Let's Get Something Straight Here

OKTexas, you actually make sense here, but I guarantee the long time civil servants do not believe that Trump, once he has appointed an AG, should have any advice for the AG or the lawyers.

I guess they've forgotten who the boss is. Maybe they should break out their pocket Constitution form time to time.


We are the boss. Fool.
OKTexas, you actually make sense here, but I guarantee the long time civil servants do not believe that Trump, once he has appointed an AG, should have any advice for the AG or the lawyers.

I guess they've forgotten who the boss is. Maybe they should break out their pocket Constitution form time to time.


The boss is the American People. The President is NOT the boss. He is the man chosen by the American People to manage their interests.

He's the DOJs boss, it is part of the executive branch. Did you not read the OP?

OKTexas, you actually make sense here, but I guarantee the long time civil servants do not believe that Trump, once he has appointed an AG, should have any advice for the AG or the lawyers.

I guess they've forgotten who the boss is. Maybe they should break out their pocket Constitution form time to time.


We are the boss. Fool.

Is the DOJ part of the executive branch or not? A simple yes or no is all that's required. Fool..

Just because the constitution does not spell it out, like with many of our rules and regs etc, it does not mean it is lawful....obstructing justice is not lawful. Every time the president opens his big mouth via tweet etc. commenting on a case, the pres, as chief law enforcer IS influencing a case and is obstructing justice....

As in Bergdahl's light sentence due to Trump calling for a bigger one.... and now the NYC terrorist...he won't get the death penalty cuz of Trump calling for his death sentence....

Trump needs to SHUT UP

And having Mueller removed, would be obstruction of Justice... even though he can fire him according to the constitution...

A former President fired the AG, Special Prosecutor, and others one Saturday night. It did end well for him. Executive branch or not, fooling with Justice is not within Presidential powers.
OKTexas, you actually make sense here, but I guarantee the long time civil servants do not believe that Trump, once he has appointed an AG, should have any advice for the AG or the lawyers.

I guess they've forgotten who the boss is. Maybe they should break out their pocket Constitution form time to time.



I'm so sick of that weakling Sessions I can not begin to tell you!:mad-61:

He always recuses himself from everything...WTF???? why did he accept the job?????what's wrong with that idiot?

Has he been compromised too by the Clintons or by Hussein?

This is sickening.

Sessions screwed Trump and should be fired! He intentionally hid his plans to recuse himself from Trump, plans he put in motion before he was sworn in. That created this entire witch hunt mess which has hampered Trump for months. He should have declined, why didn't he? He'd dishonest, if he was my employee he'd have been fired already.

No he didn't, he said he would do it in his confirmation hearings. Trump should have withdrawn the nomination at that time.


No its been confirmed that Sessions was already taking steps to recuse himself before that. And even if that were not the case having blind sided his boss he should have resigned. Who's more important Sessions or the President? Should a new presidency be knocked off the rails just so Sessions can be the AG who can't obviously do his job and has to recuse himself on day 1.
OKTexas, you actually make sense here, but I guarantee the long time civil servants do not believe that Trump, once he has appointed an AG, should have any advice for the AG or the lawyers.

I guess they've forgotten who the boss is. Maybe they should break out their pocket Constitution form time to time.



I'm so sick of that weakling Sessions I can not begin to tell you!:mad-61:

He always recuses himself from everything...WTF???? why did he accept the job?????what's wrong with that idiot?

Has he been compromised too by the Clintons or by Hussein?

This is sickening.

Sessions screwed Trump and should be fired! He intentionally hid his plans to recuse himself from Trump, plans he put in motion before he was sworn in. That created this entire witch hunt mess which has hampered Trump for months. He should have declined, why didn't he? He'd dishonest, if he was my employee he'd have been fired already.

I am NOT a Sessions special pleader, but you are wrong. The person who screwed him was Rosenstein. Before Trump EVER fires Sessions, he has to replace Rosenstein. Why? Because Rosenstein worked for the Democrats, that is how we got into this mess in the 1st place. It was he who decided on a special prosecutor, not Sessions.

Consider-----------> If Trump were to fire Sessions Monday morning, Rosenstein would then assume that position until a new Trump nominee was vetted through congress. Just like they are doing with everyone they can, the Democrats would "slow walk" the process, leaving Trump with an Obama acolyte as acting attorney general; the same acolyte who decided to install a special "counsel/prosecutor" in the 1st place.

