Liberals Don't Like Carson 'Cuz He Lies

We ALL know he's a retired neurosurgeon...That's been at the forefront for the last two years. What's news is the guy has been caught in so many lies, he's getting ready to receive another award....from Politifact.

All statements involving Ben Carson
All statements involving Ben Carson | PolitiFact

The only estimate, but it's not very reliable

Among manufacturers with fewer than 50 employees, "the average cost in terms of regulations is $34,000 per employee."
— PolitiFact National

If by "no involvement" he means ringing endorsement

Says he "didn’t have an involvement with" nutritional supplement company Mannatech.
— PolitiFact National

A mix of bad history and bad math

"German citizens were disarmed by their government in the late 1930s," which allowed the Nazis to "carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance."
— PolitiFact National

There was no 1968 bad guys club

"In the class of 1968 at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, Mahmoud Abbas was one of the members of that class, and so was Ali Khamenei. And that's where they first established relationships with the young Vladimir Putin."
— PolitiFact National

Evidence doesn't support claim

Birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger "believed that people like me should be eliminated."
— PolitiFact New Hampshire

Most apprehensions are from Mexico and Central America

When ICE releases illegal immigrants, "a lot of those people are not from Honduras and Mexico. They’re from Iraq and Somalia and Russia."
— PolitiFact Florida

Oversimplified beyond recognition

"We've had examples like in Yuma County, where we've been able to stop 97 percent of the illegal (immigration) flow, and those programs, they abolish."
— PolitiFact National

There are some exceptions

There is not "one of the Muslim nations" that doesn't have "discrimination against women, discrimination against gays, subjugation of other religious beliefs."
— PolitiFact National

Immunizations don't exist for trivial illnesses

There are a "multitude" of vaccines that do not prevent deadly and crippling diseases.
— PolitiFact Georgia

Leading medical experts agree on vaccination schedule

Pediatricians have cut down on the number and proximity of vaccines because they recognize there have been "too many in too short a period of time."
— PolitiFact Florida

Defining border security is subjective

Says "56 percent of (the U.S.-Mexico) border is not under our control."
— PolitiFact National

More like a promise not to attack

"Ukraine was a nuclear-armed state. They gave away their nuclear arms with the understanding that we would protect them."
— PolitiFact National

Not enough criminal justice figures available for 18-24 age group

"There are more young black males involved in the criminal justice system than there are in higher education."
— PolitiFact Wisconsin

More, but not double

"We spent twice as much per capita for health care in this country as the next closest nation."
— PolitiFact New Hampshire

A researcher called the claim 'insane'

"A lot of people who go into prison straight, and when they come out they’re gay."
— PolitiFact National
Cares given?

We ALL know he's a retired neurosurgeon...That's been at the forefront for the last two years. What's news is the guy has been caught in so many lies, he's getting ready to receive another award....from Politifact.

All statements involving Ben Carson
All statements involving Ben Carson | PolitiFact

The only estimate, but it's not very reliable

Among manufacturers with fewer than 50 employees, "the average cost in terms of regulations is $34,000 per employee."
— PolitiFact National

If by "no involvement" he means ringing endorsement

Says he "didn’t have an involvement with" nutritional supplement company Mannatech.
— PolitiFact National

A mix of bad history and bad math

"German citizens were disarmed by their government in the late 1930s," which allowed the Nazis to "carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance."
— PolitiFact National

There was no 1968 bad guys club

"In the class of 1968 at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, Mahmoud Abbas was one of the members of that class, and so was Ali Khamenei. And that's where they first established relationships with the young Vladimir Putin."
— PolitiFact National

Evidence doesn't support claim

Birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger "believed that people like me should be eliminated."
— PolitiFact New Hampshire

Most apprehensions are from Mexico and Central America

When ICE releases illegal immigrants, "a lot of those people are not from Honduras and Mexico. They’re from Iraq and Somalia and Russia."
— PolitiFact Florida

Oversimplified beyond recognition

"We've had examples like in Yuma County, where we've been able to stop 97 percent of the illegal (immigration) flow, and those programs, they abolish."
— PolitiFact National

There are some exceptions

There is not "one of the Muslim nations" that doesn't have "discrimination against women, discrimination against gays, subjugation of other religious beliefs."
— PolitiFact National

Immunizations don't exist for trivial illnesses

There are a "multitude" of vaccines that do not prevent deadly and crippling diseases.
— PolitiFact Georgia

Leading medical experts agree on vaccination schedule

Pediatricians have cut down on the number and proximity of vaccines because they recognize there have been "too many in too short a period of time."
— PolitiFact Florida

