Lib court: blacks can flee police

The court said black men in Boston who flee when approached by police does not necessarily indicate that they are guilty of a crime.
Too Dumbs knows better.
Take it up with the court, then, Thumbs.
so it's ok for a black guy to run from the police, but not black women or anyone of any other color. yea, your not a racist, no, nothing to see here
When you begin losing the discussion, you put words in your opponent's mouth that he did not say and he did not infer. Take it up in court.

Says the moron that claims he knows all about me and what I'm thinking. You're a joke, Fake
From the link for a better background for the thread:

The SJC found that police did not have a reasonable suspicion to stop Warren and his friend, noting that an officer’s hunch is not enough. The court cited a report by the Boston Police Department that found black men were disproportionately stopped and frisked by Boston police between 2007 and 2010. The court said black men in Boston who flee when approached by police does not necessarily indicate that they are guilty of a crime.

“Rather, the finding that black males in Boston are disproportionately and repeatedly targeted for FIO (field interrogation and observation) encounters suggests a reason for flight totally unrelated to consciousness of guilt. Such an individual, when approached by the police, might just as easily be motivated by the desire to avoid the recurring indignity of being racially profiled as by the desire to hide criminal activity,” Justice Geraldine Hines wrote for the court in the unanimous opinion.

“Given this reality for black males in the city of Boston, a judge should, in appropriate cases, consider the report’s findings in weighing flight as a factor in the reasonable suspicion calculus.”

The court vacated Warren’s conviction.

A GUN conviction. THAT is why he was running away.
Take it up with the court, then, Thumbs.
so it's ok for a black guy to run from the police, but not black women or anyone of any other color. yea, your not a racist, no, nothing to see here
When you begin losing the discussion, you put words in your opponent's mouth that he did not say and he did not infer. Take it up in court.
do you or do you not support black men running from the police? Have you been clear that you support this idiotic action, for everyone? or do you support everyone run from the cops?
Fallacy of loaded questions. Take this case up with the state supreme court.
those are yes / no questions, however this is an open forum where you can explain yourself. but you choose to tell me to take it to court, how moronic
The questions do not pertain to this discussion. Yes, take it to court if you disagree. Yes, I agree, you are moronic.
The court said black men in Boston who flee when approached by police does not necessarily indicate that they are guilty of a crime.
Too Dumbs knows better.
Take it up with the court, then, Thumbs.
so it's ok for a black guy to run from the police, but not black women or anyone of any other color. yea, your not a racist, no, nothing to see here
When you begin losing the discussion, you put words in your opponent's mouth that he did not say and he did not infer. Take it up in court.

Says the moron that claims he knows all about me and what I'm thinking. You're a joke, Fake
Says one of LGS's socks, whose other sock briefed the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
per wikipedia: Average white IQ; 99: Average Asian IQ; 105: Average black IQ; 85: If you're stupid enough, whether strung out or sober, to try to grab a police officer's gun during a confrontation or grab his taser, point a realistic appearing B-B pistol at the police, refuse to obey a policeman's order, or attack a police officer, evolution never ceases.

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