LGBTs Get Backlash: North Carolinians Began Collecting Damages for NCAA Pulling Out: Oops!

Fiscal terrorism? :lol::lmao:

North Carolina lawmakers that voted for these draconian laws are already saying they should repeal the laws. North Carolina is getting bitch-slapped left and right and boy does it sting. Maybe they should force the Tarheels to back out of the NCAA basketball tournament. THAT would show'em!

Be sure to hold your breath on that one.

Why don't you actually educate yourself before making a complete FOOL of yourself like you just did..

SURPRISE. Convicted Sex Offender Was Behind Charlotte, NC’s Boys-In-The-Girls Bathroom Law
SURPRISE. Convicted Sex Offender Was Behind Charlotte, NC's Boys-In-the-Girls Bathroom Law | RedState

This is all started over a CONVICTED pervert demanding access to little girls in bathrooms.. Our Governor moved IMMEDIATELY to protect women and children who have the absolute right to privacy and safety in such a vulnerable state.. FUCK YOU LIBERALS and your constant FASCIST horseshit.. You're losing your asses in this election for a reason..
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Oh gee look.. the LIBERAL pervert molested a child :

The former president of Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce has resigned after he came under fire from a conservative group, which noted that he is on a sex offender list and questioned his role in supporting the city’s expanded nondiscrimination ordinance.

Chad Sevearance-Turner had been the president of the chamber, which supported the newly expanded ordinance that gives legal protection for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.
Sevearance-Turner was arrested in 1998, when he was 20, and charged in Cherokee County, S.C., with a “lewd act, committing or attempting a lewd act upon a child under 16.”

That same LIBERAL pervert now demands access to children in bathrooms if he wears a dress..
What did the liberal pervert do???
A 2000 story in the Spartanburg Herald-Journal said Sevearance-Turner had been a youth minister at a church in Gaffney. A jury there found him guilty of fondling a 15-year-old teenage church member while the boy slept.
Chad Sevearance-Turner, who along with the Charlotte LGBT fascist community- THE CHARLOTTE CITY COUNCIL who out of no where passed a law creating a dangerous situation for all women and girls in NC... the outrage here was IMMEDIATE.
Chad Sevearance-Turner a CONVICTED FELON who molested a little boy while he slept in church.. NASTY SLIMY FUCK.. the author of this so called ordinance.
Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

From the article:
Sevearance and his group have taken a lead role in seeking the right to allow males to use the restrooms and showers of females, including those of little girls, which is described by advocates as nothing more than nondiscrimination measures. Sevearance was quoted in the Charlotte Observer saying that because a recent bathroom “nondiscrimination ordinance” bill did not pass, “someone can ask me to leave a restaurant because I’m presumed to be gay or transgender.”

In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years. His most recent mug shot and registration took place at the end of last year.
You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!

So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.

You're deflection is noted.

So a problem exists, so to take care of the problem, we make it worse.

Nice job, when you dance with your unicorn, do you or it lead?

I'm not deflecting. I'm asking a question about your reasoning. You implied that someone with a dick being in a shower with a person they are attracted to is a problem. That would mean that having gays in a shower with other men or boys is a problem. I asked if you would be for having gays shower with women to avoid this problem.

I also pointed out that I do not advocate for mixed gender showers.

What, exactly, am I trying to deflect from?

I don't see a guy with a dick that is attracted to women, not being allowed in the restroom with females being much of a problem.

You don't advocate for tranny males sharing showers with females? Are you serious? By what legal standard could you possibly deny them access to showers and lockerrooms if you allow them in restrooms?

Here's a clue, if they are similarily situated enough to be allowed in restrooms, they must be allowed in all gender segregated facilities. You can't stop that.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!

So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.

You're deflection is noted.

So a problem exists, so to take care of the problem, we make it worse.

Nice job, when you dance with your unicorn, do you or it lead?

I'm not deflecting. I'm asking a question about your reasoning. You implied that someone with a dick being in a shower with a person they are attracted to is a problem. That would mean that having gays in a shower with other men or boys is a problem. I asked if you would be for having gays shower with women to avoid this problem.

I also pointed out that I do not advocate for mixed gender showers.

What, exactly, am I trying to deflect from?

I don't see a guy with a dick that is attracted to women, not being allowed in the restroom with females being much of a problem.

You don't advocate for tranny males sharing showers with females? Are you serious? By what legal standard could you possibly deny them access to showers and lockerrooms if you allow them in restrooms?

Here's a clue, if they are similarily situated enough to be allowed in restrooms, they must be allowed in all gender segregated facilities. You can't stop that.

