Lieutenant Colonel Allen West: Politics and Black History

West continues to pillory big government, and it's failures....this one the insane level of regulation that government seems to find necessary.

9. "Occupational licensing is supposed to protect the public from unsafe and untrained operators, but in many professions, it is unnecessary and costly.

A prime example of overreach is the licensing and training requirements for hair braiders. Hair braiding is a common service in the African-American community, but in some states, braiders must complete at least 300 hours of training, or have three years of experience and complete 150 hours of training, similar to requirements of cosmetologists.
However, hair braiding does not involve handing potentially dangerous chemicals used on hair, so the thousands of dollars hair braiders must spend on licensing for the health and safety of the public makes no sense — and deters the entrepreneurial spirit."
ALLEN WEST AND PAMELA VILLARREAL Nanny state takes toll on black America - Washington Times

In "Race & Economics, Dr. Walter E. Williams continues on the theme of the damage big government does to the economy:

10. State and local government regulates business and entry into occupations through license laws, from medicine and law, to barbers, cosmetologists and plumbers.

a. “The Council of State Governments lists more than 800 occupations as licensed in at least one state, ranging from fortune-tellers in Maryland to rainmakers in Arizona (Council of State Governments, 1994).”

In many cases licensing requirements are highly questionable. In California, a would-be barber must receive instruction in bacteriology, histology, and diseases of skin, hair, glands and nails. In some cases, local residency is a requirement.

11. Why? The effect of licensing is to restrict the number of practitioners. A second effect is to raise the price of a good or service. Of course, it also has the effect of raising the incomes of incumbent practitioners, which explains why most licensure laws are the result of intense lobbying by incumbents demanding more protection from competition.

a. When an unlicensed trade lobbies for licensing, they always seek “grandfathering” from new requirement…leaving same for new entries.
These are all local and state laws and regulations. These are the easiest kinds of laws to address and change by citizens wanting to make change. They are laws that can actually be addressed by collecting petitions in supermarket parking lots, holding bake sales, conducting local demonstrations, attending town meetings, knocking on doors, etc. If these laws are on the books it is because people don't really mind them or care about them. It could also indicate an understanding by the public that sometimes some stupid laws stay on the books, but overall they appreciate and support government regulations that protect health and safety.

Do you EVER check your brain and the Internet before engaging fingers??

"Retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel.
A member of the Republican Party, he representedFlorida's 22nd congressional district in the House from 2011 to 2013.

Allen West politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

By the way using same rule "former Senator Obama".. Senate began on January 4, 2005 and ended on November 16, 2008"

Yeah, that's my point.

The OP did not say "retired" or "former".


The Luddster is a fucking racist.

What's race got to do with West's knee jerk stupidity?

Open boarders means anyone can come in.You do understand that right? or are you too concerned with bashing a patriot like Allen West?

Open borders is not the subject of my post. West's knee jerk stupidity is.

1. He's not a "Lieutenant Colonel".
2. He wasn't a congressman long enough to be called "former".
3. He's frootier than a nutcake.

The concept of fiscal and personal responsibility is always considered "frootier" by you Moon Bats, isn't it? That is why we pity and ridicule you Libtards.

That's what my point is - West lied about a shirt in order to further his own agenda and has never taken responsibility for that lie. He also lied about his military service and the reason he was allowed to "retire".

He's a thug with anger issues who does not take responsibility for his own words or actions.

"Q: How do you address a letter to someone who has retired from being a captain in the army? I want to show respect for the rank she attained but don’t know if it’s appropriate to acknowledge it after her retirement.

A: You should continue using her title whenever you address a letter to her. Members of the regular armed services retain their titles, as do reserve officers who officially retire after a number of years."
Military Matters Addressing a retired officer Etiquette Daily
Has West ever had a job he wasn't fired from?

Has Obama or Hillary Clinton ever had a real job?
Yes, and they have gotten some really good satisfactory evaluations by their employers. But the thread is about West, so lets not get into that deflecting and diverting strategy. West has been told to leave all of his jobs by his employers. His job evaluations have been unsatisfactory to the point of him being told to hit the road and not to come back.

Neither one of those idiots ever had gainful employment in their lives.

