks and sanitizer gel and all the stores in the whole country ran out, BELLS SHOULD HAVE GONE OFF in the trump administration's cdc and FEMA!!!

OUR country should have begun acquiring personal protection gear in the billions....but we sat back, did nothing, and everyone else in the world, bought up the PPE, while we were SLEEPING!!
They didn't even look at the protocol steps written already, for pandemics....

they didn't even check our national stock piles or place a few calls to hospitals to check their on hand status....

THEN on top of that, our government shipped 5 TONS of OUR OWN personal protective gear to China in JANUARY! for goodness sake!

And then the CDC F-ING UP on testing and still, 4 months later, without enough testing to Contain this virus is the BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER IN HISTORY....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND creating a test, without discerning if there were enough reagent chemicals and swabs and PPE gear to administer the tests, is just blatantly negligent.... sigh.

When the POST MORTEM is written on this, it will not be pretty!

Then you have the President playing the whole virus down, like it was a nothing burger the whole month of february was a disservice to the States and us Americans, (especially those that died), who needed OFFICIAL warnings about it....as early as possible.....

I think the administration, deserves an F on this whole debacle....
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The out break is because of democrats in urban areas telling us to party with Asians in March! All the elderly that lasted to pelosi
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?

I blame Mother Nature for Covid19.

I blame Donald Trump for his incompetent and wrong headed response to the pandemic.
Communist China developed the virus and intentionally let it loose on the world. They are, however, getting plenty of backing from their supporters in the Democrat party, the MSM and our defective education system. Eff Red China, Dems, the MSM and our commie schools.

Any particular reason you can think of why Communist China would want to destroy their most lucrative trading partner?

View attachment 326555

Yes, so that the citizens of the U.S. would vote Trump out of office and get someone in they can use as a puppet while they further their agenda in the South China Sea, Asia and Africa...

China will kill their own people and yet you believe they wouldn't kill us...
And their citizens are expendable in terms of economic expansion.
The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?

Trump never called the virus a hoax and you have been told this a million times and yet you keep on with this damn lie.

Also at the time Trump was allowing American Citizens to fly home the testing for the virus was limited and not readily available.

Finally, when Andrew Cuomo even admits that opening and closing of States fall on the Governor then you lose you argument about Trump failure and let be clear Cuomo even stated yesterday testing is a State job and what he needed help with is clearing red tape to obtain the supplies he need for testing which I agree the Federal Government can do a better job!

Now please tell me I am lying about what Cuomo said yesterday and please say that Jake Tapper and Snopes are lying when they said Trump never called the virus a lie!

It is those like you trying your damndest to lie about how the Government should work and what was said when even Democrats like Cuomo even debunk your nonsense!

Sure he called it a hoax. The right wing loons try to split hairs on this but he was calling the virus a hoax and downplaying the severity.
Testing was limited? Wow...amazingly the NY Nets got tested (3/17), the Utah Jazz got 58.

Even to the point where it was almost a joke...

I know...you'll never believe anything that runs counter to your pre-determined set of crap. So here is a quote from your blob:

THE PRESIDENT: But — but I think — I think, importantly: Anybody right now and yesterday — anybody that needs a test gets a test. We — they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful. Anybody that needs a test gets a test.

Here is the website where I got the quote from: Remarks by President Trump After Tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Atlanta, GA | The White House

Now pay attention: That remark was made on 3/10/20.

The DHS order to funnel people through 13 airports was made on 3/13/20.

Here is the website where I got that information: Fact Sheet: DHS Notice of Arrival Restrictions on China, Iran and Certain Countries of Europe

So on 3/10, your blob said anybody that needs a test gets a test
But on 3/13, you say that the tests are not readily available (see your comments above from 10 minutes ago).

So was your blob lying then or are you lying now?

was the blob lying Then or were you lying this morning?
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?

The basic facts? OK. The virus is believed to have started in a wet meat market in a small town in China. People that were infected traveled to different parts of the world infecting others.

Trump was informed about it from the WHO and US intelligence as early as last November. Because he eliminated the pandemic team in the Dept of Homeland Security, started by former President Obama based upon his petty hatred of the former President, curtailed efforts to stop the spread of the infection earlier.

To further make the situation worse in a willfull cover up as not to hurt is approval ratings, Trump denied the existence of the virus, further calling it a hoax, with the help of complicit sycophants in right wing media, until the evidence became more clear due to obvious infections occurring in the US, at which point he issued a ban from traveling to and from China, at which point was to late, and he is now responsible for the deaths of thousands of people who may not have otherwise died.

The basic facts.

Those aren't facts. They're being pushed as the narrative.
Communist China developed the virus and intentionally let it loose on the world. They are, however, getting plenty of backing from their supporters in the Democrat party, the MSM and our defective education system. Eff Red China, Dems, the MSM and our commie schools.

Any particular reason you can think of why Communist China would want to destroy their most lucrative trading partner?

View attachment 326555
any particular reason they keep demonizing the US to their people if we're their most lucrative partner?

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