I disagree. Bathrooms and showers are generally set up in different ways, particularly in regards to privacy. I could perhaps see an argument that a shower facility with stalls must legally allow mixed genders, but in a shower without privacy, it is a different situation than a bathroom.

I think the real question which should be answered, legally speaking, is whether any gender separation is warranted and why. If that is clearly answered, I think it will then answer all these other issues, or at least help.
You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!

So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.

You're deflection is noted.

So a problem exists, so to take care of the problem, we make it worse.

Nice job, when you dance with your unicorn, do you or it lead?

I'm not deflecting. I'm asking a question about your reasoning. You implied that someone with a dick being in a shower with a person they are attracted to is a problem. That would mean that having gays in a shower with other men or boys is a problem. I asked if you would be for having gays shower with women to avoid this problem.

I also pointed out that I do not advocate for mixed gender showers.

What, exactly, am I trying to deflect from?

I don't see a guy with a dick that is attracted to women, not being allowed in the restroom with females being much of a problem.

You don't advocate for tranny males sharing showers with females? Are you serious? By what legal standard could you possibly deny them access to showers and lockerrooms if you allow them in restrooms?

Here's a clue, if they are similarily situated enough to be allowed in restrooms, they must be allowed in all gender segregated facilities. You can't stop that.

I disagree. Bathrooms and showers are generally set up in different ways, particularly in regards to privacy. I could perhaps see an argument that a shower facility with stalls must legally allow mixed genders, but in a shower without privacy, it is a different situation than a bathroom.

I think the real question which should be answered, legally speaking, is whether any gender separation is warranted and why. If that is clearly answered, I think it will then answer all these other issues, or at least help.

That's not how our legal system works.

I could care less if anyone disagrees, You are disagreing with the 14th amendment, not me.

Any group judged to be "similarily situated" to another, must be granted access to everything that the other group has access to.

To argue against full access is to argue against same sex marriage and in favor of the North Carolina law that this whole thread is all about.

Are we not allowed to a right to security and privacy when vulnerable? If not, just remove your bathroom door in your home. I'm sure your guests will understand.
So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.

You're deflection is noted.

So a problem exists, so to take care of the problem, we make it worse.

Nice job, when you dance with your unicorn, do you or it lead?

I'm not deflecting. I'm asking a question about your reasoning. You implied that someone with a dick being in a shower with a person they are attracted to is a problem. That would mean that having gays in a shower with other men or boys is a problem. I asked if you would be for having gays shower with women to avoid this problem.

I also pointed out that I do not advocate for mixed gender showers.

What, exactly, am I trying to deflect from?

I don't see a guy with a dick that is attracted to women, not being allowed in the restroom with females being much of a problem.

You don't advocate for tranny males sharing showers with females? Are you serious? By what legal standard could you possibly deny them access to showers and lockerrooms if you allow them in restrooms?

Here's a clue, if they are similarily situated enough to be allowed in restrooms, they must be allowed in all gender segregated facilities. You can't stop that.

I disagree. Bathrooms and showers are generally set up in different ways, particularly in regards to privacy. I could perhaps see an argument that a shower facility with stalls must legally allow mixed genders, but in a shower without privacy, it is a different situation than a bathroom.

I think the real question which should be answered, legally speaking, is whether any gender separation is warranted and why. If that is clearly answered, I think it will then answer all these other issues, or at least help.

That's not how our legal system works.

I could care less if anyone disagrees, You are disagreing with the 14th amendment, not me.

Any group judged to be "similarily situated" to another, must be granted access to everything that the other group has access to.

To argue against full access is to argue against same sex marriage and in favor of the North Carolina law that this whole thread is all about.

Are we not allowed to a right to security and privacy when vulnerable? If not, just remove your bathroom door in your home. I'm sure your guests will understand.

I am not disagreeing with the 14th amendment, whatever you say. I'm disagreeing with your argument that bathrooms and showers must be treated the same way. I am also arguing that the real issue here is the underlying question of whether any sort of gender separation is necessary or legally acceptable. I think once that issue is clarified it will answer many of the other questions which have led to these conflicts. If, for instance, the courts were to rule that separating bathrooms by gender is discriminatory and illegal, it would render all questions about transgender bathroom use pretty much moot. On the other hand, if the courts rule that separation by gender is legally acceptable because the possibility of being exposed to the genitalia of an opposite sex person is worth protecting against, it would mean that at least pre-op transgender people would not simply be allowed to go into the bathroom of their choice. While it may have been discussed in court rulings, I haven't seen any clarification on why gender separated bathrooms are or are not legally acceptable in the first place.

