Liberals Need to Accept Election Results

As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...
You democrat Nazis and your voter fraud failed....Trump cleared the spread.....
You communist loving republicans and YOUR voter suppression succeeded even as you were screaming about alleged Democrat voter fraud.
Says the pauper from the democrat plantation.....
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Um: the recounts are nearly complete.

The news so far is that Trump is President elect.

No they aren't... and the Electoral College still has to give him the nod before he can be president...that recount might just give them the excuse they need to put a size 12 boot in his ass! and slam the door behind him.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Um: the recounts are nearly complete.

The news so far is that Trump is President elect.


And democrat voter fraud caused the majority of votes in Detroit to be disqualified....
That is BS! If it were true there would be thousands of indictments and arrests... Voter fraud is a felony.
In the event that you are inclined to believe the BLS, here is some data:

.....which proves that the American people don't know that there are already jobs. They didn't hear Trump tell them that. They didn't hear Trump's plan to fill them. Hell...they didn't even hear Trump's plan to "bring jobs back". They heard that cutting taxes and regulations was the answer. They believed it.

So...he is POTUS.

It awesome.
The world is laughing at our democrats.....
No, they are laughing at the people who voted for Trump. Laughing and scared that Americans can be so stupid.

Get thee to thine safe place!! The Republican voters WANT JOBS!!! See your disconnect??


Isn't that cute. You think liberals don't want jobs and that the GOP cares what you want. Special.

Well Hillary's message on jobs didn't make a splash. What was it again??


You are correct. It didn't make a splash. The best dives don't.

Her message was to make higher education more accessible to lower class and middle class Americans. Then, these citizens could qualify for the FUCKING MILLIONS of high tech jobs that sit open in this country TODAY. She knows that low skilled factory jobs are not coming back. She didn't try to blow smoke up coal miner ass by telling them that coal jobs were going to return.

She also advocated giving people with jobs that don't cover the cost of living a raise so they can take care of themselves and maybe buy a few things to help spur the economy along.


We had Free Tertiary Education here in the 70s/80s. All it did was give money to the parents of kids who would have paid anyway. The "Middle/Upper Class Welfare" was scrapped. I am all for a living wage. It may yet happen. But the "stimulating the economy" aspect only has minimal legs. What really matters is PRODUCTIVITY. And that comes from reinvestment into best practices.

As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...
You democrat Nazis and your voter fraud failed....Trump cleared the spread.....
You communist loving republicans and YOUR voter suppression succeeded even as you were screaming about alleged Democrat voter fraud.
Says the pauper from the democrat plantation.....
Heck , I'm a republican. A republican that voted for Obama twice just like my idol Colin Powell. I also voted for HIllary. As a true conservative I happen to own stock in the plantation..heh heh heh...The plantation serves ME, not the other way around.
In the event that you are inclined to believe the BLS, here is some data:

.....which proves that the American people don't know that there are already jobs. They didn't hear Trump tell them that. They didn't hear Trump's plan to fill them. Hell...they didn't even hear Trump's plan to "bring jobs back". They heard that cutting taxes and regulations was the answer. They believed it.

So...he is POTUS.

It awesome.
But hey, those stats show obama created 118,000 part time jobs last cycle..:lol:
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Um: the recounts are nearly complete.

The news so far is that Trump is President elect.

No they aren't... and the Electoral College still has to give him the nod before he can be president...that recount might just give them the excuse they need to put a size 12 boot in his ass! and slam the door behind him.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Um: the recounts are nearly complete.

The news so far is that Trump is President elect.


And democrat voter fraud caused the majority of votes in Detroit to be disqualified....
That is BS! If it were true there would be thousands of indictments and arrests... Voter fraud is a felony.
I think there is some truth in it though exactly how much? Dunno. Maybe enough in an extremely tight race. Might be a PROPER use of the Justice Dept or the FBI.

Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...
You democrat Nazis and your voter fraud failed....Trump cleared the spread.....
You communist loving republicans and YOUR voter suppression succeeded even as you were screaming about alleged Democrat voter fraud.
Says the pauper from the democrat plantation.....
Heck , I'm a republican. A republican that voted for Obama twice just like my idol Colin Powell. I also voted for HIllary. As a true conservative I happen to own stock in the plantation..heh heh heh...The plantation serves ME, not the other way around.
Hint: you're a part of the problem....:lol:
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Um: the recounts are nearly complete.

