Libertarians Are The True Political Moderates

You need to learn to read "in context". It's an adult skill. Go back and look at the original "Don't give a fuck..." post and you might just see what I mean.

So seriously, you think "for teenage boys who think Ayn Rand was a God" explains your position? That's all I cut, I didn't see the point in it, it was just snarky trolling.

So that I think government should be the last resort after oneself, one's family, friends, community, church and charities means I "don't give a fuck" and you think government should be the first and only solution is all explained by that libertarianism is for "for teenage boys who think Ayn Rand was a God."

I like to keep you talking, anyone on the left who is still reachable with reason will be greatly shaken by that they are trying to wrap their head around agreeing with your crap.

You still aren't reading in context, and you are still trying to tell me what I think.

And Libertarianism being for teenage boys is close enough to my position to leave at just that.

God no, the inanity of which you "think" could be of no less interest to me.

I am addressing what you said. Which is that libertarians don't give a fuck when we believe that government should be the last solution not the first. You think trolling insults put that in context and you don't need to explain your crap. They don't.
can you distinguish "small government libertarians" from others? I am referring to the internet variety of narco libertarians seen. They are among the most radical political movements out there. Which is why their standard bearer, Ron Paul, never won an election outside of his district.

Sure. Here's the OP post which is exactly that question.

Libertarians want government limited to those functions which only government can do. Most of us would generally agree with police, military, civil and criminal courts, roads, management of limited resources and recognition of property rights. I am not referring to anarchists who want no government here who like calling themselves libertarians, I am referring to the masses of us who want government limited, not eliminated.

Fiscal polices. We want taxes, but we want them low, flat and for the good of the people as a whole and not used for income redistribution. The left are the extremists here not only punishing success and harming employers, but even using tax COLLECTION as a welfare program with refundable tax credits. We are moderates, taxes should be reasonable and to fund the government, not implement social policy. And spending should be within our means.

Social policies. Socons go to church (or other religious institutions) then go to government to implement morality by force. Clearly they are the extremists. Libertarians believe they should have the right to persuade people to live moral lives, they should not have the right to force their morality on them. We are, the moderates.

NeoCons. We want the military used for the defense of the United States. We don't want to be policeman to the world like the right, we also don't blame our troops for the failures of our politicians like the left. And we don't want them in everyone's back yard, like both sides do. We are moderates, protect and defend, don't use force to make other's decisions just like we don't want government making our decisions here.

Republicans and Democrats are just so deep into the question of what government can do to impose their social and fiscal wills on us, they have stopped even asking the question, should government even do that? Do we have the right to make that choice for everyone and use force to impose it on all our citizens? Libertarians are the moderates, that is the first question we ask, that is the right question to answer before proceeding any further.

Do narco-libertarians support ending the Federal Reserve, in existence since 1912?
Do narco-libertarians support withdrawing US forces from around the world, where we have stationed troops and intervened for nearly 200 years?
Do narco-libertarians support ending all government prohibition on private conduct, which has been the law in states and municipalities since before the Declaration of Independence?

The answer to all these is yes. That is the essence of a radical agenda.

I'm not a pure libertarian by any means.........Disclaimer.........

If I could end the Federal Reserve, I'd do it in an instant. The Constitution gives us the power to coin currency, and we shouldn't be paying 6% in the creation of it as we do today. I've seen the counter arguments that the Federal Reserve puts the profits back into the Treasury..........but it's Naive to think that they aren't pocketing the money at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayers. Andrew Jackson ended the 2nd National Bank which was the first attempt to manipulate our currency. This is response to the 1st Great Depression of the United States only a few years after the 2nd National Bank was formed.

2nd issue. I do not agree with closing bases around the globe. Many of these bases are strategic for supply routes in a dangerous world. At the same time I'm tired of the United States being the world's police force.

The final issue needs clarification.
Losertarians are just liberals that don't like the military, police and the GOV.

They like the immoral culture of doing whatever you like regards to drugs, sex, etc like liberals.

They push for less military and less police to go along with their lawless many liberals.

They support killing unborn babies like liberals to go along with their immoral and lawless society.

They support gay marriage like liberals to go along with their immoral and lawless society.