Obama got where he is at because of affirmative action and he never had a real job. Clinton is just about as bad. Her pathetic law practice only did well because of her husband and then there is corruption. Look up Whitewater scandal if you don't remember it.

It is not deflecting because you are you being hypocritical.

You are a partisan hack that refuses to take responsibility for the lies and incompetency of the Democrats while attacking people like West.

You say that West is not to be taken seriously because he lies but yet you voted for lying shitheads like Obama and Bill Clinton and will vote for that bitch Hillary Clinton if she is the Democrat nominee so non honesty isn't exactly a deal breaker with you, is it?

You hate West because he makes valid points about irresponsibility and the damage done by the filthy ass government and you don't have answers for that so you attack his character while supporting Democrats with far worse character flaws.

Grow up! We don't want to hear your partisan bullshit.

Instead of attacking somebody like West you need to answer for the corruption and incompetency of the idiot Democrats you help put into office.
That's what my point is - West lied about a shirt in order to further his own agenda and has never taken responsibility for that lie. He also lied about his military service and the reason he was allowed to "retire".

He's a thug with anger issues who does not take responsibility for his own words or actions.

If lying is a concern to you why did you vote for Obama? Are you a hypocrite?

I bet you are going to vote for either Hillary Clinton if she is the Democrat nominee. You want me to list her lies?

Did the GOP offer a candidate that never lied?
The entire leftist philosophy is based on a lie. Leftist admire lairs.
That's what the Tories (RW) said about the Patriot Liberals who started this country.
Has West ever had a job he wasn't fired from?

Has Obama or Hillary Clinton ever had a real job?
Yes, and they have gotten some really good satisfactory evaluations by their employers. But the thread is about West, so lets not get into that deflecting and diverting strategy. West has been told to leave all of his jobs by his employers. His job evaluations have been unsatisfactory to the point of him being told to hit the road and not to come back.

Neither one of those idiots ever had gainful employment in their lives.

Obama got where he is at because of affirmative action and he never had a real job. Clinton is just about as bad. Her pathetic law practice only did well because of her husband and then there is corruption. Look up Whitewater scandal if you don't remember it.

It is not deflecting because you are you being hypocritical.

You are a partisan hack that refuses to take responsibility for the lies and incompetency of the Democrats while attacking people like West.

You say that West is not to be taken seriously because he lies but yet you voted for lying shitheads like Obama and Bill Clinton and will vote for that bitch Hillary Clinton if she is the Democrat nominee so non honesty isn't exactly a deal breaker with you, is it?

You hate West because he makes valid points about irresponsibility and the damage done by the filthy ass government and you don't have answers for that so you attack his character while supporting Democrats with far worse character flaws.

Grow up! We don't want to hear your partisan bullshit.

Instead of attacking somebody like West you need to answer for the corruption and incompetency of the idiot Democrats you help put into office.
Green with Envy, are you?

Do you EVER check your brain and the Internet before engaging fingers??

"Retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel.
A member of the Republican Party, he representedFlorida's 22nd congressional district in the House from 2011 to 2013.

Allen West politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

By the way using same rule "former Senator Obama".. Senate began on January 4, 2005 and ended on November 16, 2008"

Yeah, that's my point.

The OP did not say "retired" or "former".


The Luddster is a fucking racist.

What's race got to do with West's knee jerk stupidity?

Open boarders means anyone can come in.You do understand that right? or are you too concerned with bashing a patriot like Allen West?

Open borders is not the subject of my post. West's knee jerk stupidity is.

1. He's not a "Lieutenant Colonel".
2. He wasn't a congressman long enough to be called "former".
3. He's frootier than a nutcake.

The concept of fiscal and personal responsibility is always considered "frootier" by you Moon Bats, isn't it? That is why we pity and ridicule you Libtards.

That's what my point is - West lied about a shirt in order to further his own agenda and has never taken responsibility for that lie. He also lied about his military service and the reason he was allowed to "retire".

He's a thug with anger issues who does not take responsibility for his own words or actions.

"Q: How do you address a letter to someone who has retired from being a captain in the army? I want to show respect for the rank she attained but don’t know if it’s appropriate to acknowledge it after her retirement.

