Let's Review the last 72 hours

The MSM and The Swamp hates Trump and they fight every move he makes. Can you imagine Obama getting the same scrutiny over his unconstitutional DACA executive order that Trump is getting over his Emergency Action?
Yeah, they should question Trump’s birth certificate as well
In the last 72 hours I have
Finished one job
Completed multiple deliveries for the next job
Shoveled my driveway twice
Had a few too many to drink
Mocked morons on the internet

But your obsession with Trump is interesting so do tell us more!
Yea, two fake news stories.

Stone never threatened the judge. He posted an already existing pic, and the left flipped out as usual.

The other charge is even more fake.

Life must really suck for TDS peeps. Every accusation falls on its face, yet you all buy into them each time a new fake narrative is manufactured.

If Stone didn't threaten the judge, why did he remove the photo and publically apologize to the judge? Why did he remove the picture and then replace it with one without crosshairs, and then remove the picture. I don't apoligize for things I didn't do.

The other story is anything but "fake" and you know it. Every day, in every way, Trump exposes his true agenda, and the fact that he would sell anything to anyone, even if they'd use it to destroy the world, if he personally can make a buck doing it.

Because Stone knows that the judge is a leftwing snowflake. He has to appease her or she’ll abuse her powers even more.

The Judge is a Republican judge appointed by a Republican President. Judges have no sense of humour about being threatened. Roger is going to jail.
Hope so.
The MSM and The Swamp hates Trump and they fight every move he makes. Can you imagine Obama getting the same scrutiny over his unconstitutional DACA executive order that Trump is getting over his Emergency Action?
Yeah, they should question Trump’s birth certificate as well
Trump is too tough for you pitiful jackals. He just keeps rolling along and you idiots run around trying to bring him down. Fun to watch,
If we actually listed all of the crimes that it has already been proven that Donald Trump has committed, been charged for and "settled" paid huge fines for, all without admitting guilt, the list would be too big to post here. Combined with his bankruptcies around the world, and other illegal acts, the list of Trump's crimes would be too long to post here, including multiple credible allegations and admissions of rape, sexual assault, fraud, criminal racial discrimination, tax fraud, campaign finance violations, bribery, extortion, and conspiring with a foreign government to defraud the United States in America.

Be very careful in trying to throw shit on people who are not in office, or who are dead. Trump is going down.

Riiight....the list is “so long” you can’t even come up with one example of when it was “proven” he broke the law.

Where are the formal charges? Where are the convictions?
Money talks Hawk,,and speaks loudly How else do you think a slime of a man like trump could get away with all the shit he's pulled
So, let's review the last 72 hours under the Trump clusterfuck...

Roger Stone a chief advisor to Trump for years, threatened U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson.

Donald Trump asked then-acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker if a US attorney he appointed could oversee an investigation tied to himself after the US attorney in question had already recused himself from the probe, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
Whitaker told the House Judiciary Committee earlier this month that "'at no time has the White House asked for nor have I provided any promises or commitments concerning the special counsel's investigation or any other investigation.' Whitaker could now face perjury charges.

The administration of President Donald Trump is bypassing the United States Congress to advance the sale of US nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia, despite concerns it would violate US law guarding against technology transfers, according to a new report by a congressional committee.

Feel free to add anything l missed.

Desperate whatabouts????
Whatever. The point is clean up your own backyard before you lecture me on morals.

Morals? Lets talk about Jonathan Pollard. The guy who was given a life sentence for violation of the Espionage Act for passing nuclear secrets to our ally?

Clinton was impeached for perjury.
If we actually listed all of the crimes that it has already been proven that Donald Trump has committed, been charged for and "settled" paid huge fines for, all without admitting guilt, the list would be too big to post here. Combined with his bankruptcies around the world, and other illegal acts, the list of Trump's crimes would be too long to post here, including multiple credible allegations and admissions of rape, sexual assault, fraud, criminal racial discrimination, tax fraud, campaign finance violations, bribery, extortion, and conspiring with a foreign government to defraud the United States in America.

Be very careful in trying to throw shit on people who are not in office, or who are dead. Trump is going down.