They are just liberals that don't like paying taxes to "the man" and they want "the man" to stay off their trailer park compound.
Sure. Here's the OP post which is exactly that question.

Do narco-libertarians support ending the Federal Reserve, in existence since 1912?
Do narco-libertarians support withdrawing US forces from around the world, where we have stationed troops and intervened for nearly 200 years?
Do narco-libertarians support ending all government prohibition on private conduct, which has been the law in states and municipalities since before the Declaration of Independence?

The answer to all these is yes. That is the essence of a radical agenda.

I'm not a pure libertarian by any means.........Disclaimer.........

If I could end the Federal Reserve, I'd do it in an instant. The Constitution gives us the power to coin currency, and we shouldn't be paying 6% in the creation of it as we do today. I've seen the counter arguments that the Federal Reserve puts the profits back into the Treasury..........but it's Naive to think that they aren't pocketing the money at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayers. Andrew Jackson ended the 2nd National Bank which was the first attempt to manipulate our currency. This is response to the 1st Great Depression of the United States only a few years after the 2nd National Bank was formed.

2nd issue. I do not agree with closing bases around the globe. Many of these bases are strategic for supply routes in a dangerous world. At the same time I'm tired of the United States being the world's police force.

The final issue needs clarification.


So why did 09/11 occur?

And of course the Rabid neo-cons forget that

- a central bank was fully supported by Karl Marx.

- there is no Constitutional authority for stationing troops all over the globe

- the reason for adopting a Constitution was a REJECTION of previous doctrines which limit individual rights to bureaucratic discretion.


Thank you for showing that in fact libertarians do believe in these things.
Additionally you demonstrate that libertarianism provides a welcoming home for jew-haters like yourself. Obviously not every libertarian is a jew hater--a tiny minority I am sure-- but they find a welcoming home in the party.

Now you're trying an end around the OP by getting an anarchist to confirm your views of anarchists. This isn't to insult anarchists, this thread just isn't about them. It's about small government libertarians, not no government anarchists. It's just the subject.

Are you claiming that "real" libertarians do not support ending the fed or withdrawing US power from the world? If so I'd like to hear about it.
True Libertarians have the same political outlook as the Tea Party but it seems that all they do is whine about the system and discourage people from voting. The modern libertarian movement seems to be a combination of dirty tricks democrats and pot heads.
Do narco-libertarians support ending the Federal Reserve, in existence since 1912?
Do narco-libertarians support withdrawing US forces from around the world, where we have stationed troops and intervened for nearly 200 years?
Do narco-libertarians support ending all government prohibition on private conduct, which has been the law in states and municipalities since before the Declaration of Independence?

The answer to all these is yes. That is the essence of a radical agenda.

I'm not a pure libertarian by any means.........Disclaimer.........

If I could end the Federal Reserve, I'd do it in an instant. The Constitution gives us the power to coin currency, and we shouldn't be paying 6% in the creation of it as we do today. I've seen the counter arguments that the Federal Reserve puts the profits back into the Treasury..........but it's Naive to think that they aren't pocketing the money at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayers. Andrew Jackson ended the 2nd National Bank which was the first attempt to manipulate our currency. This is response to the 1st Great Depression of the United States only a few years after the 2nd National Bank was formed.

2nd issue. I do not agree with closing bases around the globe. Many of these bases are strategic for supply routes in a dangerous world. At the same time I'm tired of the United States being the world's police force.

The final issue needs clarification.


So why did 09/11 occur?


Because radical Muslims hate America and everything it stands for.
Oh you thought it was "blowback." I have news for you. "Blowback" is what happens when you consume your customary sixer of malt liquor and a bad Italian meal.
Losertarians are just liberals that don't like the military, police and the GOV.

They like the immoral culture of doing whatever you like regards to drugs, sex, etc like liberals.

They push for less military and less police to go along with their lawless many liberals.

They support killing unborn babies like liberals to go along with their immoral and lawless society.

They support gay marriage like liberals to go along with their immoral and lawless society.

They are just liberals that don't like paying taxes to "the man" and they want "the man" to stay off their trailer park compound.

Rabid neocrazies are just liberals who love big government, government supremacy, tyranny, warmongering, the suspension of civil liberties so long as they are done in the name of a god.



