Live J6 Hearing...

What Did Trump Do Wrong?
Did he call Putin or What?
I guess you missed the 2 hours.
Cuz if you think nothing was exposed, then you confirm you are an idiot.
But we already KNEW that.
Since 98%+ of trump supporting RWI's won't be watching the 'hearing', we can discuss without much interruption.

They will be doing this.......making excuses and calling the committee traitors.

I’m “watching,” on an app, a Yankee game I can’t see due to some fucked up cable bullshit. But watching paint dry would be of greater concern than anything coming out of the Partisan Pelousy committee.
I’m “watching,” on an app, a Yankee game I can’t see due to some fucked up cable bullshit. But watching paint dry would be of greater concern than anything coming out of the Partisan Pelousy committee.
Excellent analysis, you moron.

Watch this boost Trump. :dance:
I sped read through about a hundred of the posts here.
Then skipped to the end.
So I admit...I may have missed some good stuff.
And if one of 'em was on the topic I'm about to mention...well, I would regret stealing anybody's thunder.
But before we get to THAT topic, let me give a high-five to this following post. The poster nailed it. Like Liz did:

Video was compelling. The opening was just brutal. Liz killed it. Very well laid out.

Yupper! More Liz. Less Benny.

OK, now the comment by Liz that caught my attention the most:

Was her reference to several unnamed (so far) Congressman who had approached President Trump ----after January 6th had blown up into the Trump disaster it did, but before Trump left office --- well, they had contacted his office seeking a pardon!!

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!

Let us all wait with anticipation to see if the Committee or some reporter reveals who these folks were who thought they had done something criminal enough about the events of January 6th warrant a pre-emptive pardon from the still president of the United States.

THAT was a nugget of interest!

ps...this hearing was good enough to get me to watch the next one. This Monday, I believe.
Did you miss Liz Cheney speaking out.
Yes, she is an Ultra Conservative, she just said 'enough is enough' and called out POS trump.
What a waste of time..

They Edited content to make things appear as if Trump was inciting. They cut off his speech when he told them to peacefully go to have their voices heard.. This comes as no surprise to me..

What I did find interesting is Cheney admitted that they knew days in advance of negative intelligence for the riot but never went beyond that.. Now why wouldn't they ask the relevant questions as to why the command staff and Pelosi in particular, denied the request for troops prior to Jan 6 even when they had the intel? That same intel that was held by Schumer's staff and never given to CHP so that they could prepare...

Cheney just threw the whole committee under the bus as illegitimate because they didn't ask relevant questions on the security posture that Pelosi took. I will bet she doesn't have a clue what she just did..

More deflection

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