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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

There are several things that are illegal under US law, against which states also have statutes. Murder is a felony under US law, but every state also has its own statutes against the same thing. Having a state law allows the states to prosecute the crimes themselves instead of having to hand it over to the federal government.
Now start the offensive against Latin American loyal politicians in the US. Start nailing them for treason.

If your a politition and dont uphold the Constitution then you sould be charged with treason, you personal views should not come before the law.

So George W. Bush should be charged with treason? Many of his policies regarding detainees in Gitmo have been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Don't be so obtuse.

Sure... Why bring Bush into this, are you one of those 2 wrongs make a right, if it's a Democrat now people?
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Sure... Why bring Bush into this, are you one of those 2 wrongs make a right, if it's a Democrat now people?

I'm pointing out that his notion is absurd because it would require him to either a) advocate extreme measures meaninglessly, or b) contradict himself by not advocating said measures at all times.

President Bush did not uphold the constitution with some of his policies regarding Gitmo detainees. He is not the first President to fail to uphold the constitution either. Clinton failed to do so when he signed the DADT law. And similarly, John Adams failed to do so when he signed the Sedition Act. Countless Congresspeople and Senators have not upheld the constitution by passing all kinds of unconstitutional legislation to make it available for the President to sign. It's meaninglessly extreme to suggest that all of these people should be arrested and charged with treason. A much better option is to allow voters to hold these elected officials accountable by choosing whether to re-elect them or not, while the the courts do their job in knocking down unconstitutional laws.

Therefore, either he must endorse such pointlessly extreme measures, or he must concede at least some exceptions to what he is advocating. Either way, his comment remains obtuse and absurd.
Originally posted by HereWeGoAgain
So your saying the American people dont speak for America? And a bunch of scummy beaners do!! You say because our government is derilict in it's duty that it's all right? So you think it's all right for scummy beaners to break the laws of our country?
Typical beaner....dishonest to the core.
You Hose-a and your scummy cousin Hose-b can go FUCK YOURSELF!!! Low life law breaken trash. Go ahead and justify THAT!!!

Originally posted by gekaap
1. The USA is NOT happy to have illegal immigrants in our country.

2. Being responsible is not the same as being punished. I understand that you can't comprehend the difference between the two. Neither can most Mexicans, it seems, because they constantly refuse to be responsible for their own selves as if being sent to their room without dinner. But you're just gonna have to take my word for it.

Originally posted by gekaap
This is disgustingly fascist.

You can interview 20 american citizens who were robbed by illegal Mexicans and now strongly oppose illegal immigration. They don't speak for America.

You can interview 20 american citizens who became millionaires with cheap labor provided by illegal Mexicans and now strongly support illegal immigration. They don't speak for America either.


As long as the American government does not make any serious attempt to carry out mass deportations of illegal immigrants I have every reason to belive it does not have any problem with them.

The US government doesn't even issue official documents complaing about illegal immigration let alone any concrete measures to solve the problem.

The whole premise of this thread is totally fucked up.

The American government is 100% responsible for the fact that these people were allowed to live and work ilegally in the US for 5, 10, 20 or 30 years.

They are the ones who should be punished by the american people by being voted out of power.
Citizen roofers and the like who are negatively affected by illegal immigration no doubt are angry.

Their bosses and the big wigs at Tyson Chicken no doubt are happy, like has been stated.

Should Mexico have to pay? The country probably will not be able to so I will not trouble myself with enforcing that.

How about we just limit the money leaving the U.S. to support families back in Mexico.

Personally I would rather have hard working Mexicans as citizens than some entitled feeling fifth generation Europeans.
Americans of European descent barely reproduce fast enough to maintain the population much less keep social security working or maintain property values. We need more working age citizens!
The irony of Mexico being strongarmed into acting as America's border patrol, patrolling the very same territory that was alienated from it by brute force is rich.

The irony of Mexico being fined for the fact that its citizens cross what was MEXICAN TERRITORY until that act of violence was commited is EVEN RICHER.
Originally posted by gekaap
Mexico lost that land, first in secession (which was further confirmed through the Texas war for Independence)

American born naturalised mexican citizens living in Mexico FOR 13 YEARS OR LESS, who can't even speak spanish, have no right to join forces with thousands of illegal american immigrants and declare Mexican territory their "homeland".

This is not a legitimate independence movement anywhere on planet Earth.

This is not a valid (texan) "revolution".

Bullshit. Your country is bankrupt due to the fact you spend over 600 BILLION a year on offence to defend your corporations tyranny abroad.
The biggest slaughter machine in the history of the world.
José;3370523 said:

What you call "Mexico" is represented exclusively by the Mexican government that is not trying to reconquer anything.

Did the United States (its government) steal mexican land in 1836?

No, individual american settlers did.

The United States stole half of Mexico only in 1846 when THE GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA became directly involved in the landgrab.

Mexico SOLD the land to the United States.

When will Mexicans admit this historical fact?

Stop being a "crybaby"!:(

Would you rather be living in a teepee?​
Americans of European descent barely reproduce fast enough to maintain the population much less keep social security working or maintain property values. We need more working age citizens!

What crap. Americans are acting as responsible people by not overpopulating the world which Mexico has proved does not work.

Does the property value in your neighborhood go up when 30 Mexicans cram into a house that pays property taxes for just a few people? Is that your idea of maintaining public services? How much water, heat, electricity, food, healthcare, education, etc do those 30 Mexicans use compared to the few Americans that are supposed to reside there?