Riiight....the list is “so long” you can’t even come up with one example of when it was “proven” he broke the law.

Where are the formal charges? Where are the convictions?
Money talks Hawk,,and speaks loudly How else do you think a slime of a man like trump could get away with all the shit he's pulled
Trump has stopped the march to socialism by the left. That's the only real crime he's committed and you know it.
So, let's review the last 72 hours under the Trump clusterfuck...

Roger Stone a chief advisor to Trump for years, threatened U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson.

Donald Trump asked then-acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker if a US attorney he appointed could oversee an investigation tied to himself after the US attorney in question had already recused himself from the probe, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
Whitaker told the House Judiciary Committee earlier this month that "'at no time has the White House asked for nor have I provided any promises or commitments concerning the special counsel's investigation or any other investigation.' Whitaker could now face perjury charges.

The administration of President Donald Trump is bypassing the United States Congress to advance the sale of US nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia, despite concerns it would violate US law guarding against technology transfers, according to a new report by a congressional committee.

Feel free to add anything l missed.

Desperate whatabouts????
Whatever. The point is clean up your own backyard before you lecture me on morals.

Morals? Lets talk about Jonathan Pollard. The guy who was given a life sentence for violation of the Espionage Act for passing nuclear secrets to our ally?

Clinton was impeached for perjury.
Okay. Let's talk about Eric Holder and Obama. Talk about aiding and abetting our enemies. Holder was the only AG ever to be censured by congress. Obama gave billions to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Let's hold EVERYONE that is a traitor accountable.
The MSM and The Swamp hates Trump and they fight every move he makes. Can you imagine Obama getting the same scrutiny over his unconstitutional DACA executive order that Trump is getting over his Emergency Action?

Well no of course not, all the coverage on Faux New was completely legitimate in very way possible. They never lied over there or launched unwarranted assaults Obama, Democrats, and/or liberals in general, at the little old News outlet that could.
So, let's review the last 72 hours under the Trump clusterfuck...

Roger Stone a chief advisor to Trump for years, threatened U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson.

Donald Trump asked then-acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker if a US attorney he appointed could oversee an investigation tied to himself after the US attorney in question had already recused himself from the probe, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
Whitaker told the House Judiciary Committee earlier this month that "'at no time has the White House asked for nor have I provided any promises or commitments concerning the special counsel's investigation or any other investigation.' Whitaker could now face perjury charges.

The administration of President Donald Trump is bypassing the United States Congress to advance the sale of US nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia, despite concerns it would violate US law guarding against technology transfers, according to a new report by a congressional committee.

Feel free to add anything l missed.

Let's review the last 72 hours.

He forgot to take his TDS medication.
So, let's review the last 72 hours under the Trump clusterfuck...

Roger Stone a chief advisor to Trump for years, threatened U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson.

Donald Trump asked then-acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker if a US attorney he appointed could oversee an investigation tied to himself after the US attorney in question had already recused himself from the probe, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
Whitaker told the House Judiciary Committee earlier this month that "'at no time has the White House asked for nor have I provided any promises or commitments concerning the special counsel's investigation or any other investigation.' Whitaker could now face perjury charges.

The administration of President Donald Trump is bypassing the United States Congress to advance the sale of US nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia, despite concerns it would violate US law guarding against technology transfers, according to a new report by a congressional committee.

Feel free to add anything l missed.

Desperate whatabouts????
Whatever. The point is clean up your own backyard before you lecture me on morals.

Morals? Lets talk about Jonathan Pollard. The guy who was given a life sentence for violation of the Espionage Act for passing nuclear secrets to our ally?

Clinton was impeached for perjury.
Okay. Let's talk about Eric Holder and Obama. Talk about aiding and abetting our enemies. Holder was the only AG ever to be censured by congress. Obama gave billions to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Let's hold EVERYONE that is a traitor accountable.

Why? Did Holder's refusal to provide specific documents to a partisan committee make Whitaker perjure himself? Did the Iran deal, that halted Iran's nuclear development, make the President want to pass Nuclear secrets to the Saudis? Do you think Congress has an obligation to investigate whether he did or not? Or, because Obama gave Iran their money back you think it's legal for Trump to give the Saudis Nuclear technology?
Yea, two fake news stories.

