Let's Speculate as to the REAL motive behind the invasion of Iraq

And women who dress provocatively are asking to be raped.
Why do you assume that women who dress provacatively are "asking to be raped"?

I am making a connection between those who say that American policy asked for Muslim extremist reaction (read Nine Eleven, et al) and the fact that Muslim women can be legally raped if they are about on their own, since the extension is that both are asking for it.
Could you explain why you presume that it is legal to rape Muslim women?
If you do not research with a neutral eye I suppose I shall have to teach you Sunni Man. The removal of blacks from Africa to America has created the drift to which I speak.

But you make my point. The white race has by genetic drift (inputting the genes of others) but they are still a race due to their dominant genetic factors that remain.

I think I get it.

If you posses even one tiny bit of semitic DNA. Then you are part of the so called Jewish race

But if a white has any african DNA. It is called "genetic drift" and somehow doesn't count.

If I am not mistaken; the Nazis and the KKK have similar views. Just in reverse, but the same principle applies. :cool:

Do you even understand genetic drift? Now you confuse race with ...

Why do you assume that women who dress provacatively are "asking to be raped"?

I am making a connection between those who say that American policy asked for Muslim extremist reaction (read Nine Eleven, et al) and the fact that Muslim women can be legally raped if they are about on their own, since the extension is that both are asking for it.
Could you explain why you presume that it is legal to rape Muslim women?

If you can't understand or won't understand my extension, then I put forwards repetition is in the realm of the banal.

Ask Sunni Man about this effect. He spoke of it to me. I can find the link if you so wish.
In other words Ropey.

You just made some stuff up.

And now can't defend your position. :cuckoo:
In other words Ropey.

You just made some stuff up.

And now can't defend your position. :cuckoo:

Oh I explained. Your friend can not or is not willing to understand my connection as posted below. Repeating it is simply useless. You are not willing to open your mind to the lies you have been exposed to as a child.

You seriously lack in critical analysis.

Ropey said:
I am making a connection between those who say that American policy asked for Muslim extremist reaction (read Nine Eleven, et al) and the fact that Muslim women can be legally raped if they are about on their own, since the extension is that both are asking for it.
You are not willing to open your mind to the lies you have been exposed to as a child.

You seriously lack in critical analysis.
LOL, that you can say that to someone else is the ultimate irony. :lol:
And women who dress provocatively are asking to be raped.
Why do you assume that women who dress provacatively are "asking to be raped"?
It's simple.

He hates muslims and Islam.

And will lie to make muslims look bad. :doubt:

Why I left Islam
By Waleed Al-Husseini

Islam is an authoritarian religion that does not respect the individuals’ freedom of choice, which is easily noticeable from its barbaric verdicts such as stoning the adulterous, pushing the homosexuals off a cliff and killing the apostates for daring to express a different viewpoint. Then there is the plight of other religions’ followers in the Muslim State. Islam urges its followers to fight the infidels until they convert or agree to pay a tax known as "Jizya" per capita in total submission.The sacred texts in Islam also encourage blatant war and conquest of new territories to spread the religion of Muhammad, instead of using peaceful means to convey the message, relying only on a rational argumentative scheme; something that Islam, like any other religion for that matter, evidently lacks. It is simply a terrible insult to human values and a proof of unprecedented dementia.

I was flabbergasted when I learnt the commandments of Islam regarding the alliance and disavowal and the aberrant division of the world into believers and unbelievers, with all the outrageous provisions this implies for the "Dhimmis" and the” Jizya "! A man also has the right to correct his wife by beating her and / or deserting the marital bed if she refuses to submit to his will. She has no choice when it comes to satisfying his sexual desire whenever he feels like it, with no regard whatsoever of her feelings and desires.

I am not a feminist and I am not one of those who defend women passionately against the countless forms of injustice they have suffered for centuries because of religion, but I have a mother, a sister and a lover and I cannot stand for them to be humiliated and stigmatized in this bone-chilling way, because they are my dearest and I love them too much to treat them with this flawed and nauseating manner which debunks undoubtedly the claim that Islam is a religion of equality and freedom! All forms of artistic expressions are banned in Islam: music, singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, acting, but also literature, poetry, philosophy and the use of logic!

