LGBTs Get Backlash: North Carolinians Began Collecting Damages for NCAA Pulling Out: Oops!

He's just mirroring your ignorance, how's it feel regressive pussy?
I was thinking you should start a thread or a facebook movement to write Congresspeople like you did, requesting the NCAA have their tax-exempt status removed.

You've no idea how bad they are. The NCAA closely resembles a despotic Government. In every case where I had the opportunity to engage them it was their way or the highway.
You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You've never been able to answer the simple question about sexual predators. They get up, walk into a girl's bathroom and say they are an inner woman. How do you stop them? You OK with them being interrogated, challenged and followed to ensure the safety of the girls?
Any predator (hetero males) who try well does that work for them. Not at all. Because authorities know was Transexual means.....something you don't. You seem to believe that the law will accept some adult just "saying" they have an inner woman. Maybe if you actually educated yourself, you wouldn't sound quite so stupid on this topic.

Bull shit. Nowhere in the laws are things written like that they have to dress as a woman or anything to indicate they are an inner women. I do know what a transsexual is. You don't know how the law works.

So just to be clear, you're agreeing that if a man walks into a bathroom and anyone doubts they are transsexual, they can call the police and the police can come and inspect them and ensure they are actually a transsexual?

Explain the procedure for that
Amazing how convoluted you think this is. :lol: Considering the hundreds of predatory hetero males out there (if not thousands) and you misrepresent Transexuals........creating fear of the odd "Watch out for those transexuals over there"...while women and little girls are molested by hetero males every day.
thousands vs tens of millions. And again, fk the tens of millions and women and children. it's classic lefturd stupidity.
Why do we keep repeating the Scopes Monkey Trial and the 1960's segregation era over and over?

Because you folks keep inventing new victims. Tell us, what's the future perversion in line for extra-constitutional protections?

White conservative kristians are the whiner class in the population. They think the entire world is out to get them. Watch trump grovel to them at the recent kristian event he spoke at, he all but promised a permanent manger in the White House and an ark as the US flag ship.
what a ridiculous statement. Who was doing the whining and started all of this? what a stupid fk.
He's just mirroring your ignorance, how's it feel regressive pussy?
I was thinking you should start a thread or a facebook movement to write Congresspeople like you did, requesting the NCAA have their tax-exempt status removed.

You've no idea how bad they are. The NCAA closely resembles a despotic Government. In every case where I had the opportunity to engage them it was their way or the highway.
Yeah, I'd be hesitant cheering for the NCAA. Folks may like their actions when it aligns with their political causes, but they are not the good guys in any sense. Their treatment of student athletes is deplorable in every sense of the word. The NCAA makes billions off these kids and won't allow them to see a dime of merchandise using their images, names, etc. It won't allow them to be remunerated for their time on field and if a student athlete gets injured, the NCAA doesn't give a damn about them. I am not a fan.
Seawytch "logic", "If we open up a daycare with no fence between that and the dingo farm next door, you can't say it's a mistake because you can't point to any problems that have happened..(yet)"

FAIL. :cuckoo:


]False analogy. One, people have been using their preferred bathrooms for a while and there's been no issue. Two, you'd need evidence showing that a transgendered person is likely to harass a person who is their same identified gender. Do you have evidence that this is something that happens?

Parents sue after transgender student was twerking in girl's bathroom

College Allows Transgender Man to Expose Himself to Young Girls
Hacker said a 45-year-old male student, who dresses as a woman and goes by the name Colleen Francis, undressed and exposed his genitals on several occasions inside the woman’s locker room at Evergreen State College....Students from nearby Olympia High School as well as children at a local swimming club share locker rooms with the college...According to a police report, the mother of a 17-year-old girl complained after her daughter saw the transgender individual walking naked in the locker room. A female swim coach confronted the man sprawled out in a sauna exposing himself. She ordered him to leave and called police.
Eh. Both of those would result in you getting arrested in a same gendered bathroom too. You're talking about assault or public indeceny in both cases and that's already illegal. Not seeing where the law in North Carolina does to prevent either one.