So why did 09/11 occur?


Because radical Muslims hate America and everything it stands for.
Oh you thought it was "blowback." I have news for you. "Blowback" is what happens when you consume your customary sixer of malt liquor and a bad Italian meal.[/QUOTE]

[ame=""]What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't [/ame]

Do narco-libertarians support ending the Federal Reserve, in existence since 1912?
Do narco-libertarians support withdrawing US forces from around the world, where we have stationed troops and intervened for nearly 200 years?
Do narco-libertarians support ending all government prohibition on private conduct, which has been the law in states and municipalities since before the Declaration of Independence?

The answer to all these is yes. That is the essence of a radical agenda.

I'm not a pure libertarian by any means.........Disclaimer.........

If I could end the Federal Reserve, I'd do it in an instant. The Constitution gives us the power to coin currency, and we shouldn't be paying 6% in the creation of it as we do today. I've seen the counter arguments that the Federal Reserve puts the profits back into the Treasury..........but it's Naive to think that they aren't pocketing the money at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayers. Andrew Jackson ended the 2nd National Bank which was the first attempt to manipulate our currency. This is response to the 1st Great Depression of the United States only a few years after the 2nd National Bank was formed.

2nd issue. I do not agree with closing bases around the globe. Many of these bases are strategic for supply routes in a dangerous world. At the same time I'm tired of the United States being the world's police force.

The final issue needs clarification.


So why did 09/11 occur?


I suppose you will now tell us it's our fault and that our butting into the world caused all of it............

1. Our interests in that part of the globe is oil. Period. It's an economic machine and without it the middle east would be nothing more than a bunch of backward ass third world countries.

We didn't create the problem, it started after the break up of the Ottoman empire and was primarily divided up between England and France. During that time companies like Standard oil taught them how to get oil out of the ground for a profit of course.

And they became economically viable. Eventually they made butt loads of money on oil and started coming into the modern world. One problem, their Ideology is stuck in medieval times. And their Ideology and hate are Thousands of years old.........This area is the most conquered region in history, because of religion and radical agendas pertaining to that ideology.

Had the middle east evolved instead of going to the 7th Century, we wouldn't be fighting there.
Losertarians are just liberals that don't like the military, police and the GOV.

LOL, and liberals are always calling me a right winger and a Republican. I'm doing something right...

They like the immoral culture of doing whatever you like regards to drugs, sex, etc like liberals.

So your view is that if we don't think something is a job for government to stop, that means we are in favor of it? So you think everything you are not in favor of should be illegal? Do you really think that?

They push for less military and less police to go along with their lawless many liberals.

Actually, small government libertarians are strong on defense and law and order, you're just wrong. The thing we just want less of is being in other people's back yards.

They support killing unborn babies like liberals to go along with their immoral and lawless society.

Again, that we think government doesn't have a business banning something means we are in favor of it being done. So are you for outlawing eating ice cream for dinner? Or are you in favor of people eating ice cream for dinner? That is your logic. As for me, I just don't think what people eat for dinner is a matter for government.

They support gay marriage like liberals to go along with their immoral and lawless society.
I'm against all government marriage. Wanting more government marriage isn't a libertarian position. Getting to less government through more government. This accusation makes no sense.

They are just liberals that don't like paying taxes to "the man"

It's not just the taxes we oppose, it's what the government spends it on.

and they want "the man" to stay off their trailer park compound.

I don't know any trailer park libertarians, so I can't address what they think
9/11 was a Zionist plot. Right?

Go ahead and embrace your inner Himmler. No sense trying to hide it.
Shitbag....I oppose big GOV and high taxes.

I support a strong national defense and foreign policy to prevent fuck-ups like WW1 and 2 where a weak military and foreign policy allows evil to fester and grow into a bigger mess.

I want Obama thrown in jail for all of his crimes.

I oppose RINOs that play both sides of the fence in DC.

I support a balanced budget, low taxes, free markets, less regulation and less GOV.

I am near the middle compared the kook liberals and losertarians on the extreme.

Losertarians are just liberals that don't like the military, police and the GOV.

They like the immoral culture of doing whatever you like regards to drugs, sex, etc like liberals.

They push for less military and less police to go along with their lawless many liberals.