The key to all of this is the FISA court! Why? Because if it is proven/comes out that the surveillance of Trump world was initiated by the DOJ due to the dossier, then any evidence they THINK they have goes out the window because of the warrant being issued under FALSE pretenses. IN OTHER WORDS----------> the Obama DOJ got to surveil, after it received FALSE evidence from a political opponent of the now sitting President!

In all honesty, that appears to be EXACTLY what happened, or very close. The FISA judge read the riot act to the DOJ on its evidence, AFTER the surveillance had already commenced.

Politics aside, this whole fiasco needs a resolution quickly for the sake of the country. If the Democrats are accurate, ok....fine. If it is the Republicans.....fine too! Neither side can govern as long as this continues, and we need to move the ball. Besides the regulations being removed, nobody can get anywhere as long as this cloud hangs. Hillary can wait for another day, we need to settle this Russian disaster quickly, and go from there! And, while doing it......let the chips fall where they may. Either side protecting people involved in this is short sighted. We don't want people like this in charge of ANYTHING when they have so much control over how your lives get lived. And yet, one thing is obvious that Trump said was true--------->the swamp IS the problem, and it makes little difference if they are wearing a red, or blue uniform!
OKTexas, you actually make sense here, but I guarantee the long time civil servants do not believe that Trump, once he has appointed an AG, should have any advice for the AG or the lawyers.

I guess they've forgotten who the boss is. Maybe they should break out their pocket Constitution form time to time.



I'm so sick of that weakling Sessions I can not begin to tell you!:mad-61:

He always recuses himself from everything...WTF???? why did he accept the job?????what's wrong with that idiot?

Has he been compromised too by the Clintons or by Hussein?

This is sickening.

Sessions screwed Trump and should be fired! He intentionally hid his plans to recuse himself from Trump, plans he put in motion before he was sworn in. That created this entire witch hunt mess which has hampered Trump for months. He should have declined, why didn't he? He'd dishonest, if he was my employee he'd have been fired already.

No he didn't, he said he would do it in his confirmation hearings. Trump should have withdrawn the nomination at that time.


No its been confirmed that Sessions was already taking steps to recuse himself before that. And even if that were not the case having blind sided his boss he should have resigned. Who's more important Sessions or the President? Should a new presidency be knocked off the rails just so Sessions can be the AG who can't obviously do his job and has to recuse himself on day 1.

Exactly how did he do that before he took office?

Yes, sanity is sinking in.

The country can't move forward in governance with the Mueller investigation continuing.

Thus, those in and out of the Trump campaign who committed crimes need to step forward for the good of the country.

Mueller can't stop the investigation; that would be even worse than what is going on today.
Add this to things that need investigated!

Google "CNN,175,Sue" on Twitter

I keep hearing pundits and politicians claiming Trump should not say anything to the DOJ about things he thinks they should investigate. They keep claiming the founders established an independent judiciary. Believe it or not they are correct that the founders established an independent judiciary the DOJ is NOT part of the judiciary, they are part of the executive branch. The federal courts are the judiciary. It is quite proper for the president to direct his DOJ, as he alone is charged by the Constitution, in Article 2, to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed". The DOJ is just one organization that was established by congress to allow a president to fulfill that constitutional obligation.

I find it funny these supposedly educated people have no clue who is actually the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in our Constitutional Republic.

Who cares what you have said, because what you have said has not been straight stuff. You want Trump to interfere with the DOJ investigation of his campaign and the Russians. If he does, he's a goner. I would like to see Clinton investigated, too, after Trump, because she is the lesser of the evils I have come to believe.

There ya go, making assumptions. This thread is more directed to what's being said about Trump calling for investigations into the highjinks at the DNC and the uranium one deal. .
(1) You are the assumption makers. (2) The DNC has nothing to do with the Trump investigation. (2) Uranium One was signed off by nine US agencies so Russia could buy an energy company in Canada.
Add this to things that need investigated!

Google "CNN,175,Sue" on Twitter

I keep hearing pundits and politicians claiming Trump should not say anything to the DOJ about things he thinks they should investigate. They keep claiming the founders established an independent judiciary. Believe it or not they are correct that the founders established an independent judiciary the DOJ is NOT part of the judiciary, they are part of the executive branch. The federal courts are the judiciary. It is quite proper for the president to direct his DOJ, as he alone is charged by the Constitution, in Article 2, to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed". The DOJ is just one organization that was established by congress to allow a president to fulfill that constitutional obligation.

I find it funny these supposedly educated people have no clue who is actually the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in our Constitutional Republic.


I really don't see that as a federal matter, States can handle it.