Muhammad was no different than barbaric thugs who slaughtered, robbed and raped women, there are many proofs in the Sunnah, I invite you to do your homework before accusing me of lying for the sole purpose of damaging the image of the prophet of Islam. He was a sex maniac, and went around all the laws he has enacted to appease his voracious desire. He has torn humanity and imprisoned the nation with backward and outdated Bedouin laws. He accomplished no miracle that could prove his prophecy; all he had was a book showing strong similarities with the poetry of his contemporaries, full of scientific errors and philosophical dilemmas.
Why I left Islam
Actually it's even worse in EU nations, they do that while pretending there are no poor people or unemployed, plus push the scam that thanks to democratic socialism/social democracy there will be no poor people some day. Makes a great Utopian fantasy novel, but every economist with a brain (and not using it to lie to make themselves money) realizes that socialism/social democracy as well as the current US economic system are all failed economic policies.

The best economic policies are now to be found in Asian nations that don't focus on an overbearing welfare state and instead provide jobs and living wages for their people like they do in South Korea (which has had near enough the OECD's lowest unemployment for several years in a row). :lol:

SOUTH KOREA?? You can't be serious. That would mean finding a patron state like the United States to cover the expense of the military..among other subsidies.

And if you really want to follow the Asian model..good luck

-Get rid of patents and copyrights.
-Anything that can be sold..will be sold.
-Rules? Regulations? Who needs that. Buyer beware. If you eat it..and it doesn't kill you..it's probably safe.
-Brick and mortar stores? Screw that..set up shop anywhere.
-Screw everyone except family..and with family there are exceptions.
-Hey..if you can put a bed there..it's home. 20 people in a one bedroom apartment? No problemo.
-Work until you die..literally.

You must be a proud supporter of the pharmaceutical industry, even if billions of people (including Americans) can't afford medicine because of excessive copyrights and patents and subsequently die or live in hellish pain for the rest of their lives, also if you read up more you would find that South Korea, Japan and Singapore all respect copyrights. :cuckoo:

Also who pays your check, it certainty isn't US taxpayers but Asian banks, without which you would just be a bum on the street, even Democrats know that, if you are a Democrat...consider joining the US communist party, then again they would dump you out because you support the said copyrights and patents. Have fun walking that line.

I think you misread my post.

My bullets points were meant to outline how an Asian economy functions.
Bush was looking for the singular event that would establish his place in history. He wanted to use the 9-11 attacks and the unparalleled support afterwards to force his way into the history books.

He envisioned himself as the single person who would reshape the region once and for all. If he could only remove the dictatorships and replace them with democracies, the people of the entire region would rise up in democratic revolution with US support.

Iran was the key. If he could establish strong democracies with solid economies and high standards of living in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Iranian people would finally rise up and insist on their own rights. Once Iran fell, the rest of the countries in the region would fall like dominos as they embraced democracy.

Since democracies do not encourage terrorism, Bush would solve the problems of the region once and for all and be hailed as a hero and his presidency would be one of the greatest in modern history

I think you probably explain it the best.

The problems:

Those people are not "liberals". They don't want individual freedom. It's not in their lexicon.

Republicans are conflicted. On one hand they want a "religious theocracy". They see it as a "good thing". Only they call for freedom but don't mean it, which makes their position confusing, to say the least. You only have to talk to women's rights activists and gays in this country to know this to be true.

Bush was and is a very simple minded person. He thought those people wanted "freedom", but if they did, why didn't they ask for our help? Poor Bush, didn't even know the difference between Shiite and Sunni. I bet he didn't even know there were more than a million Christians living in Iraq before we destroyed their lives. Now they curse us along with the rest of Iraq.

Because of the tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and the trillions lost in American money and the fear and hatred this brought America from around the world, this will be a horse beat many more times. I know Republicans want to put it behind us, and for good reason, because it was their debacle, but we won't. We can't. Too many have died because of that failed ideology. We can never be silent again.

Because of the tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and the trillions lost in American money and the fear and hatred this brought America from around the world, this will be a horse beat many more times. I know Republicans want to put it behind us, and for good reason, because it was their debacle, but we won't. We can't. Too many have died because of that failed ideology. We can never be silent again.

The next American election will prove or disprove your view...

Because of the tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and the trillions lost in American money and the fear and hatred this brought America from around the world, this will be a horse beat many more times. I know Republicans want to put it behind us, and for good reason, because it was their debacle, but we won't. We can't. Too many have died because of that failed ideology. We can never be silent again.