They support killing unborn babies like liberals to go along with their immoral and lawless society.

They support gay marriage like liberals to go along with their immoral and lawless society.

They are just liberals that don't like paying taxes to "the man" and they want "the man" to stay off their trailer park compound.

Rabid neocrazies are just liberals who love big government, government supremacy, tyranny, warmongering, the suspension of civil liberties so long as they are done in the name of a god.

Thank you for showing that in fact libertarians do believe in these things.
Additionally you demonstrate that libertarianism provides a welcoming home for jew-haters like yourself. Obviously not every libertarian is a jew hater--a tiny minority I am sure-- but they find a welcoming home in the party.

Now you're trying an end around the OP by getting an anarchist to confirm your views of anarchists. This isn't to insult anarchists, this thread just isn't about them. It's about small government libertarians, not no government anarchists. It's just the subject.

Are you claiming that "real" libertarians do not support ending the fed or withdrawing US power from the world? If so I'd like to hear about it.

Please don't quote "real" libertarians since I never used that term. Quoting it means that it was my word, it wasn't, it was yours. I said small government libertarians, not no government libertarians. I don't consider one real and one not real, I was just being specific which group I was referring to.

No, I don't support withdrawing US power from the world. I support getting out of business that isn't ours. I support going after terrorists or anyone else like Al Qaeda where it is in our interest.

I believe it's the word "power" you chose that is confusing to the discussion. I would reduce the military, but I would in no way weaken our ability to protect ourselves. I would just get out of all the policing and offensive wars, which would save a lot of money and stop undermining our interests.
Libertarians want government limited to those functions which only government can do. Most of us would generally agree with police, military, civil and criminal courts, roads, management of limited resources and recognition of property rights. I am not referring to anarchists who want no government here who like calling themselves libertarians, I am referring to the masses of us who want government limited, not eliminated.

Fiscal polices. We want taxes, but we want them low, flat and for the good of the people as a whole and not used for income redistribution. The left are the extremists here not only punishing success and harming employers, but even using tax COLLECTION as a welfare program with refundable tax credits. We are moderates, taxes should be reasonable and to fund the government, not implement social policy. And spending should be within our means.

Social policies. Socons go to church (or other religious institutions) then go to government to implement morality by force. Clearly they are the extremists. Libertarians believe they should have the right to persuade people to live moral lives, they should not have the right to force their morality on them. We are, the moderates.

NeoCons. We want the military used for the defense of the United States. We don't want to be policeman to the world like the right, we also don't blame our troops for the failures of our politicians like the left. And we don't want them in everyone's back yard, like both sides do. We are moderates, protect and defend, don't use force to make other's decisions just like we don't want government making our decisions here.

Republicans and Democrats are just so deep into the question of what government can do to impose their social and fiscal wills on us, they have stopped even asking the question, should government even do that? Do we have the right to make that choice for everyone and use force to impose it on all our citizens? Libertarians are the moderates, that is the first question we ask, that is the right question to answer before proceeding any further.

This is all very good. So, why can't you present this to those Americans who are middle-of-the-road? Are not those who identify themselves with Tea Party movements those who share your beliefs? If so, why to you vilify them? :eusa_whistle:

So why did 09/11 occur?


I suppose you will now tell us it's our fault and that our butting into the world caused all of it............

Speaking for myself, not Contumacious, I would not say that. Al Qaeda are terrorists, I supported blowing the crap out of them. I do not support trying to nation build there or in Iraq, but I believe in paying them back many times over for any attack on us.

However, while I do not blame us. Say you're staying in a hotel on a business trip. Everyone tells you not to walk back to the hotel, you would walk through a dangerous neighborhood. You are determined, you go. You get robbed.

Was it your "fault?" No, it was the fault of the guy who robbed you. It was a crime, they are the criminal, you are the victim. But seriously, you should have taken a cab...
Now you're trying an end around the OP by getting an anarchist to confirm your views of anarchists. This isn't to insult anarchists, this thread just isn't about them. It's about small government libertarians, not no government anarchists. It's just the subject.

Are you claiming that "real" libertarians do not support ending the fed or withdrawing US power from the world? If so I'd like to hear about it.

