Liberal Professor Says He is DONE With ‘Obscene, Abusive, Fanatical, Intolerant’ People on the left


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
He learned the hard way that criticizing the right is acceptable but criticizing the left will instantly make you a target by the most radical people in this country. He had the nerve to express himself without fully agreeing with the liberal narrative. Then he went on O'Reilly to talk about it. That is totally unacceptable as far as the left is concerned. He says that liberals these days are illiberal. They prefer government control over freedom these days. Well, as long as liberals are dictating things. They detest free thinking people who don't obediently toe the liberal line.

"I was on the receiving end of a Twitter sh** storm from hell last night, after O’Reilly tweeted my handle and interview, and after I suggested that if Milo Yiannopolous was a liberal, the same people hanging him symbolically now would be defending him zealously.

The result: Twitter Hell on earth.

I don’t want to reproduce the putrid and vile character of this attack, but I will say this: Today’s “Left” is rife with the most obscene, abusive, nasty, spiritually ugly and utterly unethical, hypocritical and fanatically horrible people I’ve ever encountered in my 58 years on earth.

When I was a left-liberal activist and founder of Citizens for Legitimate Government after the first GWB Bush “election,” I routinely received hate email from right-wingers. They were routinely mean-spirited.

But now that I am a critic of the Left, nothing from the past comes close to the kind of personal invective, baseless insults, vilely degrading language and imagery that I was barraged with from these Leftists — and all because I critiqued an IDEOLOGY and its mechanisms, and critiqued the hypocrisy of today’s illiberal leftists.

The Left has utterly and completely lost its way and I no longer want anything to do with it. I include most milieus of Marxism as well, as these have resorted to the same tactics in conjunction with the others.
Good bye to all that. Good bye."

A Liberal Professor Says He is DONE With ‘Obscene, Abusive, Fanatical, Intolerant’ People on the Left
Well, that's one. The entitled are scared so much that they act out in vile ways. How did we get here?

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