Liberal parents go berzerk after told black kids would be bussed to their schools


People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
How is it known that they're all liberals?
The Upper West Side went to Hillary Clinton by 89% in 2016.

From the link
Still thousands of conservatives. Might be some comserconserv that were never trumpers voting against him too.

People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.

People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.

A possibility? Sure, but statistically unlikely

People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.

A possibility? Sure, but statistically unlikely
Actually not. Birds of a feather and all that.

It's likely that a group of like minded folks got together for this meeting. Now, knowing the ideology of both groups which one do you think is more likely to attend the event?

People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.

A possibility? Sure, but statistically unlikely
Actually not. Birds of a feather and all that.

It's likely that a group of like minded folks got together for this meeting. Now, knowing the ideology of both groups which one do you think is more likely to attend the event?

If you understand basic math it’s really not hard to figure out.

People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.

A possibility? Sure, but statistically unlikely
Actually not. Birds of a feather and all that.

It's likely that a group of like minded folks got together for this meeting. Now, knowing the ideology of both groups which one do you think is more likely to attend the event?

If you understand basic math it’s really not hard to figure out.
Yeah, that's kind of a cop-out. Humans are not math problems.
Typical lefty whitebreads. They scatter when diversity knocks on their door.
They love to show their whitebread friends whenever they know an actual black person. They like to show off their black friends but don’t let them move into the neighborhood.
Utter hypocrisy.

Jews are White-bread now?

Here I thought "Moldy Bagel" described them better.
Blacks are like exotic animals to Jews.

People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.
Could be conservatives, could be liberals, could be moderates, could be voters, could be non-voters.

No one knows. What we do know is that folks who voted in that district, leaned heavily for Hillary. So in a Liberal part of town, they are supporting busing in under-performing students to give them a better opportunity. That demonstrates diversity and support to those less privileged and serves as a great example of Liberalism as the folks in that community generally approve of it, according to the video. Even if the few who complained are Liberal, that doesn't negate the very Liberal action of reaching out to help the less fortunate.

Let's see if programs like this are occurring in any conservative districts....
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.

A possibility? Sure, but statistically unlikely
Actually not. Birds of a feather and all that.

It's likely that a group of like minded folks got together for this meeting. Now, knowing the ideology of both groups which one do you think is more likely to attend the event?

If you understand basic math it’s really not hard to figure out.
Yeah, that's kind of a cop-out. Humans are not math problems.
Dont Taz Me Bro is correct in that statistically, they are most likely Liberals. Means nothing. No matter what anyone's ideology, not everyone is going to always agree. There are Liberals who are pro-life, doesn't mean they're not Liberal. There are conservatives who are pro-choice, doesn't mean they are not conservative.

What we do know is that in a community of mostly Liberals, the schools are planning to bus in under-performing students from other neighborhoods to help give them the benefit of better schools. A shining example set forth by Liberals and a few complaining parents do not undermine that support in a community generally accepted by the other parents.

And again, I challenge conservatives to show where they have done something similar in a mostly conservative neighborhood. My guess is there will be none; but who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
What we do know is that in a community of mostly Liberals, the schools are planning to bus in under-performing students from other neighborhoods to help give them the benefit of better schools. A shining example set forth by Liberals and a few complaining parents do not undermine that support in a community generally accepted by the other parents.

And again, I challenge conservatives to show where they have done something similar in a mostly conservative neighborhood. My guess is there will be none; but who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

There is zero evidence that shows busing kids in from poorer neighborhoods to schools in more affluent neighborhoods does anything to improve their education. In fact, some studies have shown it actually hurts because they spend hours a day on a bus going to and from and that's time taken away from them being able to do study or get sufficient rest. Back when I lived in Charlotte the Wake County school board decided to end their busing program and go back to sending kids to their neighborhood school. The News & Observer even published a study that showed the average proficiency of the students who were being bused out of their neighborhoods actually went down slightly as opposed to when they were in their own local school. Of course, that didn't stop the usual rabble rousers and race baiters from raising Hell over it. I remember that turd Clay Aiken was all over the news running his mouth about it because he lives there.

So called liberals should keep this in mind when they're patting themselves on the back for what they think is a job well done. Furthermore, I find the view that the only way black kids can learn better is to be put in classes with white kids to be incredibly racist.

People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.
Could be conservatives, could be liberals, could be moderates, could be voters, could be non-voters.

No one knows. What we do know is that folks who voted in that district, leaned heavily for Hillary. So in a Liberal part of town, they are supporting busing in under-performing students to give them a better opportunity. That demonstrates diversity and support to those less privileged and serves as a great example of Liberalism as the folks in that community generally approve of it, according to the video. Even if the few who complained are Liberal, that doesn't negate the very Liberal action of reaching out to help the less fortunate.