Defining border security is subjective

Says "56 percent of (the U.S.-Mexico) border is not under our control."
— PolitiFact National

More like a promise not to attack

"Ukraine was a nuclear-armed state. They gave away their nuclear arms with the understanding that we would protect them."
— PolitiFact National

Not enough criminal justice figures available for 18-24 age group

"There are more young black males involved in the criminal justice system than there are in higher education."
— PolitiFact Wisconsin

More, but not double

"We spent twice as much per capita for health care in this country as the next closest nation."
— PolitiFact New Hampshire

A researcher called the claim 'insane'

"A lot of people who go into prison straight, and when they come out they’re gay."
— PolitiFact National

Two things are funny with your moronic post:

1. You use Politifact, a well known and discredited liberal site.
2. When we said we hated Obama because he lies, you called it racist.

You hypocritical racist idiot.
OK, so let's dial up Jeb. This is the first page, there are four total.

All statements involving Jeb Bush

Sitting here on Capitol Hill
"If you look at the three people on the (debate) stage from the United States Senate, all three of them have a combined two bills that became law that they've sponsored."
— PolitiFact National

It's been bleaker
"If you're born poor, you're more likely to stay poor than any time in American history."
— PolitiFact New Hampshire

Cheap but not the cheapest
"In Florida, we have the lowest in-state tuition of any state."
— PolitiFact Florida

Overall land holdings fewer than before
"The federal government owns about half of the West, yet it continues to acquire more land."
— PolitiFact Florida

Should have specified federal income taxes
"The top 1 percent pay 45 percent of all taxes in the country."
— PolitiFact Florida

New drilling techniques made it so
"Since 2008, U.S. crude oil output has increased by over 80 percent, an increase of over 4 million barrels a day. That is the fastest increase in U.S. history."
— PolitiFact Florida

On economic growth, Bush trailed other recent presidents
The tax policies of George W. Bush "created a dynamic effect of high growth."
— PolitiFact National

Jeb gets the better part of fight with Trump
"When he (Donald Trump) asked Florida to have casino gambling, we said no."
— PolitiFact Florida

The Great Recession befell the entire country

"Jeb's policies in Florida helped lead to its almost total collapse."
— PolitiFact Florida

There's more to the story
"Florida led the nation in job creation" while Bush was governor.
— PolitiFact Florida

Not the only way of measuring spending
"I cut state spending more than anybody (in the 2016 GOP field)."
— PolitiFact National

Said one analyst: 'Lunacy of this idea is almost indescribable'
"Trump proposed enacting the largest tax increase in American history."
— PolitiFact Florida

He picked what emails were made public
"I released all my emails."
— PolitiFact Florida

Its main purpose is women's health
Planned Parenthood is "not actually doing women’s health issues."
— PolitiFact National

Yes it does, thousands
"The federal government right now does not deport criminals."
— PolitiFact Florida
PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than left? Really? - Conservative News

"PolitiFact is not that honest fact-checker. And these aren’t isolated cases. Once widely regarded as a unique, rigorous and reasonably independent investigator of political claims, PolitiFact now declares conservatives wrong three times more often than liberals. More pointedly, the journalism organization concludes that conservatives have flat out lied nine times more often than liberals."

Feel free to prove the article incorrect.
^^^Funny how the RWs always try to change the subject rather than talk about their candidates. ^^^

To be fair, Carson is not the only R Clown Candidate who lies. In fact, have any of them been truthful? I don't think so.

And, Carson is a certifiable loon.

Why should we take a thread that tells an outright lie in its title seriously. Regressives don't mind liars, you have proved that time and again with your dear leader and the hildabeast. There is no lie they could tell that you lame assed freaks wouldn't swear to and defend. You just don't like anyone who isn't one of your liars.
We ALL know he's a retired neurosurgeon...That's been at the forefront for the last two years. What's news is the guy has been caught in so many lies, he's getting ready to receive another award....from Politifact.

Two things are funny with your moronic post:

1. You use Politifact, a well known and discredited liberal site.
2. When we said we hated Obama because he lies, you called it racist.

You hypocritical racist idiot.

1. Yeah, yeah. Sure it is. That left wing rag, the Tampa Bay Times.....Florida's largest newspaper.

"""PolitiFact is a project of the Tampa Bay Times and its partner news organizations to help you find the truth in American politics. (See more about our mission on the "About Us" page.) The Times is the biggest newspaper in Florida, so the advertisers and subscribers help foot the bills for PolitiFact.

But who owns the Times ?
Since 2010, the Times has partnered with other news organizations to operate PolitiFact sites in the states. Most of these partners are newspapers such as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and theAustin American-Statesman (both part of the Cox chain); theOregonian (part of the Advance chain); and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (part of the Journal Media Group)."""