Before you freak out, understand: A person that wants to expose themselves to others is going to do it, regardless of the law. See for instance Anthony Weiner. In both cases above existing law handles what happened just fine and wouldn't have stopped either case. So why are you bothering?
exactly, we all know that, so why make it a legal thing that will only increase the occurrences when there is no evidence of there ever being an initial issue. We're all still waiting for the link with a story that actually validates the problem advertised. got one? Or are you going to post up a link of a trans going into the wrong bathroom and getting his ass kicked? See, that isn't showing there is a problem. That's just confirming that a man wants to go into a lady's restroom.
He's just mirroring your ignorance, how's it feel regressive pussy?
I was thinking you should start a thread or a facebook movement to write Congresspeople like you did, requesting the NCAA have their tax-exempt status removed.

You've no idea how bad they are. The NCAA closely resembles a despotic Government. In every case where I had the opportunity to engage them it was their way or the highway.
Good, then I shall enjoy with great relish when North Carolinians clean their clock$ in the various breach of contract suits & settlements soon to come.

BTW NCAA lawyers, here's a tip: It's not OK to breach a contract and announce to the world you're essentially doing it in order to force a state to no longer be a sovereign state. And it's even worse when you do that and the ransom-demand your client has is "so that women and girls will be forced to disrobe in their locker rooms and showers in the presence of deranged males".

Did you forget about women's civil rights? Did you forget about sexual harassment? Did you forget about the 17 million women rape victims in the US? PTSD? I presume some of them live in North Carolina. Gawd I'm glad I'm not the NCAA right now!

Good luck!

1. I will clearly state that if the NCAA violated any contract for services that did not contain a cancellation clause, then shame on the NCAA for having stupid lawyers.

2. However if their is a cancellation clause in the contracts, then North Carolina is fucked as they have no case.

When we traveled to visit our daughter at the University for graduation, we made reservations a year in advance. The hotels in the city jacked their rates so it whet from $150 a night (single nights OK) to $500 a night (with a 2 night minimum). We needed two rooms for family at $1000 when we needed 2 rooms for one night. However their was an "escape clause" allowing us to cancel the reservation as long as it was 24-hours in advance. We found a resort only 25-minutes away through a military vacation organization and paid $350 for a week for a multi-bedroom apartment. With an escape clause you can cancel contracts.


1. I will clearly state that if the NCAA violated any contract for services that did not contain a cancellation clause, then shame on the NCAA for having stupid lawyers.

2. However if their is a cancellation clause in the contracts, then North Carolina is fucked as they have no case.

That cancellation clause better say "for any or no reason whatsoever". Because if it is found the NCAA cancelled contracts as a form of extortion, trying to bend the sovereignty of North Carolina to the NCAA's political platform (which is pending and in contest, not universally accepted nor a matter of firm law) IN ORDER TO FORCE WOMEN AND GIRLS TO DISROBE IN FRONT OF DERANGED MALES in North Carolina, then the NCAA is fucked.

I think the NCAA is fucked. This will go to the USSC and this isn't going to bode well for them. Also, it think it's odd that if they thought they were in the right about pulling out of their obligations, they tentatively agreed to pay off the guy from the article linked in the OP.... Proof's in the pudding as they say..
As a North Carolinian, I agree. We also have one of the fastest growing economies in the country. Those of you who want to give sexual predators access to little girls showering and changing can go fuck yourselves
That's a lot of hetero males right there....

Did you not just make the claim that lesbians should be considered predators and thus excluded from female showers?

Just makes sense, there may be some hetro men that want to use the showers to see a female naked, but all lesbians are attracted to the female form.

That's very telling really.
I did not make such a claim.....I guess you have to make stuff up that others "say". Do that often? In between your fantasies of lesbians?

You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!
That's a lot of hetero males right there....

Did you not just make the claim that lesbians should be considered predators and thus excluded from female showers?

Just makes sense, there may be some hetro men that want to use the showers to see a female naked, but all lesbians are attracted to the female form.

That's very telling really.
I did not make such a claim.....I guess you have to make stuff up that others "say". Do that often? In between your fantasies of lesbians?

You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!

So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.
Did you not just make the claim that lesbians should be considered predators and thus excluded from female showers?