A: You should continue using her title whenever you address a letter to her. Members of the regular armed services retain their titles, as do reserve officers who officially retire after a number of years."
Military Matters Addressing a retired officer Etiquette Daily
The proper way to address a retired military officer is to follow the name with initials of the branch of service followed by (Ret.) when addressing in written form. Col. West would be properly addressed in written form as Lt. Col. Allen West USA (Ret.). Orally it is customary to place retired or former in front of the rank and name when making an introduction.
It's a shame the best people in the Republican brand that PC can find to make a point are disgraced retards.
Maybe not...but no one seems to be able to get thru the GOP Primary process for us to take seriously.
West continues to pillory big government, and it's failures....this one the insane level of regulation that government seems to find necessary.

9. "Occupational licensing is supposed to protect the public from unsafe and untrained operators, but in many professions, it is unnecessary and costly.

A prime example of overreach is the licensing and training requirements for hair braiders. Hair braiding is a common service in the African-American community, but in some states, braiders must complete at least 300 hours of training, or have three years of experience and complete 150 hours of training, similar to requirements of cosmetologists.
However, hair braiding does not involve handing potentially dangerous chemicals used on hair, so the thousands of dollars hair braiders must spend on licensing for the health and safety of the public makes no sense — and deters the entrepreneurial spirit."
ALLEN WEST AND PAMELA VILLARREAL Nanny state takes toll on black America - Washington Times

In "Race & Economics, Dr. Walter E. Williams continues on the theme of the damage big government does to the economy:

10. State and local government regulates business and entry into occupations through license laws, from medicine and law, to barbers, cosmetologists and plumbers.

a. “The Council of State Governments lists more than 800 occupations as licensed in at least one state, ranging from fortune-tellers in Maryland to rainmakers in Arizona (Council of State Governments, 1994).”

In many cases licensing requirements are highly questionable. In California, a would-be barber must receive instruction in bacteriology, histology, and diseases of skin, hair, glands and nails. In some cases, local residency is a requirement.

11. Why? The effect of licensing is to restrict the number of practitioners. A second effect is to raise the price of a good or service. Of course, it also has the effect of raising the incomes of incumbent practitioners, which explains why most licensure laws are the result of intense lobbying by incumbents demanding more protection from competition.

a. When an unlicensed trade lobbies for licensing, they always seek “grandfathering” from new requirement…leaving same for new entries.
These are all local and state laws and regulations. These are the easiest kinds of laws to address and change by citizens wanting to make change. They are laws that can actually be addressed by collecting petitions in supermarket parking lots, holding bake sales, conducting local demonstrations, attending town meetings, knocking on doors, etc. If these laws are on the books it is because people don't really mind them or care about them. It could also indicate an understanding by the public that sometimes some stupid laws stay on the books, but overall they appreciate and support government regulations that protect health and safety.

"If these laws are on the books it is because people don't really mind them or care about them."


Government regulations are a perfect example of the crony capitalism exemplified by the governance of Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, and Franklin Roosevelt.

It was called 'corporatism' when the above trio practiced it, and encouraged businesses to join a cartel that included government.

It is opposed to competition, and hurts the customer.

Consider licensing of taxis....

12. In NYC, taxis require a medallion,a system began in 1937 and cost $10 for each person then operating taxis. 13,566 were issued. Only 54 new ones have been issued.

a. “A taxi medallion sold yesterday for a record $600,000- making the lowly license-to-drive one of the fastest growing investments anywhere. The seller was a Pakistani native who decided to retire from his yellow cab career after cruising city streets for 25 years. When he started driving his first taxi in 1981, he bought his medallion for $30,000.”

b. The value of the medallion shows what a buyer is willing to pay for government protection from free-market competition.
Williams, “Race & Economics,” p. 63

13. But there is a response to the medallion-taxi-monopoly: illegal or “gypsy” cabs…residents of poor and poorly served communities simply install meters, and put lights on their private cars! It is estimated that 30,000 ‘gypsy’ cabs operate in the city.

a. “Driving a gypsy cab is one of the most dangerous jobs in New York City. Since 1990, 180 drivers -- an average of over two a month -- have been killed while on duty, according to the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission.”
One of the Most Dangerous Jobs in New York: Gypsy Cab Driver