I think this conflict about transgender bathroom use must inevitably clarify and/or change both the legal system's and society's reasoning for gender separate bathrooms.
You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You've never been able to answer the simple question about sexual predators. They get up, walk into a girl's bathroom and say they are an inner woman. How do you stop them? You OK with them being interrogated, challenged and followed to ensure the safety of the girls?
Any predator (hetero males) who try well does that work for them. Not at all. Because authorities know was Transexual means.....something you don't. You seem to believe that the law will accept some adult just "saying" they have an inner woman. Maybe if you actually educated yourself, you wouldn't sound quite so stupid on this topic.

Bull shit. Nowhere in the laws are things written like that they have to dress as a woman or anything to indicate they are an inner women. I do know what a transsexual is. You don't know how the law works.

So just to be clear, you're agreeing that if a man walks into a bathroom and anyone doubts they are transsexual, they can call the police and the police can come and inspect them and ensure they are actually a transsexual?

Explain the procedure for that
Amazing how convoluted you think this is. :lol: Considering the hundreds of predatory hetero males out there (if not thousands) and you misrepresent Transexuals........creating fear of the odd "Watch out for those transexuals over there"...while women and little girls are molested by hetero males every day.

I didn't "misrepresent" transsexuals, you stupid dyke. I'm talking about SEXUAL PREDATORS, not transsexuals. In hindsight, maybe you should have finished high shool.

My question, if you're right in this, why can't you answer it?: "So just to be clear, you're agreeing that if a man walks into a bathroom and anyone doubts they are transsexual, they can call the police and the police can come and inspect them and ensure they are actually a transsexual? Explain the procedure for that."

You're proposing a law that government should force private businesses to allow use of their bathrooms based on government social policy. I'm asking you about enforcement. A sexual predator walks into a girls room. You see it. He answers WTF with your questioning him, he's an inner woman and STFU or he's going straight to his lawyer. What is your next step? You call the cops? What do the cops do?

When someone sees someone, here's the tricky part, you stupid dyke, who is NOT a transsexual. How is the person stopped? Who decides? How do they decide?
You're deflection is noted.

So a problem exists, so to take care of the problem, we make it worse.

Nice job, when you dance with your unicorn, do you or it lead?

I'm not deflecting. I'm asking a question about your reasoning. You implied that someone with a dick being in a shower with a person they are attracted to is a problem. That would mean that having gays in a shower with other men or boys is a problem. I asked if you would be for having gays shower with women to avoid this problem.

I also pointed out that I do not advocate for mixed gender showers.

What, exactly, am I trying to deflect from?

I don't see a guy with a dick that is attracted to women, not being allowed in the restroom with females being much of a problem.

You don't advocate for tranny males sharing showers with females? Are you serious? By what legal standard could you possibly deny them access to showers and lockerrooms if you allow them in restrooms?

Here's a clue, if they are similarily situated enough to be allowed in restrooms, they must be allowed in all gender segregated facilities. You can't stop that.

I disagree. Bathrooms and showers are generally set up in different ways, particularly in regards to privacy. I could perhaps see an argument that a shower facility with stalls must legally allow mixed genders, but in a shower without privacy, it is a different situation than a bathroom.

I think the real question which should be answered, legally speaking, is whether any gender separation is warranted and why. If that is clearly answered, I think it will then answer all these other issues, or at least help.

That's not how our legal system works.

I could care less if anyone disagrees, You are disagreing with the 14th amendment, not me.

Any group judged to be "similarily situated" to another, must be granted access to everything that the other group has access to.

To argue against full access is to argue against same sex marriage and in favor of the North Carolina law that this whole thread is all about.

Are we not allowed to a right to security and privacy when vulnerable? If not, just remove your bathroom door in your home. I'm sure your guests will understand.

I am not disagreeing with the 14th amendment, whatever you say. I'm disagreeing with your argument that bathrooms and showers must be treated the same way. I am also arguing that the real issue here is the underlying question of whether any sort of gender separation is necessary or legally acceptable. I think once that issue is clarified it will answer many of the other questions which have led to these conflicts. If, for instance, the courts were to rule that separating bathrooms by gender is discriminatory and illegal, it would render all questions about transgender bathroom use pretty much moot. On the other hand, if the courts rule that separation by gender is legally acceptable because the possibility of being exposed to the genitalia of an opposite sex person is worth protecting against, it would mean that at least pre-op transgender people would not simply be allowed to go into the bathroom of their choice. While it may have been discussed in court rulings, I haven't seen any clarification on why gender separated bathrooms are or are not legally acceptable in the first place.

I think this conflict about transgender bathroom use must inevitably clarify and/or change both the legal system's and society's reasoning for gender separate bathrooms.

