Let's take a poll on Russia

Was your vote changed because of Russia

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • No

    Votes: 27 93.1%

  • Total voters
It's shocking so many are pushing for another Cold War with Russia. The Russian People actually have so much in common with the American People. Russia should be our friend, not our enemy. Did it try to influence our Election? Maybe? But so did our 'Allies' the Brits.

The US and others do it all the time. How many Elections has the US interfered with, and how many Puppet Regimes has it installed over the many years? So, Americans whining about influencing elections, really is so disingenuous and hypocritical. Numerous nations around the world try to influence elections. It's no reason to start another Cold War, or WWIII. Cooler heads need to prevail.

Your masters are pleased.

Prominent American Citizens like Hillary Clinton, sought out Russian interference. She paid quite a bit of cash for Russian dirt on Trump. People like her are more culpable than Russia is. She wanted Russian interference. And what about our 'Allies' the Brits? Clearly they colluded with Clinton to influence our Election. Will we sanction them too?

Any day now you will be rewarded with the scraps from your masters table.

You have done well. Good boy.
Americans really do need to get real. So-called 'Russian Interference' couldn't have been possible without help from American Citizens. Hillary Clinton requested and paid for such 'Interference.' So who's more culpable?
It's shocking so many are pushing for another Cold War with Russia. The Russian People actually have so much in common with the American People. Russia should be our friend, not our enemy. Did it try to influence our Election? Maybe? But so did our 'Allies' the Brits.

The US and others do it all the time. How many Elections has the US interfered with, and how many Puppet Regimes has it installed over the many years? So, Americans whining about influencing elections, really is so disingenuous and hypocritical. Numerous nations around the world try to influence elections. It's no reason to start another Cold War, or WWIII. Cooler heads need to prevail.

Your masters are pleased.

Prominent American Citizens like Hillary Clinton, sought out Russian interference. She paid quite a bit of cash for Russian dirt on Trump. People like her are more culpable than Russia is. She wanted Russian interference. And what about our 'Allies' the Brits? Clearly they colluded with Clinton to influence our Election. Will we sanction them too?

Any day now you will be rewarded with the scraps from your masters table.

You have done well. Good boy.

That's pretty weak. I think even you know Hillary Clinton requested and paid for both British and Russian interference in our Election. You wanna put it all on the Russians, but it's actually Clinton who wanted the Russian interference. She even paid for it.
It's shocking so many are pushing for another Cold War with Russia. The Russian People actually have so much in common with the American People. Russia should be our friend, not our enemy. Did it try to influence our Election? Maybe? But so did our 'Allies' the Brits.

The US and others do it all the time. How many Elections has the US interfered with, and how many Puppet Regimes has it installed over the many years? So, Americans whining about influencing elections, really is so disingenuous and hypocritical. Numerous nations around the world try to influence elections. It's no reason to start another Cold War, or WWIII. Cooler heads need to prevail.

Your masters are pleased.

Yours aren't. pootin paid a shitload of money for the shrilary to get elected so he's really, really pissed off right now. Her win was IN THE FUCKING BAG, and the ignorant twit managed to lose to a buffoon!
It's shocking so many are pushing for another Cold War with Russia. The Russian People actually have so much in common with the American People. Russia should be our friend, not our enemy. Did it try to influence our Election? Maybe? But so did our 'Allies' the Brits.

The US and others do it all the time. How many Elections has the US interfered with, and how many Puppet Regimes has it installed over the many years? So, Americans whining about influencing elections, really is so disingenuous and hypocritical. Numerous nations around the world try to influence elections. It's no reason to start another Cold War, or WWIII. Cooler heads need to prevail.

Your masters are pleased.

Prominent American Citizens like Hillary Clinton, sought out Russian interference. She paid quite a bit of cash for Russian dirt on Trump. People like her are more culpable than Russia is. She wanted Russian interference. And what about our 'Allies' the Brits? Clearly they colluded with Clinton to influence our Election. Will we sanction them too?