14. “Today, tens of thousands of New Yorkers seeking to followa rich tradition of entrepreneurship face a bewildering array of laws and regulations that prevent or stifle enterprise.The entrepreneurs featured here, and countless others like them, deserve a chance for a better future made possible when economic liberty--the right to pursue an honest living without arbitrary government interference--becomes a reality for all New Yorkers.”
City Studies | The Institute for Justice

15. Washington, D.C. is the biggest 1979, there were about 8,400 taxis....almost all, owner-operated.

    1. Thanks to open entry, the Washington taxi industry consists of mostly self-employed people who work and conduct their business as they see fit. It has been estimated that at least 50% of the taxi owners are part-time operators who work after and before hours spent at other jobs.
    2. A number of owners lease their taxis to family members and other individuals on a full-time or part-time bais.
    3. Consumers benefit immensely: Washington had one taxi per 71 citizens, while NYC has one per 615. Williams, “Race & Economics,” p. 70.
    4. The price of a license in Washington....five dollars.
That's what my point is - West lied about a shirt in order to further his own agenda and has never taken responsibility for that lie. He also lied about his military service and the reason he was allowed to "retire".

He's a thug with anger issues who does not take responsibility for his own words or actions.

If lying is a concern to you why did you vote for Obama? Are you a hypocrite?

I bet you are going to vote for either Hillary Clinton if she is the Democrat nominee. You want me to list her lies?

Did the GOP offer a candidate that never lied?
The entire leftist philosophy is based on a lie. Leftist admire lairs.
That's what the Tories (RW) said about the Patriot Liberals who started this country.

Let's be clear about Liberals vs Modern Liberals.

There are several incorrigible liars who insist that the Founders were of the same mentality as those we call 'liberals' today.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Notice that those known as Liberals today,actually the group called Socialists until communist John Dewey had them steal the name 'Liberal,' work for the very opposite of the Founders: collectivism, socialist economic dominance, and unlimited, overreaching government.
West continues to pillory big government, and it's failures....this one the insane level of regulation that government seems to find necessary.

9. "Occupational licensing is supposed to protect the public from unsafe and untrained operators, but in many professions, it is unnecessary and costly.

A prime example of overreach is the licensing and training requirements for hair braiders. Hair braiding is a common service in the African-American community, but in some states, braiders must complete at least 300 hours of training, or have three years of experience and complete 150 hours of training, similar to requirements of cosmetologists.
However, hair braiding does not involve handing potentially dangerous chemicals used on hair, so the thousands of dollars hair braiders must spend on licensing for the health and safety of the public makes no sense — and deters the entrepreneurial spirit."
ALLEN WEST AND PAMELA VILLARREAL Nanny state takes toll on black America - Washington Times

In "Race & Economics, Dr. Walter E. Williams continues on the theme of the damage big government does to the economy:

10. State and local government regulates business and entry into occupations through license laws, from medicine and law, to barbers, cosmetologists and plumbers.

a. “The Council of State Governments lists more than 800 occupations as licensed in at least one state, ranging from fortune-tellers in Maryland to rainmakers in Arizona (Council of State Governments, 1994).”

In many cases licensing requirements are highly questionable. In California, a would-be barber must receive instruction in bacteriology, histology, and diseases of skin, hair, glands and nails. In some cases, local residency is a requirement.

11. Why? The effect of licensing is to restrict the number of practitioners. A second effect is to raise the price of a good or service. Of course, it also has the effect of raising the incomes of incumbent practitioners, which explains why most licensure laws are the result of intense lobbying by incumbents demanding more protection from competition.

a. When an unlicensed trade lobbies for licensing, they always seek “grandfathering” from new requirement…leaving same for new entries.
These are all local and state laws and regulations. These are the easiest kinds of laws to address and change by citizens wanting to make change. They are laws that can actually be addressed by collecting petitions in supermarket parking lots, holding bake sales, conducting local demonstrations, attending town meetings, knocking on doors, etc. If these laws are on the books it is because people don't really mind them or care about them. It could also indicate an understanding by the public that sometimes some stupid laws stay on the books, but overall they appreciate and support government regulations that protect health and safety.

"If these laws are on the books it is because people don't really mind them or care about them."