Are you a sock? Onyx?

If there is no outcry for a change the solution is not to change.

As for the 14th, make the argument that access can be limited. I'd love to hear it made without overturning the basic legal principles behind same sex marriage.

I have no problem with post ops using the restroom of their new gender. No dick, no problem in the woman's restroom. Gotta dick, adios.

It's really that simple.
You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!

So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.

You're deflection is noted.

So a problem exists, so to take care of the problem, we make it worse.

Nice job, when you dance with your unicorn, do you or it lead?

I'm not deflecting. I'm asking a question about your reasoning. You implied that someone with a dick being in a shower with a person they are attracted to is a problem. That would mean that having gays in a shower with other men or boys is a problem. I asked if you would be for having gays shower with women to avoid this problem.

I also pointed out that I do not advocate for mixed gender showers.

What, exactly, am I trying to deflect from?
wow are you uninformed. you must be democrat.
You did indeed! You said you want to restrict hetro predictors. Hetro predictors seek the EXACT same thing in a shower room as attract LESBIANS.

THAT IS LEGALLY CALLED, BEING SILARILY SITUATED. You can't exclude one and not the other.

Damn that's just sick.
I love how you want to ignore who the predators are and focus on lesbians....

You've never been able to answer the simple question about sexual predators. They get up, walk into a girl's bathroom and say they are an inner woman. How do you stop them? You OK with them being interrogated, challenged and followed to ensure the safety of the girls?
Any predator (hetero males) who try well does that work for them. Not at all. Because authorities know was Transexual means.....something you don't. You seem to believe that the law will accept some adult just "saying" they have an inner woman. Maybe if you actually educated yourself, you wouldn't sound quite so stupid on this topic.

Bull shit. Nowhere in the laws are things written like that they have to dress as a woman or anything to indicate they are an inner women. I do know what a transsexual is. You don't know how the law works.

So just to be clear, you're agreeing that if a man walks into a bathroom and anyone doubts they are transsexual, they can call the police and the police can come and inspect them and ensure they are actually a transsexual?

Explain the procedure for that
Amazing how convoluted you think this is. :lol: Considering the hundreds of predatory hetero males out there (if not thousands) and you misrepresent Transexuals........creating fear of the odd "Watch out for those transexuals over there"...while women and little girls are molested by hetero males every day.
why don't the women count?

Funny, you are concerned for a tranny getting his ass kicked but you give a shit if a woman is raped. Nice!!
I am also arguing that the real issue here is the underlying question of whether any sort of gender separation is necessary or legally acceptable

WTF? Where does the Constitution say we have to be gender blind? Even the ERA didn't say that.

And that government can force businesses what their bathroom policies are? Now that's totally not a power of the Federal government as it violates the fifth amendment and therefore by the 14th amendment government in general.

What crimes had businesses committed in Charlotte where their rights could be restricted? The fifth amendment says the Charlotte law overturned was unconstitutional. It's pathetic we don't recognize the right to property can be restricted just because we engage in business. That isn't in the Constitution
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why don't the women count?

Funny, you are concerned for a tranny getting his ass kicked but you give a shit if a woman is raped. Nice!!
Indeed, the courts will be discussing your points. :clap2:

Wouldn't it be a blast to actually debate this with the NCAA and see them defend their position in an open arena?

Good god they'd look the fool

Well if you consider that court is an open arena and they will HAVE to debate and defend their "points" there, your wish is going to come true.
why don't the women count?

Funny, you are concerned for a tranny getting his ass kicked but you give a shit if a woman is raped. Nice!!
Indeed, the courts will be discussing your points. :clap2:

Wouldn't it be a blast to actually debate this with the NCAA and see them defend their position in an open arena?

Good god they'd look the fool

Well if you consider that court is an open arena and they will HAVE to debate and defend their "points" there, your wish is going to come true.
The NCAA has no fucking business getting involved in to the political arena and PUNISHING an entire state because they don't like a political position..
The beauty of these sorts of boycotts is that they beat the RW bigots at their own game.
Why do you feel the need to go into little girls bathrooms? Something is very wrong with you.
That's what hetero male predators Josh Dugan.

Why would anyone take a lesbians opinion seriously on this issue?

Lesbians have been able to check out our daughters/wifes/sisters/mothers/girlfriends in showerrooms throughout history. You actually then must defend that right for males, afterall, you're both attracted to the same thing, right? The female form.


Maybe the NCAA needs to be investigated to see if those that made this decision just want in the opposite sex showers as well?

lol, Pop wants 5 bathrooms.

To accommodate all sexes there needs to be 31, we don't want to exclude or offend anyone.

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