Liberty Report: US Troops To Russian Border - To 'Fight Russian Aggression'...

Permanent War. They'll always invent a new Boogeyman to be hated & feared. The Cold War is over. It's been over. Russia has moved on. But the US hasn't. It should have scrapped NATO after the Soviet Union collapsed. It's a useless outdated massive expenditure.
Not comparing Nazi Germany to the US, but creating the boogeyman that was the Jewish people, blaming them for all of Germany's problems, and promising to make Germany great again was how Hitler motivated and created the rise of Nazi Germany.
Permanent War. They'll always invent a new Boogeyman to be hated & feared. The Cold War is over. It's been over. Russia has moved on. But the US hasn't. It should have scrapped NATO after the Soviet Union collapsed. It's a useless outdated massive expenditure.
Not comparing Nazi Germany to the US, but creating the boogeyman that was the Jewish people, blaming them for all of Germany's problems, and promising to make Germany great again was how Hitler motivated and created the rise of Nazi Germany.

Most in the West don't realize that its their Governments who started this new Cold War. They overthrew the democratically elected leader in Kiev. That illegal coup caused much of the hostilities we're seeing now. And placing missiles so close to Russia has contributed as well. The aggressor is actually the West/US.

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