Government regulations are a perfect example of the crony capitalism exemplified by the governance of Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, and Franklin Roosevelt.

It was called 'corporatism' when the above trio practiced it, and encouraged businesses to join a cartel that included government.

It is opposed to competition, and hurts the customer.

Consider licensing of taxis....

12. In NYC, taxis require a medallion,a system began in 1937 and cost $10 for each person then operating taxis. 13,566 were issued. Only 54 new ones have been issued.

a. “A taxi medallion sold yesterday for a record $600,000- making the lowly license-to-drive one of the fastest growing investments anywhere. The seller was a Pakistani native who decided to retire from his yellow cab career after cruising city streets for 25 years. When he started driving his first taxi in 1981, he bought his medallion for $30,000.”

b. The value of the medallion shows what a buyer is willing to pay for government protection from free-market competition.
Williams, “Race & Economics,” p. 63

13. But there is a response to the medallion-taxi-monopoly: illegal or “gypsy” cabs…residents of poor and poorly served communities simply install meters, and put lights on their private cars! It is estimated that 30,000 ‘gypsy’ cabs operate in the city.

a. “Driving a gypsy cab is one of the most dangerous jobs in New York City. Since 1990, 180 drivers -- an average of over two a month -- have been killed while on duty, according to the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission.”
One of the Most Dangerous Jobs in New York: Gypsy Cab Driver

14. “Today, tens of thousands of New Yorkers seeking to followa rich tradition of entrepreneurship face a bewildering array of laws and regulations that prevent or stifle enterprise.The entrepreneurs featured here, and countless others like them, deserve a chance for a better future made possible when economic liberty--the right to pursue an honest living without arbitrary government interference--becomes a reality for all New Yorkers.”
City Studies | The Institute for Justice

15. Washington, D.C. is the biggest 1979, there were about 8,400 taxis....almost all, owner-operated.

    1. Thanks to open entry, the Washington taxi industry consists of mostly self-employed people who work and conduct their business as they see fit. It has been estimated that at least 50% of the taxi owners are part-time operators who work after and before hours spent at other jobs.
    2. A number of owners lease their taxis to family members and other individuals on a full-time or part-time bais.
    3. Consumers benefit immensely: Washington had one taxi per 71 citizens, while NYC has one per 615. Williams, “Race & Economics,” p. 70.
    4. The price of a license in Washington....five dollars.
I knew you would find a way to blame FDR.
Taxi's are not regulated enough in most places. Their customers are often the most vulnerable in our society. They include children, senior citizens, intoxicated and under the influence of drugs persons, and the riders are frequently robbed, abused and have other crimes committed against them. This in addition to the great risk to customers of being driven by unqualified drivers, drug or alcohol influenced drivers and being driven in unsafe vehicles.
14. “Today, tens of thousands of New Yorkers seeking to followa rich tradition of entrepreneurship face a bewildering array of laws and regulations that prevent or stifle enterprise.The entrepreneurs featured here, and countless others like them, deserve a chance for a better future made possible when economic liberty--the right to pursue an honest living without arbitrary government interference--becomes a reality for all New Yorkers.”
City Studies | The Institute for Justice

I love the ads on TV you see about "come start a business in NY and pay less taxes".

What the ads forget to mention is you only get the lower taxes if you build a business in one of the designated shithole ghettos in the state.
West continues to pillory big government, and it's failures....this one the insane level of regulation that government seems to find necessary.

9. "Occupational licensing is supposed to protect the public from unsafe and untrained operators, but in many professions, it is unnecessary and costly.

A prime example of overreach is the licensing and training requirements for hair braiders. Hair braiding is a common service in the African-American community, but in some states, braiders must complete at least 300 hours of training, or have three years of experience and complete 150 hours of training, similar to requirements of cosmetologists.
However, hair braiding does not involve handing potentially dangerous chemicals used on hair, so the thousands of dollars hair braiders must spend on licensing for the health and safety of the public makes no sense — and deters the entrepreneurial spirit."
ALLEN WEST AND PAMELA VILLARREAL Nanny state takes toll on black America - Washington Times

In "Race & Economics, Dr. Walter E. Williams continues on the theme of the damage big government does to the economy:

10. State and local government regulates business and entry into occupations through license laws, from medicine and law, to barbers, cosmetologists and plumbers.

a. “The Council of State Governments lists more than 800 occupations as licensed in at least one state, ranging from fortune-tellers in Maryland to rainmakers in Arizona (Council of State Governments, 1994).”