Stone never threatened the judge. He posted an already existing pic, and the left flipped out as usual.

The other charge is even more fake.

Life must really suck for TDS peeps. Every accusation falls on its face, yet you all buy into them each time a new fake narrative is manufactured.
How's this Hawk ? Any better?
Obstruction!!!! That's better

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Intimidation, Pressure and Humiliation: Inside Trump’s Two-Year War on the Investigations Encircling Him
President Trump’s efforts have exposed him to accusations of obstruction of justice as Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, finishes his work.
NYTimes = LOL
So, let's review the last 72 hours under the Trump clusterfuck...

Roger Stone a chief advisor to Trump for years, threatened U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson.

Donald Trump asked then-acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker if a US attorney he appointed could oversee an investigation tied to himself after the US attorney in question had already recused himself from the probe, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
Whitaker told the House Judiciary Committee earlier this month that "'at no time has the White House asked for nor have I provided any promises or commitments concerning the special counsel's investigation or any other investigation.' Whitaker could now face perjury charges.

The administration of President Donald Trump is bypassing the United States Congress to advance the sale of US nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia, despite concerns it would violate US law guarding against technology transfers, according to a new report by a congressional committee.

Feel free to add anything l missed.

More and more it’s becoming fact that there was a conspiracy to hack the DNC and Podesta email accounts at the behest of the Trump camp
Whatever. The point is clean up your own backyard before you lecture me on morals.

Morals? Lets talk about Jonathan Pollard. The guy who was given a life sentence for violation of the Espionage Act for passing nuclear secrets to our ally?

Clinton was impeached for perjury.
Okay. Let's talk about Eric Holder and Obama. Talk about aiding and abetting our enemies. Holder was the only AG ever to be censured by congress. Obama gave billions to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Let's hold EVERYONE that is a traitor accountable.

Why? Did Holder's refusal to provide specific documents to a partisan committee make Whitaker perjure himself? Did the Iran deal, that halted Iran's nuclear development, make the President want to pass Nuclear secrets to the Saudis? Do you think Congress has an obligation to investigate whether he did or not? Or, because Obama gave Iran their money back you think it's legal for Trump to give the Saudis Nuclear technology?
So you support the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Cool.
Desperate whatabouts????
Whatever. The point is clean up your own backyard before you lecture me on morals.

Morals? Lets talk about Jonathan Pollard. The guy who was given a life sentence for violation of the Espionage Act for passing nuclear secrets to our ally?

Clinton was impeached for perjury.
Okay. Let's talk about Eric Holder and Obama. Talk about aiding and abetting our enemies. Holder was the only AG ever to be censured by congress. Obama gave billions to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Let's hold EVERYONE that is a traitor accountable.

Why? Did Holder's refusal to provide specific documents to a partisan committee make Whitaker perjure himself? Did the Iran deal, that halted Iran's nuclear development, make the President want to pass Nuclear secrets to the Saudis? Do you think Congress has an obligation to investigate whether he did or not? Or, because Obama gave Iran their money back you think it's legal for Trump to give the Saudis Nuclear technology?
So you support the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Cool.

Say, that's a nice diversionary yet false and baseless accusation.

You brought up Holder, Obama and the return of billions to Iran? So...what does that have to do with Whitaker's possible perjury or Trumpybear giving away nuclear secrets?
Whatever. The point is clean up your own backyard before you lecture me on morals.

Morals? Lets talk about Jonathan Pollard. The guy who was given a life sentence for violation of the Espionage Act for passing nuclear secrets to our ally?

Clinton was impeached for perjury.
Okay. Let's talk about Eric Holder and Obama. Talk about aiding and abetting our enemies. Holder was the only AG ever to be censured by congress. Obama gave billions to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Let's hold EVERYONE that is a traitor accountable.