Please don't quote "real" libertarians since I never used that term. Quoting it means that it was my word, it wasn't, it was yours. I said small government libertarians, not no government libertarians. I don't consider one real and one not real, I was just being specific which group I was referring to.

No, I don't support withdrawing US power from the world. I support getting out of business that isn't ours. I support going after terrorists or anyone else like Al Qaeda where it is in our interest.

I believe it's the word "power" you chose that is confusing to the discussion. I would reduce the military, but I would in no way weaken our ability to protect ourselves. I would just get out of all the policing and offensive wars, which would save a lot of money and stop undermining our interests.

Was Afghanistan an offensive war?
I'm not a pure libertarian by any means.........Disclaimer.........

If I could end the Federal Reserve, I'd do it in an instant. The Constitution gives us the power to coin currency, and we shouldn't be paying 6% in the creation of it as we do today. I've seen the counter arguments that the Federal Reserve puts the profits back into the Treasury..........but it's Naive to think that they aren't pocketing the money at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayers. Andrew Jackson ended the 2nd National Bank which was the first attempt to manipulate our currency. This is response to the 1st Great Depression of the United States only a few years after the 2nd National Bank was formed.

2nd issue. I do not agree with closing bases around the globe. Many of these bases are strategic for supply routes in a dangerous world. At the same time I'm tired of the United States being the world's police force.

The final issue needs clarification.


So why did 09/11 occur?


I suppose you will now tell us it's our fault and that our butting into the world caused all of it............

Is it a fact that the UK allowed a massive invasion of zionists into Palestine in the mid 1920's without any authority form the allies?

Isn't it a fact that shortly therafter Menachem Begin and the Stern gang began terrorizing Palestinian Farmers?

Isn't is a fact that Harry Truman accepted a 2 million dollar political donation from David Ben Gurion and shortly thereafter was the ONLY nation to recognize the Jewish Enclave s a nation?

Isn't it a fact that the US has given Israel over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars since 1949?

Isn't it a fact that the US has subsidized DEADLY Israeli imilitary incursions into Southern Lebanon?

Libertarians want government limited to those functions which only government can do. Most of us would generally agree with police, military, civil and criminal courts, roads, management of limited resources and recognition of property rights. I am not referring to anarchists who want no government here who like calling themselves libertarians, I am referring to the masses of us who want government limited, not eliminated.

Fiscal polices. We want taxes, but we want them low, flat and for the good of the people as a whole and not used for income redistribution. The left are the extremists here not only punishing success and harming employers, but even using tax COLLECTION as a welfare program with refundable tax credits. We are moderates, taxes should be reasonable and to fund the government, not implement social policy. And spending should be within our means.

Social policies. Socons go to church (or other religious institutions) then go to government to implement morality by force. Clearly they are the extremists. Libertarians believe they should have the right to persuade people to live moral lives, they should not have the right to force their morality on them. We are, the moderates.

NeoCons. We want the military used for the defense of the United States. We don't want to be policeman to the world like the right, we also don't blame our troops for the failures of our politicians like the left. And we don't want them in everyone's back yard, like both sides do. We are moderates, protect and defend, don't use force to make other's decisions just like we don't want government making our decisions here.

Republicans and Democrats are just so deep into the question of what government can do to impose their social and fiscal wills on us, they have stopped even asking the question, should government even do that? Do we have the right to make that choice for everyone and use force to impose it on all our citizens? Libertarians are the moderates, that is the first question we ask, that is the right question to answer before proceeding any further.

This is all very good. So, why can't you present this to those Americans who are middle-of-the-road? Are not those who identify themselves with Tea Party movements those who share your beliefs? If so, why to you vilify them? :eusa_whistle:

Um...where did I vilify the tea party? You lost me. I didn't address them at all. I can't address everyone. But since you're asking, I would call the tea party libertarian lite. They want to focus on taxes and spending and not so much on other issues, they are headed the right direction. But they just want to limit it, not slash it which is what needs to be done. And they don't want to slash regulation so much as bring it under control.
The government has become way too involved in our lives. They mock the rich yet take their money to run their propaganda ads. They hang with the hollyweirds who are all mega rich.

You shouldn't be ashamed to be rich. However don't say the rich are bad while you line your pocket with their money.
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