When you go for social service help and find that most of those funds that you and American families have paid for in decades of taxes, only to find you must wait behind a long line of Mexicans that just snuck in, what do you say?

Why are Mexicans receiving AMERICAN grant money for their social services and "not for profit" terrorist groups while Americans can't find help in their own country in their own language?
José;3370472 said:
Why should Mexico be punished if the sovereign US government is extremely happy to have them in America?

The American government is so satisfied with the presence of millions of illegal Mexicans in US territory that not even all the tremendous pressure put on it by more than half of the american population is enough to force it to do its job.

Democrats are satisfied with the presence of millions of illegal Mexicans, not the rest of us because they like their childrens votes.

Most Americans are against illegal immigration.
José;3372398 said:
The irony of Mexico being strongarmed into acting as America's border patrol, patrolling the very same territory that was alienated from it by brute force is rich.

The irony of Mexico being fined for the fact that its citizens cross what was MEXICAN TERRITORY until that act of violence was commited is EVEN RICHER.

The expense for a fence between 2 neighbors should be shared. Mexico has responsibilities that it never lives up to, yet want to grab credit for.

World War 1? World War 2?

Does Latin America know what "WORLD" means?

Latin America did not do its share of the fighting. Why should they share in the rewards?

We need to import workers to fill in were American workers are lacking. 20 million illegal aliens in this country and only 7 million in the workforce who are low wage earners and paying very little in taxes if any. How do they pay billions in taxes and send billions back to Mexico’s economy each years? 7 million in the workforce doing meager jobs american will not do is not earning billions, paying billion in taxes and were do they get the $13 billion to send back to Mexico each year? Has anyone in our government asked this question? Well lets say some of those who send money back to Mexico are legal immigrants, it still do not add up to $13 billion.

Many illegal immigrants pay up at tax time
By Travis Loller, Associated Press
NASHVILLE — The tax system collects its due, even from a class of workers with little likelihood of claiming a refund and no hope of drawing a Social Security check.
Illegal immigrants are paying taxes to Uncle Sam, experts agree. Just how much they pay is hard to determine because the federal government doesn't fully tally it. But the latest figures available indicate it will amount to billions of dollars in federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes this year. One rough estimate puts the amount of Social Security taxes alone at around $9 billion per year.

In 2006, then IRS Commission Mark Everson told Congress that "many illegal aliens, utilizing ITINs, have been reporting tax liability to the tune of almost $50 billion from 1996 to 2003."

He calculates that illegal immigrants contributed $428 billion dollars to the nation's $13.6 trillion gross domestic product in 2006. That number assumes illegal immigrants are 30% less productive than other workers.
Many illegal immigrants pay up at tax time - USATODAY.com

This sound like one of Grimm’s fairy tales.
Last year Mexico received more than $17 billion in remittances. The amount of remittances in Mexico exceeds the amount of foreign direct investment in the country.
It is estimated that Latin Americans residing in the United States send $30 billion dollars to their native countries.

Immigrants Send Money Home in Record Numbers

7 million illegal aliens in the workforce earning billions and sending $30 billion back to Mexico?
Last year Mexico received more than $17 billion in remittances. The amount of remittances in Mexico exceeds the amount of foreign direct investment in the country.
It is estimated that Latin Americans residing in the United States send $30 billion dollars to their native countries.

Immigrants Send Money Home in Record Numbers

7 million illegal aliens in the workforce earning billions and sending $30 billion back to Mexico?

Senator Edward Kennedy used to claim that they sent back $40 billion or more per year. Yeah, that's a real help to OUR economy.:lol:
Last year Mexico received more than $17 billion in remittances. The amount of remittances in Mexico exceeds the amount of foreign direct investment in the country.
It is estimated that Latin Americans residing in the United States send $30 billion dollars to their native countries.

Immigrants Send Money Home in Record Numbers

7 million illegal aliens in the workforce earning billions and sending $30 billion back to Mexico?

Senator Edward Kennedy used to claim that they sent back $40 billion or more per year. Yeah, that's a real help to OUR economy.:lol:

What I am having a problem with is how much they send home. Even if there were 40 billion illegal aliens in this country I cannot see how they could sent $40 billion back to their countries. Let say ALL Latinos sent money home, it still could not amount to $40 billion. Maybe with a Mexican calculator but no with mine. I see these numbers thrown about by pro-illegal aliens advocates and it is impossible from wages unless a lot of drugs are sold. And how much these low wages earners contribute to our economy?
Fact Sheet: Immigrants’ Economic Contributions

Principles for an Immigration Policy to Strengthen and Expand the American Middle Class: 2009 Edition

The American middle class and low-income workers striving to earn a middle-class standard of living rely on the economic contributions of immigrants, both authorized and undocumented.
Fact Sheet: Immigrants? Economic Contributions

Legalizing Undocumented Immigrants Would Benefit the Middle Class

These findings inform a two-fold litmus test to judge immigration reform in Congress: new policy must 1) bolster the economic contributions of immigrants as workers, entrepreneurs, taxpayers and consumers; 2) strengthen immigrants’ workplace rights. If policy fails either part of the test, the middle class will suffer as a result.

Our report urges Congress to acknowledge that only permanent legal residency can offer the security and stability to ensure a level playing field between native-born and immigrant workers. Full legal status would increase the tax contributions and wages of undocumented immigrants due to a greater ability to exercise workplace rights once the fear of deportation is gone. Over time, it would generate more revenue to fund the government programs and services that benefit all current and aspiring middle class Americans.

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