Liberal Analyst: Republicans Are Doing “Work with ISIS” when They Say “Radical Islam” (Video)


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
That Progressive/Socialist/democrat party is at war alright. It's with US the American people. Unfreakingbelievable.


Liberal Analyst: Republicans Are Doing “Work with ISIS” when They Say “Radical Islam” (Video)

Jim Hoft Nov 15th, 2015 1:29 pm

Last night Democratic presidential candidates embarrassed themselves with a remarkable display of unintelligible garbage rhetoric.

The top Democrats could not even say America is at war with radical Islam.
That’s how crazy the party has become.

On Sunday crazy liberal and Huffington Post contributor John Neffinger argued Republican candidates are doing the work of ISIS when they say “Radical Islam.”

John Neffinger: Anytime you implicate and entire religion, when you say Muslim, when you say Islam, when you say something that the billion Muslims in this world recognize themselves in, you just gave them allies that they otherwise would not have. It was amazing to me to see all these Republican candidates leap on to Twitter last night. Essentially to do the work of ISIS. To say this is a clash of civilizations. That’s exactly what the terrorists want.

Leland Vittert: Whoa-Whoa-Whoa, hold on. They were on Twitter. They were also on ABC this weekend. Marco Rubio, play that soundbite.

Marco Rubio: I don’t understand it. That would be like saying we’re not at war with Nazis because we’re afraid to offend some Germans, who may have been members of the Nazi party but weren’t violent themselves. We are at war with radical Islam.

Leland Vittert: By your definition is Marco Rubio doing ISIS’s work?

John Neffinger: Yeah, if you are saying we are at Muslims writ large, anytime. Look this is not a rational conversation.

ALL of it here and a Video
Liberal Analyst: Republicans Are Doing "Work with ISIS" when They Say "Radical Islam" (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
That Progressive/Socialist/democrat party is at war alright. It's with US the American people. Unfreakingbelievable.


Liberal Analyst: Republicans Are Doing “Work with ISIS” when They Say “Radical Islam” (Video)

Jim Hoft Nov 15th, 2015 1:29 pm

Last night Democratic presidential candidates embarrassed themselves with a remarkable display of unintelligible garbage rhetoric.

The top Democrats could not even say America is at war with radical Islam.
That’s how crazy the party has become.

On Sunday crazy liberal and Huffington Post contributor John Neffinger argued Republican candidates are doing the work of ISIS when they say “Radical Islam.”

John Neffinger: Anytime you implicate and entire religion, when you say Muslim, when you say Islam, when you say something that the billion Muslims in this world recognize themselves in, you just gave them allies that they otherwise would not have. It was amazing to me to see all these Republican candidates leap on to Twitter last night. Essentially to do the work of ISIS. To say this is a clash of civilizations. That’s exactly what the terrorists want.

Leland Vittert: Whoa-Whoa-Whoa, hold on. They were on Twitter. They were also on ABC this weekend. Marco Rubio, play that soundbite.

Marco Rubio: I don’t understand it. That would be like saying we’re not at war with Nazis because we’re afraid to offend some Germans, who may have been members of the Nazi party but weren’t violent themselves. We are at war with radical Islam.

Leland Vittert: By your definition is Marco Rubio doing ISIS’s work?

John Neffinger: Yeah, if you are saying we are at Muslims writ large, anytime. Look this is not a rational conversation.

ALL of it here and a Video
Liberal Analyst: Republicans Are Doing "Work with ISIS" when They Say "Radical Islam" (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Can you define 'radical Islam?' If not, I don't see a problem with people not using such a term.

We are not in fact at war with radical Islam or fundamentalist Islam or anything of the sort. It's very simple who the enemy is: extremists.

If you wanna require prayer 5 times a day, and do all the other stuff your religion calls for knock yourself out. Don't care if you're a scripturalist Muslim who does each and every thing in the Qur'an. When you and I are gonna have a problem is when you become dissatisfied with praying and obeying and start expecting me to join you. Then you're not devout or radical or fundamentlist but an extremist.

