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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Lies, ALL lies. The USA government is lying to the american people ALL of the time when it comes to illegals. That is the truth.
Last year Mexico received more than $17 billion in remittances. The amount of remittances in Mexico exceeds the amount of foreign direct investment in the country.
It is estimated that Latin Americans residing in the United States send $30 billion dollars to their native countries.

Immigrants Send Money Home in Record Numbers

7 million illegal aliens in the workforce earning billions and sending $30 billion back to Mexico?

Senator Edward Kennedy used to claim that they sent back $40 billion or more per year. Yeah, that's a real help to OUR economy.:lol:

What I am having a problem with is how much they send home. Even if there were 40 billion illegal aliens in this country I cannot see how they could sent $40 billion back to their countries. Let say ALL Latinos sent money home, it still could not amount to $40 billion. Maybe with a Mexican calculator but no with mine. I see these numbers thrown about by pro-illegal aliens advocates and it is impossible from wages unless a lot of drugs are sold. And how much these low wages earners contribute to our economy?

Latinos have infiltrated most of America's financial networks. Most Latinos run the non-for-profit scam organizations in the US to funnel money to themselves and away from the American poor.

Just think of all the low income legal services that are intended to help Americans but have been hijacked to serve "immigrants".

The same goes for religious organization. I see Catholic funds being funneled to "Latino Only" organizations that have nothing to do with religion all the time. They are called community activists and they pay NO TAXES!
José;3370523 said:

What you call "Mexico" is represented exclusively by the Mexican government that is not trying to reconquer anything.

Did the United States (its government) steal mexican land in 1836?

No, individual american settlers did.

The United States stole half of Mexico only in 1846 when THE GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA became directly involved in the landgrab.

How many times do I gotta educate you Jose? The U.S didn't "steal" anything you dunce. They purchased it from Mexico. "Land grab" What a load of made up garbage.

Exactly why did the U.S Government get involved? It was called The Mexican - American War. You got your butts kicked, and then you signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The U.S Government payed Mexico 15 million dollars (equivalent to $380 million today) for The Land we obtained. They U.S. also agreed to take over 3.25 million dollars (equivalent to $82.2 million today) in debts that Mexico owed to American citizens. Face it, The Mexican Government sold the land for their own greed. Hell, they even offered Baja California to us for another million, but we declined, which I believe was a big mistake. ~BH
José;3370523 said:

What you call "Mexico" is represented exclusively by the Mexican government that is not trying to reconquer anything.

Did the United States (its government) steal mexican land in 1836?

No, individual american settlers did.

The United States stole half of Mexico only in 1846 when THE GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA became directly involved in the landgrab.

How many times do I gotta educate you Jose? The U.S didn't "steal" anything you dunce. They purchased it from Mexico. "Land grab" What a load of made up garbage.

Exactly why did the U.S Government get involved? It was called The Mexican - American War. You got your butts kicked, and then you signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The U.S Government payed Mexico 15 million dollars (equivalent to $380 million today) for The Land we obtained. They U.S. also agreed to take over 3.25 million dollars (equivalent to $82.2 million today) in debts that Mexico owed to American citizens. Face it, The Mexican Government sold the land for their own greed. Hell, they even offered Baja California to us for another million, but we declined, which I believe was a big mistake. ~BH
we stole nothing from Mexico
[. Hell, they even offered Baja California to us for another million, but we declined, which I believe was a big mistake. ~BH

Just more border land that the US would have to secure against the evil Mexican.

Wait a few years after the US invades Mexico, they'll let that land go for peanuts or pesos.
Americans of European descent barely reproduce fast enough to maintain the population much less keep social security working or maintain property values. We need more working age citizens!

So you want white people to start reproducing like rabbits to keep up with the Mexicans, having children they can't afford to care for?
States seek to copy Arizona immigration law

By Alex Johnson and Vanessa Hauc
msnbc.com and Telemundo msnbc.com and Telemundo
updated 2/3/2011

Measures introduced in at least 15 states; some pose dilemma for high-profile Republicans

Mississippi state Sen. Joey Fillingane, sponsor of a measure to allow police to check the immigration status of anyone stopped for a traffic violation, tells Vanessa Hauc of Telemundo that "inaction at the federal level" by Democrats and Republicans alike has forced state officials' hands.