So Seth Rich being murdered and Donna Brazille fearing for her life because of Seth Rich’s murder but she refuses to say why is something The State should investigate?

Add this to things that need investigated!

Google "CNN,175,Sue" on Twitter

I keep hearing pundits and politicians claiming Trump should not say anything to the DOJ about things he thinks they should investigate. They keep claiming the founders established an independent judiciary. Believe it or not they are correct that the founders established an independent judiciary the DOJ is NOT part of the judiciary, they are part of the executive branch. The federal courts are the judiciary. It is quite proper for the president to direct his DOJ, as he alone is charged by the Constitution, in Article 2, to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed". The DOJ is just one organization that was established by congress to allow a president to fulfill that constitutional obligation.

I find it funny these supposedly educated people have no clue who is actually the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in our Constitutional Republic.


I really don't see that as a federal matter, States can handle it.

Who cares what you have said, because what you have said has not been straight stuff. You want Trump to interfere with the DOJ investigation of his campaign and the Russians. If he does, he's a goner. I would like to see Clinton investigated, too, after Trump, because she is the lesser of the evils I have come to believe.

There ya go, making assumptions. This thread is more directed to what's being said about Trump calling for investigations into the highjinks at the DNC and the uranium one deal. .
(1) You are the assumption makers. (2) The DNC has nothing to do with the Trump investigation. (2) Uranium One was signed off by nine US agencies so Russia could buy an energy company in Canada.

Never said the DNC had anything to do with the Trump investigation, they are being accused of campaign finance and money laundering violations and more in their little agreement with the bitch, the "Victory Fund" accounting and financing the Steele dossier.

We'll soon know what the behind the scenes looked like in the approval of the Uranium One deal, it has been reported a bunch of shady crap went on and the FBI knew about it and didn't tell congress. Also part of the deal was no uranium was to leave the US, we now know not only did uranium leave the US, but the continent, possibly going to Europe and Asia and no one knows from there.

Sorry you can't keep up.

So Seth Rich being murdered and Donna Brazille fearing for her life because of Seth Rich’s murder but she refuses to say why is something The State should investigate?

Add this to things that need investigated!

Google "CNN,175,Sue" on Twitter

I keep hearing pundits and politicians claiming Trump should not say anything to the DOJ about things he thinks they should investigate. They keep claiming the founders established an independent judiciary. Believe it or not they are correct that the founders established an independent judiciary the DOJ is NOT part of the judiciary, they are part of the executive branch. The federal courts are the judiciary. It is quite proper for the president to direct his DOJ, as he alone is charged by the Constitution, in Article 2, to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed". The DOJ is just one organization that was established by congress to allow a president to fulfill that constitutional obligation.

I find it funny these supposedly educated people have no clue who is actually the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in our Constitutional Republic.


I really don't see that as a federal matter, States can handle it.


Well, DC actually, the conspiracy theories surrounding the Rich murder and Brazille's paranoia are local matters unless a lot more unknown info comes out.


Who cares what you have said, because what you have said has not been straight stuff. You want Trump to interfere with the DOJ investigation of his campaign and the Russians. If he does, he's a goner. I would like to see Clinton investigated, too, after Trump, because she is the lesser of the evils I have come to believe.

There ya go, making assumptions. This thread is more directed to what's being said about Trump calling for investigations into the highjinks at the DNC and the uranium one deal. .
(1) You are the assumption makers. (2) The DNC has nothing to do with the Trump investigation. (2) Uranium One was signed off by nine US agencies so Russia could buy an energy company in Canada.

Never said the DNC had anything to do with the Trump investigation, they are being accused of campaign finance and money laundering violations and more in their little agreement with the bitch, the "Victory Fund" accounting and financing the Steele dossier.

We'll soon know what the behind the scenes looked like in the approval of the Uranium One deal, it has been reported a bunch of shady crap went on and the FBI knew about it and didn't tell congress. Also part of the deal was no uranium was to leave the US, we now know not only did uranium leave the US, but the continent, possibly going to Europe and Asia and no one knows from there.

Sorry you can't keep up..
You are stumbling and poorly trying to deflect.

Only the bumblers and stumblers are accusing the DNC of violations.

The main issue from which you are deflecting is Trump and his problems: hint, won't work.
Brazile was worried about Russian snipers, not silly ass conspiracy mire of anyone else targeting her.

Read her actual work, guys.
There are quite a few people in this country who believe the Dept of Justice, IRS, SCOTUS, and the federal court system are all political entities that have long ago surrendered honor and integrity. And we should include academia and the profession of journalism.

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