In many cases licensing requirements are highly questionable. In California, a would-be barber must receive instruction in bacteriology, histology, and diseases of skin, hair, glands and nails. In some cases, local residency is a requirement.

11. Why? The effect of licensing is to restrict the number of practitioners. A second effect is to raise the price of a good or service. Of course, it also has the effect of raising the incomes of incumbent practitioners, which explains why most licensure laws are the result of intense lobbying by incumbents demanding more protection from competition.

a. When an unlicensed trade lobbies for licensing, they always seek “grandfathering” from new requirement…leaving same for new entries.
These are all local and state laws and regulations. These are the easiest kinds of laws to address and change by citizens wanting to make change. They are laws that can actually be addressed by collecting petitions in supermarket parking lots, holding bake sales, conducting local demonstrations, attending town meetings, knocking on doors, etc. If these laws are on the books it is because people don't really mind them or care about them. It could also indicate an understanding by the public that sometimes some stupid laws stay on the books, but overall they appreciate and support government regulations that protect health and safety.

"If these laws are on the books it is because people don't really mind them or care about them."


Government regulations are a perfect example of the crony capitalism exemplified by the governance of Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, and Franklin Roosevelt.

It was called 'corporatism' when the above trio practiced it, and encouraged businesses to join a cartel that included government.

It is opposed to competition, and hurts the customer.

Consider licensing of taxis....

12. In NYC, taxis require a medallion,a system began in 1937 and cost $10 for each person then operating taxis. 13,566 were issued. Only 54 new ones have been issued.

a. “A taxi medallion sold yesterday for a record $600,000- making the lowly license-to-drive one of the fastest growing investments anywhere. The seller was a Pakistani native who decided to retire from his yellow cab career after cruising city streets for 25 years. When he started driving his first taxi in 1981, he bought his medallion for $30,000.”

b. The value of the medallion shows what a buyer is willing to pay for government protection from free-market competition.
Williams, “Race & Economics,” p. 63

13. But there is a response to the medallion-taxi-monopoly: illegal or “gypsy” cabs…residents of poor and poorly served communities simply install meters, and put lights on their private cars! It is estimated that 30,000 ‘gypsy’ cabs operate in the city.

a. “Driving a gypsy cab is one of the most dangerous jobs in New York City. Since 1990, 180 drivers -- an average of over two a month -- have been killed while on duty, according to the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission.”
One of the Most Dangerous Jobs in New York: Gypsy Cab Driver

14. “Today, tens of thousands of New Yorkers seeking to followa rich tradition of entrepreneurship face a bewildering array of laws and regulations that prevent or stifle enterprise.The entrepreneurs featured here, and countless others like them, deserve a chance for a better future made possible when economic liberty--the right to pursue an honest living without arbitrary government interference--becomes a reality for all New Yorkers.”
City Studies | The Institute for Justice

15. Washington, D.C. is the biggest 1979, there were about 8,400 taxis....almost all, owner-operated.

    1. Thanks to open entry, the Washington taxi industry consists of mostly self-employed people who work and conduct their business as they see fit. It has been estimated that at least 50% of the taxi owners are part-time operators who work after and before hours spent at other jobs.
    2. A number of owners lease their taxis to family members and other individuals on a full-time or part-time bais.
    3. Consumers benefit immensely: Washington had one taxi per 71 citizens, while NYC has one per 615. Williams, “Race & Economics,” p. 70.
    4. The price of a license in Washington....five dollars.
I knew you would find a way to blame FDR.
Taxi's are not regulated enough in most places. Their customers are often the most vulnerable in our society. They include children, senior citizens, intoxicated and under the influence of drugs persons, and the riders are frequently robbed, abused and have other crimes committed against them. This in addition to the great risk to customers of being driven by unqualified drivers, drug or alcohol influenced drivers and being driven in unsafe vehicles.

"I knew you would find a way to blame FDR."