Arizona's hot-button immigration law is on hold, pending court appeals, but its effects are rippling across the country as state legislatures reconfigured by the November elections begin their new sessions.

States seek to copy Arizona immigration law - U.S. news - Immigration: A Nation Divided - msnbc.com

Model after the Arizona law has been introduced by 15 states since the beginning of the year. Thanks to Arizona.:clap2: I do believe we will win THIS war.:clap2:
[. Hell, they even offered Baja California to us for another million, but we declined, which I believe was a big mistake. ~BH

Just more border land that the US would have to secure against the evil Mexican.

Wait a few years after the US invades Mexico, they'll let that land go for peanuts or pesos.

Dive is correct, It would be less. Baja California is a peninsula. Great diving and Surfing down in Cabo. :cool: ~BH
[. Hell, they even offered Baja California to us for another million, but we declined, which I believe was a big mistake. ~BH

Just more border land that the US would have to secure against the evil Mexican.

Wait a few years after the US invades Mexico, they'll let that land go for peanuts or pesos.

Dive is correct, It would be less. Baja California is a peninsula. Great diving and Surfing down in Cabo. :cool: ~BH

Look at all the coastline the US would then have to guard.
Model after the Arizona law has been introduced by 15 states since the beginning of the year. Thanks to Arizona.:clap2: I do believe we will win THIS war.:clap2:

It still won't do a thing against Mexicans stealing resources meant for poor Americans. Only a total commitment to war on Mexico for their part in espionage conducted against the American people will purge the US of these evil invaders.

Then the demand that Mexico make restitution to the American people plus the building of a demilitarized zone between the US and Mexico.

What Happens to Seized Drug Money?

by LibertySugar

This week's Economist itemized what can be considered law enforcement for spending purposes.
Seized assets have been used for the following:

•One Texas county used it on a margarita machine.
•A Texas district attorney took his whole staff to Hawaii for a training seminar.
•Another Texan DA spent thousands of dollars on his re-election campaign.
•In Indiana money goes to a general school fund. (A good idea.)
•A Georgia sheriff bought a $90,000 sports car, used to advertise an anti-drug program. (Don't tell the kids drugs paid for the car!)
Unfortunately, many state laws give authorities wide discretion to seize assets even without any verdict. And with such an incentive to get the restriction-free money, sometimes they get it wrong. Does it matter to you what happens to drug money?

On the Newsstand: What Happens to Seized Drug Money?
Phoenix and Tucson Market Areas

Two major drug market areas exist in the Arizona HIDTA region, the Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan areas; both serve as transshipment centers for cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine smuggled into the United States from Mexico and are the most noteworthy areas of illicit drug trafficking and abuse in the HIDTA region.

Drug-Related Crime
Much of the violent and property crime in Phoenix is drug- and/or gang-related. According to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, Arizona New Mexican Mafia is being prosecuted for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) offenses and on several state homicide charges. Additionally, Phoenix Police Department officials indicted 43 members of the Westside City Crips on RICO charges in March 2008. Additionally, the Westside City Crips and other African American street gangs, such as Vista Bloods and Park South Crips, have been increasingly committing home invasions over the past year throughout the Phoenix area. Moreover, African American street gangs in Phoenix are increasingly engaging in intergang violence.

Drug-Related Crime
Drug-related crime poses a considerable threat to Tucson; most is committed by street gangs involved in drug distribution within the city. For instance, the Arizona New Mexican Mafia "taxes" other street gangs that distribute illicit drugs in Tucson; if a street gang does not pay the "tax," violent retribution usually ensues. Additionally, African American street gangs, such as Bloods and Crips sets, are increasingly conducting home invasions in the Tucson area--home invasions were previously the domain of Hispanic street gangs. Moreover, street gangs in the area are engaging in a rising level of intergang rivalry, including violent offenses against each other.