Any day now you will be rewarded with the scraps from your masters table.

You have done well. Good boy.

That's pretty weak. I think even you know Hillary Clinton requested and paid for both British and Russian interference in our Election. You wanna put it all on the Russians, but it's actually Clinton who wanted the Russian interference. She even paid for it.

It's almost as if you are parroting exactly what your handlers want you to say with no critical analysis on your part, whatsoever.

Ok, it's exactly like that.
It's shocking so many are pushing for another Cold War with Russia. The Russian People actually have so much in common with the American People. Russia should be our friend, not our enemy. Did it try to influence our Election? Maybe? But so did our 'Allies' the Brits.

The US and others do it all the time. How many Elections has the US interfered with, and how many Puppet Regimes has it installed over the many years? So, Americans whining about influencing elections, really is so disingenuous and hypocritical. Numerous nations around the world try to influence elections. It's no reason to start another Cold War, or WWIII. Cooler heads need to prevail.

Your masters are pleased.

Yours aren't. pootin paid a shitload of money for the shrilary to get elected so he's really, really pissed off right now. Her win was IN THE FUCKING BAG, and the ignorant twit managed to lose to a buffoon!

LOL, I know it's a requirement to be functionally retarded to be a mod on this site, but at your rate they're going to let you own this place.

Did anyone expect Trumpbots were intelligent enough to realize that they were affected by Russian generated propaganda?

They bought it hook, line & sinker - and they still parrot the bullshit.
What do the words "sway" and "meddle" mean in constitutional law? Do any federal, state or local statutes contain those terms? Was Mueller's billion dollar extravaganza actually designated to uncover meddling with intent to sway? The dirty little secret of course is that foreign entities try to meddle in every election cycle and so do we in theirs. The other dirty little secret is that Barry Hussein was in charge and if there was any credible evidence of Russian meddling it's on his head and the heads of his henchmen appointees in the corrupt and/or negligent FBI.
It's shocking so many are pushing for another Cold War with Russia. The Russian People actually have so much in common with the American People. Russia should be our friend, not our enemy. Did it try to influence our Election? Maybe? But so did our 'Allies' the Brits.

The US and others do it all the time. How many Elections has the US interfered with, and how many Puppet Regimes has it installed over the many years? So, Americans whining about influencing elections, really is so disingenuous and hypocritical. Numerous nations around the world try to influence elections. It's no reason to start another Cold War, or WWIII. Cooler heads need to prevail.

Your masters are pleased.

Yours aren't. pootin paid a shitload of money for the shrilary to get elected so he's really, really pissed off right now. Her win was IN THE FUCKING BAG, and the ignorant twit managed to lose to a buffoon!

LOL, I know it's a requirement to be functionally retarded to be a mod on this site, but at your rate they're going to let you own this place.

Oh i think this video is very clear who pootins putz in the WH was. Don't you????

Did Russia do anything to sway your vote
how would you know, if you do not know what they actually dd yet? What articles were promoted by them? How many times did you retweet them, and those you tweeted, how many times did they retweet? or share on Facebook?

If the DNC's and then later the Podesta emails had not been stolen and released to wikileaks, what would Trump had used to excite his base every night and in all of his tweets and comments on ''I love wikileaks'' and ''lock her Up'' chants?

If the Podesta emails had not been stolen by the Russians, what would they have released to distract from the Access Hollywood Tape just out AND the US intelligence Agency's warning to us in the press/news about the Russians interfering in our election process.....which got snuffed out by the stolen email release?

IF the Russians hadn't interfered, then the NRA might not have gotten all the donations they got allegedly from Russia, to fund their ads for Trump?

If the emails had not been stolen and released by the Russians would MORE of Bernie supporters voted for her? More unity at their convention?

Advertising, marketing, and grass root marketing are all effective tools used to make you want something, without you realizing it was the marketing....the ads...the promotion.. that made you want it.

