libs celebrate child abuse once again

According to surveys, 4.6 percent of the overall U.S. population has self-reported a suicide attempt, with that number climbing to between 10 and 20 percent for lesbian, gay or bisexual respondents. By comparison, 41 percent of trans or gender non-conforming people surveyed have attempted suicide. Transgender Suicide Attempt Rates Are Staggering So is it hate to help someone down that road or haTE trying to prevent it
According to surveys, 4.6 percent of the overall U.S. population has self-reported a suicide attempt, with that number climbing to between 10 and 20 percent for lesbian, gay or bisexual respondents. By comparison, 41 percent of trans or gender non-conforming people surveyed have attempted suicide. Transgender Suicide Attempt Rates Are Staggering So is it hate to help someone down that road or haTE trying to prevent it

All the more reason that the role of the parents is critical. It is not an easy situation to be faced with. It seems to me that this mother and father are handling it properly...

Please tell us what you would do if you were this child's parent?

"Boy have a penis, girls have a vagina. Herein endeth the lesson. Now go outside and play."

Translation: I am a mindless conformist, and you will be too, Herein endeth the lesson

So ... ummm ... just how many kinds of nut ARE you anyway?

Would you prefer a more succinct translation?

"Listen up kid, we are conservatives. We preach "individual freedom and liberty"...but you are not an "individual". You are my possession, just like your mother, my car and my gun.

So just go out and play...

I see you are all kinds of nut. I am liberal, BTW.
Please tell us what you would do if you were this child's parent?

"Boy have a penis, girls have a vagina. Herein endeth the lesson. Now go outside and play."

Translation: I am a mindless conformist, and you will be too, Herein endeth the lesson

So ... ummm ... just how many kinds of nut ARE you anyway?

Would you prefer a more succinct translation?

"Listen up kid, we are conservatives. We preach "individual freedom and liberty"...but you are not an "individual". You are my possession, just like your mother, my car and my gun.

So just go out and play...

I see you are all kinds of nut. I am liberal, BTW.

And what makes you call yourself 'liberal'...certainly not on this issue...
I'll repost what I said in another thread:

I can agree that sex change for children is an issue we need to address more adequately, though I do not think that issue has anything to do with SSM legalization, but rather it is a social issue that /all/ parents have.

There was a case of a couple actively working on a sex change procedure for their child brought up not to long ago in the current events thread here. ( Linky to article Transgender kids Painful quest to be who they are - )

I'm torn on the issue of sex changes for children. On the one hand I instinctually think it's better for the parents to wait and let said child make the legally visible decision to do such a thing on their own (18 would be the age of maturity for that I believe) when they've "settled" a bit as it were, but on the other hand, I can 100% understand how difficult high school would be for a child who feels stuck in the wrong sex; I mean HS is already a pretty horrible experience regardless of ones sexual orientation. If /anyone/ is even the slightest bit self-conscious it amplifies that "dread" even further, certainly a child with a gender identity issue is going to have a far, far worse time dealing with that phase than a heterosexual child.

To expand the latter thought, I also look at the widely practiced act of circumcision. The general consensus is that it might reduce the transmission of STD's and it's cleaner for the child. Now if we can accept that such a procedure should/could be decided by parents in order to possibly increase the child's physical well being and safety, then shouldn't we also accept possible psychological "benefits" of a sex change for a gender confused child given the higher risk of suicide during that phase of life? And, in relation specifically to the thread that was here in current events, the drugs they were giving their child are apparently hormone suppressants; given that wildly fluctuating hormones are thought to be one of the major underlying causes of teenage suicide, perhaps, at least that part of, the procedure isn't against the child's best interest and thus should fall under the same "scrutiny" as the somewhat controversial, but near universally decided as a parents right, procedure of circumcision.
"Boy have a penis, girls have a vagina. Herein endeth the lesson. Now go outside and play."

Translation: I am a mindless conformist, and you will be too, Herein endeth the lesson

So ... ummm ... just how many kinds of nut ARE you anyway?

Would you prefer a more succinct translation?

"Listen up kid, we are conservatives. We preach "individual freedom and liberty"...but you are not an "individual". You are my possession, just like your mother, my car and my gun.

So just go out and play...

I see you are all kinds of nut. I am liberal, BTW.

And what makes you call yourself 'liberal'...certainly not on this issue...

Here's a simple explanation -

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Translation: I am a mindless conformist, and you will be too, Herein endeth the lesson

So ... ummm ... just how many kinds of nut ARE you anyway?

Would you prefer a more succinct translation?

"Listen up kid, we are conservatives. We preach "individual freedom and liberty"...but you are not an "individual". You are my possession, just like your mother, my car and my gun.

So just go out and play...

I see you are all kinds of nut. I am liberal, BTW.

And what makes you call yourself 'liberal'...certainly not on this issue...

Here's a simple explanation -

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Being a laissez-faire advocate does not make you a 'classical liberal'

Classical liberals assume a natural equality of humans; conservatives assume a natural hierarchy.
James M. Buchanan

JonBenét Ramsey's parents were Conservative.

JonBenét Ramsey's parents were Conservative.
Is anyone praising them and holding them up as heroes like in this article? Didn't think so.

I commend these parents. It is not an easy situation.

How many times have I heard conservatives bristle "who are you to tell me how to raise my kids?"

You need to take your own advice.
if conservatives were engaged in something that resulted in 40% chance of suicide attempt CPS were be beating down their doors
if conservatives were engaged in something that resulted in 40% chance of suicide attempt CPS were be beating down their doors

"Researchers have found that suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) youth is comparatively higher than among the general population. LGBT teens and young adults have one of the highest rates of suicide attempts.[6] According to some groups, this is linked to heterocentric cultures and institutionalised homophobia in some cases, including the use of LGBT people as a political wedge issue like in the contemporary efforts to halt legalizing same-sex marriages.[7] Depression and drug use among LGBT people have both been shown to increase significantly after new laws that discriminate against gay people are passed.[8] Bullying of LGBT youth has been shown to be a contributing factor in many suicides, even if not all of the attacks have been specifically addressing sexuality or gender." ~ Teenage suicide in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Maybe ya'll could shut up now and stop driving these kids over the edge?

From source 8:

"Objectives. We examined the relation between living in states that instituted bans on same-sex marriage during the 2004 and 2005 elections and the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) populations.

Methods. We used data from wave 1 (2001–2002) and wave 2 (2004–2005) of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (N = 34 653), a longitudinal, nationally representative study of noninstitutionalized US adults.

Results. Psychiatric disorders defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, increased significantly between waves 1 and 2 among LGB respondents living in states that banned gay marriage for the following outcomes: any mood disorder (36.6% increase), generalized anxiety disorder (248.2% increase), any alcohol use disorder (41.9% increase), and psychiatric comorbidity (36.3% increase). These psychiatric disorders did not increase significantly among LGB respondents living in states without constitutional amendments. Additionally, we found no evidence for increases of the same magnitude among heterosexuals living in states with constitutional amendments.

Conclusions. Living in states with discriminatory policies may have pernicious consequences for the mental health of LGB populations. These findings lend scientific support to recent efforts to overturn these policies." ~
pathetic........ yeah blame everyone else for bad choice......btw suicide attempts for trans adults are higher too.....
Well at least we know exactly how much you /actually/ care about the kids now.

Good job proving the use of LGBT people as a political wedge; exactly as noted. Before it was to deny same sex marriage, now it'll be adoption.

You proved how much you hate them head on down this road of'll be fun

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