Let's see if programs like this are occurring in any conservative districts....
Progressives only want to help themselves and no one else
What we do know is that in a community of mostly Liberals, the schools are planning to bus in under-performing students from other neighborhoods to help give them the benefit of better schools. A shining example set forth by Liberals and a few complaining parents do not undermine that support in a community generally accepted by the other parents.

And again, I challenge conservatives to show where they have done something similar in a mostly conservative neighborhood. My guess is there will be none; but who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

There is zero evidence that shows busing kids in from poorer neighborhoods to schools in more affluent neighborhoods does anything to improve their education. In fact, some studies have shown it actually hurts because they spend hours a day on a bus going to and from and that's time taken away from them being able to do study or get sufficient rest. Back when I lived in Charlotte the Wake County school board decided to end their busing program and go back to sending kids to their neighborhood school. The News & Observer even published a study that showed the average proficiency of the students who were being bused out of their neighborhoods actually went down slightly as opposed to when they were in their own local school. Of course, that didn't stop the usual rabble rousers and race baiters from raising Hell over it. I remember that turd Clay Aiken was all over the news running his mouth about it because he lives there.

So called liberals should keep this in mind when they're patting themselves on the back for what they think is a job well done. Furthermore, I find the view that the only way black kids can learn better is to be put in classes with white kids to be incredibly racist.
It's not racist, it's opportunistic. Some communities have better schools than others. Better schools provide better education. What was done in Charlotte was done for racial purposes of integration. What's being done in district 3 in NYC is being done to give under-performing kids a better opportunity to learn in better schools.

People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.
Could be conservatives, could be liberals, could be moderates, could be voters, could be non-voters.

No one knows. What we do know is that folks who voted in that district, leaned heavily for Hillary. So in a Liberal part of town, they are supporting busing in under-performing students to give them a better opportunity. That demonstrates diversity and support to those less privileged and serves as a great example of Liberalism as the folks in that community generally approve of it, according to the video. Even if the few who complained are Liberal, that doesn't negate the very Liberal action of reaching out to help the less fortunate.

Let's see if programs like this are occurring in any conservative districts....
Progressives only want to help themselves and no one else
And yet, the OP presents a case where they are reaching out to help under-performing kids.

People who self-identify as liberals are usually very nice people who mean well. But when they come face-to-face with brutal reality (as in the case of these New York City parents), some of them discover that perhaps they were a little hasty in their conclusions. On the other hand, no doubt some of these liberal parents may support the busing plan.
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.
Could be conservatives, could be liberals, could be moderates, could be voters, could be non-voters.

No one knows. What we do know is that folks who voted in that district, leaned heavily for Hillary. So in a Liberal part of town, they are supporting busing in under-performing students to give them a better opportunity. That demonstrates diversity and support to those less privileged and serves as a great example of Liberalism as the folks in that community generally approve of it, according to the video. Even if the few who complained are Liberal, that doesn't negate the very Liberal action of reaching out to help the less fortunate.

Let's see if programs like this are occurring in any conservative districts....
Progressives only want to help themselves and no one else
And yet, the OP presents a case where they are reaching out to help under-performing kids.
Na, They really don’t they just want to force other people to do it
Actually, according to the article, parents “generally” support the plan. Gatewaypundit is seizing upon a handful of parents of the roughly 22,000 students in that district to paint a picture of Liberals as hypocrites when it does no such thing. The plan was actually designed by Liberals, supported by every school principle in that district, along with the parents elected to the district’s school boards and generally all other parents. That shows diversity supported by Liberals as well as showing a handful of presumably Liberal parents objecting.
So there is a real possibility that this is a group of conservatives in a generally liberal area raising a stink.
Could be conservatives, could be liberals, could be moderates, could be voters, could be non-voters.

No one knows. What we do know is that folks who voted in that district, leaned heavily for Hillary. So in a Liberal part of town, they are supporting busing in under-performing students to give them a better opportunity. That demonstrates diversity and support to those less privileged and serves as a great example of Liberalism as the folks in that community generally approve of it, according to the video. Even if the few who complained are Liberal, that doesn't negate the very Liberal action of reaching out to help the less fortunate.

Let's see if programs like this are occurring in any conservative districts....
Progressives only want to help themselves and no one else
And yet, the OP presents a case where they are reaching out to help under-performing kids.
Na, They really don’t they just want to force other people to do it
And yet, here's an example where they are doing it themselves.

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