There should be no compulsion in religion. - Qur'an

When there is, you're not a good Muslim any more. Now you're just a target my friends are going to kill.
And the spin for the PC-protected religion continues, unabated, even after Paris.

You have to admit, you have to admire their commitment.
That idiot person is from the Hufferpufferpost. that should be enough reason to NOT give that site any of your support. do not go there, do not click on any of their links. they want to run down Republicans in this country with such nasty stupidity. then tell them to go to hell. Maybe they'll get a clue on who they send to Represent them.
That idiot person is from the Hufferpufferpost. that should be enough reason to NOT give that site any of your support. do not go there, do not click on any of their links. they want to run down Republicans in this country with such nasty stupidity. then tell them to go to hell. Maybe they'll get a clue on who they send to Represent them.

I read more Leftist nonsense than I do Republican material. It's good to know what the enemy is thinking.
How many of the enemy will be killed by labeling them one way or the other. Suppose the president came out tomorrow and said "they are Satan himself on Earth, vile vermin, 'evil doers' (yeah that one put them in their place didn't it?), Islamic-fascist Nazis with a penchant for buggery...

None would be killed and THEY wouldn't even take notice.

This is some mental meme that conservatives flagellate themselves with constantly because it makes them feel good. "Oh if we just call them names that will win the war".

You are children to even think the rest of the world gives a shit about internal American politics like this. And to think the barbaric murderers in Isis will even notice what you call them? Isn't rational on any level.

Conservatives you need to pop the bubble you live in and join us in the real world. We have real threats right now in the real world and they don't give a shit what you call them.
That idiot person is from the Hufferpufferpost. that should be enough reason to NOT give that site any of your support. do not go there, do not click on any of their links. they want to run down Republicans in this country with such nasty stupidity. then tell them to go to hell. Maybe they'll get a clue on who they send to Represent them.

I read more Leftist nonsense than I do Republican material. It's good to know what the enemy is thinking.

true, but it's doesn't mean we need to support their sites. I can't believe where that site jumped the shark. Arianna Huffington was marred to a Republican and said she supported their views. I think she saw she could make more money off the nutty left in the country. just my thinking on it
I was just reading this. Now I understand how she went into the far left la la land. not quite the recommendation I'd like attached to
Why and how did Ariana Huffington switch from republican dinner hostess to activist blogger?
It all came to a head in typically over-the-top fashion. Arianna began appearing as the conservative pundit in a Comedy Central show called Strange Bedfellows , literally sharing a bed with the leftist comedian Al Franken as they debated issues. She became friends with Franken, who was instrumental in her conversion to liberalism and, in due course, entry into the world of American leftist politics. This, among other things, brought her fame. Her palatial home in California became a salon for every shade of liberal mover and shaker. It was the 'Rick's Place' of California politics, and it still is.

all of it here:
ISIS recruits off its "Western Powers war on Islam" message
Republicans provide them more fodder

If we want to defeat radical Islam, we have to have moderate Islam on our side. The GOP war on muslims does not keep us safer
That idiot person is from the Hufferpufferpost. that should be enough reason to NOT give that site any of your support. do not go there, do not click on any of their links. they want to run down Republicans in this country with such nasty stupidity. then tell them to go to hell. Maybe they'll get a clue on who they send to Represent them.

I read more Leftist nonsense than I do Republican material. It's good to know what the enemy is thinking.


Looks like that reprogramming is coming along nicely.
Obama drone strikes is just creating more Jihadists

It's creating a DISASTER not just for us but for other countries around the world. How anyone can still defend this man and administration after they accused BUSH of "creating more terrorist" with Iraq. this is sick.

whereas he intentionally did this by bombing the hell out the countries over in the middle east. There was no reason to bomb half of them and he gave no reason for it while going above OUR CONGRESS to do. He needs to be REMOVED from office.
Last time we saw this level of concern among conservatives was when Obama was massing Federal Troops in operation "Jade Helms" . The operation aimed at having cowboys be forced to gay marry illegal Gay grooms so they , the grooms, could stay in the US and vote Democrat.... the marriages would be supervised by large muscular women with fishnet stocking stiletto heels and whips ...wild wild are correct sir !!!

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