The news so far is that Trump is President elect.

No they aren't... and the Electoral College still has to give him the nod before he can be president...that recount might just give them the excuse they need to put a size 12 boot in his ass! and slam the door behind him.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Time to get over it and work to make sure that he cannot do too much damage.
I am not so sure he DID win. I think there was skulduggery by Trump-bots that literally disenfranchised thousands of Democrat voters. If we don't do anything about it we are sending a signal that vote tampering and suppression is OK. That kind of acquiescence by Democrats could keep the republicans in power indefinitely. We must act now to get vote recounts in those key states and thoroughly investigate all discrepancies. Obama, this is your chance...

Um: the recounts are nearly complete.

The news so far is that Trump is President elect.


And democrat voter fraud caused the majority of votes in Detroit to be disqualified....
That is BS! If it were true there would be thousands of indictments and arrests... Voter fraud is a felony.
No BS....a liberal judge, appointed by Obama, shut the recount down upon learning that the Detroit recount was exposing democrat voter fraud and becoming too transparent to the public.....
No, they are laughing at the people who voted for Trump. Laughing and scared that Americans can be so stupid.

Get thee to thine safe place!! The Republican voters WANT JOBS!!! See your disconnect??


Isn't that cute. You think liberals don't want jobs and that the GOP cares what you want. Special.

Well Hillary's message on jobs didn't make a splash. What was it again??


You are correct. It didn't make a splash. The best dives don't.

Her message was to make higher education more accessible to lower class and middle class Americans. Then, these citizens could qualify for the FUCKING MILLIONS of high tech jobs that sit open in this country TODAY. She knows that low skilled factory jobs are not coming back. She didn't try to blow smoke up coal miner ass by telling them that coal jobs were going to return.

She also advocated giving people with jobs that don't cover the cost of living a raise so they can take care of themselves and maybe buy a few things to help spur the economy along.


We had Free Tertiary Education here in the 70s/80s. All it did was give money to the parents of kids who would have paid anyway. The "Middle/Upper Class Welfare" was scrapped. I am all for a living wage. It may yet happen. But the "stimulating the economy" aspect only has minimal legs. What really matters is PRODUCTIVITY. And that comes from reinvestment into best practices.



You sound almost sane. Doesn't best practices include worker training?

So why do you think Clinton preached job destruction? Is that something you really believe or that yiu just thought was piffy.

By the way....we are the third most productive people in the world.
Liberals don't have to accept the election results, but they have no choice but to accept the consequences of the election results. Like it or not change is coming and its not the change they voted for. Grab a tissue and deal with it.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

Third way democrats like yourself pushed a shitty candidate that ran a horrible campaign and shit on every democrat/lefty that disagreed. You have yourself to blame.

Well, the “shitty” candidate got more votes from we-the-people than her opponent. They ran the right candidate whose credentials are off the charts. The campaign she ran was like all of her campaigns; disappointing.
You might be the one grabbing for tissues when you discover Trump is really one of US!
Get thee to thine safe place!! The Republican voters WANT JOBS!!! See your disconnect??


Isn't that cute. You think liberals don't want jobs and that the GOP cares what you want. Special.

Well Hillary's message on jobs didn't make a splash. What was it again??


You are correct. It didn't make a splash. The best dives don't.

Her message was to make higher education more accessible to lower class and middle class Americans. Then, these citizens could qualify for the FUCKING MILLIONS of high tech jobs that sit open in this country TODAY. She knows that low skilled factory jobs are not coming back. She didn't try to blow smoke up coal miner ass by telling them that coal jobs were going to return.

She also advocated giving people with jobs that don't cover the cost of living a raise so they can take care of themselves and maybe buy a few things to help spur the economy along.


We had Free Tertiary Education here in the 70s/80s. All it did was give money to the parents of kids who would have paid anyway. The "Middle/Upper Class Welfare" was scrapped. I am all for a living wage. It may yet happen. But the "stimulating the economy" aspect only has minimal legs. What really matters is PRODUCTIVITY. And that comes from reinvestment into best practices.



You sound almost sane. Doesn't best practices include worker training?

So why do you think Clinton preacehd job destruction? Is that something you really believe or that yiu just thought was piffy.