Right on! Take it to the streets! Speak truth to power! Never surrender, never submit! Keep the fire alive!

(Or just post about it on a message board)
I am making a connection between those who say that American policy asked for Muslim extremist reaction (read Nine Eleven, et al) and the fact that Muslim women can be legally raped if they are about on their own, since the extension is that both are asking for it.
Could you explain why you presume that it is legal to rape Muslim women?

If you can't understand or won't understand my extension, then I put forwards repetition is in the realm of the banal.

Ask Sunni Man about this effect. He spoke of it to me. I can find the link if you so wish.
You are dodging the question. Why don't you just answer it?

I asked you to explain why you presume that it is legal to rape Muslim women. Why are you are dodging that question?
Last edited:

Because of the tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and the trillions lost in American money and the fear and hatred this brought America from around the world, this will be a horse beat many more times. I know Republicans want to put it behind us, and for good reason, because it was their debacle, but we won't. We can't. Too many have died because of that failed ideology. We can never be silent again.
Face it, Skippy: The only reason...the ONLY reason...you oppose the wars is because a Republican started them (with Democrat help, but you refuse to hold them accountable).

Because of the tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and the trillions lost in American money and the fear and hatred this brought America from around the world, this will be a horse beat many more times. I know Republicans want to put it behind us, and for good reason, because it was their debacle, but we won't. We can't. Too many have died because of that failed ideology. We can never be silent again.

Right on! Take it to the streets! Speak truth to power! Never surrender, never submit! Keep the fire alive!
Tune in, turn on, drop out! Ban the Bomb! Make love, not war! Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?
(Or just post about it on a message board)
Well, it's easier than actually doing anything.
Could you explain why you presume that it is legal to rape Muslim women?

If you can't understand or won't understand my extension, then I put forwards repetition is in the realm of the banal.

Ask Sunni Man about this effect. He spoke of it to me. I can find the link if you so wish.
You are dodging the question. Why don't you just answer it?

I asked you to explain why you presume that it is legal to rape Muslim women. Why are you are dodging that question?

Somali fighters stone 'rape victim'

AlJazeera said:
A Somali girl who said she had been raped has been stoned to death in Somalia after being accused of adultery, a human rights group has said.

Amnesty International said in a press release on Friday that the victim, Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, had been 13 years old - not 23 as earlier reports had suggested.

A Somali girl who said she had been raped has been stoned to death in Somalia after being accused of adultery, a human rights group has said.

Amnesty International said in a press release on Friday that the victim, Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, had been 13 years old - not 23 as earlier reports had suggested.

Rape in Islam: Blaming the Victim

the French businesswoman Touria Tiouli went to court in the United Arab Emirates. Heedlessly risking the recycling of vague Orientalist clichés, Dubai officials have turned her charge that she was raped by three men on its head and accused her of zina, sexual activity outside marriage. In Dubai, a bastion of moderate Islam, this charge isn’t punishable by stoning, as it is in more hard-line Muslim countries — it only carries an 18-month jail sentence.