2. We called you racists when shit like this showed up at rallies and you fucking idiots defended it.



So why don't you little girls who are bashing Obama and this thread just take one of the items listed by Politifact and test drive it?
Too fucking lazy.
It's just so much easier to go after the messenger, which is how low information voters operate.
We ALL know he's a retired neurosurgeon...That's been at the forefront for the last two years. What's news is the guy has been caught in so many lies, he's getting ready to receive another award....from Politifact.

Two things are funny with your moronic post:

1. You use Politifact, a well known and discredited liberal site.
2. When we said we hated Obama because he lies, you called it racist.

You hypocritical racist idiot.

1. Yeah, yeah. Sure it is. That left wing rag, the Tampa Bay Times.....Florida's largest newspaper.

"""PolitiFact is a project of the Tampa Bay Times and its partner news organizations to help you find the truth in American politics. (See more about our mission on the "About Us" page.) The Times is the biggest newspaper in Florida, so the advertisers and subscribers help foot the bills for PolitiFact.

But who owns the Times ?
Since 2010, the Times has partnered with other news organizations to operate PolitiFact sites in the states. Most of these partners are newspapers such as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and theAustin American-Statesman (both part of the Cox chain); theOregonian (part of the Advance chain); and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (part of the Journal Media Group)."""

2. We called you racists when shit like this showed up at rallies and you fucking idiots defended it.




Idiot. The Tampa Bay Times is a left wing hack rag. Everyone knows that.

None of those people holding that sign is me moron, but yet you and the rest of the idiots here said I was racist.

You don't have the intelligence to be arguing.
We ALL know he's a retired neurosurgeon...That's been at the forefront for the last two years. What's news is the guy has been caught in so many lies, he's getting ready to receive another award....from Politifact.

Two things are funny with your moronic post:

1. You use Politifact, a well known and discredited liberal site.
2. When we said we hated Obama because he lies, you called it racist.

You hypocritical racist idiot.

1. Yeah, yeah. Sure it is. That left wing rag, the Tampa Bay Times.....Florida's largest newspaper.

"""PolitiFact is a project of the Tampa Bay Times and its partner news organizations to help you find the truth in American politics. (See more about our mission on the "About Us" page.) The Times is the biggest newspaper in Florida, so the advertisers and subscribers help foot the bills for PolitiFact.

But who owns the Times ?
Since 2010, the Times has partnered with other news organizations to operate PolitiFact sites in the states. Most of these partners are newspapers such as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and theAustin American-Statesman (both part of the Cox chain); theOregonian (part of the Advance chain); and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (part of the Journal Media Group)."""

2. We called you racists when shit like this showed up at rallies and you fucking idiots defended it.




Idiot. The Tampa Bay Times is a left wing hack rag. Everyone knows that.

None of those people holding that sign is me moron, but yet you and the rest of the idiots here said I was racist.

You don't have the intelligence to be arguing.
Brilliant defense of Carson! Say more.
If we accept the premise that Carson lies it is impossible to comprehend why The Democrat Party would not clamour to choose him as their presidential nominee.

1. He's an ethnic minority.
2. He cleans up nice.
3. He is articulate.
4. He's male.
5. And, were the premise true, he does the one thing Democrats do best. Lie.
We ALL know he's a retired neurosurgeon...That's been at the forefront for the last two years. What's news is the guy has been caught in so many lies, he's getting ready to receive another award....from Politifact.

Two things are funny with your moronic post:

1. You use Politifact, a well known and discredited liberal site.
2. When we said we hated Obama because he lies, you called it racist.

You hypocritical racist idiot.

1. Yeah, yeah. Sure it is. That left wing rag, the Tampa Bay Times.....Florida's largest newspaper.

"""PolitiFact is a project of the Tampa Bay Times and its partner news organizations to help you find the truth in American politics. (See more about our mission on the "About Us" page.) The Times is the biggest newspaper in Florida, so the advertisers and subscribers help foot the bills for PolitiFact.

But who owns the Times ?
Since 2010, the Times has partnered with other news organizations to operate PolitiFact sites in the states. Most of these partners are newspapers such as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and theAustin American-Statesman (both part of the Cox chain); theOregonian (part of the Advance chain); and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (part of the Journal Media Group)."""

2. We called you racists when shit like this showed up at rallies and you fucking idiots defended it.




Idiot. The Tampa Bay Times is a left wing hack rag. Everyone knows that.

None of those people holding that sign is me moron, but yet you and the rest of the idiots here said I was racist.

You don't have the intelligence to be arguing.

Are you claiming that those pictures were faked?

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