Liberal Federal Employees Take Day Off Work

Still haven’t seen anything about Federal Employees taking the day off

Never will. POTUS apologists just make shit up. Federal and state workers are lazy, non productive, use excessive PTO. On an on and on. They are the smartest, most dedicated folks I have ever worked with.
Don’t These liberal federal employees and Democratic staffers have a fucking job to do? Why was Lizzie Warren there? Couldn’t she have just sent a smoke signal?
Kavanaugh protesters arrested at Capitol, after thousands march on Supreme Court

Well if the Dems ever nominate an unapologetic rapist, you can take the day off too.
rapist?? ?? why bring up a rapist?
who's the rapist?
because BK isn't a rapist
that's not been anywhere near proven
Don’t These liberal federal employees and Democratic staffers have a fucking job to do? Why was Lizzie Warren there? Couldn’t she have just sent a smoke signal?
Kavanaugh protesters arrested at Capitol, after thousands march on Supreme Court

Because she had to read the report, they are preserving paper, only one copy. Trump needs to pocket all the money, not enough to go around.

Having only one copy is a Senate rule adopted in 2009 for the Obama administration with Shumer as leader of the Senate and Leahy as chairman of the committee.
Suck it.
Don’t These liberal federal employees and Democratic staffers have a fucking job to do? Why was Lizzie Warren there? Couldn’t she have just sent a smoke signal?
Kavanaugh protesters arrested at Capitol, after thousands march on Supreme Court

Because she had to read the report, they are preserving paper, only one copy. Trump needs to pocket all the money, not enough to go around.

Having only one copy is a Senate rule adopted in 2009 for the Obama administration with Shumer as leader of the Senate and Leahy as chairman of the committee.
Suck it.
Well if the Dems ever nominate an unapologetic rapist, you can take the day off to

Only for their Presidential Candidate, never for the court.

Don’t These liberal federal employees and Democratic staffers have a fucking job to do? Why was Lizzie Warren there? Couldn’t she have just sent a smoke signal?
Kavanaugh protesters arrested at Capitol, after thousands march on Supreme Court

Because she had to read the report, they are preserving paper, only one copy. Trump needs to pocket all the money, not enough to go around.

Having only one copy is a Senate rule adopted in 2009 for the Obama administration with Shumer as leader of the Senate and Leahy as chairman of the committee.
Suck it.

Ahead of Vote, Senators Allowed to View One Copy of FBI’s Kavanaugh Report Behind Closed Doors
Don’t These liberal federal employees and Democratic staffers have a fucking job to do? Why was Lizzie Warren there? Couldn’t she have just sent a smoke signal?
Kavanaugh protesters arrested at Capitol, after thousands march on Supreme Court

Well if the Dems ever nominate an unapologetic rapist, you can take the day off too.
Well since kavanugh is no rapist what is their excuse this time?
Attempted rapist

With no evidence
Don’t These liberal federal employees and Democratic staffers have a fucking job to do? Why was Lizzie Warren there? Couldn’t she have just sent a smoke signal?
Kavanaugh protesters arrested at Capitol, after thousands march on Supreme Court

Ever stop to think that maybe they used their vacation days or some of their sick days to go protest? And, what makes you think they are federal employees and Democratic staffers? Can't they just be regular citizens who took a day off to express their views?
They should be at work...not living on my tax dollars to do dumb shit like trying to smear an innocent man.
Where was Elizabeth Warren when women were accusing and proving Clinton of sexual misconduct? Where were the rest of you liberals?

Oh, didn't affect your political agenda. Right.

Actually, she wasn't really in politics at that time.

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia

Warren joined the University of Pennsylvania Law School as a full professor in 1987 and obtained an endowed chair in 1990 (becoming William A Schnader Professor of Commercial Law). She taught for a year at Harvard Law School in 1992 as Robert Braucher Visiting Professor of Commercial Law. In 1995, Warren left Penn to become Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.[38] As of 2011, she was the only tenured law professor at Harvard who had attended law school at an American public university.[40] Warren was a highly influential law professor. Although she published in many fields, her expertise was in bankruptcy and commercial law. In that field, only Bob Scott of Columbia and Alan Schwartz of Yale were cited more often than Warren.[41][3]

Advisory roles
In 1995, Warren was asked to advise the National Bankruptcy Review Commission.[42] She helped to draft the commission's report and worked for several years to oppose legislation intended to severely restrict the right of consumers to file for bankruptcy. Warren and others opposing the legislation were not successful; in 2005 Congress passed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, which curtailed the ability of consumers to file for bankruptcy.[43][44]

She wasn't really in a position that would have had an opinion one way or the other, since she was a professor and private citizen working for the government in an advisory position. If she had been a senator when Clinton was going through his stuff, you might have had a point, but you don't.

Shouldn't she have been helping out on the Reservation?

Lots of sexual assault there.
You sound like the typical lazy overworked ceo who doesn't know what work is. Same goes for management. Useless.
All kinds of Democrat staff and interns in front of SC during work hours today
Uh oh....snowflakes and at a few wittle protestors. Are you okay? Nobody really cares.
If a few protesters bothers you then you have it pretty good. They mean nothing. Toughen up and join the working cla ss. Don't be like a ceo or management who doesn't know how to work.
Don’t These liberal federal employees and Democratic staffers have a fucking job to do? Why was Lizzie Warren there? Couldn’t she have just sent a smoke signal?
Kavanaugh protesters arrested at Capitol, after thousands march on Supreme Court

Ever stop to think that maybe they used their vacation days or some of their sick days to go protest? And, what makes you think they are federal employees and Democratic staffers? Can't they just be regular citizens who took a day off to express their views?

It is sort of funny you asked him if he every stopped to that has ever happened

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Don’t These liberal federal employees and Democratic staffers have a fucking job to do? Why was Lizzie Warren there? Couldn’t she have just sent a smoke signal?
Kavanaugh protesters arrested at Capitol, after thousands march on Supreme Court

Because she had to read the report, they are preserving paper, only one copy. Trump needs to pocket all the money, not enough to go around.

Having only one copy is a Senate rule adopted in 2009 for the Obama administration with Shumer as leader of the Senate and Leahy as chairman of the committee.
Suck it.

Ahead of Vote, Senators Allowed to View One Copy of FBI’s Kavanaugh Report Behind Closed Doors
Where was Elizabeth Warren when women were accusing and proving Clinton of sexual misconduct? Where were the rest of you liberals?

Oh, didn't affect your political agenda. Right.

What sexual misconduct.
Don’t These liberal federal employees and Democratic staffers have a fucking job to do? Why was Lizzie Warren there? Couldn’t she have just sent a smoke signal?
Kavanaugh protesters arrested at Capitol, after thousands march on Supreme Court

Because she had to read the report, they are preserving paper, only one copy. Trump needs to pocket all the money, not enough to go around.
Fuck you’re stupid.

No you are stupid. Why because people need to see their representatives, and that is what Democrats do , unlike the GOP.

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