Why? Did Holder's refusal to provide specific documents to a partisan committee make Whitaker perjure himself? Did the Iran deal, that halted Iran's nuclear development, make the President want to pass Nuclear secrets to the Saudis? Do you think Congress has an obligation to investigate whether he did or not? Or, because Obama gave Iran their money back you think it's legal for Trump to give the Saudis Nuclear technology?
So you support the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Cool.

Say, that's a nice diversionary yet false and baseless accusation.

You brought up Holder, Obama and the return of billions to Iran? So...what does that have to do with Whitaker's possible perjury or Trumpybear giving away nuclear secrets?
A favorite Trump republican trick ,,,,",Don't look there, look over here""
Whatever. The point is clean up your own backyard before you lecture me on morals.

Morals? Lets talk about Jonathan Pollard. The guy who was given a life sentence for violation of the Espionage Act for passing nuclear secrets to our ally?

Clinton was impeached for perjury.
Okay. Let's talk about Eric Holder and Obama. Talk about aiding and abetting our enemies. Holder was the only AG ever to be censured by congress. Obama gave billions to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Let's hold EVERYONE that is a traitor accountable.

Why? Did Holder's refusal to provide specific documents to a partisan committee make Whitaker perjure himself? Did the Iran deal, that halted Iran's nuclear development, make the President want to pass Nuclear secrets to the Saudis? Do you think Congress has an obligation to investigate whether he did or not? Or, because Obama gave Iran their money back you think it's legal for Trump to give the Saudis Nuclear technology?
So you support the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Cool.

Say, that's a nice diversionary yet false and baseless accusation.

You brought up Holder, Obama and the return of billions to Iran? So...what does that have to do with Whitaker's possible perjury or Trumpybear giving away nuclear secrets?
If a Trump AG refused Congress you'd piss your pants. Your double standard is a sign of a mental problem.
Morals? Lets talk about Jonathan Pollard. The guy who was given a life sentence for violation of the Espionage Act for passing nuclear secrets to our ally?

Clinton was impeached for perjury.
Okay. Let's talk about Eric Holder and Obama. Talk about aiding and abetting our enemies. Holder was the only AG ever to be censured by congress. Obama gave billions to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Let's hold EVERYONE that is a traitor accountable.

Why? Did Holder's refusal to provide specific documents to a partisan committee make Whitaker perjure himself? Did the Iran deal, that halted Iran's nuclear development, make the President want to pass Nuclear secrets to the Saudis? Do you think Congress has an obligation to investigate whether he did or not? Or, because Obama gave Iran their money back you think it's legal for Trump to give the Saudis Nuclear technology?
So you support the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Cool.

Say, that's a nice diversionary yet false and baseless accusation.

You brought up Holder, Obama and the return of billions to Iran? So...what does that have to do with Whitaker's possible perjury or Trumpybear giving away nuclear secrets?
A favorite Trump republican trick ,,,,",Don't look there, look over here""
Clean up your own yard before you criticize someone elses.
Morals? Lets talk about Jonathan Pollard. The guy who was given a life sentence for violation of the Espionage Act for passing nuclear secrets to our ally?

Clinton was impeached for perjury.
Okay. Let's talk about Eric Holder and Obama. Talk about aiding and abetting our enemies. Holder was the only AG ever to be censured by congress. Obama gave billions to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Let's hold EVERYONE that is a traitor accountable.

Why? Did Holder's refusal to provide specific documents to a partisan committee make Whitaker perjure himself? Did the Iran deal, that halted Iran's nuclear development, make the President want to pass Nuclear secrets to the Saudis? Do you think Congress has an obligation to investigate whether he did or not? Or, because Obama gave Iran their money back you think it's legal for Trump to give the Saudis Nuclear technology?
So you support the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Cool.

Say, that's a nice diversionary yet false and baseless accusation.

You brought up Holder, Obama and the return of billions to Iran? So...what does that have to do with Whitaker's possible perjury or Trumpybear giving away nuclear secrets?
If a Trump AG refused Congress you'd piss your pants. Your double standard is a sign of a mental problem.

So you are a fortune teller as well?

You prognosticate a future position of mine and then call it a double standard based on your own prognostications?

Brilliant. Do you fool yourself often like this or what?

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