(U) Phoenix and Tucson Market Areas - Arizona High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis 2008 (UNCLASSIFIED)
Ranchers asking for more border security “Restore Our Border,” IN MEMORY of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry


Associated Press
Friday, January 28, 2011

PHOENIX — Rancher Dan Bell has come face to face with drug smugglers on his southeastern Arizona cattle ranch, he has found the bodies of
illegal immigrants
who died of exposure on his property, and a Border
Patrol agent was killed
in December about 5 miles from his home.

The 42-year-old has had about enough.

Ranchers asking for more border security ?Restore Our Border,? IN MEMORY of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry
José;3372394 said:
The whole premise of this thread is totally fucked up.

The American government is 100% responsible for the fact that these people were allowed to live and work ilegally in the US for 5, 10, 20 or 30 years.

They are the ones who should be punished by the american people by being voted out of power.

When are you going to get it through your head that illegal immigrants have NEVER been allowed to be here. That is the very definition of illegal. Not allowed. The fact that these people have managed to get away with it for any given amount of time does not change the fact that they have NEVER been allowed to be here, work here, etc.

When you were a teenager, and your parents set a curfew by which time you had to be home, did you interpret your parents not hunting you down each and every night at curfew time to mean that you were allowed to stay out past curfew? I'm thinking that maybe you did interpret it that way. Well here's a news flash for you--that ain't how the world works. When laws are established, people are expected to abide by those laws. Regardless of how poor enforcement measures may be, it DOES NOT excuse the people who choose to violate those laws. It does not create new rights for the people tho violate those laws.
José;3372390 said:

You're committing fallacy of equivocation. Certain members of the government "speak" for the US for certain official matters. Ambassadors speak for the US to other foreign powers. The President speaks for the US to other heads of state, and at times to the rest of the country. The combined popular opinion of US citizens "speaks" for the US in terms of establishing where the public's support on a given issue lays. Stop intentionally trying to equivocate in order to make your flawed points.

As long as the American government does not make any serious attempt to carry out mass deportations of illegal immigrants I have every reason to belive it does not have any problem with them.

No, you don't have every reason to believe it. You believe it for the one and only reason you seem to find necessary: You want to believe it, so you CHOOSE to believe it, regardless of any fact to the contrary.

Even if the US had ABSOLUTELY ZERO ENFORCEMENT, that would not change the fact that our laws are written as they are written. The laws, as written, ought to be enough to tell you what the US wants. Since illegal immigrants are, well, illegal, that fact alone suffices to establish that Americans have a problem with those people being here.

You also choose to ignore the popular sentiment that you admit exists, against illegal immigration. You attempt to justify this deliberate indifference to the fact via your fallacious equivocation that you've used to brush it aside. But, it is fallacious, like I've said.

You also choose to ignore the many efforts that have been made over the past several years in the US political arena to increase enforcement. You also choose to ignore the fact that the Mexican government actively lobbies the US government to resist increased immigration enforcement, and the fact that such efforts by the Mexican government have been a major influence to the USA's current lax enforcement policies.

You also choose to ignore the fact that immigration, at this very minute, continues to be an issue that receives a great deal of attention on US politics. This fact alone proves that the US indeed considers the immigration question to be important and that the US believes there are currently problems related to illegal immigration.

All these things, you choose to ignore, in favor of simply settling on the conclusion that you wish were valid.

The US government doesn't even issue official documents complaing about illegal immigration let alone any concrete measures to solve the problem.

Actually, the US has made many attempts to "complain" about illegal immigration. But Mexico simply refuses to cooperate. Mexico tends to hold things over the USA's head, like trade and its assistance curbing border violence, in order to gain leverage over us.

That aside, the fact still remains that illegal immigration is ILLEGAL. Nothing, and I MEAN NOTHING excuses people from entering and being in the country illegally.


Since when is deporting illegal immigrants and having tougher enforcement "punishing" another country?
José;3372398 said:
The irony of Mexico being strongarmed into acting as America's border patrol, patrolling the very same territory that was alienated from it by brute force is rich.