I just can't help speaking the truth....
Let's see, an Islamic martyr book documenting those who died as suicide bombers was found in the middle of the desert by U.S. Border Patrol agents in the Casa Grande sector. A muslim cleric, Jaziri, thrown out of France and Canada was picked up in California, crossing the border. People from Afghanistan, Yemen, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, as well as Pakistan have all been caught crossing the border. One of Rwanda's wanted for the 1994 genocide was picked up after crossing the Canadian border, when someone reported a suspicious person on their land.
Three on the watch list were picked up in Ca. There have also been those picked up with fake passports, documents, etc.
Crossing Borders - How Terrorists Use Fake Passports Visas Other Identity Documents PBS - Trail Of A Terrorist FRONTLINE PBS

It's a shame the best people in the Republican brand that PC can find to make a point are disgraced retards.
Maybe not...but no one seems to be able to get thru the GOP Primary process for us to take seriously.
Yet you embrace Hillary as if she has something to offer. You are so transparent you are not really "there" at all.
Allen west doesn't hold back you gotta love the guy..We need more like him

I think Allen West is a genius. He knows just how far to dumb down his argument, with pop culture ideology, to appeal to a certain constituency.

For firing a gun near a terrorist to get information of a plot to ambush his unit that saved them. He could do that all day, for all I care, if it keeps our enlisted safe. He was fined $5000, under article 15, with no criminal conviction. He then retired with full benefits.
There were no ambushes on his unit while he had command. A month after he left it, they were ambushed.
The OP did not say "retired" or "former".

Or disgraced. He was discharged after being convicted of a crime.
That's what my point is - West lied about a shirt in order to further his own agenda and has never taken responsibility for that lie. He also lied about his military service and the reason he was allowed to "retire".

He's a thug with anger issues who does not take responsibility for his own words or actions.

If lying is a concern to you why did you vote for Obama? Are you a hypocrite?

I bet you are going to vote for either Hillary Clinton if she is the Democrat nominee. You want me to list her lies?

Did the GOP offer a candidate that never lied?
The entire leftist philosophy is based on a lie. Leftist admire lairs.
That's what the Tories (RW) said about the Patriot Liberals who started this country.

Let's be clear about Liberals vs Modern Liberals.

There are several incorrigible liars who insist that the Founders were of the same mentality as those we call 'liberals' today.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Notice that those known as Liberals today,actually the group called Socialists until communist John Dewey had them steal the name 'Liberal,' work for the very opposite of the Founders: collectivism, socialist economic dominance, and unlimited, overreaching government.
And Conservatives today are not the same as conservatives back then. BUT they were Liberals, those who founded this country. They sure as hell weren't the Tories.
For firing a gun near a terrorist to get information of a plot to ambush his unit that saved them. He could do that all day, for all I care, if it keeps our enlisted safe. He was fined $5000, under article 15, with no criminal conviction. He then retired with full benefits.
There were no ambushes on his unit while he had command. A month after he left it, they were ambushed.
The OP did not say "retired" or "former".

Or disgraced. He was discharged after being convicted of a crime.
You mean the Luddster is full of shit? Who knew?
If lying is a concern to you why did you vote for Obama? Are you a hypocrite?

I bet you are going to vote for either Hillary Clinton if she is the Democrat nominee. You want me to list her lies?

Did the GOP offer a candidate that never lied?
The entire leftist philosophy is based on a lie. Leftist admire lairs.
That's what the Tories (RW) said about the Patriot Liberals who started this country.

Let's be clear about Liberals vs Modern Liberals.

There are several incorrigible liars who insist that the Founders were of the same mentality as those we call 'liberals' today.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Notice that those known as Liberals today,actually the group called Socialists until communist John Dewey had them steal the name 'Liberal,' work for the very opposite of the Founders: collectivism, socialist economic dominance, and unlimited, overreaching government.
And Conservatives today are not the same as conservatives back then. BUT they were Liberals, those who founded this country. They sure as hell weren't the Tories.

I can help you with this....but please don't continue with the same erroneous beliefs.

1. The Founders memorialized a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
These ideas are those of classical liberals, who, today, would be called conservatives.

a. “The American intellectual class from the mid 19th century onward has disliked liberalism (which originally referred to individualism, private property, and limits on power) precisely because the liberal society has no overarching goal.”

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