By the way....we are the third most productive people in the world.
Sure, people are free to train for whatever they want...,
Liberals don't have to accept the election results, but they have no choice but to accept the consequences of the election results. Like it or not change is coming and its not the change they voted for. Grab a tissue and deal with it.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

Third way democrats like yourself pushed a shitty candidate that ran a horrible campaign and shit on every democrat/lefty that disagreed. You have yourself to blame.

Well, the “shitty” candidate got more votes from we-the-people than her opponent. They ran the right candidate whose credentials are off the charts. The campaign she ran was like all of her campaigns; disappointing.
You might be the one grabbing for tissues when you discover Trump is really one of US!
Um...he is one of us....

That he's not one of you seems to have you very agitated.....
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

Third way democrats like yourself pushed a shitty candidate that ran a horrible campaign and shit on every democrat/lefty that disagreed. You have yourself to blame.

Well, the “shitty” candidate got more votes from we-the-people than her opponent. They ran the right candidate whose credentials are off the charts. The campaign she ran was like all of her campaigns; disappointing.

It's always about the swing states, Candy. Hillary just didn't appeal. Her message was off song. Whatever she was saying just didn't resonate. We all know that. It's over. President Trump is it as you quite rightly say.


Well, let me say this about that. The resonance of Trump is based on voters buying his garbage. It was detailed pretty well by bear513 once upon a time. I’ll link to it but you probably won’t bother to read it…

Let's think about this for a second, the American public is bombarded with ho hum what else is new news story's..

Along comes Trump " let's build a wall and make mexico pay for it"
He just got a few hundred million people's attention for weeks ~ he got people to focus on his message
Then trump goes and says " not really but I got your attention, it is a problem and we need to talk about it

Along comes trump on ISIS and obama created them...
He got a few hundred million people talking about it for a few weeks
Then trump goes on to say " not really but I got your attention and something we need to talk about "

Along comes Trump and says we need mandatory maternity leave
He got a few hundred million people talking about it for a few weeks
Then trump goes on to say " not really but I got your attention and something we need to talk about "

Responsible politicians didn’t do this sort of thing up till now. If you want to be concerned about something; the 2020 election should be great because there is nothing to stop whomever the Dems run from making every promise under the sun and just pass it off as “hyperbole” later on…

Hillary could have done the same thing. During a debate once she got into a little dust up with Bernie over the federal minimum wage. She was suggesting a wage of $12 or something like it. He was for $15 an hour. In the debate, Bernie said something along the lines of, “I”m surprised to hear you are not supporting a $15/hr FMW”. She clarified that she would support a $15 FMW but it was unrealistic but if Congress passed it, of course she would sign it.

She should have promised $20 an hour to those in MI, WI, and PA who believed Trump could bring their jobs back; neither is going to happen.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

Third way democrats like yourself pushed a shitty candidate that ran a horrible campaign and shit on every democrat/lefty that disagreed. You have yourself to blame.

Well, the “shitty” candidate got more votes from we-the-people than her opponent. They ran the right candidate whose credentials are off the charts. The campaign she ran was like all of her campaigns; disappointing.
Trumps credentials are off the charts, I did we the people....

His promises are off the charts…nothing else.
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

Third way democrats like yourself pushed a shitty candidate that ran a horrible campaign and shit on every democrat/lefty that disagreed. You have yourself to blame.

Well, the “shitty” candidate got more votes from we-the-people than her opponent. They ran the right candidate whose credentials are off the charts. The campaign she ran was like all of her campaigns; disappointing.
Trumps credentials are off the charts, I did we the people....

His promises are off the charts…nothing else.
Did you have a point?
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

Third way democrats like yourself pushed a shitty candidate that ran a horrible campaign and shit on every democrat/lefty that disagreed. You have yourself to blame.

Well, the “shitty” candidate got more votes from we-the-people than her opponent. They ran the right candidate whose credentials are off the charts. The campaign she ran was like all of her campaigns; disappointing.

I also say shorthand that Hillary was shite and that the others were lightweight nobodies etc etc and that's OK for the sewer. But here we must remind ourselves that BOTH Candidates gave it everything they had and it was a matter of who had the winning strategy. As for the persons themselves; we are the last ones to really know them. I have heard commentators say that Trump ran the "perfect" campaign. He seemed gaff prone at times to me BUT it evidently resonated. Not too perfect.


Gaffes are part of the landscape.