Companies spend hundreds of billions on advertising/marketing, because it is so effective, in a subliminal sort of way.

So, bottom line....I'm not certain if we will ever truly know the truth in your question's answer, Froggy.
Did Russia do anything to sway your vote
how would you know, if you do not know what they actually dd yet? What articles were promoted by them? How many times did you retweet them, and those you tweeted, how many times did they retweet? or share on Facebook?

If the DNC's and then later the Podesta emails had not been stolen and released to wikileaks, what would Trump had used to excite his base every night and in all of his tweets and comments on ''I love wikileaks'' and ''lock her Up'' chants?

If the Podesta emails had not been stolen by the Russians, what would they have released to distract from the Access Hollywood Tape just out AND the US intelligence Agency's warning to us in the press/news about the Russians interfering in our election process.....which got snuffed out by the stolen email release?

IF the Russians hadn't interfered, then the NRA might not have gotten all the donations they got allegedly from Russia, to fund their ads for Trump?

If the emails had not been stolen and released by the Russians would MORE of Bernie supporters voted for her? More unity at their convention?

Advertising, marketing, and grass root marketing are all effective tools used to make you want something, without you realizing it was the marketing....the ads...the promotion.. that made you want it.

Companies spend hundreds of billions on advertising/marketing, because it is so effective, in a subliminal sort of way.

So, bottom line....I'm not certain if we will ever truly know the truth in your question's answer, Froggy.

Evidence is the dnc emails were released from an insider, not hacked. Regardless, don't you care about the outright corruption that was exposed? Do you care more for a person like hilary, than the very obvious corruption she left in her wake?
Boy did I misread the title of this.
I read it as "Let's take a piss on Russia"
If the presidential candidate in America meets with Russian official people, this is called Russia's interference in the American elections

If a presidential candidate in Russia meets with American officials, this is called freedom. And it is sponsored by America. If Russia would forbid it, then the Americans would call this suppression of freedom

is this what vlad told you?
What's wrong? Does not correspond to the propaganda of the CNN?
Did Russia do anything to sway your vote

well, if you responded to Russian created information why would you think it didn't have anything to do with your vote.

is there some reason you are all so desperate to make sure no one checks?
Been checking for a year and spent over 7 million dollars and they still don't know

and dipshit traitor RW's are STILL opting to blow a Russian before accepting an American.

Had this happen to the right and hillary won, we would have such an uproar of Trumpies having denial parties like Roy Moore..
Did Russia do anything to sway your vote
how would you know, if you do not know what they actually dd yet? What articles were promoted by them? How many times did you retweet them, and those you tweeted, how many times did they retweet? or share on Facebook?

If the DNC's and then later the Podesta emails had not been stolen and released to wikileaks, what would Trump had used to excite his base every night and in all of his tweets and comments on ''I love wikileaks'' and ''lock her Up'' chants?

If the Podesta emails had not been stolen by the Russians, what would they have released to distract from the Access Hollywood Tape just out AND the US intelligence Agency's warning to us in the press/news about the Russians interfering in our election process.....which got snuffed out by the stolen email release?

IF the Russians hadn't interfered, then the NRA might not have gotten all the donations they got allegedly from Russia, to fund their ads for Trump?

If the emails had not been stolen and released by the Russians would MORE of Bernie supporters voted for her? More unity at their convention?

Advertising, marketing, and grass root marketing are all effective tools used to make you want something, without you realizing it was the marketing....the ads...the promotion.. that made you want it.

Companies spend hundreds of billions on advertising/marketing, because it is so effective, in a subliminal sort of way.

So, bottom line....I'm not certain if we will ever truly know the truth in your question's answer, Froggy.

