Letter From US Marine to Diane Fiendstain (D-USSR) Goes Viral

No clue about what? The fact that this letter was written by a retired Marine? A civilian? I think I have that clue. No thanks to the OP.

Well use that clue and give us an explanation why, if he is in fact retired it would make any difference at all??

Makes a huge difference. A marine writing a letter like that has balls and would be an interesting story.

A civilian doing so.......meh!

The OP knows that Americans sit upright and at attention when an active duty soldier has something to say. He used you nutters. You said thanks. Happy new Year.
Dude is not a Marine any longer. He is a retired Marine.

Now....go ahead and tell me that makes no difference at all.

Only makes a difference to Progressives useful idiot eager to be the first layer of the mass graves
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No clue about what? The fact that this letter was written by a retired Marine? A civilian? I think I have that clue. No thanks to the OP.

Well use that clue and give us an explanation why, if he is in fact retired it would make any difference at all??

Makes a huge difference. A marine writing a letter like that has balls and would be an interesting story.

A civilian doing so.......meh!

The OP knows that Americans sit upright and at attention when an active duty soldier has something to say. He used you nutters. You said thanks. Happy new Year.

And if this "retired" Mariine had written the letter while on active duty, there would be the Hue and Cry from those brave heroic Lefties to court-martial him.
Well use that clue and give us an explanation why, if he is in fact retired it would make any difference at all??

Makes a huge difference. A marine writing a letter like that has balls and would be an interesting story.

A civilian doing so.......meh!

The OP knows that Americans sit upright and at attention when an active duty soldier has something to say. He used you nutters. You said thanks. Happy new Year.

And if this "retired" Mariine had written the letter while on active duty, there would be the Hue and Cry from those brave heroic Lefties to court-martial him.

Hmmm. Pulled that one out of your ass, didn't you?
Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.

I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

We, the people, deserve better than you.

Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
Cpl, United States Marine Corps


In other words "Fuck you you hypocritical bitch!!!"
Makes a huge difference. A marine writing a letter like that has balls and would be an interesting story.

A civilian doing so.......meh!

The OP knows that Americans sit upright and at attention when an active duty soldier has something to say. He used you nutters. You said thanks. Happy new Year.

And if this "retired" Mariine had written the letter while on active duty, there would be the Hue and Cry from those brave heroic Lefties to court-martial him.

Hmmm. Pulled that one out of your ass, didn't you?

No, Ret. General McCrystal comes to mind.
No clue about what? The fact that this letter was written by a retired Marine? A civilian? I think I have that clue. No thanks to the OP.

Well use that clue and give us an explanation why, if he is in fact retired it would make any difference at all??

Makes a huge difference. A marine writing a letter like that has balls and would be an interesting story.

A civilian doing so.......meh!

The OP knows that Americans sit upright and at attention when an active duty soldier has something to say. He used you nutters. You said thanks. Happy new Year.

Retired or not civilian or not is only relevant to you, both are Us citizens with just as much value too each position.

If you dismiss one position over the other,that jsut make you wrong not enlightened.

Bet she get many more letters from both civilian and active duty.
Dude is not a Marine any longer. He is a retired Marine.

Now....go ahead and tell me that makes no difference at all.

I doubt he's retired. He only did 8 years so unless he ws medically retired then no. However, for a Marine, once a Marine, always a Marine. Do you have any more straws?

Once a Marine....always a Marine! How romantic.

Dude is retired. The OP failed to note this fact.....a fact noted on every nutter website that this "viral" letter has been featured on. The OP is a bullshitter.

He was a corporal so he wasn't retired.
And the Neo-Marxists American Left still thinks the US military will back them when it comes time to disarm then murder US citizens.

I doubt he's retired. He only did 8 years so unless he ws medically retired then no. However, for a Marine, once a Marine, always a Marine. Do you have any more straws?

Once a Marine....always a Marine! How romantic.

Dude is retired. The OP failed to note this fact.....a fact noted on every nutter website that this "viral" letter has been featured on. The OP is a bullshitter.

He was a corporal so he wasn't retired.

He is retired.

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