He spoke to what moved folks. Clinton did not and when she did, the message was for a targeted audience it seemed. Again, a disappointing campaigner.
In the event that you are inclined to believe the BLS, here is some data:

.....which proves that the American people don't know that there are already jobs. They didn't hear Trump tell them that. They didn't hear Trump's plan to fill them. Hell...they didn't even hear Trump's plan to "bring jobs back". They heard that cutting taxes and regulations was the answer. They believed it.

So...he is POTUS.

It awesome.

Pretty much. But the old adage on from “The Drop In” on The West Wing is more true now than ever: “We can’t govern if we don’t win.” The Communications Director was explaining to his deputy that he put a line in the speech his deputy wrote that castigated and criticized the Environmental lobby; a Democrat key constituency. He done so to center the President for the upcoming run.

Trump would have said anything to win. That the voters bought it…is that his fault?
As if that needed to be said!!!

Look, there are 2 separate questions here.

Did Russian hackers (or hackers of any nationality for that matter) try to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I would be shocked if they didn’t try. I’d be equally shocked if our election officials were so inept that they would allow such a hack to go unreported. While there is some truth to not wanting to reveal that you’ve been breached; there is zero chance that a breach would be kept under wraps.

Second question is this:

Did it influence the outcome of the elections. I supported Ms. Clinton from the word “go” in both 2008 and 2016. I can tell you that if you think the answer is “yes”, you’re wearing blinders.

She lost because Trump ran the better campaign in 2016 and she lost in 2008 because Obama ran a better campaign then too as well. SHE IS A DISAPPOINTING CAMPAIGNER!!!! Some people got it and some people don’t. Whatever the secret sauce is that makes one pull a lever next to her name…she ain’t got it. Further evidence of this all-too-clear-fact are the states that Trump won. He won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, if he had won one of these states and lost the EV…someone like me would have said, “Hmm…that’s interesting.” Only because he won all 3 and won the EV do some folks like me (liberals) want to raise questions. To take this stance wounds your credibility. In the first place…One would have to wonder why the hackers spared Virginia—a very contentious state to be sure. Were they feeling generous? Secondly, the states that Mr. Trump did win are historically Blue states with solid governmental infrastructures. Are sensible persons to believe that the elections officials in 3 states have suddenly been retarded to the point where a hack would not be noticed…or reported…by anyone in that hierarchy of the group?

Relax guys. Trump won. Get over it.

Third way democrats like yourself pushed a shitty candidate that ran a horrible campaign and shit on every democrat/lefty that disagreed. You have yourself to blame.

Well, the “shitty” candidate got more votes from we-the-people than her opponent. They ran the right candidate whose credentials are off the charts. The campaign she ran was like all of her campaigns; disappointing.

And lost. I'm going to tell it like it is. Clinton was not a good candidate. Her team ran a horrible campaign. They ignored states they needed votes from, didn't campaign there just considered it a lock.

The DNC did everything in their power to push a flawed, underperforming candidate to the front. A candidate that unknown Sanders gave a run for her money. A robotic candidate hard to believe or trust, stiff and off putting to the public. A candidate that didn't campaign enough and whose strategy was to lay low and hope the other guy looks worse. A candidate who passed out and was loaded into a van. I can go on.

Meanwhile Trump was holding a rally every day, he campaigned tirelessly.

That she has more of the popular vote doesn't matter. If she was a good candidate it wouldn't even have been close, against a candidate with zero experience.

Hillary was a disaster for the Democratic party, and all that contributed to it including yourself need to get real and learn from your massive mistakes. Tools like Debbie WS have lead the party to losing elections all over the country, losing the Senate, state governors, etc. And the dumb fuck DNC kept her in charge as long as possible, then when she was fired Hillary welcomed her into her campaign.

Idiots like you that keep supporting this bullshit are destroying the Democratic party.
The Donald just spoke the truth. It was that simple. That is why he never had to memorize speeches early on. Crooked Hillary is a pathological liar who froze when she lost her place in the racist, hate on Whitey, Obama-esque narrative she presented.

Here is my vid when I saw President The Donald back in the day, I did the filming. A qu33r Crooked Hillary supporter, trouble maker had to be extracted. :p The Donald says he knows Bridgeport very well because he could have made it great again at one time with a deal he presented, but the politicians in Connecticut did not want success.

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