Evidence is the dnc emails were released from an insider, not hacked. Regardless, don't you care about the outright corruption that was exposed? Do you care more for a person like hilary, than the very obvious corruption she left in her wake?
there is no evidence of that west wall... there is a bunch of conspiracies that have never been able to be proven true....by anyone..!!!!
Did Russia do anything to sway your vote
how would you know, if you do not know what they actually dd yet? What articles were promoted by them? How many times did you retweet them, and those you tweeted, how many times did they retweet? or share on Facebook?

If the DNC's and then later the Podesta emails had not been stolen and released to wikileaks, what would Trump had used to excite his base every night and in all of his tweets and comments on ''I love wikileaks'' and ''lock her Up'' chants?

If the Podesta emails had not been stolen by the Russians, what would they have released to distract from the Access Hollywood Tape just out AND the US intelligence Agency's warning to us in the press/news about the Russians interfering in our election process.....which got snuffed out by the stolen email release?

IF the Russians hadn't interfered, then the NRA might not have gotten all the donations they got allegedly from Russia, to fund their ads for Trump?

If the emails had not been stolen and released by the Russians would MORE of Bernie supporters voted for her? More unity at their convention?

Advertising, marketing, and grass root marketing are all effective tools used to make you want something, without you realizing it was the marketing....the ads...the promotion.. that made you want it.

Companies spend hundreds of billions on advertising/marketing, because it is so effective, in a subliminal sort of way.

So, bottom line....I'm not certain if we will ever truly know the truth in your question's answer, Froggy.

Evidence is the dnc emails were released from an insider, not hacked. Regardless, don't you care about the outright corruption that was exposed? Do you care more for a person like hilary, than the very obvious corruption she left in her wake?
there is no evidence of that west wall... there is a bunch of conspiracies that have never been able to be proven true....by anyone..!!!!

Including the "Russia" shit.
Did Russia do anything to sway your vote

well, if you responded to Russian created information why would you think it didn't have anything to do with your vote.

is there some reason you are all so desperate to make sure no one checks?
Been checking for a year and spent over 7 million dollars and they still don't know

and dipshit traitor RW's are STILL opting to blow a Russian before accepting an American.

Had this happen to the right and hillary won, we would have such an uproar of Trumpies having denial parties like Roy Moore..
Hillary's plan to blame this on Trump and Russia's involvement together backfired on her and she lost.
Did Russia do anything to sway your vote
how would you know, if you do not know what they actually dd yet? What articles were promoted by them? How many times did you retweet them, and those you tweeted, how many times did they retweet? or share on Facebook?

If the DNC's and then later the Podesta emails had not been stolen and released to wikileaks, what would Trump had used to excite his base every night and in all of his tweets and comments on ''I love wikileaks'' and ''lock her Up'' chants?

If the Podesta emails had not been stolen by the Russians, what would they have released to distract from the Access Hollywood Tape just out AND the US intelligence Agency's warning to us in the press/news about the Russians interfering in our election process.....which got snuffed out by the stolen email release?

IF the Russians hadn't interfered, then the NRA might not have gotten all the donations they got allegedly from Russia, to fund their ads for Trump?

If the emails had not been stolen and released by the Russians would MORE of Bernie supporters voted for her? More unity at their convention?

Advertising, marketing, and grass root marketing are all effective tools used to make you want something, without you realizing it was the marketing....the ads...the promotion.. that made you want it.

Companies spend hundreds of billions on advertising/marketing, because it is so effective, in a subliminal sort of way.

So, bottom line....I'm not certain if we will ever truly know the truth in your question's answer, Froggy.

Evidence is the dnc emails were released from an insider, not hacked. Regardless, don't you care about the outright corruption that was exposed? Do you care more for a person like hilary, than the very obvious corruption she left in her wake?
there is no evidence of that west wall... there is a bunch of conspiracies that have never been able to be proven true....by anyone..!!!!

There is more evidenc e that it was a leaker than the russians hacked it. If the russians had hacked it the dnc would have turned over their server so they could determine how it was done.....or.... If they knew it was a insider they don't turn over to the FBI because then the lie is exposed.

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