List some reasons why you would vote for Donald Trump

I don't care what Trump is worth.
I don't care what Sanders is worth.
I DO care about the future of the US and I know what's happened to the US in the last 30+ years.
I do too. We are now the sole superpower and there isn't a close second. We are the richest and most powerful nation in history. We have historically low crime rates (still too high) and we have essentially full employment.

Full employment with low wage, and part time service jobs, as people like the Clintons use their political influence to to sell out the country and get fabulously wealthy.:slap:
I don't care what Trump is worth.
I don't care what Sanders is worth.
I DO care about the future of the US and I know what's happened to the US in the last 30+ years.
I do too. We are now the sole superpower and there isn't a close second. We are the richest and most powerful nation in history. We have historically low crime rates (still too high) and we have essentially full employment.

Full employment with low wage, and part time service jobs, as people like the Clintons use their political influence to to sell out the country and get fabulously wealthy.:slap:
He needs to borrow tens of millions of dollars from his father as he fucks up left and right.
He Grabs women by the pussy!
He insults everyone
He lies and spins any personal responsibility for his actions.
You refer to a woman's genitals as "a pussy" and you criticize Donald Trump?
List some reasons why you would vote for Donald Trump


  • Being fatally naïve
  • Being poorly educated
  • Being not-Hispanic
  • Being not-Muslim
  • Being not-female
  • Being not-Native American
  • Being not-a-protestor
  • Being not-congenitally disabled
  • Being not-a-fan of the First Amendment
  • Being a passive-authoritarian (Daddy complex)
  • Being easily swayed
  • Operating on emotion rather than intellect
  • Being Archie Bunker
  • Being Vladimir Putin
  • Being Dim Dong Ill
  • Being Benito Mussolini
Pogo is the message board's resident moron and we're told we are the bigots?
20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.

Post some of your reasons

20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.

Post some of your reasons
he listens extremely carefully
20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.
Post some of your reasons


I posted this thread a few days ago:

Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

Should American Women Be Scared to Death if Trump Wins or Vice Versa?
20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.
Post some of your reasons


I posted this thread a few days ago:

Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

Should American Women Be Scared to Death if Trump Wins or Vice Versa?
great post thanks alot man :)
Full employment with low wage, and part time service jobs, as people like the Clintons use their political influence to to sell out the country and get fabulously wealthy.:slap:
It couldn't possibly be because Americans are too stupid to care about things like the Wells Fargo crime, or the insanity of the misnomer, “right to work” which is more like a right to give up your rights.

It isn't because they are too stupid to know that raising the minimum wage to a living wage helps them. And they are too stupid to know that low wage employers like Walmart actually get corporate welfare because they pay lower wages.

And the GOP, Trump supporting morons support the candidate who screw them over in the exact way that they, and Trump, promise to screw them over.

And, dumbass, Bill Clinton was president of the most powerful nation in history for eight years. He SHOULD be rich.
20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.

Post some of your reasons
anybody else
20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.

Post some of your reasons
he will invest in our future
Corruption (No need to elaborate)
Immigration (Help 3rd world people in their own countries)
Foreign policy (No incentives for wars)
Free speech (In universities and elsewhere)
Economy (He at least understands some of the basic issues)
Political correctness (Is bullshit designed to silence)
Race relations (Addresses the issues and is no race baiter)
Trade (At least addresses the issues)
Common core (Is Marxist indoctrination)
Obama-care (Good chance disaster looms ahead)
Pro western values (The regressives believe that the truth is that there is no truth, all cultures the same, but republicans evil)
Fan base (Trump supporters are much better people than the regressive Marxist feminist leftist sometimes downright criminal hordes supporting Hillary. Reparations are not the way to go in the future).

Above all Hillary being a complete lying establishment disaster is a reason enough to vote for Trump.
Last edited:
Corruption (No need to elaborate)
Immigration (Help 3rd world people in their own countries)
Foreign policy (No incentives for wars)
Free speech (In universities and elsewhere)
Economy (He at least understands some of the basic issues)
Political correctness (Is bullshit designed to silence)
Race relations (Addresses the issues and is no race baiter)
Trade (At least addresses the issues)
Common core (Is Marxist indoctrination)
Obama-care (Good chance disaster looms ahead)
Pro western values (The regressives believe that the truth is that there is no truth)
Fan base (Trump supporters are much better people than the regressive Marxist feminist leftist sometimes downright criminal hordes supporting Hillary. Reparations are not the way to go in the future).

Above all Hillary being a complete lying establishment disaster is a reason enough to vote for Trump.
Great points! Agreed completely Thanks
To keep Hitlery Clinton out of office. Simply no other reason. It's by far a great reason. But there is no other logical reason to vote for that piece of shit.
20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.

Post some of your reasons
dont think he will win after looking at the forecasts
20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.

Post some of your reasons

Is this a joke?

None of those things are true.
They are all true, doofus.
20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.

Post some of your reasons
dont think he will win after looking at the forecasts
Frankly...whoever "wins" should be deeply ashamed. The Republican's are responsible for Donald Trump - the worst GOP candidate in U.S. history and the Democrat's are responsible for Hitlery Clinton - the worst Dumbocrat candidate in U.S. history.
20 reasons to vote Donald J. Trump to become President - Lots of good reasons
I'll start if off
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.

8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others -
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.

Post some of your reasons
dont think he will win after looking at the forecasts
Frankly...whoever "wins" should be deeply ashamed. The Republican's are responsible for Donald Trump - the worst GOP candidate in U.S. history and the Democrat's are responsible for Hitlery Clinton - the worst Dumbocrat candidate in U.S. history.
so why are these two running for President???

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