The irony of Mexico being fined for the fact that its citizens cross what was MEXICAN TERRITORY until that act of violence was commited is EVEN RICHER.

The US was not responsible for Texas seceding from Mexico. They seceded because of dissatisfaction with Mexico.

Also, Mexico is the country that committed acts of violence against Americans, which led to the Mexican-American war. All the same, this does not matter now. You're like so many Mexican apologists and pro-illegal immigration wingnuts who continue to complain about geopolitics of nearly 200 years ago as if it is an excuse for illegal immigration today. It's not. Catch up with the rest of the world and start living in the 21st century.
José;3372410 said:
American born naturalised mexican citizens living in Mexico FOR 13 YEARS OR LESS, who can't even speak spanish, have no right to join forces with thousands of illegal american immigrants and declare Mexican territory their "homeland".

This is not a legitimate independence movement anywhere on planet Earth.

This is not a valid (texan) "revolution".


I agree. Your post was nothing but a joke, and a bad one at that.

Let's go back to the first half of the 19th century. The new country of Mexico adopted eased immigration laws that allowed easy immigration into Tejas. Also adopted were settlers laws that allowed people to claim land regardless of immigration status. This invited an influx of a volatile mix of cultural values. In order to try to bring and end to this Mexico passed various new laws and public policies that angered Anglos and Tejanos alike. These tensions, as well as other general internal Mexican tensions, led to uprisings against the government in many areas of Mexico, including Tejas. Tejas was successful in driving out Mexican forces. Afterward, the citizens of Tejas set out to decide what their priorities were, and they decided to pursue independence.

So stop complaining already.
Granny says, "Yea well, tell `em if dey don't like it to keep their butts on their side of the border den dey won't have nothin' to get upset about...
Mexico’s President: ‘Anti-American Feeling in Mexico Is Growing’ Because of Public’s ‘Perception’ About Illegal Immigrants
Friday, March 04, 2011 Washington (CNSNews.com) - Mexican President Felipe Calderon, during his visit to Washington, D.C., this week, indicated that “anti-American” sentiment is growing in Mexico because of how the people there view Americans’ perception of illegal immigration.
Prior to going forward with immigration reform in the United States, “We need to change the general perception inside the public opinion in America and the public opinion in Mexico,” said Calderon. “My most serious concern is that bad feelings are growing on both sides of the border,” he added. “The anti-American feeling in Mexico is growing again.” Meanwhile, he said, “the anti-Mexican or anti-Hispanic, or Latino, or immigrant feelings are growing here [in the United States].”

“What we need to do is remember each other – that we are neighbors, we are nice, and we are human persons,” said Calderon. “We contribute to each other’s prosperity.” Unless the public’s perception about immigration, in both countries, changes, “it will be impossible to persuade” people to implement immigration reform, said Calderon. The Mexican president’s comments were in response to a George Washington University student asking him to comment on what he thought was the “best solution” to deal with illegal immigrants in America. An estimated 13 million illegals are in the United States, many of them from Mexico. Calderon was questioned during a public forum sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

In answering the student, Calderon said the DREAM Act, which he referred to as “tough comprehensive immigration reform” would have been a good step in the right direction of dealing with illegal immigration in the U.S. The DREAM (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act, which failed to pass during the lame-duck session of Congress in 2010, would have allowed young illegal immigrants who have been in the states for at least five years to acquire legal status if they pass background checks, attend college or serve in the military for at least two years.

Just more border land that the US would have to secure against the evil Mexican.

Wait a few years after the US invades Mexico, they'll let that land go for peanuts or pesos.

Dive is correct, It would be less. Baja California is a peninsula. Great diving and Surfing down in Cabo. :cool: ~BH

Look at all the coastline the US would then have to guard.

Yeah, But the majority of them come by land. I can tell you this much, none are coming in on the Pacific side. I have surfed down there, and the undertow is the strongest I have ever felt. I almost couldn't get back in. Sea of Cortez side? Pretty ruff too for poor people without a good boat. ~BH

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