FrontPage Magazine - Rape in Islam: Blaming the Victim

Women in the Quran
It's OK to have sex with your wives on the night of the fast. 2:187
Menstruation is a sickness. Don't have sex with menstruating women. 2:222
Have sex with your women whenever and as often as you like. 2:223
Women have rights that are similar to men, but men are "a degree above them." 2:228
A woman is worth one-half a man. 2:282
"Marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three or four." 4:3
Males are to inherit twice that of females. 4:11
Lewd women are to be confined to their houses until death. 4:15
You may not forcibly inherit women, unless they flagrantly lewd. 4:19
Instructions for exchanging wives 4:20
"All married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess."
You can't have sex with married women, unless they are slaves obtained in war (with whom you may rape or do whatever you like). 4:24
Men are in charge of women, because Allah made men to be better than women. Refuse to have sex with women from whom you fear rebellion, and scourge them. 4:34
Don't pray if you are drunk, dirty, or have touched a woman lately. 4:43
Women are feeble and are unable to devise a plan. 4:98
They invoke in his (Allah's) stead only females. 4:117
A man cannot treat his wives fairly. 4:129
"Unto the male is the equivalent share of two females." 4:176
When it's time to pray and you have just used the toilet or touched a woman, be sure to wash up. If you can't find any water, just rub some dirt on yourself. 5:6
Men and women are enemies! (Or is it humans and Iblis? Sometimes Allah isn't all that clear about these things.) 7:24
If your ... your wives ... are dearer to you than Allah and His messenger ... then wait till Allah bringeth His command to pass." 9:24
Lot offers his daughters to a mob of angel rapers. 11:78
"The guile of you women ... is very great." 12:28
Lot offers his daughters to a mob of angel rapers. 15:71
When the doom of Allah comes, pregnant women will suffer miscarriages, nursing mothers with forget their babies. 22:1-2
You don't have to be modest around your wives or your slave girls "that your right hand possess." 23:6
If you accuse an honorable women of adultery, be sure to bring four witness. Otherwise you will receive 80 lashes. 24:4
A husband can accuse his wife of adultery with only one witness. 24:6
Believing women must lower their gaze and be modest, cover themselves with veils, and not reveal themselves except to their husbands, relatives, children, and slaves. 24:31
If Muhammad's wives are good, Allah will give them "an immense reward." 33:28-29
The wives of Muhammad will be punished double for lewdness. (And that is easy for Allah.) 33:30
The wives of Muhammad are not like other women. They must not leave their houses. 33:32-33
When Allah or Muhammad decide that a man and a woman should marry, they must marry. 33:36
Allah gave Zeyd to Muhammad in marriage. This was so that all Muslims would know that it's OK to marry your adopted son's ex-wife. 33:37
Allah says it is lawful for Muhammad to marry any women he wants. 33:50-51
If men must speak to Muhammad's wives they must speak from behind a curtain. And no one must ever marry one of his wives. 33:53
But it's OK for Muhammad's wives to talk with certain people. 33:55
Women must cover themselves when in public. 33:59
Those who "did wrong" will go to hell, and their wives will go to hell with them (no matter how they behaved). 37:22-23
But the single-minded slaves of Allah will enjoy a Garden filled with lovely-eyed virgins. 37:40-48
Female companions await those who enter the Gardens of Eden on the Day of Reckoning. 38:52
Allah will reward faithful Muslims after they die with "fair ones with wide, lovely eyes." 44:54
Allah will reward those in the Garden with beautiful wives with wide, lovely eyes. 52:20
Those who disbelieve in the afterlife give female names to angels. 53:27
Allah will give those in the Garden women of modest gaze whom neither man nor jinn have touched before them. 55:56
Allah will reward believing men with "fair ones" (beautiful women) in heaven. 55:71-72
Those in the Garden will be attended by immortal youths with wide, lovely eyes. 56:17-23
Allah made virgins to be lovers and friends to those on his right hand. 56:36-37
Your wives and children are your enemies. They are to you only a temptation. 64:14-15
Instructions for divorcing your wives. 65:1-6
Allah's rules for divorcing wives that have not yet reached puberty. 65:4
O Prophet! Why bannest thou that which Allah hath made lawful for thee, seeking to please thy wives?"

Women in the Quran

The girl’s father was also fined and warned the family would be branded outcasts from their village if he did not pay. According to human rights activists, the girl, who was quickly married after the attack, was divorced weeks later after medical tests revealed she was pregnant.
The girl was raped by a 20-year-old villager in Brahmanbaria district in April last year.

Bangladesh’s Daily Star newspaper reported that she was so ashamed following the attack that she did not lodge a complaint.

Her rape emerged after her pregnancy test and Muslim elders in the village issued a fatwa insisting that the girl be kept in isolation until her family agreed to corporal punishment.

Her rapist was pardoned by the elders. She told the newspaper the rapist had “spoiled” her life.

Pregnant rape victim receives 101 lashes, rapist set free.
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LOL @ Your Neg Rep. Have it back...
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Hi, you have received -1 reputation points from Muhammed.
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LOL @ Your Neg Rep. Have it back...

You just listed a whole bunch of example where Muslims said it was ok to rape, what more does he want?
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You are still dodging the question instead of admitting you are wrong.


LOL @ Your Neg Rep. Have it back...

You just listed a whole bunch of example where Muslims said it was ok to rape, what more does he want?
Yes I agree that you are a stupid XXXXXXXXXX Edited.

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