Lets Get Down to Basic Facts; Who is Actually Responsible for the COVID19 Pandemic?

Who is primarily at fault for this COVID19 pandemic?

  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Soross

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gov Andrew Cuomo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mayor of NY, deBlathio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • the Amish Bastages

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

"The analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses found no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered.

"'By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that SARS-CoV-2 originated through natural processes,' said Kristian Andersen, PhD, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research and corresponding author on the paper."

Trump didn't cause this pandemic, but his epic ignorance and indifference allowed its initial spread; now he's making that worse by "reopening" the US economy before knowing how many Americans are infected.

YOU OBVIOUSLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW A VIRUS WORKS. You also think our nation can survive 6 months of shut down. You are an IDIOT..

Run into your house, lock the door, dont pay your bills, dont get food, for 6 months. Well be by in 6 months to collect your remains..
YOU OBVIOUSLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW A VIRUS WORKS. You also think our nation can survive 6 months of shut down. You are an IDIOT..
Run into your house, lock the door, dont pay your bills, dont get food, for 6 months.

Well be by in 6 months to collect your remains..
Lets not and say we did.
YOU OBVIOUSLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW A VIRUS WORKS. You also think our nation can survive 6 months of shut down. You are an IDIOT..
Where did you get the figure of 6 months?
Did Trump tell you that?
My local shutdown started in the middle of March.
It will likely extend to some degree until July 1st.
Assuming Trump manages to provide adequate testing to all Americans by that time, such a timeline would largely guarantee herd immunity.

Of course, if the gullible-moron-in-chief opens the economy prematurely, he may experience an October Surprise that ends his miserable charade before doing any more damage.
Well, I'm predicting that the states that start reopening now will be in the headlines every day, announcing their numbers of new cases. Not necessarily because there's a surge, but just to show they're wrong. The only way to see if it's working is to list the number of new cases DAILY and compare them. No one is doing that. It's almost as if they don't want us to know when new cases start to slow.
Well, I'm predicting that the states that start reopening now will be in the headlines every day, announcing their numbers of new cases. Not necessarily because there's a surge, but just to show they're wrong. The only way to see if it's working is to list the number of new cases DAILY and compare them. No one is doing that. It's almost as if they don't want us to know when new cases start to slow.
The real inflection point should come as more testing shows a state to have 50%+ immunity in the general population, and cautious re-opening till then.
The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?
He did downplay the significance of the virus. That is true.

He did NOT call it a hoax. Quit telling this lie. Even Democrat-run Snopes debunks that lie. Snopes - Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

Not having SNS available or having decaying items goes back to the prior administration too. So, it looks like nobody was prepared.

Trump does have child-like tantrums, but if you think ALL other politicians do NOT have such tantrums, you are effectively deceived and deluded. They are ALL narcissists who flip out viciously when they do not get their way or when they feel they have been slighted. The difference is that the other narcissists have been practicing for decades to keep their tantrums hidden from public. Hillary's narcissistic ass was barely able to do so.

I don't know that you can blame Trump for FORCING travel. Should he have shut those airports down? What is the criticism here?

Firing a person in the administration is the president's prerogative -- especially someone who appears to have acted to undermine the administration. Nobody would tolerate that shit. The IG was NOT going to make sure the money only went to small businesses because the fucking bill did not do so.

So, Trump did downplay the virus and Trump does throw tantrums. Other than that, I think you bought in to the bullshit.

YOU OBVIOUSLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW A VIRUS WORKS. You also think our nation can survive 6 months of shut down. You are an IDIOT..
Where did you get the figure of 6 months?
Did Trump tell you that?
My local shutdown started in the middle of March.
It will likely extend to some degree until July 1st.
Assuming Trump manages to provide adequate testing to all Americans by that time, such a timeline would largely guarantee herd immunity.

Of course, if the gullible-moron-in-chief opens the economy prematurely, he may experience an October Surprise that ends his miserable charade before doing any more damage.
it is a daunting task, and costs a lot in man power, no doubt!
I understand the concept. However, my point is that to "catch" that carrier, he/she has to be sick, which means the person may have been at the grocery store, stopped to pump gas, ... whatever. You'll never be able to determine all the "contacts" in a situation like that. See what I mean? At this point we definitely don't have the resources to test every person in the state of maine, let alone all the people entering. By the time someone gets sick, the cat is out of the bag. The only testing that will help at this point is antibody testing, which shows who is safe to reenter the public space. And we don't know how long that immunity is good for, or even know if the antibody tests are sufficiently accurate, since they are brand new and have not been run on large numbers then tracked to see if the immunity seems to be holding.

Masks as a strict, no exceptions rule, in every public space in Maine is a simpler idea. So no eat in restaurants, since you have to take off your mask to eat. While most of the masks we can get our hands on aren't useful for protecting us from the virus, they say it is quite effective in keeping the germ from spreading to others. Therefore, if everyone was wearing one, the problem of not being protected would be moot, at least from a breathing point of view.
Good idea on the masks!

Well, supposedly after flattening the curve it is suppose to drop to really low levels of infected, and that is when contact tracing is suppose to start... if the flattening of curve does not go in to a dropping of the curve, we can't do it.

The reason for another month of isolation, is so the curve can go downward, and get it low enough that contact tracers can be thorough, and reach as many people in their immediate circle as possible.

The testing is not for everyone in the USA, but for hotspots and New infected patients.