Just makes sense, there may be some hetro men that want to use the showers to see a female naked, but all lesbians are attracted to the female form.

That's very telling really.
I did not make such a claim.....I guess you have to make stuff up that others "say". Do that often? In between your fantasies of lesbians?

You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!

So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.
nope, not at all, and been a problem for a very long time. See in the army they use to kick them out. That way they didn't get that thrill. Yep, it's been a problem since they've been in society.
Did you not just make the claim that lesbians should be considered predators and thus excluded from female showers?

Just makes sense, there may be some hetro men that want to use the showers to see a female naked, but all lesbians are attracted to the female form.

That's very telling really.
I did not make such a claim.....I guess you have to make stuff up that others "say". Do that often? In between your fantasies of lesbians?

You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!

So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.

You're deflection is noted.

So a problem exists, so to take care of the problem, we make it worse.

Nice job, when you dance with your unicorn, do you or it lead?
So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.

If gay men try to sexually assault hetero guys, they'll get their asses kicked. This is about the weaker sex, women, being overpowered in their locker rooms and showers by deranged men, as Pop has pointed out, who often remain sexually attracted to women even as they "experience gender dysphoria". It goes without saying they're all kinds of fucked up in the head. But having powerful beasts fucked up in the head getting naked with women they're often sexually attracted to isn't going to win in court. Not this time.

Rape victims and their PTSD, and women's rights are going to win this time. This one's a loss for the Church of LGBT.

1. I will clearly state that if the NCAA violated any contract for services that did not contain a cancellation clause, then shame on the NCAA for having stupid lawyers.

2. However if their is a cancellation clause in the contracts, then North Carolina is fucked as they have no case.

That cancellation clause better say "for any or no reason whatsoever". Because if it is found the NCAA cancelled contracts as a form of extortion, trying to bend the sovereignty of North Carolina to the NCAA's political platform (which is pending and in contest, not universally accepted nor a matter of firm law) IN ORDER TO FORCE WOMEN AND GIRLS TO DISROBE IN FRONT OF DERANGED MALES in North Carolina, then the NCAA is fucked.

I think the NCAA is fucked. This will go to the USSC and this isn't going to bode well for them. Also, it think it's odd that if they thought they were in the right about pulling out of their obligations, they tentatively agreed to pay off the guy from the article linked in the OP.... Proof's in the pudding as they say..

This "prediction" will pan out just like all the ones you've made before. BTW - how are those immediate impeachment proceedings that Republican controlled House was going to start as soon as Congress convened in January 2014 pan out - Oh right, they didn't.

Secondly, there is no "contract" with North Carolina, therefore the state would have no standing. Any contracts would be between the NCAA and the venues involved. And you can bet they have cancellation policies in the contracts. Your imaged slight against the state is irrelevant. Just like your imagined guaranteed reasons that the House would impeach members of the SCOTUS were irrelevant.

^^ We'll see, won't we? Because one thing we both can agree on is there's going to be legal action on both sides of the issue on this little prank. :popcorn:
I did not make such a claim.....I guess you have to make stuff up that others "say". Do that often? In between your fantasies of lesbians?

You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!

So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.

You're deflection is noted.

So a problem exists, so to take care of the problem, we make it worse.

Nice job, when you dance with your unicorn, do you or it lead?

I'm not deflecting. I'm asking a question about your reasoning. You implied that someone with a dick being in a shower with a person they are attracted to is a problem. That would mean that having gays in a shower with other men or boys is a problem. I asked if you would be for having gays shower with women to avoid this problem.

I also pointed out that I do not advocate for mixed gender showers.

What, exactly, am I trying to deflect from?
^^ We'll see, won't we? Because one thing we both can agree on is there's going to be legal action on both sides of the issue on this little prank. :popcorn:

We always do see, yet you continue to make these incorrect legal predictions. :lol:
^^ We'll see, won't we? Because one thing we both can agree on is there's going to be legal action on both sides of the issue on this little prank. :popcorn:

Nope, don't agree. There will be no legal action from the State of North Carolina. They have not standing to bring legal action because there is no contract with the State.


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