I believe Germany did this early on and so did south Korea and Japan etc... initially, but they might have slacked off, too soon?

I like the mask idea, but I think those at risk will likely have to stay home. And I think cloroxing fixtures and door handles etc should be done as well.... stores need sanitizer for cash registers handling money.....

We still are not certain on those who have had it, are truly protected with antibodies....it's likely, but note proven through trials...

We also do not know how long the virus stays with us.... we thought 14 days after the symptoms ended to be safe, but in China they have people that are still testing positive, after 70 days, with no symptoms....

They all had tested negative twice before being told they were cured, but additional tests, show them positive again.... they don't know if they got false negatives, or if they caught the virus again.... without trials, we won't know that for certain....

The antibody test will help identify those with antibodies, but we still don't know a lot on it yet.... And we need 40 to 50% immunized for actual heard immunity, which could cut yearly deaths to 40,000 or so.....

Even with one person initially caught and traced through contacts can stop a couple of thousand future infections.... if followed thru.....

Maybe it's a combination of things...
YOU OBVIOUSLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW A VIRUS WORKS. You also think our nation can survive 6 months of shut down. You are an IDIOT..
Where did you get the figure of 6 months?
Did Trump tell you that?
My local shutdown started in the middle of March.
It will likely extend to some degree until July 1st.
Assuming Trump manages to provide adequate testing to all Americans by that time, such a timeline would largely guarantee herd immunity.

Of course, if the gullible-moron-in-chief opens the economy prematurely, he may experience an October Surprise that ends his miserable charade before doing any more damage.
It stays locked down because of lack of testing support at the federal level.
The reason for another month of isolation, is so the curve can go downward, and get it low enough that contact tracers can be thorough, and reach as many people in their immediate circle as possible.
Has our governor extended it to May 31? Last I heard, she had not.
Governors who were not supporting Trump's ignorance acted because Trump didn't want to know how many Americans were (are) infected since that would reflect badly on his reelection prospects. If his latest failure hasn't shown you how unqualified he is to lead, maybe you should consider a Russian suicide?

Trump team failed to follow NSC’s pandemic playbook
The reason for another month of isolation, is so the curve can go downward, and get it low enough that contact tracers can be thorough, and reach as many people in their immediate circle as possible.
Has our governor extended it to May 31? Last I heard, she had not.
The last I heard about Maine, it was May 15th, the hubby said he heard?
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The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?
..you can't make mistakes with something that has NEVER happened before...something that is not everyday normal .....
--except for the Great CANDYMAN!!!!! he is PERFEC
..if you believe in god, it would be him, correct---? ..he created everything
No, God allows us to live with the consequences of our own evil.

The USA has known of the Chicom Level 4 lab in Wuhan, in fact we loaned them money to build it.

For the last several years our diplomats have complained about how poorly run it was, and now we all know.

But it is not Gods fault for allowing us to deal with our own fuck ups.
god created us? yes? so he created our evil
The blob isn't responsible for the virus....

He's responsible for:

  1. Downplaying the seriousness of the virus
  2. Calling the virus a hoax
  3. Not having the SNS available--even saying it is "our stockpile" meaning that it was for the Federal Government.
  4. Having expired/decayed items in the SNS...https://tinyurl.com/blobfuckup1
  5. Having child-like tantrums during the crisis
  6. Forcing unscreened travelers through 13 airports that were nowhere near being able to handle the passenger loads (all 13 cities are hotbeds of infection from the virus)
  7. Firing the IG who was going to make sure the CARES money earmarked for small businesses was not going to go to publicly traded companies and go to small businesses.
Do you think the blob is responsible for any of the above or made any mistakes in the response?
What the OP is trying to distract from is this

There are two factors in play

The virus

The response to the virus

As to who is responsible for the virus...we don't know. It doesn't exactly matter right now.We need to survive this thing

The RESPONSE however...is the thing that really matters...and Trump has failed miserably

What should have been done differently now that you have 20/20 hindsight to your advantage?
Of course, Libs blame Trump for this and everything else they think is bad.

The Chinese government may have been playing with the the COVID19 virus as a target for vaccinations and treatment and it slipped out. Their cover up and misleading information caused the disease to get out of control in Europe, and the same is true of their ban of intra Chinese travel to Wuhan, but allowing international traffic out of Wuhan, as long as you did not go to another place in China.

Some blame the Globalist trade network which historically usually brings some plague or another to wealthier nations, eventually.

Some blame the bats, despite there being no evidence of Horseshoe bats being sold at wet markets in Wuhan.

But what do you think; Who is primarily at fault for this pandemic?

I blame Mother Nature for Covid19.

I blame Donald Trump for his incompetent and wrong headed response to the pandemic.

You are a Canuck. You don't get an opinion except when it it comes to your girly-man Trudon't!
Trump: there's a chance we wont have corona in the fall
Fauci: there's definitely gonna be corona in the fall
It stays locked down because of lack of testing support at the federal level.
Which was on display a month ago to anyone who cared to look.
From March 25:

Trump team failed to follow NSC’s pandemic playbook

"The Trump administration, state officials and even individual hospital workers are now racing against each other to get the necessary masks, gloves and other safety equipment to fight coronavirus — a scramble that hospitals and doctors say has come too late and left them at risk. But according to a previously unrevealed White House playbook, the government should’ve begun a federal-wide effort to procure that personal protective equipment at least two months ago."

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